Chereads / We Who Aren't They / Chapter 14 - Neat Trick

Chapter 14 - Neat Trick

The Planes of Hell - Gate's Altar"You're back." I remarked."Well hello there Captain! It's nice to see you've finally made it." Mila replied patronizingly."Nothing nice about it. Just look at this place." I lamented. "Yeah, I'm dying!" Mila concurred disparagingly in the shared hatred that we have for desserts in general."You me both, and I just got it here. So who's he?" I asked."A survivor.""A pleasure, ma'am. Seems I owe you and your squad-mate here my life!" "It can speak our language?" I surprisingly said."What!?" The man exclaimed."They're quick learners." Mila Immediately let go of the man she had in toe - shoving him violently aside. He fell to the sandy ground: back to the sky.With very little time to react, the soldier found themselves pinned down: Mila subdued them; having planted her boot against their back.Our little friend was vexed by the sudden turn of events. Trying to worm his way out of this predicament might've been one-"Too many helpings of slop in a single go. Is that how the saying goes?" I wondered."Oopsie-daisy..." Mila hunched over, grabbing the soldier's left arm. Slightly levering his member up and down for a few moments: "1...2..." she counted to herself. The motion then changed to "...left..." and then-Crack With force, Mila pressed the man's arm to his back. She managed to pop the ball of the upper arm out of its socket.A sharp cry of pain, the soldier let out. Perking up both Mila's and my own ears.At that point I couldn't help myself: "Wonderful.""Quite the lungs on this one.""Yes." I agreed whole-heartedly."You sadistic bitch!" The soldier decried, trying desperately to regain their composure, though seemingly failing miserably at it."Hold on a sec." Mila replied to his taunts calmly and matter-of-factly."What are you!-" The soldier wasn't willing to fathom what would happen next. He began fumbling his words, constantly pleading: "H-hey! Wait! Stop it!"."It goes..." As though reciting some memorized poem. Or putting into praxis, a neat new trick she had just recently learned, Mila was setting into motion a series of slight tugs and pulls as she kept holding on to the soldier's dislodged arm. She re-positioning her boot to his left shoulder this time."Do I yank it?" Mila asked me.The soldier wised-up to what she was attempting to do: "W-wait! Please!"I shook my head in objection.I took this opportunity to crouch next to him. Observing his facial features.They look identical to a normal human being.Half of his face was still somewhat buried in the sand.I took out a dagger and began searing its blade with fire that was emanating from within the palm of my hand. "Say..."Mila stood still: awaiting further instructions."That's a neat trick." I complimenting our detainee sincerely."..." Our captive was sweating rather profusely.It even emulates sweat. I can't imagine a lesser demon having concocted this..."So how exactly does it work?" I asked."What are you talking about!?"Is he feigning ignorance? Or has his memories been altered?Mila moved her boot - this time, crushing the soldier's head: further plunging it into the sand. Blood started flowing from all of his facial orifices from the sheer force of her batter. "Don't play dumb." Mila answered."I can't imagine Ghouls coming up with this level of magic themselves."is it even magic? Runes perhaps? A conjuration? Or is the little cretin quite literally adorning a skin coat?"We're running out of time." Mila reminded me, as she kept track of the sandstorm's rolling clouds; bouldering their way towards us.I kept observing the facial features of the agonizing soldier."The attention to detail really is impressive." I remarked.If nothing else I'd like to further experiment on him. But-"Captain." Mila kept insisting."Right!" I got up. "Here!".I threw Mila the dagger I was searing. A demonic rune was inscribed upon its laminated steel."This is-" Mila looked the weapon over."Do me the honors.""You want me to do it?""Yes.""You can't be serious! This thing?!?""Go.""Tsk! Fine!"At this point, Mila clutched firmly on the dagger's handle; readying herself. The soldier, anticipating the worst, tried to struggle his way out of Mila's grasp once again. All in vain, of course.Putting an end to all of this rather swiftly, Mila plunged the dagger into the man's nape. After a slight death rattle on his part, the soldier lay motionless. To confirm the kill, Mila swayed the blade left and right to sever the spinal cord.She then pulled out the dagger, and was reading the dagger's new inscription."Even after death. So it doesn't just go away..." I pondered to myself."So help me god Ela! You're not seriously thinking I puncture myself with this, are you? What if I can't turn back?""Hey. What does it say.""...Doppel.."