Chereads / The swan swims / Chapter 1 - The swan swims

The swan swims

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Chapter 1 - The swan swims

 The morning was warm and serene. The sunrays penetrated the windows of a mansion of great beauty, it had on the outside a tell-tale aspect of the human renaissance period; with white stone that was yellowed by the years, as well as some gargoyles made out of volcanic rocks that stood guard at the entrance, and a little further in front; some small gardens with white and blue flowers and a very low wall made exclusively of bushes –cut in a rectangular shape; homogeneously connected one to the other.

 Inside, the sunlight shows a contrast of dark and light colours, white with a hint of dark purple, connected by the interior details of gothic design, giving the illusion of being something completely different to what it appeared to be on the outside when you entered through the front door. With long corridors decorated with empty vases and others filled with flowers, and pictures and paintings hanging on the walls, you could walk through the corridors to the bedrooms, studios, and many other multi-purpose rooms you could imagine were there. To make the experience even more surreal, the decorations, furnishings, and finishes, all of which; ended up highlighting their age by blending in with things worthy of the 21st century, electric lights illuminated the places where the sun didn't reach. A luxury car parked outside, the kitchen had a microwave, an electric stove and a large television to watch during breakfast or dinner from a comfortable table not far from the kitchen bar. It was as if the past had stood still and was slowly being absorbed by the future, but without deteriorating at all. As if all eras were happening at the same time.

 In this mansion lived two demons, Andrealphus; who possessed a humanoid form, but his body was that of a peacock. And his sister, Stella, who had the same semi-human form, but her appearance was that of a swan.

 Both white in plumage, Andrealphus emphasised his figure in an elegantly delicate and effeminate manner that completely hid his masculinity from the ignorant eye. Blue eyes like the ice of a glacier or an iceberg, and a beak of the same colour. His tail feathers started white and ended in a radiant blue, the tips also rhomboid-shaped and uniformly blue, his legs ending in claws just like a bird's. He looked like a creature born of a bird. It looked like a creature born of ice and cold; but it had a seething, aggressive personality towards anyone it did not consider his equal. His voice is masculine yet feminine and his gait that of an elegant maiden. Always wearing matching tones to his body, it was difficult to tell where his attire began and ended.

 Stella was beautiful in her own fashion too, her appearance was snow white and her feathers degraded to a pastel pink shade that was delicate to the eye, with matching pink eyes and gigantic eyelashes her eyebrows were highlighted only by the strong black tint that painted them. Her beak was a similar pink to the pink she already wore all over her body, but a bit duller. Her appearance was firm and sensual to anyone who saw her, with a delicate waist and subtly wide hips; it was like looking at an hourglass. Her breasts were beautiful and conservative and her neck slender and delicate, her hands equally ending in claws. She also wore her own colours; but with black accents that, unlike her brother's, gave away her clothes and made her look even more beautiful.

 Their rooms also matched them. Andrealphus' room used Romantic-era arrangements and furnishings, all white and blue and a hint of purple. Stella's bedroom looked like something out of the 20th century, more accurately, it looked like a replica of what you would see on ships like the Titanic. Elegant and fragrant, everything in different shades of pink and riddled with little white details.

 While Andrealphus' room was all about highlighting and catching your eye, Stella's was uniform and sweet to look at, as if it was straight out of a playhouse.

 Although this mansion was her home, Stella had only recently returned to live there. After 18 years of marriage, she was back to bachelorhood, and this regained freedom filled her mind with new hope. Happiness too.

 A woman like no other, a mark on the pride ring of hell. Stella is a determined woman who knows what she wants; or so she thinks. But despite being a demon, she has a sweet interior that she lets no one see, a window into her youth where things were simpler, and she didn't yet face the reality of her surroundings.

 Anyone who has met her will tell you that she is a proud woman. The slightest inconvenience, or even a word out of line sends her into a deep spiral of hellish rage. And that's the kindest part of her. A stubborn demon. She seeks to always be superior in any conversation regardless of whether she is right or wrong. She thinks lower demons should learn their place, and understand that no matter what, she is the one who has the final say. She loves being in charge, it gives her a sense of power that makes her the very definition of self-confidence. But also, a very stubborn woman.

 In simpler words: She is the most beautiful creature and a dangerous demon who hates to make mistakes. The perfect example of the perfect demon.

 Her brother is no slouch. Andrealphus, known to enjoy turning humans into birds and with a closeness to the king of lust; Asmodeus, is a sinful, morbid demon who likes to play pranks on others –including his sister.

 Superb and very apt in astronomical sciences and geometry. These give him an almost professorial personality, which he then also uses for his adulterous misdeeds. From then on, he is just like his sister.

 But deep down, Stella hides a second personality, one that she doesn't even know herself. Sweet and attentive, ready to love with infinite passion and affection. You can imagine what kind of love story this will be, to have such a troubled woman as the main character.

 It all starts on this day, Stella was having a quiet breakfast in the dining room with a sandwich, yoghurt and granola while on her mobile phone she was checking sinstagram, nothing really important until Andrealphus arrived, and when he wanted to help himself, he realised that the pantry had run out.

 —For Lucifer's sake! —Andrealphus said in a jaded tone—. I told you to let me know when we needed to buy more food, this isn't your palace where they shopped for you.

 —Quiet it down. —Stella commented, indifferent to her brother's mood—. It's not like there's much to eat, either.

 —Excuse me, your majesty, it's just that there used to be only one person living here, but now there's another eating for three. —He continued in a sarcastic tone—.

 —Ugh... Relax, will you? —Stella had taken offence at the comment—. I'll go and do the shopping myself; you just shush and learn how it's done.

 —I'm not going with you, sis.

 —Don't worry, I won't take you.

 Stella finished breakfast and retired to her room. She dressed in a large dark purple hat, black gloves that were long to her elbows but did not cover her fingers, a black sleeveless blouse with a low-cut neckline that covered no more than her chest, and dark sweatpants that clung to her body and flattered her figure beautifully. A pair of pink sunglasses with a grey frame and she was ready to go.

 Even if it was a simple task, Stella always sought to look good wherever she went, she could not afford to be seen by others in a neglected state.

 Stella's personal car was a pink Mercedes-AMG SL, convertible, sports car. She doesn't really know about cars, but there was no denying how good she looked in this one, and the fact that it didn't have a roof served her well as a very tall woman.

 To tell the truth, Stella knew little of what to do, what to buy or where to go. Years of depending on the staff of Stolas' castle, her ex-husband, had made her careless about such tasks, and if she went shopping at all, it was to shopping centres, where she would definitely not find what she needed today.

 Using the GPS on her phone she managed to find a supermarket; Hellgreens, it was full of different demonic creatures, imps, hellhounds, hellborns, and many others. All creatures of different social classes. Plus, it was a gigantic place; inside and out, it intimidated Stella, but she wouldn't let anyone notice. She took a trolley to the entrance of the shop and, as if it were a shopping mall, explored it wing by wing, to find out where she would find what she needed to buy.

 Several times she was surprised by other shoppers speeding down the aisles, or rushing through the rows or those who were in the way, including her. On the outside it looked quiet, but inside it looked like a shopping warzone; and she wasn't ready.

 You'd think she would have experienced it before, but being royalty, she could simply ask for what she wanted and it was given to her, without having to queue or fight for things. When she went, it was just to browse with her friends and show off. This was a completely new experience for her.

 Suddenly, someone behind her spoke to her.

 —Excuse me, miss... Could you...? —Said the nervous voice—.

 As Stella reacted, she saw that he was a small imp with yellow eyes, white horns with large black stripes and white hair, wearing a cute black coat and a red bowtie; the same shade as his red skin, with a long thin tail that ended in a pointy arrow. His goat-like feet were shoeless, showing his hooves. But surprised by the imp's unexpected modesty, she remained silent.

 —I want to take one... —He continued—.

 Stella realised that she was standing between him and a shelf full of cereal. She immediately took a few steps to give him the opportunity.

 —You don't come here much, do you? —Continued the imp, who now had a box of VoxO's in his trolley, with a mystery figurine included in each box—. You don't have anything in your trolley yet.

 —I-It's not of your business. —Stella replied, fixing her glasses—.

 Stella couldn't believe she had faltered in her speech, why would she feel ashamed that she was in the way of a commoner? Besides, why did she move? The imp's purchases were not her problem at all. And most surprising of all, how was it that he didn't recognise her?

 —I come here all the time, if you want, I can help you.

 —I don't need help. —Stella reaffirmed, arranging the feathers on her head as if it was hair—.

 —You've been standing there for 10 minutes. —He continued—.

 —What is your name? —Stella asked—.

 She was somewhat surprised by the imp's courage to speak to her as if it were nothing, she tried to get angry with him, but it was as if something was preventing her from doing so.

 —Moxxie. —He replied—.

 —Well... Moxxie. My name is Stella, from the GOETIA. If this sounds familiar. —She continued, trying to give him an idea of who he was talking to so indiscreetly—.

 Moxxie did recognise the name Goetia, as his boss was a close friend of someone in the family. Stolas, Stella's ex-husband. And her boss? The one he was cheating on her with. The whole reason for the divorce. But Moxxie didn't know much about the drama, the truth is that he cared little about it and was little informed, but he knew the Goetia's status, their command of all hell at every level of the aristocracy.

