Chereads / A Nexus Devil / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9 :"Well," Jake started,

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9 :"Well," Jake started,

Every single student at Hogwarts is precious to our community. I don't want any of them to get hurt."

"Bah! I faced challenges ten times as dangerous as this tournament when I was their age. It'll be good for them to face some danger. All they need is their wands and constant vigilance,"

Professor Moody (AKA not actually Professor Moody) spoke up. The other professors just ignored him; they had already learned that this guy was just plain weird, and it was usually best not to listen to him, except when it came to defense.

They would grudgingly admit that Moody really knew how to teach that class.

Time passed, and more and more of the younger students who ran out of the hall to enter the tournament returned.

Some of them had a triumphant look on their faces, while others were depressed that they had missed the cut off time by mere seconds, being too slow to reach the Goblet in time.

But now, the time for entering their names was over, and it was time to find out who the champions were.

The students from all three schools hushed their conversations and quieted down as the Goblet was brought in, and Professor Dumbledore stood up to give his speech to the whole hall.

"The time for the choosing is upon us," he said. "If your name is chosen, please go to the back room behind me, where you will receive instructions for the first task."


The Goblet's flames turned from blue to red, and a piece of paper shot out of it. Surprisingly nimble for his old age, Dumbledore caught the paper out of mid-air. "The first champion is Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore shouted.


"Why was it her!?"

"I hate that Veela slut!"

The French students at the Ravenclaw table apparently did not like their champion very much. Jake listened to them booing the absolutely beautiful girl with confusion.

He didn't think it was very sportsmanlike, but then again, they were French, so enough said.

Dumbledore ignored the booing and grabbed the next piece of paper that shot out of the Goblet. Once again, all the students in the hall quieted down, eagerly waiting for the next name.

"And the next champion, representing Durmstrang, is Victor Krum!" Dumbledore shouted. This time, the reception was far different as everybody in the entire hall erupted in cheers.

"Krum! Krum! Krum! Krum!"

"He's the man! Best seeker in Quidditch history and future Triwizard champion."

"I want to have his babies so bad!" one girl exclaimed.

"Me too!" a boy from Hufflepuff added on.

Jake turned to Harry, who was sitting next to him, politely clapping. "Hey, what's Quidditch?" Jake asked.


"You don't know what Quidditch is? How is that possible!?" Exclaimed Ron. "It's only the greatest game ever made. Trust me, when you see people play this year, you're going to absolutely love it."

"But Ron, Quidditch was canceled this year," Hermione chimed in and dampened Ron's excitement.

Ron suddenly had a sad expression on his face. "Oh yeah, it was canceled, wasn't it?" He said, dejected. "I guess you won't get to see it after all, Jake. Sorry about that, mate."

"Well," Jake started, "if it's such a great game and you love it, why don't you just play with your friends? Or, I don't know, set up your own team? Even if they're not official school games, you can still play, right?" Jake asked.


"He's absolutely right!" A Gryffindor boy said. "We can just play with our friends."

"We can set up our own teams. We could even have a lot more games. It'll be fun! Maybe we can challenge players from one of the other schools too," the Gryffindor girl said.

Harry patted Jake on the shoulder. "Hey, man, that's a great idea. You're really going to lift the spirits of all the students who were sad that they couldn't play Quidditch this year. Thanks for that, mate," he said.

Jake just smiled back at him. "No problem, man. I love sports. That's why I joined Gryffindor in the first place. This is supposed to be the house of the jocks, right?

Way better than the goth kids over at Slytherin, at least," he added, earning laughter from the entire Gryffindor table. "I still have no idea what Quidditch is, though," Jake finished.

"That's okay," Hermione sighed. "I've been to a bunch of Quidditch games, and I still have no idea what goes on in them."

"And the champion for Hogwarts is..." Dumbledore's booming voice interrupted all conversation as the students realized that the choosing was still ongoing.

"Jake Gremory!" Dumbledore exclaimed, then took on a resigned look on his face.

Jake stood up from the table, throwing his arms up in celebration. "Hell yeah!"

Hermione sighed again that her prayers weren't answered…


"Who the Fuck is Jake Gremory!?"


Sirzechs Lucifer, formerly Gremory, the legendary strongest devil ever and inheritor of the Lucifer title, had recently received a message summoning him to visit his best buddy (and absolute shut-in), Ajuka, as soon as possible for "undisclosed reasons."

Finally, he had a proper excuse to get away from his never-ending paperwork and his nagging (*cough* loving) wife.

Sirzechs teleported to Ajuka's lab, expecting to find his buddy bent over a microscope or immersed in programming his latest magical robot of doom. However, he was surprised to find that Ajuka wasn't alone in the room.

One of their fellow Satans, Serafall Leviathan, was with him. She had bags under her eyes and clearly looked exhausted from overwork, much like Sirzechs himself.

"Hey there, Sera. I see you've been burning the candle at both ends with work as well," Sirzechs said wearily.

Hmmf, you two have the easy jobs as fellow Satans.

Meanwhile, I'm stuck with the difficult task of preventing other pantheons from attacking us every time some idiot devil decides to reincarnate someone they absolutely shouldn't touch into their peerages.

A member of the Ball Clan just tried to sneak into the Island of the Amazons and kidnap some girls for his harem… I mean peerage. Needless to say, it didn't go well for him, as his head was promptly cut off.