Draven quickly moved to the side of the vampire, delivering a low kick that snapped one of the vampire's legs. The vampire didn't even realize his leg was deformed until he lost his balance and fell. As the vampire reached the ground, Draven moved, grabbing the vampire's head and slamming it into the ground with a crack. He lifted the head, his face now covered in blood. What the hell just happened? I wasn't even able to react, he thought. He looked at the vampire. "Still not going to talk?" He slammed the vampire's head into the ground again. The vampire's eyes rolled back, and he passed out.
Draven looked at the unconscious vampire. This dumbass just passed out, he thought with a smile.
He grabbed one of the vampire's hand's "You haven't answered my question," he said. He ripped the vampire's left hand off. The vampire's eyes snapped open, and he screamed. He looked at Draven, who was smiling back at him. "Still not going to talk, are you?"
The vampire, writhing in pain, managed to say, "Do you think tearing my hand off is going to make me talk?"
Draven smiled. "That's why I said this was going to be fun." He grabbed the vampire's remaining hand and ripped it off. The vampire, covered in blood, screamed and cried, saliva dripping from his mouth. Draven didn't stop.
He ripped off the vampire's legs. He stood near the now limbless vampire. He didn't talk even when I tore off his limbs, Draven thought. "So it turns out low-rank vampires can't regenerate new limbs. They can only reattach their old ones." The vampire passed out on the floor, only one hand remaining attached.
Draven walked towards the vampire. "Since you're not going to talk," he said, "there's no use keeping you alive." He stood above the vampire, raised his leg, and brought it down with force, killing the vampire instantly. Draven, covered in blood, started walking away from the vampire's remains.
There might be more of them around the forest, he thought. Dem I forgot to ask him to use blood magic he turn towards the head corpse of the vampire maybe he might regenerate "he thought " nahh his death I should probably go and tell the old man. He leaped into the trees, moving quickly from branch to branch.
As he left, a man with black hair, red eyes, and pale skin appeared. He looked at the remains of the vampire and then vanished.
Draven reached the castle. He told a maid to prepare his bath and went to meet his father in his office, informing him about what had happened in the forest.
"Draven father said" so how does it feel killing someone for the first time
Is not like it's my first time killing I have kill lots of people in my past life so I basically feels nothing "Draven thought"
"Draven replies"I don't really feel anything
"Draven father said" I will advise you to get some rest and don't think about it too much it's Bond to happen sooner or later in this world it's either kill or be killed if you didn't kill them you would be Dead. killing them was the right choice
"Draven said" ok Dad and walk towards the door
I guess it's natural for me to kill them since
they were planning to kill me anyway even if they didn't plan to kill me I might have kill them either way "Draven thought" and walk out of the office
We next see him in his room, having finished his bath. I guess The old man was right about it in this world it's either kill or be killed , he thought.