 Now, he knew that Stella was almost a queen; married to Prince Stolas, but now divorced, she was again a marquise. This he did not know.

 —Your Highness!

 Moxxie immediately made a reference that surprised more than one creature present, but with the chaos going on, their surprise didn't last long before they were pushed or hit by another.

 He continued:

 —Allow me all the more reason to help you.

 Almost immediately he abandoned his trolley and took Stella's practically by force. This one, being bigger than his, had him looking like a child when he was supposed to help his mother with the shopping. Stella was even more surprised. The bow made her feel good; but she was also taken by surprise at how quickly Moxxie adapted to the situation –she almost felt bad, but that wasn't the image she gave.

 —I suppose you can be of some use to me. —She replied to the imp's actions—.

 Used to being feared and respected, her aggressive attitude towards little Moxxie almost seemed false.

 —What have you come to buy, your highness? —Moxxie continued to take control of the situation—.

 What was she going to buy? That answer she didn't have, she was there to put her brother in his place, but what was actually needed in the house, anyway? And the things she was used to buy were certainly of a brand that Hellgreens definitely wouldn't sell. She had to make him decide for her without him realising that she didn't know anything about what it was like to make the groceries.

 —Isn't it obvious? —Stella replied in her bossiest possible tone—.

 —No. But if you let me, I recommend the cereal I just picked.

 Moxxie was being honest, he didn't know why someone of Stella's stature came here, having people who do these things for them. And even more so, to just any supermarket; surely there were special supermarkets for rich people that he didn't know about. What Moxxie didn't know was that even if there are such places, these are dedicated shops. One that sells only the best meat, another that sells only the best liquor, etc.

 As for Stella, when she was with Stolas, the staff was such that several could go there to shop, making it seem like everything was done in one trip; even though it was never like that.

 Stella raised an eyebrow, looking incredulously at Moxxie, what kind of cereal would an imp eat? The box was descriptive enough.

 "VoxO's: The same shit you saw on TV." «Includes collectible figure»

 Was that a joke? Cereal for children?

 —You're joking. I'm not buying cereal for kids. Aren't you an adult? —Stella was beginning to judge him—.

 —It's because it's for children that it's so good. The other cereals have no taste. What cereal do you eat?

 She didn't have that answer either, in fact; she vaguely remembered that this cereal was the one Octavia used to eat. But she had never eaten it herself.

 —I don't eat cereal, that's what my daughter does.

 —Then we'll buy it for her!

 Moxxie was quick to throw a box into the cart, Stella just stared at him as he continued to take over. In a very silly way, her plan was working.

 And so, they went through the whole supermarket. On more than one occasion Stella would make tasteless comments about how what he offered her was an inferior version of what she ate; and of course, Moxxie would go through the trouble of explaining why he liked his recommendation. He did more marketing that day than what the shop had done in its entire existence –while Stella just had to look down on him and accept it anyway. In the end they arrived at the checkout with more stuff than she and her brother could possibly need, Stella felt satisfied; but it remained to be seen what Andrealphus' reaction would be, if he even noticed.

 Once everything was in the car and Stella was ready to go, she thought it would be a good idea to use him in general, for her own shopping and any other activities she had no appetite for. Would he accept being bought?

 —Mr Moxx-

 —Oh, crumbs! —Moxxie interrupted—. I completely forgot about my shopping.

 Stella just had to get in her car and go, so Moxxie felt confident to just go and buy his stuff, but she wanted to buy him as her personal slave, he still treated her with her former title, and that fed her narcissism in torrential ways.

 So, she followed him; walking, losing sight of him almost immediately as he was running as fast as his goat's legs would allow, giving her no choice but to wait for him outside.

 After a few minutes Moxxie came out defeated; the only thing he really wanted to buy, the cereal (and yes, for the collectible figure), had apparently run out, and his cart had been raided by other shoppers –he left the supermarket so defeated that Stella couldn't help but ask him what happened.

 —It was the last batch of this limited edition set. —Moxxie replied, trying not to look upset—.

 —Pathetic. —Despite caring a little, she wouldn't stop insulting him—. Follow me.

 Moxxie didn't really know why, but he followed her without asking any questions –that's how upset he was. Stella cunningly led him back to her car, where she gave him her box of cereal.

 —I guess you can look at it as your payment for your services.

 Moxxie's eyes shone like two little stars, he almost wanted to hug the box as if it was his birthday present or a cute kitten.

 —If you're interested, you could work for me. —Stella tried hard not to sound interested in him—.

 But she failed, it was clear that something had clicked in her, and she could not shake off her interest in such a curious imp.

 —Uh? Oh, I can't. —He said in a flat tone—. I already have a job. Blitz would kill me if I quit—.

 Blitz is his boss, there is also Millie; his wife, and Loona; the hellhound, together the 4 of them work in I.M.P (Immediate Murder Professionals) An agency of hired hitman who travel to the human world to eliminate whoever and however many.

 Stella recognised the name, Stolas kept saying it: «Blitzy, oh my Blitzy» which immediately changed her mood, but if Moxxie didn't know about the cheating or the divorce, surely, she could stay on his good side and find out about Blitzy and get revenge for what he did to her.

 —What's so important that this "Blitz" guy can't do on his own? —Stella couldn't hide her curiosity—.

 —We are paid to kill people in the world of the living. —Moxxie replied in a serious tone—.

 Moxxie was an imp who believed in the saying "don't judge a book by its cover" and carried it out in everything in his life; even after all of Stella's insults, the fact that they were talking so casually at the time was proof that he didn't judge her by what she let on.

 This influences his work as well, even when he is paid to kill people, his priority is to know that the person deserves to die. Something that has gotten him into trouble with Blitzo, but which he refuses to change.

 Therefore, he takes his job seriously, and is able to change his cheerful and simple-minded personality to defend what he does.

 —You... killing humans... with what? Hugs?

 —Just so you know, on two occasions we kept your husband and daughter safe. Both in Loo Loo Land and at the blood moon festival.

 Stella was shocked into silence. She knew about Stolas' outings because she was the one who had him assassinated again and again, that he was responsible for foiling Striker's plan only impressed her more. If someone like him had a boss; and it was Blitzo, the more it piqued her interest, the more she wanted to get rid of him –she couldn't have enemies capable of sabotaging her.

 —And how? If you're a killer… —Stella needed information—.

 —.... Well, your husband hired us as guards on both occasions. —Moxxie said nervously—.

 He was beginning to feel Stella's penetrating gaze, which was now looking at him with a look of hatred and rage; but that was her face when she found something she wanted to possess.

 —Then I'll hire you as my personal guard. —Stella finally showed off her interest—.

 —It's not as simple as that, you have to talk to him, and he has to accept and-

 Stella interrupted Moxxie with the simple act of pulling out her mobile phone and extending it towards him.

 —Call him.

 Moxxie had two concerns at that moment. Would Blitzo accept? And why so much stubbornness to have him under her control? He didn't know the answers, but they were clear; as long as he was paid in money, Blitzo would accept, and Stella now more than ever wanted a way to get to Blitzo and finish him off. Besides, he knew that refusing would be a lousy idea.

 Moxxie agreed to make the call and Stella put the phone on speaker.

 —Who are you? And who gave you my number?

 —Boss, it's me, Moxxie.

 —Moxxie, what the fuck do you want?

 Stella interrupted the call now that she knew it was him, after all she remembers the day he fell on her, saying "Sorry I fucked your husband" and ran off.

 —Mr. Blitz, it is in my interest to hire your employee Moxxie to be my personal guard when and where I demand it.

 —I don't know who you are, sweet tits, but we're hitmen. Not security guards.

 —I will pay double.

 —Moxxie, you heard the client.

 —But sir ... oh crumbs.

 Stella hung up the call. She had succeeded, now she had Moxxie all to herself.

 —Get in the car, Moxxie.

 She adjusted her glasses, which she hadn't taken off all this time and wouldn't take off now, and got into her car and drove back home with all her groceries and an imp who was now wondering "What did I do?"




 Back at her mansion, Andrealphus hadn't even bothered to wait for Stella. He was too busy watching television in his room while two slices of cucumber rested over his eyes and his face was covered by a light green facemask, not really watching television, just listening to it, and that wasn't entirely true either -he had fallen asleep on the couch with the television on and it was Stella's arrival that woke him up to the sound of the front door slamming.

 And as Stella walked in with several imps behind her carrying things; Moxxie was nervous, it wasn't Stolas' palace. "Where were they?" he wondered as anxiety consumed him.

 —I forgot to tell you this is my house. Stolas and I got divorced.

 Stella explained while indicating to the other imps where to put things as she continued talking:

 —But you will have to address me as you have done so far.

 —Yes, your majesty. —Moxxie replied without hesitation—.

 Moxxie wanted to ask a thousand questions about this, he knew that Blitzo had affairs with Stolas, but he didn't know that Stella knew about this, much less knew that they had divorced. He was honestly beginning to doubt everything he knew. He was even beginning to speculate if it had something to do with her insistence on hiring him. The worst thing was; by not negotiating a rate or time, he couldn't guess how long he would have to be with her that day, or days. As far as he was concerned –Blitzo sold him out.

