Jungyu Seehan was no ordinary high school student. Living alone in Seoul, he attended Seoul High School in Seocho-gu, blending in with the mundane routine of classes and exams. But when the sun dipped below the skyline, he became something else—something feared.
The son of the [redacted] family, his past was a mystery, his name whispered only in hushed tones. He had a mission, a purpose: to wipe out every mafia and gang that plagued the city's underworld.
And tonight was no different.
A gunshot echoed through the alley, its deafening roar swallowed by the neon glow of the Seoul skyline. A bullet tore through the air, its trajectory aimed with lethal precision. But it never found its mark.
A shadow moved. It slithered like a snake, twisting unnaturally, evading the bullet with inhuman speed.
Jungyu Seehan stood at the center of the chaos, his sharp gaze locked on the enemy before him.
"I hate you"