Chapter 2 What is happening?
Within the still car, the airbags began to deflate quickly, giving way to the view of a shattered windscreen that was once clear see-through, the screen, pure white filled with numerous cracks made it impossible to see though.
The situation, made Chase panic. Due to the window screen being the first thing he saw after waking up, made Chase feel a sense of isolation, as a result he made no attempt to call an ambulance or drive the car, remembering he turned towards Jennifer.
''Jennifer! Come on now, wake up!'' He said, panicking.
Bits and pieces of the windscreen began to fall down, it bounced off the dashboard, as it did the feeling of isolation Chase had of his surroundings crumble little by little.
The sound of the window falling apart was quite, it sounded like cracking ice, but it was enough to stir Jennifer from her unconscious state.
As to why Chase's voice was seemingly ineffective is unknown.
Seconds passed, and the people within the car if looking could see outside of the front view. The sun was high up in the sky however, it was blocked perpetually by something, creating the effects of light rays and shadows the clouds cast upon the ground on cloudy days with a bright sun.
Jennifer opened up her eyelids slowly, squinting her eyes as the rays of light hit her though the window screen, by the time her eyes had fully opened, the front view of the car was clear as day without any obstruction.
''What is that?'' She mumbled, feeling weak and helpless.
''Jennifer!'' Chase called to her, but everything was all hazy, and with Chase to her right side and not in front of her sight, she couldn't focus on him.
Her sight was the first of her senses to clear up completely, this allowed her to get a better look at it, as it blotched out the sun occasionally with its wings.
From her understanding, this creature reminded her of those ancient Chinese dragons, but something was off.
The creature was covered in pale lavender and white feathers, all along its body asides from its head.
Where they should have been whiskers, was nothing but scales. These were the only features she could make out with her cracked but still miraculously intact round glasses.
She couldn't help but try to point to the creature with her right hand pointer finger, but failed halfway, it was this action that caused the catalyst, returning to her the sense of pain, and that pain, flooded her other senses as a result it returned them all to her immediately.
''Arrg.'' She grunted, as tears welled up at the corner of her eyes.
''Jennifer!'' Chase called out for the third time, this time she could hear him.
''Look.'' She stated, unable to look away from the mythical dragon she could have only imagined before, she passed out unconscious from the bloodied pain of her broken left arm, and overload senses.
Startled, he glanced in the same direction, Chase froze, and trembled, he could only think.
''Isn't that heading…Home?''
Meanwhile high up in the sky, but clear enough for a curious child to see spontaneously, the recognised by Jennifer, ancient mythical dragon headed in the direction of Chase's and Jennifer's home place.
A city!
The portal opened up not far away from this city, only a few dozen minutes away if a car moved fast enough without stopping for traffic along the way.
Looking forwards, the known dragon can see things she has never seen before in her 50 years of life.
'So much glass…And people.' She thought to herself in wonder, at the outskirts of the city.
'No walls? What about the monsters? How will they defend themselves when they all look so…Normal?''
Curious, she used her second psionic ability to awaken, clairvoyance.
Down on the ground of the bustling city center in the middle of the afternoon, men and women head to work in suits and business clothes. In parts of the city center that's more prosperous looking than the other parts of it, these types of people rarely, if ever, look up into the sky at work hours, as they are more concerned about status, wealth and reputation.
These types of people are middle class in society, the highest class within this city, as the city is not very big, especially in consideration to surrounding cities, this one is just a middle class city called Leeds.
So as the dragon flew over that part of the city, casting shadows on the ground. It was not noticed by these types of people, instead it was noticed by the curious children, who walked hand in hand or ran in front of less minded parents, as they talked to other parents, or parents that simply zoned out the monotonous life, as they headed to local transport. The places with these types of people within the city center, are seen at this time of the afternoon in areas of the city center that are visibly less prosperous than the previous one.
Beggars can be seen on the street corners, some with signs, some begged for pennies, and others just silent with cups and boxes laid in front of them. Street performers sang and others created musical sounds, theses scenes are also prevalent here.
The children played in parks, babies in prams, teenagers hung around street corners, chatting with friends just outside fast food restaurants, or in front of bus stops wanting to go home, as school finished.
These types of people, they were the ones to look up into the air.
''Hahaha, Tom, you are so silly.'' A teenage girl said in school uniform, as she hung around in a group outside a popular fast food restaurant.
he teenager smiled superiorly, as he was the funniest one here, but everyone quickly forgot about that smug, irritating smile, as it faltered completely, as a look of shock, disbelief and fear was reflected in the eyes of everyone present.
''Look!'' He shouted, as his face became red from embarrassment, moments later as his shout was loud enough he felt the eyes of many passing people in the vicinity, he glanced down a little with the corner of his eyes, just to make sure his friends could see what he could see, but he didn't care about the hot feeling in his chest and face, or so he was telling himself, as he continued to point towards the sky.
The more he did, the more he forgot about the been embarrassed, and the more he felt the urge to kneel inexplicably.
This wasn't the only case that happened within the city center, and Tom certainly was not the only one with the urge to kneel.
The beggars, at least the ones not pretending, when they saw the majestic creature, their eyes began to water, as they got onto their hands and knees while they looked up into the sky.
In the sky.
'Ah…' She thought, feeling embarrassed about her own actions, as she accidentally made the weak minded people who saw her, feel such emotions towards herself.
It was not intentional, just the result of the aura of her clairvoyance psionic ability in use. Her embarrassment stems from part of her moral code.
'Respect is given, not through force or coercion, but through ability and charisma.' This was something taught to her from a young age by her family traditions, as they're origins as a race is unique, requiring such traditions and doctrine growing up, otherwise, the world will be thrown into chaos.
'Hmm.' She thought, with a glance away from the city's center, she felt a strange sensation through her clairvoyance, at the more rural part of the entire city, a place bordered on being called farmland by the modern inhabitants of the city.
'Building level strength!' She couldn't believe it…