 Andrealphus noticed Moxxie, and the extensive shopping behind him and Stella. Curiosity got the better of him and he headed for the kitchen with the others.

 —Oh, brother. —Stella looked at Andrealphus—. You can swallow your words now.

 He peered into the shopping bags she had brought. Fruits, vegetables, meat of various kinds. Dairy, Moxxie's cereal (which Moxxie forgot to separate), and everything else.

 After a few minutes of silence while he played judge and executioner, Andrealphus turned to look at his sister with a face that looked like acceptance and pride; Stella almost believed it and her feathers ruffled with satisfaction. But unable to hold it in for long, he began to laugh.

 —Sis, we don't need half of this shit and the other half looks like proletarian... well... proletariat. —Andrealphus lost control of his laughter—.

 Stella bristled even more but now red with rage, her eyes were wide open and her hands, shaped into fists, trembling with impotence. She couldn't stand anyone making fun of her, and she couldn't think of an excuse that would restore the pride she was losing.

 —H-Hey it's very good food. It's what I eat all the time. —Moxxie defended her—.

 Andrealphus laughed with an offensive exaggeration that Moxxie could barely tolerate. He tried not to get the wrong impression of things, but with each mockery he found it more difficult.

 —Sorry imp, my sister's incompetence is making you look bad. —He comforted him—.

 —If you don't like it you can do the shopping yourself when you finish this. —Stella replied proudly—.

 —Hohohoho, sis. You're going to finish this.

 —Are you afraid of the food I so lovingly bought you, Andrealphus?

 —I'm afraid of getting food poisoning from eating rubbish.

 Stella, furious with her brother, began to levitate the food, bringing a banana close to his face.

 —Start with this then, I hear it's good for stomach aches.

 Moxxie feared a battle between the two and wanted with all his being to get out of there and go home. He slowly backed away and almost made it out of the kitchen, but Stella stopped him by throwing the banana she was threatening Andrealphus with.

 —And where the fuck do you think you're going? —Stella shouted—.

 —I-I was just going to get... something from the car. —Moxxie stammered—.

 —Take this with you and I'll see you tomorrow.

 Stella levitated the rest of the shopping bags towards Moxxie, who could barely carry them. It was a tower that was easily the equivalent of carrying himself.

 With great effort he was escorted out by one of the servants, who called him a taxi, and so, he returned home with Millie –where he realised that of all the things he had taken, he had forgotten the cereal.

 Andrealphus, meanwhile –somewhat curious about Moxxie and the fact that Stella hired him for tomorrow.

 —Well, sis, you're going to explain about him, aren't you?

 —Maxxie, no, Moxxie, he works for Blitz, the imp Stolas is sleeping with. I'll use him to get to him and get rid of his filthy existence. —Stella's voice sounded like a movie villain telling her evil plan—.

 —Don't you feel that you are a bit obsessed? You're not together anymore, with the divorce you're sure to take away the palace or at least money.

 —That loser doesn't value those things, he values Octavia and his imp. If I want to ruin him, I have to take them both away from him.

 —Well, sis, you know you can count on me.

 After ordering food for dinner, Andrealphus and Stella sat down in the living room to eat and drink. While they deliberated on how they would go about things.

 From using magic to torture him, to sending him through a portal to space, to the Vatican to be exorcised, and so on. Andrealphus however opted for a simple but effective plan from his point of view.

 —You arrive, you greet the imp. "Sorry imp!". 

 —They are both imps, I'm sure there will be others.

 —Well, you say hello to Blitz. "Sorry Blitz!" and you pull out your gun and blow his brains out, we go to Ozzie's to celebrate and wait for it all to blow over. 

 —I will also have to kill Moxxie.

 —Ok, ok, you say hello to Blitz. "Sorry Blitz!" and you pull out your gun and blow his brains out, then you turn to Moxxie and shoot him too, we go to Ozzie's to celebrate and wait for it all to blow over.

 —Sounds simple enough.

 They both laughed and toasted.




 Meanwhile, Moxxie was at home with Millie.

 Like most imps who don't work for royalty, Moxxie lived in the suburbs of the Pride Ring. More specifically; in Imp City. Although normally born in the circle of wrath, Pride and Imp City were so to speak; the pinnacle of modern society in hell, with wrath being somewhat of a rural area. If you wanted to make it big you had to go up to pride and succeed there.

 It was there that he met Millie; originally from the circle of wrath, living on her parents' farm, she sought to move on in her life and become part of something bigger. Millie –or Mildred, as her parents called her –is similar in appearance to Moxxie, while he has white hair she has black hair, but the eyes are just as yellow, small black horns with small white stripes and a long, thin tail that ends in a pointy arrow.

 Ripped sweatpants that revealed her red skin and an overalls-style blouse with partial sleeves that allow her shoulders to be exposed. And while Moxxie's tail is all red, Millie's has white circles scattered throughout the bunch and one more precisely at the tip. Unlike Moxxie, though, her hooves ended firmly on the ground like those of a human.

 The story of how they met will be left for another time. But once they were settled and married, they bought their first flat, by which time they were both working for Blitzo.

 The flat was cosy but simple. Minimal furniture and decorations of all kinds; from mementos given to them by their parents, to souvenirs of work done in the human world. The rest of the place didn't look too bad, maybe some damp and fungal areas, but that was the fault of the other flats and their careless owners.

 They always found a way to make the place feel like home.

 As Moxxie unpacked the groceries, Millie approached him.

 —Oh, crumbs. Forgot the cereal. —Moxxie exclaimed—.

 —Moxx, sweetie. If that's all you were going for, how come it took you so long? And why did you buy so much stuff? —Millie comforted him with a hug—.

 —I didn't even buy them myself. I ran into Stolas' ex-wife and helped her do her shopping, then out of the blue she wanted to hire me to... I don't know what for, but it doesn't make sense. Then we went to her house; where I met her brother Andreafos, Andrefos, something like that. They fought and he gave me the things she bought.

 —Did she hire you? Blitzo didn't tell me anything.

 —Yes, I told her that we took care of Stolas in Loo Loo Land and at the festival; after that she kept insisting that she wanted me to work for her.

 —Well, that's a bit suspicious. But I don't see what the problem is. How about tomorrow morning you talk it over with Blitz and he'll let you resign. A verbal deal is worthless. —Millie petted Moxxie's head like a puppy—.

 —I think, if it's royalty, it doesn't apply so easily.

 —Let's see, what are you going to do tomorrow then.

 —I'm going to see Blitz tomorrow. —Moxxie confirmed—. I'll tell him that the client is his boyfriend's ex-wife, and that I don't want to work with her, he'll let me back out of the deal, and I'll be free. We'll have a toast here at home and wait for Stella to forget about me.

 —Moxx, Blitz is not going to refuse the money once he gets paid.

 —OK, I can tell him I'll pay him the equivalent. I'll see Blitz tomorrow, tell him the client is her boyfriend's ex-wife; offer to give him the money she would have paid, and he'll let me renege on the deal. We'll have a toast here at home and wait for Stella to forget about me.

 The two plans were quite simple, perhaps too simple.

 While Stella wanted revenge, Moxxie just thought he had a stroke of bad luck. He wanted nothing to do with her after what happened that day, and her brother had scared him even more. That night, to distract him, Millie made love to him –the change in mood would almost have made him think about taking his new job.




 At dawn, Moxxie wasted no time in fetching Blitzo. Located on the fifth floor of an abandoned building in the heart of Imp City, I.M.P. is the "company" Moxxie works for, owned by Blitzo. Together with him, his wife and Blitzo's adopted daughter, they travel to the human world to assassinate living people in exchange for money; also ironically called, souls. Do you have unfinished business with someone from the world of the living? I.M.P. will take care of it for you.

 For a derelict building, the offices were in relatively good condition, the furnishings were neither expensive nor cheap and had everything necessary to be called a place of work; even a water dispenser in case you were thirsty. A large armchair for clients to wait, a desk and secretary to take down the necessary information, on one side a door leading to the boss' office and on the other side a door leading to the boardroom.

 Upon entering you would immediately come across Loona; Blitzo's adopted daughter, a secretary during working hours. A grey and white furred hellhound, the closest thing to a werewolf, she has ears like a canine, with a slit on the right, moon-white eyes with a red cornea. Beautiful feminine body and her gaze denoted her aggressive but also womanly attitude. With a big silver mane and a beautiful long topknot, a big furry two-coloured tail and canine paws, also barefoot revealing powerful claws. A beautiful young woman at 22 years of age, if she had not been rescued by Blitzo, she could have been a great femme fatale.

 Normally wearing ripped black shorts, black tights that reached from her legs to above her knees and a grey half-sleeved blouse similar to Millie's; which showed her shoulders perfectly, but had a pentagram at the neckline; formed by threads that connected to the neck, where she wore a spiked collar similar to the one you would put on a violent and aggressive dog.

 —Good morning, Loona.

 When Moxxie entered, Loona didn't even bother to respond to the greeting –this was completely normal for the two, who used to toe the line, constantly teasing each other.

