Chereads / I am the Third Warlock Lady / Chapter 5 - 4 - Emergency Call

Chapter 5 - 4 - Emergency Call

A/N: The chapter ahead has been grammar-checked but may need proofreading and editing. The author will do so if she has free time in the future.




The light coming out from Grand Duke Breuce's fingers becomes faint. The Fourth Princess yawned, staring at the man before her. He's transferring his plan to her mind and having her under his control. His preparations are done. What's left for him to do is take the Fourth and Fifth Princess with him.


On the same night, the Pure Nobility is busy, too. They are gathered at the Grand Duke's residence.


The Pure Nobility received an invitation to the Third Lady's celebratory banquet. Empress Siofra still regards them as her relatives, and they thank her weakness to them for that. On the day of the banquet, they will announce the existence of their artificial Princesses. They couldn't wait for the reactions they would get from the Dragunovvs.


"Has my lapdog returned?"


Their buzzes came to silence upon the Grand Duke's arrival with the charismatic Grand Duchess dressed in black. Even her make-up is black. From her head down to her toe, it's black. It's making the fairness of her skin stand out.


They bow before the fierce couple.


"We greet the future mother and father of our beloved Warlock Empire," the Pure Nobles greeted with nasty smirks on their faces.


The Grand Duchess kept her head high. "The lapdog?" she asked again.


"He's conducting what we have planned, Your Grace. Please, be patient with him,"


"Just make sure he won't fail. I already have my men dig a hole for him in his land, just in case." She rolled her eyes and flipped her raven hair.


"He won't fail. He's your slave, Your Grace," the Nobles assured, but the Grand Duchess was still doubtful.


"Anyway, we should go. I can't wait to see the faces those bastards, especially that bitch, will make. My daughters will end her rule, and I will become the Empress Dowager. Hmm, she can still be useful to us either way. She can bear our test subjects' seed. After all, she's just a breeding pig."


Their boisterous laughter filled the hall.


The black figures lurking in the shadows gritted their teeth because of what they had heard. They suddenly wish to have the Princes or the King by their side, so they hear the offensive words the Nobles spit against the Empress.


"If it's Baby Tyrant who heard them, they won't reach the doors alive," Freya murmured, gripping her daggers tightly.


"Ah, look at them. How infuriating. I want to come down and just slit their throats open. Fucking bastards. And that Black Witch, she thought she slays that color. She looks stupid!" Minerva seethed, holding herself back from attacking their prey.


Although upset that she can't harm them, Freya taps her shoulder. "Let's go. We need to get there before them. Let's gather everyone else and inform them,"


Minerva nodded. They left their hiding spot and went somewhere isolated. Freya opened her palm to where the communication device was. Its body looks like a compass, but its use is the same as that of a mobile phone, but it can only be used to call.


Freya twisted the protruding button, and a hologram lit up.


It needed the purest concentrated mana to operate and make this, and it could only be used once.


Their friends and family across Cosmo Vale immediately opened their eyes to answer their call.


The first to be on the line is Yohanne Dragunovv, LIFE's cousin and Freya or Denise's husband.


"Hey, baby. I missed you. Are you coming home?" That is the first thing he said. Minerva stuck her tongue out and rolled her eyes to show disgust.


Freya giggled. "Yes, baby. But before that, let's---"


LIFE angrily answered the call. "What the fuck is it!?"


Their eyes widened. His stupid face is seen. He's catching his breath and sweating like it's the peak of summer. They already have an idea of what he's doing—the Empress.


Until the rest got on the line one after another.


"Yo," Titania greeted with a rock and roll sign. Her husband, Jett Draven Lervoux, turns the device to him and gives them a rock and roll sign, too, with a sleepy grin.


"Man, what's the deal, and you're calling in the middle of the night?" Emperor Maxism Ford Lee yawned. He's back-hugging Empress Clastigaufeas Vernignac, who's fast asleep.


"What a flex," they bitterly remarked, and Maxism only gave them a proud smirk.


"Must be good to fuck an Empress, huh," Sennoma, Astaroth's 'daughter,' said, and her eyes almost turned white from rolling them.


