Kael's hand blazed where the Etherion had touched him—a sigil glowing beneath his skin.
The same sigil that had adorned the Titan's corpse in his vision.
Lira cursed. "What did you DO?"
He didn't know.
But the whispers did.
*…they see you now…*
The ruins came apart like a dying man's last breath—slow, then all at once.
They were meant to blow it up themselves—escape through the chaos of its crumbling structure, but it seemed the ruins insistence of burying them and their atrocities in the rubble of the titans corps felt and upmost need.
So it collapsed.
Kael followed Lira through buckling corridors as the ceiling rained stone and rust.
Behind them, the Titan's vault screamed, its tendrils whipping through the air like furious serpents. The sigil on Kael's palm burned, a brand searing down to the bone.
"Left!" Lira choked, blood flecking her lips.