 Ignoring this, Moxxie headed straight for Blitzo's office, where he was just getting his things ready for another day of work.

 Blitzo was another imp, so his appearance should be easy for you to imagine by now. Red-skinned with an abundant existence of white spots on his body, one of them almost covering half of his face. No hair beyond what appeared to be spikes coming out of the back of his head, a long red tail with black and white that also ended in an arrowhead. Large yellow eyes, but unlike Millie or Moxxie; who only had black pupils, Blitzo also had red irises, similar to the red in Loona's corneas, plus huge black horns with large white stripes. He normally wears a black coat with red and white accents, a red shirt, black dress trousers and black gloves with two inverted crosses on each palm over a yellow adornment. Unlike Moxxie who wore his red bow tie, Blitzo had a circular pendant with a skull drawn on it. Finally, ridiculously large black boots with red, similar to what a cowboy would wear.

 —Moxxie, good morning, how did it go with the client yesterday? —Blitzo asked cheerfully—.

 There were boxes hidden behind his desk that could barely be seen from Moxxie's angle. Someone had received money and spent it immediately.

 —Sir, that's what I wanted to talk to you about, I don't think it's a good idea. —Moxxie replied in a nervous voice—.

 —I don't give a shit about that, she already paid and she's waiting for you at noon. —Blitzo replied without bothering to look at him—.

 —H-How did you know? How did she pay?! I only met her yesterday. —Moxxie was shocked—.

 —I saved her number when you dialled and contacted her by message.

 Thinking about yesterday, he remembered Stella constantly checking her mobile phone on the way to her mansion. Surely that's when they were making the deal; and in a way, the payment.

 —And I've spent it, so let's get back to work. —Blitzo finished—.

 "Remember the plan," Moxxie said to himself.

 —Do you know who the client is?

 —Should I care?

 —Well, you should, since she is the wife of your friend Stolas.

 If Moxxie didn't know about the divorce until she explained it to him, he assumed Blitzo didn't know either. It was possible that Stolas had told him, but as much as Blitzo cared –it was more likely that he wouldn't have listened.

 And indeed, Blitzo said nothing, leaving it still in doubt whether or not he knew the truth –but making it clear that he found the problem in the deal.

 After a few seconds he broke his silence.

 —Ok Moxxie, leaving aside that it's your fault for not explaining it in the first place, and that I already spent the money. I think this is something for you to deal with. —Blitzo said, trying to deny what he heard—.

 —My fault? —Moxxie replied angrily—.

 Blitzo threw himself at Moxxie and, forcing a brotherly-looking embrace, whispered in his ear:

 —Look Moxxie, if you fuck this up, she's going to kill us both, and if that happens, I'll fuck your wife in front of you so that's the last thing you'll see before you die.

 Moxxie turned away from him with a face pale with fear.

 —And no bringing her here. I'm sure she has a specific hatred of me for fucking her husband. Got it?

 —Yes, sir... —He resigned himself—. Crumbs...

 His plan had failed and Blitzo's aggressiveness made him forget all about negotiating his way out of the deal, accepting that he would have to make Stella happy if he wanted to stay alive.

 As he left Blitzo's office, Moxxie's face was defeated and his whole spirit had fallen.

 —Everything all right, fatty? —Loona asked him teasingly—.

 —I'm not fat! —Moxxie shouted—.




 As midday approached, a taxi could be seen parking in front of Stella's mansion. With yellow paint and black markings, it looked like a taxi like those used in the world of the living; in New York City.

 Moxxie got out of this taxi with a briefcase. Admiring the place again, he made his way to the front door, where he rang the doorbell, ringing a funeral bell that would have given any human goose bumps.

 The same imp who escorted him to the taxi the day before opened the door.

 —Mrs. Stella is waiting for you inside...

 Suddenly Stella appears, interrupting the servant. She was dressed in the same clothes as the day before.

 —To the car, imp. —She ordered Moxxie—.

 —I remind you that I am Moxxie. —He replied—.

 She simply lowered her glasses to look at him with a look of disbelief at the audacity of his attitude towards her—.

 —I am Moxxie, your majesty. —He repeated—.

 In a gesture of approval, she put her glasses back on and walked with him out to the car, pushing the servant –kicking him out of the way.

 It made Moxxie too uncomfortable, but if she did that to someone innocent, he was beginning to fear for himself if he was insolent.

 Once in the car, Stella began to drive seemingly on a fixed course, but totally unknown to Moxxie, who; sitting in a car that was perfectly measured for someone of Stella's height, looked like a toddler hugging his seatbelt wondering where they were going.

 —Where are we going, your highness? —Moxxie's voice sounded annoyed—.

 Stella's attitude gave him such a bad taste in his mouth that, even though this was the second time he had addressed her as "your highness", it was beginning to annoy him.

 —Last night I got in touch with friends to buy food, and do some real shopping. —Stella emphasised food, obviously mocking what Moxxie bought for her—. Don't worry, yesterday was my fault for trusting your... class.

 Each new classist phrase from Stella was another nail in the coffin for Moxxie, further sealing his need to get out of there. To him, Hellgreens food was as good as any other.

 —I'm sorry, but last time I checked, food is food. —Moxxie couldn't help but to defend himself.

 —Apology accepted. But today you will learn.

 Poor Moxxie was at his limit. He just wanted the day to end when it was just beginning.

 —Besides, I'm your bodyguard, not just another servant. —Moxxie continued—.

 —My money says you'll do what I want you to do, and so does your boss. —Stella was not to be contradicted—.

 She took out her mobile phone and showed it to Moxxie, it showed her conversation with who was probably Blitzo, she had saved his contact with the poop emoji and a skull followed by it. The text read:


"What matters most to me is that he does what I tell him to do."

"Don't worry, make him your bitch."

"I have already made the payment."

 The conversation continued, but Moxxie cared little for the rest, Blitzo sold him into slavery.


 The conversation ended abruptly, for they had reached their destination. A huge shopping plaza in the circle of greed.

 Demonwood Center was written in grey letters on the facade of the entrance. The entire exterior floor was made of stone arranged in numerous symmetrical patterns with a creamy white and olive-green painted entrance. A red trident illuminated above the grey text and around it numerous shops had their doors open to the public.

 Sinful Bread, Infernal Smile, etc. There was even a list of businesses available in the restaurant area: Mammone: Italian food, Gluttony Express, Imp burger, Cock's, etc.

 Stella parked in a handicapped parking space she found available near the entrance, and although Moxxie found this to be annoying as well –Stella didn't seem to mind as she put the alarm back on the car.

 Without further ado they entered the establishment, where they met 3 more demons, also part of the Goetia –in fact, unlike the Hellgreens, here there were far fewer demonic creatures, and those that were there were clearly of the upper classes, being in greed; this made sense, but not to Moxxie –it was his first time in a place like this.

 Accompanying these demons were three other imps, all three already carrying some shopping bags.

 —Andras, Gamigin, Aamon! —Stella greeted them—.

 —Cousin, ready? —Andras asked—.

 —Moxxie, my cousins Andras and Aamon, and their sister Gamigin.

 Andras is a great marquis, shaped like an angel with a head like a black night raven, all his plumage is black too, with thin glowing yellow eyes, he was certainly an intimidating and terrifying figure to anyone who saw him.

 Gamigin, also a great marquis, large as a bull, but equine in appearance, his head being the skull of a horse seeming to float in a cloud of dark purple gas with reddish tones. Chest imposing and masculine as far as you could see, though his hands had fingers, his legs were strong hooves and his tail; similar to his head, was composed of small bones suspended by the same gas.

 Aamon was similar to a hellhound, but much, much fiercer and bigger, as if you were comparing a dog to a wolf. Black feathers like those of a raven sprouted from her shoulders and a black flame with dark purple that seemed to burn them. Curiously, her tail was not furry but scaly like a snake's. Her clothes looked scorched, but at the same time in perfect condition.

 Her sleek feminine figure made her the perfect creature for stories of dangerous women. You could see in her demeanour that she made this idea famous with a seductively dangerous attitude.

 However, their imps did not seem to have any kind of individuality. All dressed in suits like butlers and tired looks. Moxxie couldn't help but feel bad for them.

 —Is this the imp Andrealphus spoke of? —Aamon asked—.

 She then approached Moxxie and seductively lifted his chin with her tail.

 —Learn well so that you don't make a fool of my cousin again. Understood, imp?

 Moxxie refused to respond, simply standing his ground. This annoyed Aamon; but at the same time, he gained some of her respect, not just anyone could stand as stoic in front of them as Moxxie did.

 First, they went to a shop specialising in meat. There were all sorts of things, rotisseries; condiments; utensils; etc. And in the centre a butcher surrounded by four refrigerators displaying all kinds of meat, from hellish to earthly creatures, the latter being the most expensive.

 Kobe, Tenderloin, Porterhouse, Tomahawk, and what might be considered a hell animal equivalent of the wendigo, to name but one –and not only large animals, but also small ones such as rats, mice, snakes, etc.

 Some of these cuts and meats were familiar to Moxxie, he had even tasted them at one time –but with his current lifestyle; they were unattainable.

