The forest slowly revealed more and more of the city as I continued to progress through it. I stopped in my tracks as an arrow grazed off my arm with a light sting, "well well looky here Apostle Micheals very own disciple", the short fiery red hair of a younger girl with pale skin holding a compound bow already arming another arrow, "you have a pretty big target on you back you know", the arrow left the bow with a trail of fire behind it. The arrow soared through the burning the air almost slamming into my chest. I smacked the air down with the butt of the pistol before firing two shots towards her legs. The first bullet connected sending a vibration through the suit from the point of contact as the other missed, "agh", she held her upper thigh as the area of the suit pulsed red, "you're a terrible shot", she groaned and teased as she rubbed the spot", another arrow soared through the air towards me as she recovered quickly. I moved to the side rushing towards her as multiple arrows soared past me. A surprise arrow came out of nowhere and almost pierced my face. My body reacted off instinct as the my teeth slammed down onto the arrow stopping it completely. I spit the arrow to the ground as my teeth stung slightly, "you're tough i'll give you that", the girls eyes began to glow an orange-ish yellow color, "but you're a rumored godless participant", her laugh was like a hyena's almost condescending, "which means you're nothing but a normal person with a bit of an enhanced body and no abilities", a ball of fire shot towards me burning whatever it touched. I had to take a deep breath as my surge started to kick in, "this is as experimental attack so i'll apologize in an advance", the gun crackled with and red and black energy. I fired a bullet as its sound rang throughout the forest, the bullet pierced straight through the fireball as it dissipated instantly as it slammed into the girl. The girls body was flung back through multiple tress as they fell like dominos, "Agh!!", her scream was loud and and echoing. I started towards her walking through the broken tree, "guess it worked then", I looked down at the gun seeing it smoking, "but my gun's messed up", I finally caught glimpse of the girls red hair as she laid beneath a pile of broken trees, "sorry bout that but you did attack me first", I shrugged my shoulders as she pushed the trees off of her, "you're going to regret that", the trees surrounding her began to spark before completely igniting, "why are you so hostile?", the question seemed to make her madder insead, "Infernal Maw", the ground surrounding me began to glow. The ground opened up into a gaping hole of fire which had even manifested teeth of fire, "Devour", the closing of her hand also signaled the mouth to close. I covered my head as the heat started to burn around my face. I could barely think to myself as the heat began to burned my face, "Ahhh!!", I took my hands from my face channeling kinetic energy into my clapping. The fire disappeared in a huff of smoke as the clap rang out through the forest,"how did you do that?", I could barley focus on her as the steam blinded me while almost boiling my skin simoustanly. My entire body began getting hot. I flick my hand lightly around trying the clear the steam before a wave of crimson and black flames tore through the steam clearing it instantly, "what did you just do?", the girl looked at me as surprised as I was. I looked down at my hand seeing slight burn marks through the suit seeing my bare hand, "I don't know but I won't waste it", I rushed towards her, "let's test this out", I pound my chest as my surge started pulsing. She swung widely towards me releasing a wave of fire, "get back", I put my hand towards the fire, "here we go", I try to channel the fire again as my hand began to burn, "Infernal Maw", a large mouth made of crimson and black fire chomped down on the wave completely devouring it before continuing forward towards her, "woah!", she jumped out of the way as the mouth tore through the forest leaving ash behind, "Agh", I grasped my hand as the part covering my right was completely gone as steam emitted from my it as light burn marks traced my palm. I looked up to the girl who looked frozen. I rushed towards her taking the opportunity to attack. I threw a punch straight to the side of her face, "pay attention this is a fight", I didn't give her a chance to react driving my knee into her stomach, "Agh", her body crumbled forward as I brought both fist down onto her. The girl laid still her breathing slow and heavy, "this fights over", I let out a breath as I stumbled forward slightly. I ding goes off as the screen on my chest turns on showing a number one. I got to moving leaving the girl behind while the entirety of my body felt like lead. I stepped into the city as I tapped the screen on my chest checking the time till the first part of the exam is over. Three days I had to steel myself seeing the amount of time. I continued to walk around the city coming upon a towering apartment complex deciding to go inside. The inside of the apartments were pristine as if freshly cleaned, "what?", the apartment felt different somehow but I decided to continue through the silent halls of the apartment. Each step echoed through the halls as I approached a apartment door. I put my hand on the door handle it twisted as if unlocked. I opened the