林梦发现,容玲打牌的运气真的很好.如果他有时没有输,她会怀疑他在作弊.到头来,小家伙还是有些不情愿,似乎很喜欢"拍符"砸人头的动作.时雨等人要走了,他们回自己家吃晚饭了.林梦也立刻表示自己要走了.容玲眉头一冷,有些不爽.据他说,这个女人应该和他在一起,至少他现在是一个 "受伤的人".但林梦却坚决离开,为了避免这个男人逼迫她留下,她看到了机会,和其他人一起离开了.如此一来,当着众人的面,容玲也不会做任何太过霸道的事情.不是她不在乎他,而是她也是个有脾气的人.她之前哭得那么伤心,心都快要被撕裂了.那些悲伤不能说已经结束."今天是元旦,你回去没事,你别回去了!"容凌终于忍不住开口留住了他,剑一般的眉毛微微扭曲."当你回去时,还有事情要做."她轻声回应,拿起外套穿上.这样柔和的样子,让人感觉像是一拳打在棉花上,实在让人心灰意冷."那就让悠悠留下来吧!"轮到林梦皱眉了,低头问悠悠:"悠悠,要不要留在叔叔身边?!小家伙看了看容玲,又看了看林梦,最后摇了摇头,靠向林梦.他还是比较喜欢妈妈的,妈咪走到哪里,他都会跟着.容玲脸色一黑,一言不发.林梦去拿外套,穿在小家伙身上.时雨等人知道该怎么做,趁机先走了,留下林梦来不及说话留住他.但是——无论如何,她都要离开.她牵着小家伙的手,倔强地看着容玲."我先回去!"她 - 不再是他可以轻松控制的人!这个认识让他有点不高兴,也有点失望."让苗青跟着你.从现在开始,她就负责保护你了!林梦挑了挑眉."保护"?不是她怀疑,而是这个人是不是不适合?!容玲冷冷地自言自语道:"你可以放心地信任她.如果有你处理不了的地方,也可以向她寻求帮助.最近我身边有些动荡,可能会牵连到你,所以你得有人陪着你.她的眉头皱得越来越紧.他严肃地看着她."这不是一个请求,而是一个命令.苗青需要陪你出去.对外界来说,你可以称她为你的表妹,或者你的好朋友,等等.总之,做事方便就OK.这要看你自己的安排了."谁想让你难堪?"她突然问道,她关切的目光毫无掩饰地盯着他.他的眉毛暖和起来,嘴角卷曲."目前还没有得到证实,我们仍在寻找.""是...那天在高速公路上挡住你的那群人?荣玲微微点头.林梦的眼中顿时蒙上了一层阴影."那么...你得小心点!除此之外,她不知道自己还能做什么!爆炸物和狙击对于已经过了四年平静生活的她来说有点遥远.现在这些事情再次出现在她面前,她只能不知所措,更别提如何应对了.她...没有能力!想到容玲所说的保护,她转头看向苗青,表情露出犹豫.她握住小家伙的手,然后收紧了.苗青见状,向前走了两步,微微一笑,坦然地看着林梦."孟梦,不要怀疑我对你的忠诚.四年前,我对荣三叔忠心耿耿,四年后,我对荣玲忠心耿耿,现在,我对你忠心耿耿.正如"一个仆人不能侍奉两个主人"一样,一个优秀的员工不可能同时忠于两个老板.容玲问我这个问题,让我做出选择,所以我选择了跟着他走,那我就不用再考虑容三叔叔的话了.现在,容凌命令我对你忠心耿耿,以你的安全为第一条件,如有必要,我甚至可以不理会容凌的话,自己做决定,所以你不用担心,我只是一个保护者,绝对不是破坏者!这话说得说得很清楚,透彻到林梦要是再怀疑什么,那就太浪费时间了.她转过头,深深地看着似乎冷漠沉默的荣玲,扬起嘴角笑了笑,点了点头.At least, what this man did really took her to heart."Then let Sister Miao Qing be my cousin. This way it will be easier to explain to others, and she can live with me!"She has always admired Miao Qing. This woman is mature and capable, with an indescribable aura of confidence. At the beginning, she was an existence that Lin Meng envied and longed to achieve. Her attitude towards Lin Meng at the beginning was also natural and generous, and she never looked down on him. This alone has won Lin Meng a lot of favor. She was raised by Uncle Rong and was loyal to Uncle Rong. What she did at the beginning was understandable. Moreover, when she listened to Uncle Rong's actions, she also helped Lin Meng as much as possible. Although Lin Meng was warned and forced to leave Rong Ling, she never resented Miao Qing. So today, she can still call "Sister Miao Qing" naturally, just like before.Miao Qing smiled slightly and said no more.Rong Ling also told Lin Meng to keep an eye on Xiao Youyou and not let him out of her sight. Lin Meng agreed to all of them before leaving.Rong Ling frowned, lying alone in the bedroom, watching the empty house. For the first time, he felt that being alone was really fucking uncomfortable!Although the Ruan family was a little suspicious of Miao Qing, the distant cousin who suddenly appeared, they couldn't say much. Lin Meng was the person with the highest status in the family. Even if she randomly invited a stranger to live in the house, they couldn't openly drive her away. Now, one after another in the family, except for Ruan Chenghui, basically, have received Lin Meng's favor. Her status in the family has become somewhat powerful!There is no extra space in the house, so Miao Qing and Lin Meng live together. They are all women, so it's okay to get together and sleep in the same bed. This situation will probably continue for some days, because Rong Ling's investigation has not made any breakthroughs.Rong Ling originally wanted to let this little woman go back once, and then come back the next day, but this little woman was really cruel. The next day, she would rather stay at the Ruan family than come to him. Then, on the third day, she went out with Jiang Chengfeng again. When he got the news from Miao Qing, he was very angry. Could it be that his injury was so dispensable in her eyes that she could just ignore it? ! What is this woman doing! Sometimes she showed that she cared about him very much, and sometimes, she