 —Look Moxxie, this is meat. —Stella said to him as if he were a child—.

 —He looks like a vegetarian, don't scare him, cousin. —Gamigin scoffed—.

 —Now Stella, what do you want? —Andras asked—.

 —You know, Andras, I haven't the slightest idea. —She had someone who cared about such things—.

 Moxxie, angry with everyone's constant insults, confronted the butcher. Beginning to ask for several different cuts, from more casual cuts like beef... the equivalent of beef, to more sophisticated cuts. Calling them all by name and ideal weight, as well as the specific shape he wanted the cuts in. From bits of rat meat to a Tomahawk; whichever looked more meat than bone.

 Everyone was amazed at how well Moxxie communicated with the butcher and even went to the trouble of picking out some spices. At one point, Aamon approached Moxxie to ask about a piece she was planning to order.

 —Is this the same imp who bought the cereal with the toy? —Aamon asked—.

 Stella didn't know whether to be proud that she had an "imp of quality" or ashamed that once again Moxxie took matters into his own hands. Certainly, for someone so sweet and honest, he could be assertive. She could tell a conflict was beginning to form in her opinion of him.

 Stella's cousins were beginning to take a liking to Moxxie, and the imps who accompanied them -feeling even more out of the equation, to the point that they were given to carry Stella's purchases –clearly had a special interest in him. Stella played along and in stilted tones of voice fawned over Moxxie, but you could tell how much she wanted to put him in his place. As soon as they were done, she would ask him to see Blitzo and get it over with. But for the moment, they still had to buy fruits and vegetables.

 Halffoods has everything you need. Very similar to Hellgreens; Moxxie was surprised at how empty it was, food of all kinds everywhere and without having to fight with other shoppers. Stella saw an opportunity to tease Moxxie right then and there.

 —Will you choose again, Moxxie? —Stella asked in a mocking tone—.

 —Oh, I'm sure your majesty can do better than I can under these conditions. —Moxxie returned sarcastically—.

 The others paid no attention to this exchange, but surely, they would have found Moxxie's humour more humorous –not that they were in favour of it, but an imp making a Goetia look ridiculous would be incredibly funny to them.

 In the fruit area it was divided into two areas, one had all the earthly and hellish fruits whole and fresh; the other half was the same fruits, but split and peeled in plastic cups, ready to eat.

 The dance of colours was fascinating, all arranged in such a way that a scale of colours seemed to surround them. And the scents perfumed the atmosphere beautifully.

 Stella headed straight for the already peeled fruit, that's how she received it from the servants; so, she deduced that by logic that was how they bought it. Luckily Andras stopped her and showed the others analysing the whole fruit -even Moxxie who was knocking on a brown fruit; very similar to how you do to a watermelon, and sticking his ear to see how hollow it was. Gamigin was stroking some mangoes, seeing if they were ripe enough, and Aamon was smelling some blue apples. Little by little the three of them were getting to know Moxxie, and asked his opinion when they found something they liked. Stella was feeling like a complete zero for the first time and Moxxie was thoroughly enjoying it.

 After choosing various fruits; and again, giving them to the other imps -vegetables followed.

 Andras and Gamigin foraged for lettuce, corn, potatoes; Moxxie helped Aamon differentiate parsley from cilantro; and Stella was again feeling out of the equation, poking and playing with some avocados nearby. A little remorse was beginning to creep into her and Moxxie as he watched her of the corner of his eye.

 Leaving Aamon well trained in the art of coriander and parsley; Moxxie approached Stella, she immediately regained her rude and haughty posture, looking at him with a raised face, as if he was not at her level.

 —W-what can I do for you Moxxie? —Stella asked, trying to hide it—.

 —What would you like me to choose for you, your majesty? —Moxxie answered with another question, trying not to sound worried about her—.

 —I-I'm choosing perfectly well.

 —Your Majesty, you've been poking that avocado for five minutes or more, you've already dented it.

 —No questions, imp.

 Stella dropped the avocado immediately and even wiped her claw as it had a stain on it; she did more than dent it, she punctured it.

 Moxxie sighed, trying to be patient with her.


 Moxxie started taking various things, chard, peas, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, among others. He only avoided the avocados so as not to bump into Stella in the selection process. When he was done, he approached her again; handing her everything in a bag.

 —Go ahead, you can say that you chose them.

 Stella again turned back to her position of superiority, now a little embarrassed.

 —Are you sure you made the right choice? I won't let you humiliate me like you did my brother.

 Moxxie could only make an exaggerated gesture of disbelief, but what he actually couldn't believe was how he could let himself feel sorry for her; not that she kept refusing his help, he'd gotten used to that.

 Out of nowhere Andras approached and saw the selection Stella was carrying:

 —Not bad cousin, I see you do know after all.

 Stella proudly fluffed her feathers which she immediately tried to comb again. She looked around and when she saw that Moxxie had left, she just fluffed her feathers and said to the others:

 —Being a princess does not prevent me from knowing such common tasks.

 The rest of the day they continued their shopping until dusk. They had also bought bread; Moxxie explained the difference between whole wheat bread, natural bread, every variety you could think of; even sweet bread –traditional in Latin America, cereal; like Moxxie's –with the sad reality that it was such a common brand that it wasn't among the choices; but there was a serious variety of brands he had never heard of –Andras was the one who shone in this category, non-perishable foods like canned food was no big science; tuna, beans, canned fruits in syrup; grains like nuts, pasta, peanuts, among other variety of products. Even other things, such as scented candles, toilet paper, napkins and other household items that probably none of the four of them needed, but they bought anyway. Shopping done and about to go home, our group of demons decided to go first to eat at the Gluttony Express; Chinese food.

 Everyone ordered the same thing, egg fried rice, chicken and spicy shrimp.

 At first, they ate in silence, but as the discomfort of not saying a word settled in, someone had to break it:

 —And tell us Moxxie. —How do you know so much about food? You were very specific with the butcher and that surprises me in an imp.

 —Before... Before "this", I was in a mafia in the circle of treachery, ironically that was the way it all ended. My boss taught me everything there was to know about preparing good food for potential clients or overbosses. As well as how to distinguish if the meat was tampered with by any poisons or contaminants.

 —Impressive. —They all replied, except Stella—.

 She tried not to look interested in Moxxie's story.

 —And how did you end up with our cousin? —Andras continued—.

 —I don't know. —He turned to look at her—. I told her I was a hitman, and yet she hired me as her servant.

 —You can also by bodyguarding me. —Stella insisted—.

 Moxxie just kept eating, and the others did the same.

 But there was a small problem, Moxxie had a small weakness, spicy food. The instant Moxxie took a bite, his face, which was already red, began to almost glow, forcing him to drink a glass of water in one go and still suffer the consequences of having ordered the same as the others.

 —Looks like someone can't handle a little heat. —Stella said as she laughed—.

 They all played along, making fun of Moxxie.

 After several difficult bites, they all finished eating. They both said goodbye and got into their respective cars.

 It was time for the truth. Stella would ask to see Blitzo, Moxxie would take her and she would kill them both.

 —Well, Moxxie, before the day is over there is one more thing, I need from you. —Stella commented as she drove—.

 —And that is?

 —I want to see your boss.

 —Blitz? What for?

 —There is something I specifically want to talk to him about.


 Moxxie thought it was unnecessary, they already spoke to each other by mobile phone, why talk in person? Besides, he knew he couldn't take her to see him, Blitzo asked for it, threats and all. But he had a plan.

 While giving her directions to the offices, Moxxie texted Blitzo to get out of there, making Stella think he was out or just not there.


"Sir, get out."

"Is the bitch coming?"



 When they arrived it was already dark, at that hour normally only Loona and Blitzo would be there, in any case; there was no one –Blitzo already had left with Loona to avoid any kind of confrontation.

 When they arrived, Stella was clearly upset.

 —Doesn't your boss have any kind of schedule?

 —It is what it is, Blitz, if he wants to, he leaves and doesn't tell anyone. —Moxxie responds with a nervous laugh—.

 Needless to say, Stella was annoyed, they took too long with the shopping and now she was suffering the consequences –leaving her with only the option of trying another day.

 —Well, I'll see you tomorrow Moxxie. I'll still make use of you.

 Without a care, Stella left Moxxie stranded at the front door and sped off home. Moxxie had no choice but to hail a taxi back to his flat.




 —Real food! —Andrealphus cheered when he saw Stella's purchases—. So, you've killed the imps?

 —The jerk wasn't in his office, and insisting on it seemed like a bad idea.

 —If you ask me, I say let your guard down for a while to build up their confidence and then execute the plan. —Andrealphus continued—. They clearly know you're up to something, you need to make them think it was just their imagination.




 Upon arriving at his flat, Moxxie was greeted by Millie with a big hug.

 —How did it go Moxx'? I heard from Blitz that you couldn't get rid of the snake.

 —The idiot had already accepted the payment AND spent the money. —Moxxie's voice was tired—. Then I had to save his ass from the crazy lady because she wanted to see him.

 —See Blitz? What for?

 —I don't know, complaining about me or just judging us. —Moxxie was beginning to speak in an annoyed tone—.

