I had the visions again. I saw those beings in more detail than before maybe because I was one of them at that point I felt no dread anymore I just felt reverence even though I knew I didn't want to. Because I became one of them as they were higher they had complete control of me, but they did nothing and cut off my ability. I lived my life for another 20 years, but I never aged, this world was dead nuclear war ravaged the planet however we survived, and after countless centuries, we rebuilt better than ever 700 years after I had my first vision and 600 years of no visions, I got another they said it's finally time to get rid of this cursed planet that we gods the Almighty did not create. Once again, I felt dread for all that I worked for, all of that humanity went through for nothing. However, the planet itself did not want this when the gods sent their mana through me. And tried to open portals to let them in without needing to go through the barrier that stripped them of their powers and prevented them from getting out, however, when they were opened, only the monster came out the believers of those accursed gods appeared. The planet itself sent those beings beyond the border so they could only watch and hope that their believers could destroy the planet before the planet could fix the problem.