"Sergeant Zhao Yan. He is simply the best. "By the way I am Cheng Peng. Police Commissioner 级警监 (èrjí jǐngjiān) of Qujiang District, China. And you must be Ruan Thaiun."- The Police commissioner replied, he had short hair in his small head, He was big and tall. His body was bigger than his shape of the head. He had a small mustache under his fat nose.
"Nice to meet you commissioner."- Ruan Thaiun replied at the Commissioner.
"I know who you are, You know what Ruan, Sergeant Zhao Yan is one of your biggest admirer. He always keeps telling us about you, the beautiful girl with soft red lips, seductive eyes, silky smooth hair. so on….so on.. but all are good things about you."
Ruan Thaiun face became red her as she was blushing, she said, "You know how Sergeant Zhao Yan is… he is keeps telling these extra praises that are even hardly true. "
"Anyways. Thanks to both of you, my condolence to Mrs. Waun for her loss. Please tell her we are right behind her. And she can be assured that still there are some good cops left in the town."
"It's assuring to hear that, commissioner Cheng Peng. And thanks for all the compliment."- Ruan Thainun said to the Police Commissioner.
Sergeant Zhao Yan came to me and he said, "I really thought that I am bravest person of my force, but seeing your talent I may have to rethink. Take care, we really need you in this war against the synchronized mafia. The Brotherhood has become the growing superpower and only with the help from the super talented people like you. I believe we can defeat the evil and bring peace."
Then he shakes his hands with me and came closer to Ruan Thaiun. And he said softly with his husky voice," Runa I was wondering that I could have a dinner together sometimes… All I am asking is that give me a chance, I really don't want to force you in a relationship, but all I am asking that just give both of us a chance."
Ruan did not say anything rather she smile and said, may be sometimes as the great poet Robert Burns once said in his poem,
" O my love is like a red, red rose.
That's newly sprung in June;
O my love is like the melody
That's Sweetly played in tune;
As fair art thou, by bonnie lass,
So deep in love am I,
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till at the seas gang dry
Till at the seas gang dry, my Dear
And the rocks melt with the sun
I will love thee still, my dear
While the sands of life shall run
And fare thee weel my only love
And fare thee well a while!
And I will come again, my love
Tho' it were ten thousand mile."
"I am not much poetic person, so did not understand much, but one day you can tell me what it really means. Looking forward to see that day."- Sergeant Zhao replied to Ruan as he waves his hands and said good bye to us as he headed towards the police van.
Police Commissioner Cheng Peng waved his hands at us said, "good work my friend! "and Sergeant Zhao Yan left with the criminals while I into a van with Ruan Thaiun.
"I think I wonder that Sergeant Zhao Yan has a big crush on you."
I was about to say something in return but I was stopped to see a big four-wheeler was waiting for us and Brouno was in front he came with a big smile in his face and a sense of relief.
"Nice to see you are ok, dear Ruan Thaiun, I was really worried about you. Even Mrs. Waun was very happy to know you are all right, and Chen was arrested."
The old man named Bruno holds Ruan Thaiun showing how much she care for her. I could literally feel there is great bond between Bruno and Ruan Thaiun. He really admires Ruan as his own child. It seems to caught my eye from the very beginning.
"Mr. Lee we have arranged car for both of you, good to see you too, we are really impressed with you. We are proud that a great worrier and the great Soul Hunter is among us and fighting for the justice."- Bruno shake my hand as there was a smirk in his face.
Thank you, Mr. Bruno, I am all right. Just got some bruises while Chen caught me and tried to beat the hell out of me"- I replied at Bruno even though I did not think that he really likes me.
Mr. Lee we have arrange medical support and full refreshment for you. It's not likely for a normal being to be this strong after a hasty beat-up from the Brotherhood. But you are very strong and brave, and you really have a great soul.."
There was a four-wheeler big SUV was waiting for us. I was really surprised to see that Dr. Lily was also there and as soon as she saw me she came down and hugged me tightly, I felt a bit shy but good to know these people are very caring.
Again, Brouno sat ahead with the driver on the contrary Ruan Thaiun and Dr. Lily sat with me in the back. Dr. Lily had brought first aid kit with her, then she began to take care of my wounds.
The car was moving gently towards back to the place of Mrs. Wuan. It was really nice to see the cloud outside, as the sky was becoming bit like orange as sun was about to set in the sky.
"You know what Ruan I think I wonder that Sergeant Zhao Yan really likes you very much, you can really have a dinner with him."
Ruan Thaiun began to laugh loudly she pause for a second holding my hand she said- "You know what! who else has a crush on someone. It's Dr. Lily she could literally eat you up like a piece of cake."
"Oh, now you want to avoid the conversation and pass on to me and Dr. Lily"- I replied at Ruan as she was making the joke on me.
"I am not joking with you hunter. Dr. Lily is all wet for your cock, he really likes you like crazy."
"Stop it please Ruan Thaiun, It's embarrassing. I just want to know Mr. Lee. So, I was thinking for a dinner together." Dr. Lily said softly as her cheeks began to get pink.
"Don't worry Dr. Lily. He will take you to a romantic dinner tomorrow, then probably you two can eat each other. May spend the whole night in a room" Ruan Thaiun said and she winked at me.