In the heart of the land lies the Empire of Jin, a vast and powerful realm governed by the venerable Imperial Family. The aging Emperor, a wise ruler with a keen understanding of history and tradition, presides over this nation. The Imperial Family, believed to possess a divine right to rule, boasts a long lineage of valor and heritage. The capital city, Jinheung, is a vibrant metropolis teeming with grand palaces, ancient temples, and a bustling marketplace. It stands as the political and cultural heart of the empire.
The complex world of Murim is woven from numerous sects and factions, each with distinct characteristics and roles. At its center lies the Murim Alliance, a coalition of righteous sects and families dedicated to maintaining peace and balance.
||| The Great 8 Sects:
1. "Mount Hua Sect": Nestled on Mt. Hua, renowned for their elegant plum blossom sword style and unwavering adherence to honor and virtue.
2. "Shaolin Sect": Buddhist monks who master external martial arts without weapons, promoting peace and compassion.
3. "Wudang Sect": A Daoist sect focusing on internal martial arts and harmony with nature.
4. "Emei Sect": An all-female sect akin to the Shaolin Sect, with nuns skilled in martial arts.
5. "Diancang Sect": A lesser-known sect, shrouded in mystery.
6. "Kongtong Sect": Skilled spearmen known for their precise and deadly techniques.
7. "Hao Clan": Focused on nightlife and information brokerage, similar to the Beggar Sect.
8. "Beggar Sect": A network of beggars who gather and sell information, acting as vast spies and informants.
||| Unrivaled Faction:
A group of martial artists who strive to become the ultimate warriors, unmatched in combat and skill.
1. "Dragon's Fang Sect": Known for their aggressive and powerful martial arts style.
2. "Iron Fist Brotherhood": Focuses on brute strength and endurance, training their bodies to withstand incredible hardship.
3. "Storm Eagle Clan": Emphasizes speed and agility, with techniques resembling a predatory bird's swiftness.
||| Unorthodox Faction:
1. "Dark Faction": A secretive group operating in the underworld, dealing in illegal activities and dark magic.
2. "Demonic Cult": Worshipers of the Demon God and his bloodline.
In Murim, martial artists ascend through various realms, each representing a higher level of mastery and power:
1. "Initiate Realm": The starting point for all martial artists.
2. "Apprentice Realm": Martial artists gain proficiency in their style.
3. "Expert Realm": Recognized fighters known for their skill.
4. "Master Realm": Leaders of sects or clans with extraordinary abilities.
5. "Grandmaster Realm": Legends revered for their power and wisdom.
6. "Immortal Realm": Mythical beings with transcendent strength and knowledge.
Eight hundred years ago, Murim was torn apart by a great war between the orthodox and unorthodox sects. The conflict ended with the Treaty of Peace, establishing boundaries and rules for coexistence. Despite the treaty, old grudges simmer, leading to occasional skirmishes and intrigue.
The Empire of Jin thrives on trade, with bustling markets and trade routes connecting different regions. Annual festivals like the Festival of Blossoms and the Martial Arts Tournament bring people together. The empire's geography is diverse, with towering mountains, dense forests, fertile plains, and serene lakes.
||| Powerhouses:
- "Murim Alliance": 9 Grandmasters :5 Kings, 3 Emperors, and 1 Martial God.
- "Unrivaled Faction": 4 Sovereigns.
- "Demonic Cult": 10 Demons and their Heavenly Demon God.