Diagon Alley
Hagrid let out a hearty laugh as they exited Gringotts, while Harry remained wide-eyed with astonishment. The gleaming heaps of gold in his vault, the grand architecture of the wizarding bank, and the bustling marvels of Diagon Alley—it was all more than he could have imagined. This world was unlike anything he'd ever known, and he couldn't wait to explore every corner of it. What could possibly come next, Harry wondered.
"Best to get your supplies now," Hagrid said, pulling out a crumpled piece of parchment. "You've still got your list, right?"
Harry nodded, clutching the list tightly. Over the next several hours, the unlikely pair wandered through shop after shop, crossing off items one by one. They purchased schoolbooks—though Harry had tried, unsuccessfully, to convince Hagrid to buy a few extra titles that caught his eye ("Stick to what's on the list, Harry. Professors know best"). They picked up quills, stacks of parchment, and bottles of ink. A pewter cauldron and a beginner's set of potion ingredients soon joined the collection. Most exciting of all, Harry chose his wand: holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, a perfect fit. He itched to test it out immediately, but Hagrid reminded him to wait until he was safely at Hogwarts.
"Just the robes left now," Hagrid said, pointing toward a shop with a sign that read Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. "I've got something else to sort out. Think you can handle this one on your own? I'll meet you back here in a bit." With a wave, Hagrid lumbered off into the crowd.
Feeling a little nervous but determined not to show it, Harry stepped into the shop. To bolster his confidence, he pushed the door open harder than intended.
"Ow!" came a sharp cry. Startled, Harry realized he had accidentally hit someone with the door. Standing before him was a tall man with unkempt blond hair, holding his nose and glaring furiously.
"Watch where you're going, boy! You clumsy brat!" the man snapped, his voice brimming with anger.
"I'm sorry!" Harry stammered, feeling his cheeks flush. "I didn't mean to—it was an accident, I swear!" Memories of Uncle Vernon's punishments flashed through his mind.
The man muttered something under his breath, glared at Harry one last time, and stormed off without further comment. Relieved, Harry stepped inside and let the door close behind him.
The shop's interior was quiet, save for the faint rustle of fabric. Near the counter stood a girl about Harry's age. She had honey-blonde hair that framed her face and was wearing a deep blue cloak. What caught Harry's attention, though, was her smile. It was barely there, just a slight lift at the corners of her mouth, as if she had forgotten how to smile fully. Yet it was a smile Harry recognized all too well. It was the kind of smile that came from someone used to hiding their true feelings—a smile he'd learned to wear himself over the years.
Before Harry could dwell on it, the girl's expression changed. Her smile faded, her blue eyes turning distant and unreadable as she turned her attention to the approaching shopkeeper, Madam Malkin.
"Hogwarts, dear?" Madam Malkin asked, her tone brisk yet warm.
"Yes," Harry answered enthusiastically.
"Yes," the girl said, her voice calm and emotionless. It was pleasant, Harry thought, but guarded.
Madam Malkin led them to the back of the shop, where another assistant waited. They were each directed to a stool, and the fitting began. The assistants draped long black robes over them, pinning and adjusting the fabric as needed.
Harry glanced at the girl beside him. She hadn't spoken a word since entering the fitting area, her focus seemingly elsewhere. The silence stretched on, and Harry decided to break it.
"So, you're starting at Hogwarts too?" he asked.
"Yes," she replied, finally looking at him. Her eyes, once so striking, now seemed dull and guarded, as if a curtain had been drawn over them. Harry found it disheartening; those weren't the eyes of a carefree child.
Hoping to keep the conversation going, Harry introduced himself. "I'm Harry. Harry Potter. What's your name?"
The girl's expression shifted, her brow furrowing. "And why should I care?" she asked coolly, her tone sharp.
Harry blinked, caught off guard. "I… I just thought it would be nice to introduce ourselves," he said, feeling awkward. "We might end up in the same house, after all."
She studied him for a moment, her gaze piercing. Then, as if coming to a decision, she spoke. "Daphne Greengrass."
Harry repeated her name in his mind. Daphne. It sounded elegant, almost musical. "Nice to meet you, Daphne," he said, offering his hand.
After a brief hesitation, she shook it. Later, Harry would often think back to this moment, but for now, it was simply a handshake between two children.
"Are you excited about Hogwarts?" Harry asked, hoping to keep the conversation alive.
Daphne considered this before answering. "In a way. It will be an interesting experience, I suppose." She gestured toward the shop's window. "That man outside seems to be waiting for you."
Harry turned to look and saw Hagrid standing there, holding two ice cream cones and waving enthusiastically.
"That's Hagrid," Harry said, grinning. "He works at Hogwarts."
Madam Malkin returned then, handing them their completed robes. As Harry fumbled with his coin pouch to pay, the shop door opened, and a woman entered. She had honey-blonde hair like Daphne's and wore an elegant emerald-green robe, but her expression was cold and severe.
"Are you finished?" the woman asked, her tone devoid of warmth.
"Yes, Mother," Daphne replied, her voice subdued. The interaction reminded Harry of how he spoke to Aunt Petunia—with caution and resignation.
As Daphne moved to leave, Harry called after her. "Do you think we'll see each other on the train?"
Daphne paused. "Perhaps, if you're early," she said quietly.
Her mother's gaze snapped to Harry. "And who are you?" she asked icily.
"Harry Potter, ma'am," Harry said, trying to sound polite. But the woman's expression darkened, and she turned away without another word.
"Come, Daphne," she commanded, sweeping out of the shop. Daphne followed, not looking back.
Outside, Hagrid handed Harry an ice cream cone. "What's got you lookin' so down?" he asked.
Harry took a lick of his cone, savoring the mix of chocolate and raspberry. "Oh, nothing," he said quietly.
"Was she a new friend?"
Harry hesitated. "Maybe. I hope so. I've never really had a friend before."
"Well, you've got one now," Hagrid said with a grin. "Now, how 'bout we get you a birthday present? Fancy an owl? Always handy to have one of your own."
Harry brightened at the idea and followed Hagrid down the bustling street, thoughts of Hogwarts and newfound possibilities filling his mind.
I do not have a p@t r3on and I will NEVER lock chapters or accept premium status if WN offered, so if you guys enjoy my work and would like to donate to me, I would HIGHLY appreciate any Counter-Strike 2 skins if anyone here plays! I would be grateful for anything, gun skins, charms, stickers, cases, pins, patches, agent skins (Number K pls 👀), you name it! (Gloves/Knives would be awesome if you are extra generous lol). https:// steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=172854453&token=C6tZ-Zrq (remove the space after the //)