 —Well, now Blitz is going to be hiding, that's for sure. What are you going to do now, sweetheart?

 —I will write a letter of resignation to Stella, because Blitz is sure to reject it.

 —And she won't reject it?

 —That's the idea, I'll do it in a few days to gather reasons; and in that way, validate my displeasure with the deal. Starting today...

 Millie tenderly kissed Moxxie who went on to write a bit of his letter, starting off logical –how his job is to kill, not to do the grocery shopping; plus, her lousy attitude.

 After summing up the day, he put the sheet in his suit and went to bed.




 From that day on, there would be five more of the same, Moxxie would accompany Stella to different places, he would be her bodyguard, her waiter and whatever she told him to do. During this time, she never mentioned Blitzo again, and when Moxxie brought him up, trying to show her bad intentions, she simply didn't seem to care and only insulted him for not being there that day and being evasive in his messages on the phone.

 During that time Stella took the opportunity to learn more about Moxxie, to see if anything he had or did would bring her closer to her goal of getting rid of them –she was even beginning to consider all I.M.P. a problem for her, but getting rid of the 4 would be a very difficult task, but not impossible –especially because of one small but important detail, being a marquise, it would take a blessed weapon to kill her. No matter how much damage they tried to do to her with conventional weapons, they would not hurt her; just like Stolas and any other demon of the Ars Goetia. As long as they didn't have one; she was safe.

 As the days went by, Moxxie also told her about his wife, because Stella was quick to talk trash about Stolas when she was with her friends or other Goetia family members.

 To some extent she felt a little jealous of their relationship, once Moxxie first talked about her, little by little he talked more and more about her, this even made Moxxie start to feel comfortable talking to Stella –they didn't stop hating each other; but it made the days more enjoyable. By the end of these week, she was even beginning to miss being married; but she wanted it with someone who loved her like Moxxie loved Millie –at a certain point in their marriage; she agreed, she wanted Stolas to love her as such. But her aggressive personality allowed no one that luxury, but she was awfully good at scaring off any suitor who laid eyes on her beauty.

 And so, the new weekend arrived, this time Stella would take Moxxie to Stolas' palace to accompany her to pick up Octavia. Since the divorce and for Octavia's convenience, she had stayed with her father in his palace, and Stella could be with her daughter on the weekends if she wished.

 The relationship between the two was not bad or even difficult; perhaps because she was her daughter, Octavia had the ability to withstand Stella's personality and Stella had no problem with her daughter's reserved character. Besides, Stella couldn't help but behave differently with her when it was just the two of them; like a mother with her daughter, they hung out, ate, talked, made small talk, etc. At first glance, you could say they got along well.

 Stella with her ex-husband Stolas was another story. They never hit it off and were only united by the fact that their marriage had been arranged by their parents when they were both ten years old. And although they both tried to make it work in their own way; oil and water were never going to mix. In the end Stella developed a hatred for him –she insulted him, abused him, publicly humiliated him and did things that no one could tolerate. It was upsetting for both of them to see each other day after day as enemies living under the same roof. Even with the divorce, their lousy relationship was palpable –and begs the question, would you blame Stolas for what he did? Should Stella have done the same? In royalty these things are neither new nor strange; they are for today's society, but in hell it matters little really.

 Between Stolas and Octavia there was also a good relationship, Stolas always found shelter from Stella's hatred in loving his daughter, and Octavia always loved her father, for he was the one she lived with the most in her early years. She would have had a dysfunctional, violent and dangerous family; but to her, it was the best she could have. The one thing she longed for and could never have been, was to see them love each other in the same way they loved her.

 Arriving at the palace they parked outside the main entrance, a gigantic steel gate surrounding the palace with stone links of marble and limestone, two unlit oil lamps on either side of the gate and in the background was the path to enter the palace, surrounded by green pastures and plants of all kinds and beautiful colours and fragrances.

 Octavia could be seen running along this path as she adjusted her little black sweater and removed her headphones, placing them around her neck. Similar in body to her father, but similar in plumage to her mother. Humanoid in appearance, but her body was that of an owl, grey plumage, a snow-white face, which made it look like she was wearing a mask similar to those of the Victorian era. Two red eyes with equally white pupils, but no cornea, and a slender, well-groomed body.

 She wore a black beanie with a crown pattern sewn right on the front, as if it were a tiara. A long-sleeved pink shirt with yellow stars and a pink choker around her neck. She also wore black pants and high-heeled black boots; unlike her father who never wears shoes, only she and her mother took the trouble of using them.

 Octavia was a 17-year-old girl caught up in her parents' conflict, so her personality was no surprise to anyone. Reserved, quiet, and highly focused on her own passions and tastes. The only way to get her out of herself was to make her believe that you were passionate about the same things; then she wouldn't tire of talking about them and would give you her exact opinion on them. But if you only asked her out of curiosity, she would answer you simply and directly; just to satisfy you. Nothing more.

 —Hi, Mom. —Octavia said aloud as she got into her car—. Hello...

 —Moxxie. —He replied from the back seat—.

 —Hello Moxxie. —Octavia finished saying—.

 —He will be accompanying us this weekend. —Stella explained—.

 —Yhea, I remember you; you accompanied us in Loo Loo Land. —Octavia analysed—. Sorry I forgot your name.

 —Don't worry, princess. —Moxxie assured her—. We also saw each other that time you went to the human world, remember?

 Stella turned to look at the two in amazement.

 —When did you go to the world of the living?

 —Ugh, nothing happened, mum. It was just an accident.

 Moxxie realised that he had spoken too much.

 —Can I play my music, Mum? —Octavia asked, changing the subject—.


 The rest of the trip back to the mansion was spent listening to Octavia's songs: Fuck you dad, Verosika, Evanescence, Blink182, among other bands played –both by artists in hell and humans alike.

 Upon arriving home, Octavia went directly to greet her uncle Andrealphus, who as usual, being self-absorbed, only gave her the minimum of attention to respond to her greeting. Stella entered followed by Moxxie, who was putting her coat and Octavia's on the coat rack in the entrance hall.

 —Miss Octavia. —Moxxie approached as she put her headphones back on—.


 —Could you share with me some of the songs we listened to in the car?

 And as described before, once you showed more interest than mere curiosity in her tastes, Octavia would switch to an attitude of frenzied happiness.

 She immediately pulled him into the living room, where she started showing him her playlist and Moxxie downloaded one by one. They commented on their favourite genres of music, which band they liked and why. They spent hours and hours on that simple task –to some extent Stella just grabbed a snack from the kitchen and watched them while she ate.

 Perhaps because she was her daughter, perhaps because mothers have an innate weakness for seeing their children happy, her heart began to pound a little more, her mind refusing to see Moxxie as a threat. Little by little, the jealousy she felt for Millie was now also for her daughter, seeing how easily she could be happy over something so simple.

 She had always seen the imps as an inferior species and only useful for her needs, even hating them because of Stolas' affair; but little by little she saw with Moxxie that there was perhaps a little variety in them.

 From this interaction Octavia asked Stella to have Moxxie accompany them wherever they had to go these two days. And to be part of their activities.

 So excited was Octavia, she forgot to tell the one she owed the most; to Moxxie, now he was about to enter into a series of activities for which he was not prepared.

 —OK. Ready Octavia? Moxxie?

 —Ready. —Octavia said as she finished mixing her music with Moxxie's—.


 Thundering her fingers, she rushed them both.

 —We'll be back tonight, Andrealphus. —Stella warned, confusing Moxxie even more.

 —Are you really not going to invite me? —He demanded—.

 —I told you yesterday and you didn't seem to care. —Stella complained—.

 —I changed my mind.

 After a deep sigh from Stella and a laugh from Octavia, the 4 of them went to the car. In the front seats Stella and Octavia, in the back Andrealphus and Moxxie; a bit cramped, as Andrealphus was big enough to barely fit in the back of the car –even worse with Moxxie inside.

 —You know, I can turn you into a bird so that I can accommodate you properly. —Andrealphus offered Moxxie—.

 —No thanks.

 —Brother, you're not going to turn anyone into anything. —Stella scolded him—.

 The trip was uncomfortable for Moxxie to say the least, but now with her and Octavia's music in sync; at least it was an enjoyable time to some extent.

 The place they were going to, was a Spa in lust.

 On the reception desk it said: Hella, in backlit metal letters. In front of this sign stood a condemned; humans who survived the tortures of their punishment and now live among the other creatures of hell on a day-to-day basis as they did in the world of the living. An expressionless female bitch who clearly took enough care of herself, of relative beauty, but overbearing bearing.

 The place was beautiful, all white like a hospital, bohemian lighting and music by artists like Era, Enya and Enigma.

 —Welcome to Hella, do you have an appointment?

 —Yes, but it will be for 4, not 2. —Stella replied—.

 Moxxie was immediately surprised and understood what she meant at the house about whether he was ready. He was not ready; he had never been to a spa before.

 Nevertheless, he allowed himself to be treated. They did everything, exfoliating masks, relaxing massage with ancient Chinese acupuncture techniques, make-up, hair styling and even manicures. Moxxie had never taken so much care of his personal appearance beyond a bath and combing his hair that he usually does.

