Chapter 11 - ix.

Her eyes were narrowed to slits, when Vishakha laughed at what her husband said. Ofcourse, the laughter was a fake girly one, but well, her husband was too stupid to notice that, apparently. At this moment, she wanted to snatch him and lock him up in their chamber, away from the clutches of this witch.

Earlier, when she'd went to the courtroom to meet Mrityunjay, he was too busy to even glance at her, and by the time, he was free from work, Vishakha already had her hands on him.

Mrityunjay, upon meeting his childhood friend, after a long time was excited and their conversation went on for hours, all the while Geetanjali trailing behind them like a clueless puppy. Mrityunjay would try to involve her in their conversation, but soon Vishakha would take his attention back to their old memories.

In the lunch time, Lekha joined the three of them. Sometimes, she would give hints about the marriage of Vishaka and sometimes, she would say how good Mrityunjay and Vishakha were looking together. The princess would blush away, while her husband would laugh it off casually.

How can be her husband so dumb? Can't he see, what she's trying to do?

" Will you take me to see Gauravgarh today, Jay? " she choked on the morsel she'd been swallowing.

Mrityunjay got up and rubbed her back, Lekha offered her water, " Are you alright, Geetanjali? " she nodded, washing off the mist that had covered her orbs.

As they continued eating again, Vishakha probed for an answer, " C'mon, tell me! You will, right? "

Mrityunjay opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted again, " Can't you do this much for your dear friend? And if there's any work, Your Majesty and Her Highness can take care of it, can't they? "

Mrityunjay looked at his wife. When her eyes made contact with his, she gave him an overly-sweet smile, the one that indicated him that he's in great trouble. She looked away the next second, while he just kept looking at her, blinking at what just transpired between them.

" I'm extremely sorry, Vishakha. There's some work that requires me to go with the Commander-in-Chief. That's why I won't be able to take you along on the trip. Please forgive me, but this task is quite important and shouldn't be entrusted to anyone else. Why don't you go with Mother and Geetanjali instead? This way, those two will also get a chance to get out a bit. " though it's not what Vishakha wanted but nevertheless, forced a smile on her face and nodded.

Geetanjali was thanking the military commander in her mind and was passing by a corner when, she was pulled behind the curtains, " Don't make a noise, it's me. " he whispered.

" Let go, Prince. It doesn't suit a prince to behave like this. Leave me now, or your dear friend might get upset. " the emphasis on dear friend made him chuckle.

" It feels wonderful seeing you jealous over me. " Mrityunjay inclined her face and leaned in, to have a taste of her luscious lips.

Initially, Geetanjali too had closed her eyes, melting at her husband's touch, but remembered his earlier actions and pushed him by his chest, " You can't always do this and expect me to forgive you." freeing herself from his hold, she walked away.

Mrityunjay leaned on the wall, placed a hand on his heart and sighed closing his eyes. A small smile playing at the corner of his lips.

His wife would be his death someday!

" I didn't know how to swim, that's why he would always pluck lotus flowers for me, whenever we went on a stroll towards this lake. He took great care of me. " Lekha smiled, while Geetanjali rolled her eyes at the princess.

The three women reached the lake, which was known for it's cultivation of lotus flowers. Their eyes behold the sight of the magnificent flowers, some fully bloomed, some just mere buds, but all enhancing the beauty of the lake. The clear water of the lake gave away the view of fishes, big and small, swimming freely in the vast expanse of water. The boats rowed at the far end, of the lake gave it a scenic beauty.

All the three of them were lost in it, until Vishakha spoke out, " I want that flower too. " she looked here and there, looking for someone who could bring her one, " Only if Jay was here. " and started walking to the shoreline of the lake.

" Further ahead, the lake is deep, Princess, and there are also slippery stones. It's not safe for you to go this way. Please return immediately. " Geetanjali expressed her concern looking at the dept of the waters.

" Nothing will happen to me. I know where to go and where not to. I'll just go and- " she squated on the extreme edge of the lake and spread her arms to make it reach the flowers, when accidentally she slipped down, losing her balance.

For a moment, everything was silent except the splash of water, but then Lekha cried out for help. " Is anyone here? Someone save her! Princess Vishakha has fallen into the water. "

A few men working nearby, rushed to her side, and upon noticing the gravity of the situation, ran to the boats for the rescue.

Seeing that, they'll take quite some time to unrow the boats and soar it to where, the princess is struggling, Geetanjali decided to do something by herself. Removing the extra jewelry and heavy dupatta from her body, she jumped into the lake. Another cry leave Lekha's mouth, as she saw what just Geetanjali had done, " Geetanjali no! "

Vishakha was in distress, flapping her arms and legs, she struggled hard to keep floating but soon, that made her exhausted. Her eyes become blurry, due to the water and tears flowing rapidly from her eyes, she could see no help coming her way. Soon dizziness hovered her senses and her movements ceased. Before her subconscious self could drown herself in the depth, a fragile arm wrapped around her and patted her cheek.

All she could feel before blacking out was someone holding her and making their way, slowly yet steadily towards the bank.