"It's not 'fucking'. It's 'making love,' you freaking robot!" Maxim defended, and Sennoma just rolled her eyes again.


"What is it that you called this late? You almost woke my baby Aurora up---Hmm, who are you talking to?---Shh, sleep, darling. I love you, sweet dreams~" Izaac.


The two on the mission looked at each other before responding, "The Grand Duke is coming with a huge surprise. We can't talk about it unless we're face-to-face. I want you all to get your asses at the Palace so we can discuss this. This is an emergency, and do whatever it takes to be at Heart Palace before they arrive," Minerva summarized, waking everyone up. Their sleepiness was washed away upon Minerva's mysterious announcement.


"Does it have something to do with Princess Azarese?" Givenchy Quine asked while putting another face mask on.


Freya and Minerva hesitated to speak a word. There could be ears everywhere. "Not just the Princess, but the Empire is at stake."


And there, they are fully awakened.


"I'm coming," they said, and each was seen getting up from their beds.


"See you, guys. I can't wait to hang out with you again. Missed you."


"We missed you too. See you soon!"


"See you soon."


The call ended. Freya closed the device and put it back in her pocket. They looked at each other again and nodded before taking a teleportation spell sheet for two. They hold each other's hands and have the sheet on both ends. Then, they tear it.


They found themselves at Basement X or Base X of Heart Palace, where the 'checkpoint' is. This is where the torn spell sheets will be sent to you. This idea originated from Titania---or Chancellor Titania and was made with the powers of the Empress and Princes. Teleportation spell sheets are hard to make, so they should use them when things get tight, just like this emergency.


Wherever you are, you will be redirected to Heart Palace's Base X as long as you have a teleportation spell sheet.


"Let's go,"


Freya didn't waste any second and pulled Minerva out of Base X. They won't wait for the others to arrive. They will meet each other later on, after all.


They exit by the greenhouse. When they reached the main doors, the royal guards tried to seize them. But upon recognizing them, they bowed their heads and stepped aside. They opened the doors for them.


Before they forgot, they reminded them, "The rest are coming. Leave the doors open,"


"And tell them we're waiting at the tower," Freya smiled. The royal guards bowed once again as their reply.


The Palace's Tower is their comfort place. It's a room mirroring Earth's modernization, architecture, and designs. It's cozy, and they feel at home when gathered there. The tower is protected by technological security other than magic powers.


A turret of limitless electricity powers the tools, machinery, and equipment. The refrigerator works, the speakers, and even their mobile phones and other gadgets.


Minerva twists the doorknob and pushes it open when---




"KYAAAAAAHHH!!" They screamed high-pitched while jumping in the frightening shock.


"FUCK YOU, YOU TWO! FUCK YOU!" Minerva cursed roughly and threw punches at Maxism and Izaac. They evaded her mighty fists and ran away. Minerva chased them.


Titania enters the room with her squad. They need clarification about what's happening.


Celestial Avenger, Izaac's best friend, sighs when he understands what happened. "They shocked you, didn't they?"


Freya, with fallen shoulders, snorted while nodding. The newcomers sighed.


"What are you two doing!? Put your asses down!" LIFE ordered, who just got in with Siofra. The three halt running and behave on the sofa, sitting side-by-side.


"He didn't reach the climax; that's why he's pissed," Zephyr whispered with a mischievous grin. LIFE glared at him.


He settles down on one of the sofas, too.


Yohanne and Liore joined LIFE's friends, Locke and Luther. Yohanne and Liore stopped and stared at LIFE, and LIFE glared at them in return.


Their staring contest lasts for a couple of minutes.




"Flyme, pipe down! Why are you so mad!?" Empress Siofra cried in shock. They were shocked by his sudden shout and jumped from their seats.


"But they're staring at me like an idiot!?"


"You're the idiot," Yohanne said monotonously, pointing at him.


Liore contains his laughter by pressing his lips together.


"Now, tell me gathering everyone is a good idea," Izylidas entranced, not bothering to change his sleepwear.


"I feel regretful," Freya and Minerva winced. 


Them reuniting is destructive and chaotic.

Chapter 2, 1 - Third Lady of Heart