door seeing a basic apartment laid out in full, "You have entered temporary safe room 006 you have two hours before you're location will be reveled so shower and relax", I nearly jumped as the screen on my chest spoke in a feminine voice before a countdown started. I instantly went to shower first before finding a washing machine to wash the suit in, "One hour left till your location is revealed", the suit spoke again as I finished putting it on as a breeze swept across my still exposed right hand. I decided to cook and eat for thirty minutes, "Thirty minutes remaining", I started out of the door as the timer stopped. As I stopped out of the hall way another door opened down the hall from me as a kid looking about a year younger then me, his skin was the color of snow as his eyes reflected the same coldness, his suit counter read ten as he simply yawned before turning to me, "oh somebody else is here", his voice was soft and calm as he started to approach me. The entirety of the hall began to freeze as he got closer, "you don't seem to be here to fight?", I nodded silently, "yeah I needed to rest", he nodded rubbing his chin, "hmm yeah that's interesting", before I could react everything froze around me trapping my feet, "you'll be my eleventh knockout", a frozen spear began forming in his hand. I broke my feet from the ice with just my physical strength, "it'll take more then that to get me", my body all of sudden instantly shifted to the right as the spear shot past me barely missed me, "don't worry i have more up my sleeve", he rushed towards me as needles of ice surrounded him. The needles shot forward at a blinding speed. I quickly pounded my chest as my surge started and I put my block up covering my face. The needles bounced of me as I burst forward throwing an overhead punch. The punch connected cleanly across his head as his head jerked to the side. I didn't give him the chance to react before bringing my fist up against his chin. His body stumbled back as he simply rubbed a bit of blood from his mouth, "you hit hard", he rubbed his jaw softly. Before i could react a force struck my jaw as stars filled my vision like the night sky, "but I hit harder", I tried to put my guard up before I felt my body get flung into a wall. My body shuddered against the wall, "I know you're Apostle Micheals Disciple and I truly envy that", I pushed myself to my feet feeling the thumped of an impending headache, "you know me but I don't know you", the guys laughter was full and hearty, "ah yes we'll eventually work together when we become disciple", he slicked his hair back as two strands of hair fell over his icy blue eyes, "I'm Eli Kringle", I froze as he spoke his last name, "Kringle?", he nodded, "Yes as in the kringle family my grandmother is the ice chair of the heavenly council", I remembered slightly meeting his grandmother during my godly selection, "welp i think we've talked enough come on we have a fight to continue", I jumped back as a lance of shot past my face, "I won't falter that easy", I rushed forward in a zigzag pattern. Another ice lance shot past barely missing, "good Micheal's disciple shouldn't be an easy fight", I blocked a fast punch as my body slid backwards, "Hmph", I punched the ground as a shockwave ripped throughout the floor as fractured. Eli seemed to stumbled slightly. I rushed at him in that instant. I pulled my hand back, "Vesper bolting palm", I struck him cleanly in the chest knocking him down the hallway, "agh", I shake my sightly shaky hand as it felt slightly numb, "haven't used that in a while and my body still can't handle it but meh it's understandable", I looked down the hall as Eil started back down the hall cracking his neck, "powerful indeed", his finger tapped the wall as it shattered into spikes of ice, "but like I said", the shards rocketed towards me tearing up the wall and ground , "I hit harder", the shards didn't completely pierce the suit stinging my body like thousands of needles. I covered my face as the barrage seemed endless. I felt my right hand beginning to sear again as the burns on began to spread further down my hand and around my wrist , "let's hope I didn't use up all that heat energy", I brought my right hand up making sure to keep my face covered with my left hand, "Infernal Maw", the heat in the hall raised almost instantly as the mouth tore through ice and hallways towards Eli. I tried to look through the steam in the hallway to spot Eil seeing nothing there. I walked down the hall cautiously preparing for anything. I cleared the hallway as the steam cleared out of a large hole at the end of the hall that lead outside. I looked down out of the hole seeing nothing but a trail of ice leading between buildings. My attention went elsewhere as a loud boom filled the test area as a large almost hurricane like storm over took the sky covering half of the city. Before I knew what happened a rain of blue and black lighting began to rain down from it obliterating any noticeable buildings the moment the made contact. I started going the opposite way knowing that's an issue I don't want to deal with right now. As i surveyed the area surrounding the safe zone seeing mock stores and buildings. I sensed a fluctuation in the surrounding faith which was a helpful skill Micheal taught me and Jak, "who's there?", a set of twins who looked about two years younger then dropped