 His final appearance was so different from his normal appearance that even Stella couldn't hold back her laughter, Moxxie felt humiliated. To tell the truth, he looked great, if Millie was there to see him, she would surely fall in love with him a second time.

 Even Andrealphus; who had not the slightest interest in Moxxie couldn't help but find his improved appearance a definite improvement on his persona. Him? Andrealphus was only the shadow of the 3 for the rest of the day. His only objective was to see the relationship between Stella and Moxxie to make sure that the plan to kill Blitzo was still on track.

 Deep down, it was the day he had been having the most fun since Stella hired him. For the first time he didn't feel like going home to write more on his resignation letter, even forgetting that he was still carrying it with him.

 They ate, they talked. Octavia talked about her friendships, Stella criticized, and Moxxie for the first time included himself in the conversation, relating when something similar had happened to him or someone he knew.

 As the afternoon wore on and after a very enjoyable time, they returned to the mansion; where they played tabletop games, watched Voxflix, enjoyed popcorn, even; for the first time, Moxxie slept over. They even ordered pizza.




 —Okay, who wants pizza? —Stella asked—.

 —Pepperoni with extra cheese! —Octavia asked—.

 —Sounds good, Moxxie; please.

 Moxxie grabbed his mobile phone and looked up Bee Eats, starting to place the order. At that Stella interrupts him:

 —Wait, add pineapple to half of it.

 —EWWWW, Mom, no pineapple on pizza.

 —Okay, okay, let's not fight. —Moxxie deliberated as he searched—. Besides, I can't seem to get just the pineapple half, you'd have to order another pizza on the side.

 —Well, I want pineapple. —Stella complained—.

 —I suppose we can't all have good taste. —Octavia scoffed—.

 —Now, now, I'll order both and you can have whichever one you want. —Moxxie interjected—.

 —As you wish, it's your money. —Stella said—.

 —My WHAT?

 —Just kidding, I know you don't have any.

 They all had pizza for dinner that night, although it was only Stella who had the pineapple pizza. Talk about bad tastes.

 The second day was almost as good, although it was only half mundane activities at home compared to the previous day, but not unsatisfying. From a delicious breakfast to an amazing dinner, made by none other than Moxxie.

 —You can cook? —Stella asked—.

 —After all I have told you and shown you, your highness, you still doubt me.

 —Why does he call you, your highness? You became a marquise again.

 —He's following orders, sweetheart. You should take notes for when it's your turn to take control of that house.

 Moxxie prepared an excellent steak with a side of mashed potatoes. You could see the imp going from side to side of the kitchen getting things ready, while slowly but surely a box of cereal, one that he had forgotten about days ago, appeared far in the back of the cupboard. You'd bite your nails at how many times he almost saw it, but never did.

 Obviously, everyone enjoyed the dinner, especially Moxxie; seeing his talent being recognised even by Stella, as if finally, and in her own way, she was apologising to him without really doing so.

 But the day was over, and it was time to go home, Octavia was left with Stolas again, said goodbye to everyone and returned at last to Millie's arms.




 —You're forgetting your goal, sis. —Andrealphus reminded Stella as they went to sleep—.

 —I haven't forgotten anything, little brother. —She said in a haughty voice—.




 —Aren't you going to give her the letter yet? —Millie asked—.

 —Y-yes, today just wasn't a good time. —Moxxie defended herself, trying to avoid the subject—.




 Again, five more days passed. Stella seemed to have returned to her usual self, her brother's reminder had made her realise that she was losing sight of her goal, and she was gradually returning to hinting at seeing Blitzo.

 Moxxie was beginning to get confused, she had been a completely different woman over the weekend, and although she wasn't necessarily evil now, he was forced to keep his distance from her –speaking to her formally and without touching on personal matters; he was also slowly remembering his initial intention.

 But deep down they were both beginning to miss the bond they had created. The smile on each other's faces.

 Perhaps she was the best at sweet-talking, but not at having much to say when it came to genuine compliments. But in her, she felt she should try it anyway; maybe just once.

 He wasn't dressed in the best clothes, but she didn't mind at all; he wasn't rich either, but she could always have a good time; even with something as simple as ordering a pizza.

 She was beginning to feel that Moxxie was the closest thing to a Romeo she had come to know.

 And every time he tried to approach her, she simply wanted to scream.

 She thought these kinds of feelings were for other people, but when it was really them it felt almost like paradise.

 Knocking on heaven's door –could you ask for more?

 Moxxie couldn't understand what was happening, one moment he thought their friendship was beginning, but Stella's seriousness constantly made him afraid to show it. He wanted to confront her, but he couldn't; the consequences wouldn't allow him to ask. What if he ruined everything they had achieved? What if she fired him? If that was what he wanted all along, why not now?

 She was a terrible woman, but a good mother it seemed. He didn't know where to find the answer he was looking for. He knew how to lie, how to plan, how to face the truth; but he didn't know if that would help him this time, he just felt he had to try.

 Now he didn't know if he wanted to leave, he didn't know how he managed it; but he felt as if Stella had done something to him that made him feel like this.

 After all was done and said, he had to admit that there was something about her that made him feel good, that made him care about her, that made him forgive her.

 Friday finally arrived and they were both still as they had been at the beginning, unsure of what they were doing and why they were doing it. But Stella was one step ahead in this acceptance; she just refused to accept it.

 Before Moxxie left, she asked him for one thing:

 —Tomorrow, I want you to come as well dressed as possible Moxxie.

 —Yes, Your Majesty.




 The next morning Moxxie got ready in his usual clothes, to tell the truth, Moxxie was the type of person who dressed for the job he wanted, so he was always well dressed.

 Arriving at Stella's mansion he passed through as usual, and while waiting for Stella he stood in the living room and saw that something was amiss. There was a lot of clutter and Andrealphus was not lounging about as usual. Besides, Stella was usually ready before he arrived.

 —What do you think? —Stella's voice came from a corridor—.

 Moxxie's jaw dropped as he turned around.

 Stella's eyelashes were more groomed than usual, and longer. She was wearing a white pompous arm blouse; like her usual formal wear when she lived with Stolas, but this one had a black collar and wrist fringe. She wore black gloves that covered her entire forearm, but not her fingers; long, manicured fingernails; on top of her shirt, she wore another, very thin, almost transparent pink shirt that only covered her chest and abdomen; like a waistcoat, it was sleeveless. And finally, a two-layered dress, the first of slightly opaque white and the second of a white identical to that of her feathers, which opened in the middle to give mobility to her legs and followed the curvature of her tail, almost complementing it. Other black details at different edges of the dress contrasted with the rest of the piece. Her feathers were beautifully arranged, and she carried a large fan that matched her clothes on one arm and a pink shawl folded on the other; for when it was cold.

 Moxxie couldn't get out a single word. Stella saw that as the ultimate compliment.

 —An imp like you could not understand what they see.

 —What is the o-occasion?

 —Didn't I tell you? —Ohm... It's my birthday.

 —Congratulations, Your Majesty. —Moxxie bowed—.

 —Andrealphus is going to take us to the party.

 Like Swiss clockwork, as soon as she finished saying it, a car horn sounded. It was Andrealphus with Stella's vehicle. Moxxie assisted Stella into the car and he jumped into the back —Andrealphus drove—.

 It took some time to get there, but it was worth it. A building that looked like a gigantic warehouse, but of exquisite construction, not aluminium or any metal, it was stone of different types and with different colours that gave an old and colonial look.

 Inside were a myriad of tables arranged with fine centrepieces; some ready to be stolen by the sneakiest guests. A podium in the centre with a band and what looked like a DJ's table, but with no one at it.

 A gigantic gift table to one side of the entrance made Moxxie feel bad for not bringing something, but Stella pushed him inside, letting him know she didn't care.

 Among the guests were a host of Goetia members, there were also capos and other high-ranking demonic beings, but at the head table, a place for Octavia (who was already seated at this one), Stella, Andrealphus and to his surprise, one for Moxxie.

 The party was a blast, Moxxie didn't know anyone other than Stella's cousins he saw a fortnight ago; everyone else was a complete stranger.

 First, they ate, exquisite cuts of meat, the most prestigious wine and much more. Octavia having to put up with only drinking non-alcoholic beverages was the subject of jokes at the table.

 Then they danced to all kinds of music, by which time the DJ was already on stage, playing music from all eras that had an energetic beat. During the dance Stella agreed to dance with Moxxie a little, unfortunately the size difference was a costly difficulty, causing Stella to fall on her back and Moxxie on top of her.

 —H-How sorry I am, your majesty, I-I am. —Moxxie couldn't articulate and was incredibly embarrassed—.

 Stella just got up and helped him. They came face to face in the most awkward way you could imagine, and Stella could only say one thing about it:

 —I have a name, just don't wear it out.

 —Sorry, Stella.

 The DJ saw this and as if he knew the background of the situation, he started playing romantic music to get everyone dancing again, playing Hit me with your best shot - by Pat Benatar.

 Both made the evening unique, and the music only made it easier.

