四年后在京都 B 市最大的机场,一对美少女出现在繁忙的机场通道中.这个女孩有一头齐肩的黑发,身材苗条.她穿着及膝的咖啡色风衣,露出身材,远看很美.走近一看,可以看到这个女孩有着娇小的脸蛋和白皙的肤色.带着她淡淡的笑容,你可以感觉到自己置身于春风中,情不自禁地想要靠近她.如果你走近一点,你可以完全看到女孩的脸.烟熏色的眉毛细而弯曲,像一轮残月.漆黑的眼睛不时闪烁,像一颗上品的黑色宝石,静静无声却又迷人地吸引着人.俏丽的鼻子,红润的嘴巴,微尖的下巴,洋溢着青春的色彩,带着一丝飞扬和俏皮的意味.只有那双狭长的眼睛,一旦人直视他们,就会感到有些迷茫,仿佛他们的心和灵魂已经离开了他们,追随了那个女人.女子淡淡一笑,当她美丽的眼睛转来转去时,她顿时变得充满魅力.她那长长的卷睫毛紧贴着她狭长的眼睛,微微颤抖着,让人心紧紧地勾住.女子身材匀称,漂亮的风衣让她看起来优雅高贵,让人莫名其妙地感动起来.在这个秋天的季节里,看到这样一个独特的女人,恍惚间,仿佛有一股春风向我吹来,我的春心仿佛也随之荡漾.那张精致的小脸,白皙嫩滑,令人难以置信,仿佛是用白玉雕刻而成的,让人想伸手去摸,感受那柔软的触感,看看是不是真的!在机场,气氛略有变化.看到女子的男人们都有些愣住了,心中微微一动,目光不自觉地跟着女子的脚步.突然,这些人感到一股冰冷的目光正朝他射来.当他们的目光微微转动时,他们终于注意到了女子怀里的小男孩.那个看起来大约三四岁的孩子,看起来又聪明又英俊.男孩头上戴着一顶棒球帽,看起来有点酷.小脸圆圆的,大眼睛是黑色的,和女人一样黑亮相.鼻子虽然小,但已经可以看出它很结实.薄薄的嘴唇轻盈微微抿起,与女子淡淡的笑容不同,显得冰凉凉爽.那个小帅气的男孩脸蛋也是白皙可爱的,下巴不像大多数孩子的婴儿肥那么胖,而是尖尖的.他皱眉的样子,几乎让人想象这个孩子长大后会有多帅,这让无数女人都想摸他.但帅气的少年却冷着脸,眼神冰冷,散发着"远离陌生人"的气场!尤其是那些一开始被女人的美貌所吸引的男人,感受到了帅气男孩冰冷的目光,仿佛带着愤怒.我不知道那个女人对那个英俊的男孩说了什么.帅气男孩脸色一变,小嘴微微歪歪,嘴角顿时露出一抹非常可爱的笑容,甚至露出了一口如糯米糕般整齐洁白的牙齿.红唇白牙,微微一笑的神情,简直有点惊艳.一些渴望看到它的女性变成了绿色,想向前走!如果你生下这样的孩子,即使你把你的寿命缩短十年或八年,你也是愿意的.但下一刻,帅气少年的笑容就消失了,他突然抿起了嘴唇,笑眸也变得冰冷起来.他抬起头,狠狠地瞪着周围的人,包括男人和女人.小人物不知道气势从何而来,却吓坏了比他大几代,不敢靠得太近的成年人.尤其是男人们,被帅哥盯着看的时候,总是觉得后颈有些冰凉,心里莫名的软弱.他们总觉得这个小男孩已经看穿了他们想要亲吻的想法."妈妈,这里的人真烦人!"帅气的男孩林成佑懒洋洋地抱怨道.搂着林梦脖子的两只小胳膊收紧了,他把小脑袋塞进了林梦的肩膀,半埋在林梦的怀里.这个孩子,就是林梦肚子里的那个.After four years, the mother and son finally returned to Country Z and set foot on this familiar land!"What's wrong?" Lin Meng smiled and gently touched her son's head.Lin Chengyou narrowed his eyes, smiled and rubbed Lin Meng's warm little hand, the cold air on his body was scattered, and he grinned, looking as cute as a kitten."They all stared at me, so annoying!"And, many men stared at Mommy, which was even more annoying!"Hehe... They look at you because our Youyou is cute! If Youyou is not cute, but they pay them money, they won't look at you twice!""But it's still so annoying!"The child hummed in dissatisfaction, causing Lin Meng to laugh softly."Let them look at you as they please. Don't make yourself unhappy because of them, it's not worth it. Youyou is so smart, he must know what to do, right?!"The child smiled and kissed Lin Meng's little face flatteringly."Mommy is smarter than Youyou, Youyou listens to Mommy!"The little mouth followed and kissed Lin Meng's little face again. In her heart, she hummed: These people are lucky!Lin Meng turned her head and kissed her son's face. She loved this son to the bone. Her son was obedient and sensible. He had never made trouble for her since he was born. He was also incredibly smart. Other children cried for no reason or urinated in their crotch, but Youyou was different. After three months, once he urinated, he began to cry or scream. Once she came and took him down from the rocking chair, he stopped crying and screaming. After solving the problem, he began to giggle. The grape-black eyes, with a pure smile, looked at you coquettishly, which would make people's hearts soften.Lin Meng believed that this was the greatest treasure given to her by God!She had been grateful countless times that she kept this child.Because he was with her all the way, she felt happy and fulfilled!This child is the greatest wealth in her life!She also thanked God for blessing her, allowing this child to stay in her arms safely until he was born and grew up to what he is now. Therefore, he was named "You", following her surname, and "Cheng" came from her nominal husband. If he was included in the family of her nominal husband, it would be the "Cheng" generation for the child.Lin Chengyou, that is her son Lin Meng, the most unique existence in the world!The child was kissed by Lin Meng, and he was so happy that his teeth were exposed and his eyes were not visible. He giggled and his laughter was crisp. His baby-like white face was stained with a light pink because of excitement, and his whole face seemed to glow. He looked like a carefree four-year-old child."Mommy, it seems that the brothers didn't come!"The big eyes turned around like this, and the child frowned slightly, whispering in Lin Meng's ear.Many people were already standing outside the airport passage, and it seemed that they were all here to pick up the passengers. Some even held up signs with names or travel agencies written on them, just in case they couldn't pick up the passengers. Lin Meng looked around and didn't see anyone who was here to pick her up. Moreover, she didn't see any of the three brothers in the crowd.It seemed that her arrival was not welcome!Lin Meng was not