[ Candidate A1460 detected ]
[ Processing information ]
The space seemed infinite, stretching out as a pale expanse of swirling fog. From the depths of the mist blanketing the area, came a cold and blank voice
[ Candidate A1460. Given name - N/A ]
Somewhere in the endless sea of fog, the mist suddenly thinned, fading away to clear a small square of space. Thin wisps of silver curled around the still body laying on the ground.
[ Cand■dat■ A1■60, Ag■ : 24 ]
[ G■nde■ : M■le ]
[ Req■es■ : Pl■■se choos■ an app■opr■ate n■me ]
The last wisps of mist cleared. But the body did not move.
[ Cand■dat■ A1■60, requesti■g choi■e o■ n■■e ]
Slowly, a pale hand reached out from the dark coat. As the announcement was about to ring for a third time, a drowsy voice spoke up, mumbling incomprehensibly.
Silence permeated throughout the swirling mist. The man returned to being still, his hand extended forward.
Just then, a sharp ring echoed through the Space. reflexively, the man sat straight up. His hair was flung over his face. His clothes were dirty, and one of his shoes was missing. At a first glance, he looked like every other broke straggler on the streets, had it not been for the large stain of blood that drenched his crinkled white shirt. Not that he he seemed to have noticed the stain yet.
[ W■■com■ ■■■■ ■an■i■at■ A■■■0 ]
[ Error detected. Warning... rebooting I
[ Reloaded... ]
[ Welcome, candidate A1460]
The man stood up unsteadily. He was rather tall, with long hair that seemed to have been dyed. Messy and unkempt, black roots crept down his blond hair. His face was rather gaunt, and his eyes were sunken and bleary with sleep. Yet, a faint sense of handsomeness could be seen, even in the unkempt figure.
He squinted uncertainly, gazing into the dense fog.
"Hey, Is this the hospital? I need to-"
[ Last warning before coercive measures are taken. ]
[ Choose an appropriate name. ]
The man blinked. His eyes had lost their bleariness, and now, a sharp edge had appeared. "Where is this? Where are you speaking from?"
[ Time limit exceeded. Implementing coercive measures. ]
[ Candidate detected to be under special conditions. Cannot implement measures. ]
There was a short silence before the man spoke up again. " Hey. Answer the quest-"
[ Detecting question... ]
[ You are dead. Answer given. ]