Chereads / THE SHATTERED REALM: FORGOTTEN ECHOES / Chapter 12 - Mischievous King

Chapter 12 - Mischievous King

Gebreth watched Henndar go on, and as they rounded the corner, Henndar found himself meeting Kethra. Her expression changed from normal to slight surprise, and he smiled.

Just when they thought all was calm and Henndar wouldn't do anything odd, Henndar shifted forward a little, blurring his figure ever so slightly and putting them all on alert.

Kethra found her face right in front of somebody and reflexively stretched her hand to shield the children behind her since this husband of hers was just too unpredictable. But then, his face drew closer, and she felt a slight tap at her ankle.

His foot?

She was too startled to do anything immediately about the situation she found herself in.

Henndar's grin became wider as he took hold of her outstretched arm, slipping the other to her lower back to prevent her fall. He held her only a few inches off the ground and stared deeply into her yellow eyes with a charming smile and a smug look, as if he'd just saved the whole world.

"Are you okay? You almost fell there," Henndar asked sincerely, as if he had no hand in what had just happened. Kethra felt the few gazes on her and turned her head to see three pairs of eyes staring at her confusedly. For them, she had been walking normally, then stretched out her hand and fell. Her face brightened slightly, and she released herself, standing up.

The color on her face had reduced to a slight pink over her cheeks. She smoothed her hair and repositioned her crown properly on her head. Henndar's eccentricity was on a full streak. He came closer to her again, startling everyone as he held her face gently.

"Is something troubling you, my love?" Henndar's voice softened, his teasing tone layered with mock sincerity.

Kethra's face turned redder as she felt her husband's face inching closer and closer to hers until the air they breathed was the same.

"Is something the matter? You know I can always help," he said softly.

The children watched the unfolding scene with wide eyes and varied reactions. Arami- no, Ara's eyebrows twitched violently as her fists clenched. Lia's jaw had dropped, and she alternated between shock and giddy laughter threatening to spill out. Mozrael, on the other hand, froze completely, her face flushing slightly, unsure if she should look away or intervene.

"Ahem!" Gebreth loudly cleared his throat and coughed a little just in time to stop Henndar from his advances, letting Kethra extricate herself from him. He discreetly gestured toward the children behind Kethra.

Henndar turned to look at them, an unapologetic grin spread across his face. "Ah, apologies, my dear children. Did I interrupt your studies of romantic courtship?"

Ara's face darkened. "Interrupt? You call this teaching?!"

Lia burst into giggles, clutching her stomach. "It''s so awkwardly perfect. I can't breathe."

Mozrael shuffled awkwardly, her hands twisting at the hem of her sleeve. "I...I don't think I should've seen that."

Henndar raised a brow at their responses, clearly enjoying the chaos. He stepped toward Ara with his characteristic teasing smile. "And you, Ara? Does this inspire you to find your own prince charming someday?"

"What it inspires is entirely inappropriate," Ara gritted through clenched teeth, her face turning a shade darker.

Henndar's laugh filled the corridor. "Ah, such fiery resolve! You'll make an excellent ruler one day."

Ara's glare intensified, and she took a threatening step toward him, but Gebreth placed a firm hand on her shoulder, halting her. "It's not worth it, Ara. He thrives on reactions like yours."

Ara sighed heavily, muttering under her breath, "One day...just one day."

Henndar moved on to Lia, whose laughter had subsided into hiccups. "And you, little one? Enjoying the show?"

Lia gave him a mischievous grin. "Immensely, your Majesty. You're much better than the jesters."

 Ara was startled, Jesters? Where did she learn that word? 

Henndar clutched his chest dramatically. "Flattery will get you everywhere, young lady."

Finally, he turned to Mozrael, who seemed intent on blending into the wall. "And you, Mozrael? Speechless?"

She startled under his gaze, her face reddening. "N-No, your Majesty. I's not my place to comment."

Henndar chuckled, reaching out to ruffle her hair lightly. "Wise as ever."

Kethra, who had been watching the scene with a mix of exasperation and embarrassment, finally stepped forward, her voice firm. "Enough, Henndar. You've tormented us all enough for one day."

Henndar held up his hands in mock surrender, his grin never wavering. "As you wish, my queen. But do let me know if I can be of further...assistance."

Henndar's gaze shifted, his attention settling on Ara. He approached her with a mock-serious expression. "Oh, my, Ara. I didn't notice you earlier. Something's different about you." He paused for effect, a teasing smile tugging at his lips. "Ah, of course—your hair. You didn't tie it today, did you?"

A vein visibly twitched on Ara's forehead as her fists clenched at her sides. "What's wrong, Ara?" Henndar asked innocently, his grin breaking into laughter that echoed down the corridor.

Ara took a step forward, her glare sharp enough to cut steel, but Gebreth's hand landed on her shoulder, holding her back.

"It's not worth it, little girl," he whispered. "You know it'll only make things worse. He'll enjoy it."

Ara's death glare turned on Gebreth. "What did you just call me?"

Gebreth's face paled slightly. "Uh…slip of the tongue?" he offered weakly, stepping back as a bead of sweat trickled down his temple. WRONG WORDS, WRONG WORDS!

Henndar burst into another fit of laughter, clutching his sides. Kethra, worried, reached out to steady him as he coughed mid-laugh. Ara's glare darkened, her mind racing with sinister thoughts. One day… One lucky day, one lucky mistake, and this kingdom will lose its king.

Behind her, Lia giggled, struggling to muffle the sound with her hands. Ara's gaze flicked to the source of the giggle and then to Mozrael, who—to her dismay—wore a small, amused smile.