 After several songs Aamon stood on the podium and started talking about Stella, celebrating her birthday and wishing her happiness, applauding her divorce and talking about how beautiful Octavia was. Stella gave him the finger as everyone laughed.

 Andrealphus, who had been watching from afar as the two of them grew closer and closer, was beginning to believe that Stella had forgotten her plan altogether (and that was the case), he had to ruin it somehow.

 —Now Moxxie! —Andrealphus shouted—.

 Stella thought it was a great idea and begged the imp to come up. Even Octavia agreed it was a good plan.

 —Okay, I-I'm not the best with words, but.... —Moxxie stroked the microphone, almost sweating—.

 Moxxie stared at Stella, not wanting to speak ill of her, but wanting to give her to understand that she hadn't treated him in the best way, that maybe she could be different. But no one criticises the birthday girl.

 He even remembered his resignation note in his jacket and for a second thought about reading it, but he couldn't either.

 The crowd grew anxious as Moxxie stood in silence. Stella, beginning to fear a scene, took a step towards him; that's when he spoke:

 —Stella, when I met you... it was special, maybe not in the best way; but I could see in you a big heart.

 Stella immediately blushed from cheek to cheek.

 —I-I mean, you have a great... personality, and, uh, sometimes you're scary. B-but that's your charm, I guess. You can also be kind and friendly; you're a great mother, and I think Octavia feels the same way. And I'm honoured to have been invited to your birthday. H-h-happy birthday.

 Many began to laugh when Moxxie mentioned her great "personality" and that she was scary, but even Stella laughed with him while hiding her blushed-up face. The only one not laughing was Andrealphus, who gave up Stella's cause.

 The rest was just a blast. Everyone ended up incredibly drunk.

"Mills', I won't come back tonight."

"Have you resigned already?"

"No, it's OK. It's not necessary."



 The next morning Moxxie woke up wasted in the guest room while Stella was already curing her hangover in the kitchen.

 Moxxie went in to bathe, leaving his clothes on the bed. With vague memories of what happened last night.

 Andrealphus; who was the only one not drunk like the others, came in to breakfast as well, but annoyed with his sister for giving up, he did not speak to her, she with her migraine could not even bother with him.

 —Ugh! —Andrealphus shouted—.

 —What do you want Andre?

 —Your imp left his rubbish here from last week. —Andrealphus arrogated as he tossed the box of VoxO's cereal into the bin as if it were poison.

 Stella stood up and picked up the box, the sight of it reminded her of Moxxie's words at the party and she went straight to him with her box of cereal.

 Stella knocked and knocked, but Moxxie wouldn't come out, was he still asleep?

 Without another thought she went in anyway and could hear the shower running and Moxxie humming yesterday's music. Stella thought it would be nice to give it to him in person, so she thought about turning around, but that's when she saw his clothes, and saw a piece of paper peeking out of Moxxie's coat.

 She began to read it.

 It was all the bad things she had done to him during the first week, each time in more detail. He called her haughty, rude, toxic, overbearing, ungrateful. A tear was starting to come out of her eye. She stormed out of the room, even slamming the door.

 The noise startled Moxxie, who immediately came out of the bathroom. Seeing no one, he became even more intrigued and got dressed as quickly as he could without realising that something was missing.

 As he walked out the door there was Stella standing there with tears in her eyes, Moxxie went pale as a ghost. He had no idea what had happened and feared for the worst for someone like her to be crying.

 —Stella goo-

 —Don't ever use my name again!

 Stella threw her cereal box and resignation letter at him.

 —Now get the hell out of my house. And I want to talk to your boss, I don't care when.

 —Your maje-

 —Shut up!

 Moxxie saw the cereal box in his arms and his letter folded and crumpled. An extreme level of impotence and anger ran through his blood, he wanted to explain, but Stella wouldn't listen. But that was the Stella he knew, the proud and arrogant one.

 He took his things and left. While Stella locked herself in the bedroom to cry. 




 —What happened Moxx'? -Millie asked as she saw Moxxie come home unattended and with anger in her eyes.

 —Nothing Millie, I just quit.




 —Mum? —Octavia asked on the other side of the door—.

 Receiving no answer, she opened the door and saw his mother sitting self-consciously on the bed, hiding her face in her legs.

 —What happened, Mum?

 —Nothing Octavia.




 Stella had experienced many things with Stolas, during her youth she also had her little adventures, but Moxxie seemed to be the first time she regretted losing someone. As if he was the only one who made her feel good. She felt good when he came to her mansion, she felt good when he was with him.

 He remembered when they stayed to watch television and ordered food with Octavia. When he helped her at Hellgreens and when he helped her again even after she had insulted him and treated him badly. What more did she want than to quit her life and stay with him.

 After everything she did to him, he was smiling, after how she treated him, he spoke well of her on her birthday.

 After all, she wanted him to stay with her.

 She could hear his voice calling her name, she could hear him calling her name and the two of them would begin to love each other.

 But now she couldn't, her heart was broken, and her hope was extinguished. Her mind drifted back to the memories of what had brought her to this point, the plan for revenge against Blitzo; but even then, she no longer had the will or the intention. She didn't even know if she would carry out her crime when she saw him. If she saw him at all.

 Octavia just hugged her while she remained silent. At no time did it cross her mind that the cause of so much pain was Moxxie.

 And there Stella was, thinking about him until it hurt, the torment was tearing her to pieces, wishing she could regain the smile she had had with him. With no love in her heart again she felt lost, she was slowly beginning to take the blame off him and put it all on herself. Thinking that surely, she was now suffering what she had made him suffer for so many days.

 What would become of her now that she wouldn't have him?

 —You must have realised that something is missing. —Stella finally said, referring to Moxxie—.

 —Him? What's he got to do with it?

 —What do you think of him, daughter?

 —I like him, he's a good person.

 —Am I a good person too?

 —I-I suppose so, though not when you were with dad.

 —Don't mention it...

 —Do you also...?

 —Ironic, I know.

 —Well, if Dad can be happy with one, I don't see why you can't.

 —I don't... I don't think so...




 Moxxie talked it over with Millie when he managed to find calm; she just comforted him, it was as if she knew the truth. But she wouldn't tell him anything.

Millie was always a great wife, always found great support from Moxxie, felt good when she was with him, felt better when they were married and knew he would always be there for her. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him and hearing him talk that way about Stella –about how he felt now that everything was back to relative normality.

 —Do you love her?

 —What are you talking about Millie?

 —You can't lie to me Moxx', how you talked about her these last days, how your eyes sparkled, and you smiled, I saw the same sparkle and smile in you when we fell in love, remember? Even after your strange explanation you couldn't hide that you were sorry to lose her.

 —B-but you're the one I love.

 —Sometimes it happens that we love more than one person, and that's okay. —Millie was adjusting Moxxie's hair—. As long as there is respect between all parties, of course.

 —I don't-no, I don't know.

 Moxxie felt Stella's heart in his heart, beating at the same time as hers, but how was it possible that love was on the line?

 This feeling crushed him and he wanted to run, he was as ready as a loaded gun ready to fire.

 But he couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped and confused in a mess he never thought he'd get into. Confused at the sight of Millie who wouldn't let him hide his heart. If he didn't give his heart wings; he could never fly.

 He had to break down the walls of his prison, cut through the fence, but there was pain; pain that burned in his eyes.

 Besides, he didn't know that Stella loved him too, the picture for him was that she didn't love him as he loved her. He could not allow himself to believe otherwise either.

 He didn't want to admit it to Millie either as he didn't think she would be able to understand.

 —Talk to her Moxx'.




 It was a few days before Moxxie had the courage to talk to Stella, but he had no choice, he had to. As usual, he went to Stella's house in the middle of the day and knocked on the door.

 Like a miracle, if such miracles were possible in hell, Stella came out.

 —Stella, that letter, it wasn't...

 —It doesn't matter Moxxie. It was silly of us to forget that it was just work.

 —You don't understand. —Moxxie began his sermon—. When I look in your eyes, I know I'm right, and that if there's anything worth fighting for; it's love. We only get one chance at life and .... you are what I want. I already talked to Millie and if you don't have a problem; neither does she. —He took a second to gulp for air—. Running from each other won't set us free. I want to hold you now and forever, forget the stupid past and leave it behind. I don't know why, I don't know how, Stella.... I love you.

 Silence ruled an eternal second that felt like a minute, a minute that felt like an hour and an hour that felt like eternity.

 —Moxxie. —Stella finally spoke—. Assuming I loved you. I'd say things like I wish I could give you the whole world, protect you like you've protected me, give you hell on a silver platter. That when I'm with you all my strength is gone, and I become vulnerable as if anything could kill me in that instant. Maybe I could write you a great poem or learn to cook for you. I would say that you have me so in love that I could only dream of this day coming. Assuming I loved you.

 —Do you love me?

 Stella sighed, picked up her dress and knelt down; standing in front of Moxxie, almost like on her birthday, when Moxxie fell on top of her, and their faces almost came together for the first time.

 —Should I love you?

 Stella took Moxxie by the shoulders and gave him a kiss on the lips, her beak felt so foreign to him, but he didn't care. And to the rhythm of Phil Collins' You Can't Hurry Love playing in Stella's car; it was time for a real date.