Draven, sweat pouring down his face, said, "Sorry, I meant Hannah. Why don't you put down the bow first? Let's..." He didn't finish his sentence before Hannah shot an arrow.
The arrow was about to pierce through Draven's eye, but he quickly moved his head to the side, dodging it. However, the arrow still cut off a strand of his white hair. After dodging, he quickly jumped back, his bow still in his hand, distancing himself from Hannah.
"Hey, are you trying to kill me?" Draven asked Hannah. She didn't say anything; she drew her bow, and a Mana arrow appeared.
Draven thought inwardly, Damn, is this brat trying to kill me? Outwardly, he said, "Hey Hannah, I'm sorry for calling you a kid. Can you put the bow down first?"
Hannah shot another arrow, tearing through the air towards Draven. He moved, dodging the arrow, and said, "Hey kid, if you really want to hit me, you..." He was cut off because the arrow he dodged didn't stop, but turned around, heading for his back.
Before the arrow could hit him, he sensed it. Damn, how can an arrow change its direction in mid-flight? he thought.
Draven, holding his bow in his right hand, still wearing his gloves, quickly turned his body and moved his left hand, catching the arrow. Hannah, watching Draven catch the arrow, thought, He caught it.
Draven turned towards Hannah, holding the bow in his right hand and the arrow in his left. He crushed the arrow, and it disappeared. "Hey kid, I thought we were hitting it off," he said.
Hannah, in a calm and quiet voice, said, "I'm not a kid."
Draven looked at Hannah, his eyes widening. "Wow, kid, I never thought you could actually speak," he said.
Hannah, drawing her bow, said, "I'm not a kid."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. You're not a kid. So can you put the bow down?" Draven asked.
Hannah shot another arrow, tearing through the air towards Draven. He just stood still, without trying to dodge. When the arrow got closer, he moved his left hand, catching it.
Draven, holding the arrow, squeezed his hand, crushing the arrow. Smiling, his red eyes glowing, he began stretching his body.
"Hey kid, if you want to play so badly, I'm willing to play with you," he said, still smiling.
Draven suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Hannah, still smiling. "Peekaboo," he said, swinging his left hand, throwing a punch towards Hannah, who, still standing in the same spot, thought, He's fast.