from the roof with toothy grins as each of their suit only showed two each, "look at this Sam Apostles Micheals disciple", the tan boy laughed as he looked at his sister whose skin was more darker, "I can see that Honey", I sighed pinthing the bridges of my nose, "gods I haven't been able to catch a break since the start of this dang exam curse you Micheal", the twins laughter irritated me as it reminded me of Micheal, "Honey you take the right i'll get his left", Sam spoke as they rushed from opposites sides. I dodge the punches of the twins the quick step back, "you're moving to slow", I brought my foot into Sam's stomach as his body rocketed back across the street into one of the mock buildings, "you're not from a prominent family are you", Honey didn't seem to falter as she stayed silent as pillar of light slammed into my body, "And so what if we aren't as long as we're together we'll win", I brushed the pillar of light off as it only blinded me slightly, "well with your current strength I doubt that", Honey looked surprised before she attempted to launch another pillar of light. I smacked her hand away as I punch her in the face as she rocketed off her feet, "hmm seems like my surge hasn't turned off yet", I hit my chest twice to end my surge. I didn't feel it turn off so I tried again and it still didn't turn off, "this is strange", I tried for a third time with no avail. A beam of light slammed into my stomach as I slid back a few feet with a slight ache in my stomach. The twins stepped out of the building looking slightly disheveled, "no more playing around", Honey disappeared into particles of light as Sam shot towards me followed by an aura of blue lighting. I shifted slightly as I put my hand above me catching a punch from Honey before she fully materialized, "you may be made of light but you move far slower then Micheal", I used my other hand catching a lighting powered kick from Sam, "and you use lighting but seem more unaware of it's potential", I gripped Sams leg harder before sweeping his other leg. I released Honeys fist before gripping her face in my hand, "this must be how Micheal felt training me and Jak", I couldn't stifle a laugh as I kinda enjoyed the feeling of overpowering someone, "welp I think this enough playing around i'm wasting time playing with my food", I brought my knee up into Sams stomach as he flew into across the street and into the second floor of the mock building in front of us, "SAM!!", I had kinda forgot Honey was in my hand as a beam flash of light blinded me slightly. Honey slipped out of hand she turned into particles of light. I laughed slightly as the feel her turning into light tickled my hand. I looked over to the mock building seeing a glow of yellow light piercing through the hole Sam caused. I walked over to the building slowly as the light got brighter. I pushed the door open to the mock building seeing it's completely empty interior looking partially under construction. I continued up the unstable and uncomplete stairs as the light slowly dimmed, "you know you could've just took your brother and went out the back right?", the sound of scared shuffling feet was almost thrilling, "but you didn't and now you'll be apart my second and third knockout", I made it up to the second floor as Honey and Sam stood at the end of the hall looking terrified, "what are you so scared of you attacked me first remember", as I walked down the hall they tried to back up only to bump into the wall, "don't come any closer or we'll beat you up", I raised an eyebrow and laughed, "you'll beat me up?", Honey moved in front of Sam with a ball of light already prepared in her hand, "yes we will", The fear in their eyes was starting to feel euphoric. I had to pinch the bridges of my nose as I started to feel like some comic villain, "whatever you say anyways lets get this over with i'm starting to feel like a bully", I took a step towards them. I ducked to the side as ball of light shot past me and into the wall, "you've gotta be quicker then that", another ball of light almost hit me,"Shut up!!", I ducked the light ball. The moment I ducked a bolt of lighting slammed into my face as my head snapped back slightly. The lighting hit harder then I expected as I rubbed my face, "ugh", the sound of fist pump almost caught my attention, "good job Sam lets try to run", Honey's voice was just above a whisper to the point I almost didn't hear her. I took my hand from my face only barely seeing Sams foot enter the room to their left. I started towards the door letting my hand trace the wall, "you have nowhere to run at all", as I got closer to the I started feeling from any fluctuation of Faith. I put my hand to the wall feeling both their presence in the room. I took a deep breath preparing my hand, "Vesper Bolting Palm", the instant my hand touched the wall everything disappeared in a booming gust of wind and golden lighting. When the dust settled the only thing remaining was the almost broken foundation of the mock building. Honey was covering Sam as two dings rang out and my counter went up to three. I walked over to the two as they seemed to quiver in fear just from my steps, "you should hurry and get going before others get close think you're still in the exam", Honey nodded keeping Sam in her arms, "just leave us alone", I nodded still kinda feeling like a bully as I started to leave.