annoyed or disappointed.Past experiences have made her calmer! Having a child has made her feel even calmer!With a slight smile, she raised her hand, touched her son's little butt, and said jokingly: "Come on, Youyou, Mommy will take you to experience the big hotel here!""Okay!" The child smiled, and a cunning flashed in his dark eyes. It's just right that the brothers don't come, so he can be alone with his mommy, hehe..."Mommy, mommy, put me down, I'll walk by myself!"The child showed his little stubbornness, and Lin Meng smiled and agreed with him. As soon as the child's legs landed on the ground, his little hands stretched out neatly, grabbed Lin Meng's hand, and held it tightly. The little head twisted, the little chin raised, and smiled at Lin Meng."Mommy is tired, I want to walk by myself!"The child said this like an adult, and Lin Meng was moved to a daze. She bent down and gave the child two crisp wet kisses on the forehead. In fact, she just carried the child off the plane and then walked to this place. It wasn't a long journey and she wasn't tired, but the child was always so considerate. After letting her hold him for a while, he said in a childish way that he wanted to walk by himself and not let Mommy get tired.What else could she not be satisfied with with such a well-behaved and sensible son? !She held the child's hand and gently said, "Youyou, be careful, the ground is slippery!"The airport hall is paved with tiles, which are shiny and can be seen by people. Because of the diligent cleaning, there are traces of water stains from time to time. If you are not careful, it is easy to fall.The child listened, "um", nodded obediently, and then followed Lin Meng briskly to pick up the luggage. At the same time, he did not forget to stare at the men around him with cold eyes.Humph, the beautiful mommy is his, no one is allowed to touch it!The child pouted, his little nose turned up, and hummed childishly in his heart!. . Xiaoxiang Academy first release. .Tongzhou Hotel is a newly emerging five-star hotel in City B. With its excellent service quality and complete facilities, it has conquered the hearts of the general public in just three years. Lin Meng has been abroad for four years. Although she has paid attention to some domestic affairs, she really doesn't know much about City B. She entered Tongzhou Hotel because of the recommendation of the driver.Lin Chengyou has also seen some big hotels abroad. Compared with domestic ones, big hotels abroad must be more magnificent and elegant. Therefore, he was not too surprised by the outstanding and elegant decoration of Tongzhou Hotel. He just grabbed Lin Meng's little hand, straightened his little back, raised his little chin, like a noble little prince, and followed her to the booked room calmly without saying a word.It took half a day to fly from the United States to City B. After more than ten hours of flight, adults felt tired, not to mention children. Lin Meng sorted out her luggage, washed a hot towel, and wiped the child's face. Over there, the meals she ordered were also delivered.It must be said that the service quality of this Tongzhou Hotel is really high!After sending the child to eat, Lin Meng cleaned up a little and fell asleep in bed with the child in her arms.After four years, she suddenly had to come back to a land that made her feel a little overwhelmed, happy and worried. A thousand emotions were entangled in her heart. She was sitting on the plane, her heart was really in turmoil, how could she sleep. Now that she got off the plane and finally stepped on this land, her heart seemed to be at peace in an instant, and she was no longer excited. The fatigue caused by the more than ten hours of travel suddenly pressed on her, and she urgently needed a sleep to recover herself.On the other hand, Lin Chengyou was very calm, even though he was young. He didn't care where he went, as long as his beloved mommy was with him. So, although it was his first time to fly, he didn't scream like other kids, but fell asleep very calmly on his mommy's shoulder.Now that his mommy wanted to sleep, he would sleep with her obediently.However, the little guy was very cunning. After he felt that Lin Meng was really asleep, he opened his eyes, and his big black eyes turned around cunningly. Then, he carefully raised his little arm and lifted up Lin Meng's hand on his waist. At the same time, he held his breath and tried to send Lin Meng's