Chereads / The unrequited heart / Chapter 67 - Chapter 67: Rachel's Lies and Alexander's Regret

Chapter 67 - Chapter 67: Rachel's Lies and Alexander's Regret

I couldn't believe what I had just learned. Rachel had been lying to Alexander all along, manipulating him and using him for her own gain.

I felt a wave of anger and resentment towards Rachel. How could she do this to Alexander, to me, to everyone who cared about him?

But as I thought about it more, I realized that Rachel's actions were not just about hurting Alexander or me. They were about her own insecurities and fears.

Rachel was a master manipulator, and she had used her charm and beauty to get what she wanted from Alexander. But deep down, she was insecure and afraid of being alone.

I felt a pang of sadness for Rachel. She was a broken and damaged person, and she didn't know how to fix herself.

But my sadness for Rachel was quickly replaced by anger and frustration towards Alexander. How could he be so blind to Rachel's manipulation? How could he fall for her lies and deception?

I realized that Alexander was not just a victim of Rachel's manipulation. He was also a willing participant. He had chosen to believe Rachel's lies, to ignore the warning signs and to follow his heart, no matter how misguided it was.

As I thought about Alexander's actions, I felt a sense of regret and sadness. I regretted that I had ever met him, that I had ever fallen in love with him.

I regretted that I had wasted so much time and energy on him, that I had given him my heart and my trust.

But most of all, I regretted that Alexander had never truly loved me. He had never truly seen me, or heard me, or understood me.

He had only seen what he wanted to see, heard what he wanted to hear, and understood what he wanted to understand.

And now, it was too late. Alexander had made his choice, and he had chosen Rachel over me.

I felt a sense of closure and finality. I knew that I would never go back to Alexander, that I would never again give him my heart and my trust.

I was free, finally free from the toxic cycle of love and heartbreak that had defined my relationship with Alexander.

And as I walked away from the memories of our relationship, I felt a sense of hope and renewal. I knew that I would find love again, real love, true love.

And I knew that I would never again settle for anything less.

Meanwhile, Alexander was realizing his mistake. He had chosen Rachel over Sofia, and now he was regretting it.

Rachel had been using him all along, manipulating him and controlling him. And Alexander had been too blind to see it.

He felt a wave of anger and resentment towards Rachel. How could she do this to him? How could she use him like this?

But as he thought about it more, he realized that he was just as much to blame. He had chosen to believe Rachel's lies, to ignore the warning signs and to follow his heart, no matter how misguided it was.

He felt a pang of regret and sadness. He regretted that he had ever met Rachel, that he had ever fallen for her manipulation.

He regretted that he had hurt Sofia, that he had broken her heart and her trust.

And he knew that he would never be able to go back to Sofia, that he would never be able to repair the damage that he had done.

He was left alone, with nothing but his regret and his sorrow. He had lost the love of his life, and he had lost himself in the process.

And as he sat in the darkness, surrounded by the shadows of his mistakes, he knew that he would never be the same again.