To say it was a system barely qualifies it as it is mostly a wishing machine with ablity to make any wish once a month
There are rules for making wishes
1 you can only make a wish on every full moon if you forgot then one chance is gone
2 any wish no matter how bad cannot be reversed
3 you cannot directly harm someone with ant wish
These rules are intriguing as well as bizarre because I does not restricts me in any type
Anyway i found myself in an alley and most bizarre thing is i am 10 years old and i have no record or even no one knows me so i made my first wish that is to become a pure blood wizard of gaunt family it was already 1982 si imagine dumbledore shock when he finds there is another decendent of salazar slytherin
Anyway with this identity i am never going to be on side od protagonist but i can still get the support of pure bloods
Anyway I am hungry and it is time to eat i don't know why but I can still use all three unforgivable curses without any wand maybe god wants me to become a dark wizard