arm to her chest without making any sound, and then let it fall naturally.He twisted his body, rubbed upwards, raised his mouth, kissed Lin Meng's face, and called softly: "Mommy..."This sound was very soft, like a kitten that was born a few days ago. Lin Meng fell asleep and didn't hear it. The tiredness of the journey left faint dark circles under her eyes. The little guy stretched out his little hand, touched it gently, and pursed his mouth. Then he leaned over his tender little mouth, pouted his pink lips, and kissed each of the two dark circles, as if to comfort him.After that, he twisted his body gently, like a little bug, and crawled out of the bed along the bed. At the same time, he did not forget to pull the quilt over and carefully cover Lin Meng's body to prevent her from getting cold!The little guy is still very considerate!Then, the little guy climbed down from the bed, looked back at Lin Meng who was still lying on his side with his eyes closed, smiled, stood on tiptoe, and walked out carefully like a thief.The little guy is going to explore!While Mommy is sleeping, he wants to take a good look around this place. Children are still curious, especially about the land under their feet, this land that Mommy has told him countless times, and his enthusiasm for it is far greater than the rigid, stiff and mechanical airplane.Mommy has told him a lot of things. When he couldn't walk and was still held by Mommy, Mommy described many things here to him in Chinese.He is so curious about this land!He is also so curious about the people living on this land!This is the place where Mommy used to live for more than 17 years!The little guy smiled, opened his bright eyes, and walked carefully to the door. The door handle was a bit high, and he couldn't reach it even if he stretched his arms. But it doesn't matter, this can't be a problem for the smart him!He turned around and aimed at the target - a chair.Then he pursed his lips and silently moved the chair that looked bigger than him. The chair was quite heavy, but the little guy didn't show any effort or impatience on his face. He just looked cool and slightly flushed. He still controlled his steps and moved the stool to the door lightly.Then he stood on the chair and turned the door handle. The door opened a crack, and then the crack opened wider and wider. The little guy climbed down from the chair gently, looked at the bedroom with the door open with nostalgia, twisted his body, and slipped out of the room like a loach.The door, pushed by his little hand, closed gently again.The little guy breathed a sigh of relief, then he giggled, glanced around, his white and tender face revealed a sense of agility, and his feet spread out, running out like a little tiger.Strolling here and there, the little guy in front of people, like a proud little boss, raised his chin, looked around with a little arrogance, as if he was inspecting his own property.Such a cute and handsome little boy will naturally attract other people's attention. However, those who go in and out of such a five-star hotel are all people of status, so it is naturally impossible to be rude enough to approach him for no reason. However, little Lin Chengyou was still molested. Two girls who looked young, only about 20 years old, exclaimed twice, then smiled and approached him, and attacked him from both sides, without asking whether he was willing or not, they touched his little face and pinched it.Lin Chengyou naturally had a cold face and showed an aura of keeping strangers away, but instead of forcing the two girls to retreat, they screamed twice, muttering: "So cute, so adorable, so handsome... I'm dying... How can you be so cool..." and so on. They even pressed the child's back and pressed him into their arms!Oh my God!Lin Chengyou screamed in his heart with disgust. He didn't want to be hugged by a weird sister!With a strong stretch of his little arms, the child pushed a girl away, ran away with his short legs, and rushed into the elevator like a small whirlwind. The two girls behind him chased anxiously, but the elevator door still closed in front of them mercilessly.The little guy looked at the closing elevator door, thought about the two weird sisters who were locked outside, curled his lips, put his hands in his pockets, and said how much he looked down on people, causing the people in the elevator to lower their heads to look at him, and secretly praised him in their hearts.