"You too?" Ara hissed. Mozrael quickly looked away, murmuring a faint, "Sorry."

Ara clenched her fists and stepped in front of Gebreth, bowing slightly. "Master Gebreth, I wish to train all day under your supervision. Please help me."

Gebreth felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Henndar and Lia's expressions—both suddenly serious and dark, their playful demeanors evaporating in unison. Like father, like daughter, he thought grimly.

"I'm afraid I cannot," Gebreth said finally.

"Why not?" Ara pressed, her tone edged with determination.

"Uh… I have… things… to attend to," Gebreth stammered.

Weird...he never stammers

"I can help with those things," Ara countered. "You've trained me well enough to assist you."

"Not an option," Gebreth replied firmly. "I'll be too busy."

"Then give me homework," Ara insisted, her desperation shining through.

Damn, this kid's persistent, Henndar thought.

"Wait," Henndar interjected, drawing everyone's attention. He wore a thoughtful expression, his brows furrowed. "Something's not right. Where's Aramith?"

Kethra's hand pinched his side discreetly but firmly. "Don't push too hard," she whispered, though her grip was merciless.

Henndar's grin twitched as he winced internally. Honey, are you trying to kill me?

"I just find it odd," Henndar continued, ignoring the pain. "Aramith avoids his sister like the plague. Isn't that strange? Ara, do you think he hates you? Or is he jealous because you're too much like him? Let's see… same silky black hair, same purple eyes, same pale skin… Maybe he's shy." He turned to Mozrael. "What do you think?"

"Heh?" Mozrael squeaked, caught off guard.

Kethra narrowed her eyes at him but couldn't stop the faint smile that tugged at her lips. Gebreth, meanwhile, ushered the children down the corridor.

"WHAT?" All three children exclaimed after they had rounded the corner.

"Oh wow, I should- we should be going," Henndar suddenly said loudly to cover the sound and prevent Kethra from hearing, but it was too late.

She frowned, gripping Henndar strongly. "You're not going anywhere. You've done something again, haven't you?"

"Nothing," he smiled awkwardly, trying to free himself as Kethra dragged him towards the children.

When they rounded the corner, Kethra was just as confused as the six people there. There were two Gebreths. One with the children, and another who stood a short distance away with a soldier.

"Explain yourself," Kethra's gaze on Henndar was piercing.

"Hehehe." Henndar grinned and secretly signaled to the Gebreth who was with the children. The man turned around and tried to run, but two people acted in unison against him. Vines and ropes of blood materialized out of thin air, grabbing him and pinning him to the ground.

The pinned Gebreth shimmered and turned into an exact replica of Henndar.

Gebreth frowned but let out a sigh, showing frustration rather than anger.


"It was a clone of mine," he quickly explained.

"Aha! I knew something was wrong with Gebreth," Ara said but then covered her mouth and hid behind Mozrael. Mozrael, not wanting any trouble, simply shifted aside.

"Aramith!" Gebreth scolded, shaking the corridor with his booming voice.

"She's Ara," Lia chipped in helpfully.

Gebreth frowned now. "Aramith!"

"Yes, sir," he responded meekly.

"Explain yourself. Why are you dressed as a girl?" His tone was sharp and frightening.

"I was forced into it," Aramith muttered. He was too embarrassed.

"So someone else stripped you entirely and put these clothes one you? Surely, you don't think anyone will believe you just sat there for them to dress you up?"

" I swear I'm not the one. They all forced .e into it," he was on the verge of tears.

Lia suddenly gasped. "But you chose it yourself and put it on. Why are you blaming others?"

"What? It's not my fault."

"Lies," Lia shot back.

"Enough! Go and get changed this instant and get to the training grounds."

They all hesitated, and Lia looked at their mother for help.

"The shopping," Lia mouthed silently. Kethra shrugged, showing her helplessness in the situation.

"In fact, go there now. You might as well train in that silly outfit if that's what you want to wear."

Aramith felt wronged once again. "But—"

"Go!" Gebreth's tone was final.

The three awkwardly left.

"You're not getting away," Gebreth suddenly shouted at Henndar, who had been quietly putting some distance between him and the group.

"Why are you doing that to him? And why did you have to make a copy of me to cause all that misunderstanding?"

"It was the woman I married who did it," Henndar quickly shifted the blame to Kethra.

Gebreth's Jaw dropped. The balls this man has to blame it on her.

"Oh, I see," she responded calmly, her tone unreadable.

"Wait, I was just joking." He tried to explain himself to Kethra.

"I understand. You'll be sleeping in the garden tonight. Wait, I am just joking too." She turned to leave.

"Come on," Henndar groaned and hugged her from behind.

She turned her head to face him, a smile that didn't reach her eyes plastered on her face. Her predatory gaze sent a chill down his spine, and he let go, jumping back.

"But you said you were joking, right? Right?" 

The woman was too stunned to speak

"She's scary," he complained to Gebreth, pointing a finger at Kethra who was walking away with a frightening air about her. "She might kill someone"

The only killable person is you, Gebreth thought.

"Why are you so..." Gebreth shook his head, letting out a sigh.

Henndar suddenly noticed the guard who had been watching the whole scene, smiling.

The whole thing was funny to him. He couldn't wait to tell his friends. "hehehe"

"What are you looking at?" Henndar shot a deadly look at the soldier, then waved his hand at him, erasing his memory of the last events he had just witnessed.

The poor soldier looked around, startled. What...just happened?

"I hate my life," Henndar complained to Gebreth.

"You make it that way yourself. Don't blame anyone else," Gebreth responded.