was so heartless that it made people hate her!He naturally didn't know that this was Lin Meng's revenge! Clay people still have three points of earthiness, and she also has the right to be angry! Needless to say, if he Rong Ling gave her a good face, she would be like a puppy, fawning around him!And going out with Jiang Chengfeng was because Jiang Chengfeng wanted to take her to worship Jiang Polang. Finally, she was looking forward to this opportunity, so naturally she didn't have to consider anything, and took Xiao Youyou directly to Jiang Chengfeng's car and left.It's the New Year, Jiang Chengfeng's parents went back to their hometown in J City to visit relatives today, so they gave Lin Meng a chance to enter the main house of the Jiang family. Lin Meng was very grateful for Jiang Chengfeng's thoughtful arrangement. He bought some flowers, fruits, cigarettes and paper money to pay tribute.In order to cooperate with the country's "anti-feudal superstition" policy, government officials like Jiang Yancheng could not set up tablets at home and burn incense every day, so Jiang Polang's urn was buried in the grass in the backyard, with a small tombstone, which was not much different from the cemetery outside."Let me and Alang stay alone for a while, okay?!"Lin Meng looked at Jiang Chengfeng, and her eyes were covered with misty water vapor. That look was full of bitterness, which made people feel pain in their hearts. Jiang Chengfeng nodded, pursed his lips, and left quietly. The little guy followed Lin Meng obediently, and didn't dare to make trouble, because he also knew that Uncle Jiang was unusual.Lin Meng placed flowers and fruits one by one, then used a lighter to dye the incense and stuck it into the soil. The fragrance began to rise faintly, accompanied by the curling white mist, making people seem to enter a hazy environment. She looked at the young smiling face on the tombstone, and tears flowed before she spoke."Alang, I'm here to see you. I'm sorry I haven't seen you for so long..."Whispered softly, but it sounded more like a sigh!The little guy didn't understand much. When he saw his mother crying, he cried pitifully, and his little body nestled in Lin Meng's arms, as if he could rely on his mother in this way, or, in this way, he could also get support from his mother. Lin Meng hugged the little guy tightly, crying, and gently introduced Xiao Youyou to Jiang Polang, and let Xiao Youyou get to know Jiang Polang again. Then, she gently told her situation over the years...There were paper money in the shape of copper coins on it, burning one after another, gradually turning into dust. The little guy sat on the grass with his little butt, clumsily imitating Lin Meng's folding of gold ingots. He burned one after folding it, and burned it for Jiang Polang in the underground. This was what Lin Meng learned from a neighbor's grandmother when she was a child in the countryside, and she has never forgotten it!She didn't know whether there were really ghosts in this world, whether there was reincarnation, but as a living person, this was all she could do for a dead person. Seriously speaking, this was not superstition, but just the only mourning that a living person could do for the dead!There was some silence between heaven and earth, leaving only her soft voice with sobs and the sound of folding ingots. Everything else, even the burning flames, seemed so quiet. There was a kind of sad coldness spreading in this place, and the little guy felt it. He didn't dare to breathe, but just covered his head and folded gold ingots, using his clumsy little fingers to express his respect and gratitude to the brave uncle in his own way. Jiang Chengfeng also felt it. Standing at the window on the second floor, he looked at the face in silence with a cold face, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a statue.Everyone was in pain. This was the heaviness that would inevitably be caused by the premature death of a life!The incense could be burned, the paper money could be burned, but she could never finish what she wanted to say to him! The more she said, the more painful it was!The little guy hung his head and had been sitting for more than two hours. This was quite difficult for a child and also made people feel distressed."Youyou, go play by yourself!" Lin Meng reached out, gently pulled the little guy's calf, and rubbed it. Kneeling for so long, the legs must be numb.The little guy raised his expressionless face and shook his head. "I'll accompany Mommy."In the dark big eyes, there was a stubbornness that did not belong to this age.It's a caring little baby!Lin Meng sighed in her heart, rubbed the other leg of the little guy, and said softly: "Uncle Xiao Jiang just told Mommy that you can go play and don't need to stay with Mommy here. He wants to have a private talk with Mommy!"The little guy pursed his lips, was silent for a while, nodded, but asked curiously: "Mommy, why doesn't Uncle Xiao Jiang talk to Youyou?"Lin Meng laughed, thought about it, and replied: "Because Uncle Xiao Jiang and Mommy have a very good relationship, only Mommy can hear Uncle Xiao Jiang's words. And Youyou I just met Uncle Jiang today, and we are not very familiar with each other, so Uncle Jiang has not talked to you yet! ""Oh." The little guy nodded in understanding, and said innocently: "Then Mommy, Youyou will often come to Uncle Jiang to play in the future, so that Uncle Jiang will know Youyou and can have a very good relationship with Youyou. At that time, Youyou will also have a private talk with Uncle Jiang!"Lin Meng was slightly stunned, tears slightly overflowed from her eyes, and she laughed at the innocence of the child. Where did the "often" come from in the future!She pulled the little guy up, patted the little guy's butt, and sent the little guy away. As soon as the little guy disappeared from her sight, the surging tears finally broke through the gate and suddenly poured out of her eyes. She hugged Jiang Polang's tombstone and couldn't control her crying. The sound of sobbing was simply moving the heaven and earth!Sending the little guy away was because she didn't want the little guy to cry with her. She knew her own precious son very well. He would surely cry louder than she did. She felt sorry for him and didn't want that to happen. When her son went out to play, she didn't need to endure it. She vented out all the sadness, guilt, regret, shame, and pain that she had accumulated over the years.Being saved by others and bearing the weight of another life was actually very heavy. This heaviness would sometimes come out inadvertently, almost crushing her; this heaviness would also make her suddenly feel emotional and cry out loud; this heaviness would also make her toss and turn, and stay awake until dawn...As he expected, she tried very hard to live, live better, and often faced this sometimes cruel life with a smile, but she couldn't be strong enough to maintain this state of mind all the time, so she always thought of him, felt a little sad, sighed softly, and couldn't come back to her senses for a long time, immersed in grief and unable to extricate herself...The saddest thing about this is that she has always been enduring his kindness, but has never given anything for him. It is so unfair that he left, leaving her, but she can't even repay him, and even visiting him once is such a luxury."Fool... you fool..."Whimsing softly, she could only hug the cold tombstone tighter...When Jiang's mother got off the car, she was a little confused. When she arrived at her hometown, she saw her relatives and friends, all