"And what, pray tell, did your husband say exactly?" her mother
asked her, the pair of them once more alone in the room where they
had previously sewed on many occasions. Thankfully her sisters
were not present, just her and her mother, outside the sky was
leaden and low, the terrific snowstorm during her wedding yesterday
having passed, leaving behind in its wake at least a foot of new snow
to blanket Kings Landing.
"He, he said that he would not lay with me until I was ten and six,
that I was far too young at ten and four to, to risk the outcomes of, of
physical love…."
"He is worried that you are too young to bear children," her mother
replied, a strange look passing over her face. "Well, I suppose he is
at least honorable in that respect, because ten and four is a little
young, I know."
She quailed a little at that, if, if bearing children was dangerous at
her age, why, why had her mother agreed to her being wed in the
first place? Before she could ask about this her mother continued,
"we could always have you take Moon Tea in the meantime, that
would reduce the risks of pregnancy and allow your marriage to be
consummated. And it must be consummated my dear, a marriage
not consummated has no standing in the eyes of Gods or men. You
are not truly married until, well until then…."
"Should, should I, well….."
"Hush now my dear, I will arrange everything, we will get you a
supply of daily Moon Tea, never you worry. But just be sure to tell
nobody, especially those sisters of yours, they have loose tongues
and are equally likely to make unkind remarks at your expense."
"Yes mother….and….?"
"You will return to your husband's bed and inform him that you are
taking Moon Tea, and you will consummate your marriage. The
Prince would be a fool to turn you down, a beautiful maid like you!
Do not fear daughter mine, the Prince will do his duty by you, it will
all work out in the end. Once you are ten and six you can stop taking
the Moon Tea and give Prince Hugh an heir."
"Yes, yes mother."
"Now, is there anything else your mother can do for you?"
"No, I, I assume that Cassandra and Ellyn will be staying in the Red
Keep for now?"
"Yes, as will I. Though I plan to return to Storms End soon
enough….I suppose I should tell you that I intend to take another
"Oh? Why mother?" she asked, curious to see what her mother's
thinking was about this.
"The Stormlands are beset with Dornish raiders, I need a man to
lead our forces, such as they are, to protect the Marches. As such
my husband will be named Lord Protector of the Stormlands until
your brother Royce comes of age. I cannot lead the forces of the
Stormlands, so I am in need of a husband, just like my daughters
"I, I am no longer in need of a husband," she replied, the slightest of
smiles twitching her lips.
"No, you are not, are you, you lucky thing. Price Hugh is a fine man,
and he will make a great husband and father, of that I am sure. And
hopefully at least one of your children with him will ride dragons! I on
the other hand have to choose a more, mundane man for my
husband, a Stormlander Lord, a second or third son, whose most
desirable quality is that he is good in battle. His handsomeness or
otherwise is sadly not of any concern of mine…."
She pondered this for a moment and decided that she would say it,
"you, you would have liked to marry Prince Hugh, if you could
"Ah girl, was I that obvious, no, don't answer that!" her mother
giggled like she was a shy maid, "yes, I will admit that Prince Hugh
has caught many the eye, maids, women grown and even crones,
along with not a few wives whose husbands pale in comparison with
the handsome Prince. And while I would have no doubt much
enjoyed being married to the Prince, there were other considerations
that made my desires, such as they were, a moot point."
"He, he would have, would not have…." She stammered, still
embarrassed by all of this. Was there something wrong with her,
despite her age, that meant Prince Hugh did not like her? That he
would not do his duty by her as her husband? The book her mother
had given her had at least taken away the unknown about what
exactly a bedding entailed, and for that she was at least, of not
happy, well less fearful.
She had come to her wedding bed naked and willing to allow Hugh
to do his duty by her, but he had refused, asking her to put on a
nightdress and to get into bed, he himself was wearing a pair of
loose trousers, that he had referred to as 'pyjamas', a word she had
never heard of before. It sounded strange to her ears, possibly
Ghiacari, but Hugh did not elaborate.
Instead, he had turned to her in their bed, her heart pounding in her
chest with anticipation and the slightest bit of fear and explained that
he would not bed her until she turned ten and six. He had elaborated
that it was not that he found her unattractive, the opposite her
assured her, but that she was far too young to his eyes to be
bedded. She had felt tears pool in her eyes, and she had not been
able to prevent them from falling, Hugh had tried to comfort her, but
she had pushed him away, turning her back to him and cuddling up
into a ball on her side, hugging her knees to her chest.
After a minute Hugh had stopped trying to get her to talk to him and
she heard him let out a long sigh, along with the words, "I fucking
hate you George, you fat cunt!" She pondered what this meant but
did not ask Hugh, or turn her back, and after a few minutes she
heard his breathing deepen and she realised he had fallen asleep.
This annoyed her no end, for reasons she could not fully fathom
herself, but she stewed and ruminated for quite a while before sleep
finally claimed her.
"Aye he would, for I am a woman grown with five children to my
name. But stop fretting, has your mother not provided you with the
solution to this little, temporary 'problem'?"
"Yes, yes mother," she replied, but without any real enthusiasm, for
she feared that Prince Hugh would not be moved on this matter. He
did not strike her, in the short time she had known the Prince, of
being a man much open to changing his mind once it was made up.
Which was a shame, for she very much liked the look of her
husband, and she wanted to…..have babies with him, and bedding
was the way babies were made. And so what if Septa's said it was
sinful to desire ones husband in a physical way, she knew she
desired Prince Hugh, desired him greatly in fact.
And she was not unaware of how other women looked at Hugh, even
before they had been betrothed and then married, women looked
upon Prince Hugh with appreciation that ranged from mild interest to
frankly inappropriate, hot states. Even before being betrothed this
had made her uncomfortable, and now it made her, well it made her
angry, very, very angry.
And for her mother to admit that she would have liked to marry her
husband, her Hugh? Anger and annoyance had been building inside
her since that revelation by her mother, that, that, brazen
hussy…..how dare she think that Hugh might find her even a tiny bit
She would be having a very, very stern talk with Hugh later on today
and he better be willing to consummate their marriage, though what
she would do if he refused she was still unsure of.