of whom had children and were enjoying themselves. She couldn't bear it. She barely coped for a while, but finally couldn't bear it anymore and took the car back early.Since Jiang Polang left, her spirit has not been very good. In the past, she was always in a hurry and worked hard on the company's business. In the past few years, she has become depressed and rarely went to the company. Most of the time, she was in the backyard chatting with Jiang Polang. The doctor diagnosed that she had mild depression and it would be best for her to undergo psychological treatment, but she refused.She understood her own situation. The death of her youngest son was equivalent to taking away a soul from her body, which made her extremely painful. It was not something that could be cured by simple treatment. There is nothing more painful than seeing a young man die. She thought about it countless times. Even if she died in place of her son, how could she let such a young boy die like this? She, as a mother, could only feel pain in her memories!She got off the car in a daze, rubbing her eyebrows. She felt extremely tired and even walked in a numb way. Seeing the door of her home was just ahead, she sighed and thought of her young son buried in the backyard. Bitterness was like ripples, flooding her heart.She turned her head inadvertently, glanced at the gray sky at the moment, and turned her head back by inertia. She continued to walk forward numbly, but she was stunned as soon as she lifted her foot. Then she opened her eyes wide in disbelief and turned her head sharply. The force was so strong that she almost broke her neck.As far as the eye can see, on the big tree, there is a group of army green and white and blue, camouflage style. The black head on the top is a little human head. In winter, the leaves of the tree have fallen off, and the branches are facing the sky, as if they can only pray to God in despair. And in this piece of gray with death, the sudden appearance of the army green is so eye-catching. It's like a touch of life, reborn in this gray world.A dead tree, with a fresh child hanging on it, is it not like life is reborn!Jiang's mother opened her mouth in disbelief, and hot tears slowly overflowed from her eyes. She stood there, trembling, pitifully afraid to move, for fear of scaring this life away.The young child, only that small group, hugged the horizontally growing tree trunk with both hands, and clamped his legs together. This time, he looked like a koala. This scene was so familiar, so familiar that Jiang's mother cried even harder!Her vision began to blur, and she only saw a face that looked like her little son, facing him, with a pair of big dark eyes, with the same innocence, blinking at her cunningly.The memory suddenly went back, and time seemed to go back suddenly. It was also that winter day, when the naughty little son was hanging on the tree, cunningly watching everyone running around to find him, but he watched silently, secretly happy in his heart. After she finally found him, she asked him what he was doing, but he told her confidently: "Mom, I'm being a koala, I can't come down from the tree!"The little son's eyes were so black, like an obsidian, almost illuminating the gray sky! So, that moment became eternal, engraved in her mind.She couldn't tell the difference anymore, and approached cautiously. Tears quietly slipped into her mouth. She tasted the bitter taste, but couldn't help laughing, just like she did back then."Little rascal, what are you doing?!"The child in the eyes stuck out his tongue, smiled, and said crisply: "I'm being a koala, I can't come down from the tree!"The child's eyes were so beautiful, black and bright, like two meteors, suddenly crashing into Jiang's mother's heart, and instantly rekindled her dying heart!