杀人,谁?!林梦愣住了.这简直是不可能的!"你抓错人了!"这是她的第一反应.周围聚集了很多人,他们对一个漂亮的女孩被两个便衣警察抓住感到好奇.注意力似乎有些高,便衣警察从口袋里掏出警证,在林梦面前甩了晃."你现在可以跟我们走了!""什么杀人案?!"林梦不停地问.但她紧紧地踩在地上,不愿动弹.便衣警察没想到林梦看起来很柔弱,但她的性格却有些硬朗.但他没想到一个女孩子能从两个男人手中逃脱,于是他回答了她."苏雪,你的朋友,她死了吗?你得跟我们走!"这...这怎么可能?!林梦吓了一跳,脸色顿时一变.这样的事情怎么会发生呢?她的嘴唇颤抖着,终于又找回了自己的声音,干巴巴地问道:"你...你在开玩笑吗?!"谁在开玩笑!"警察瞪着她,不想再浪费任何文字了.他拉着林梦,大步向前.另一个警察从后面狠狠地推了林猛一把.林梦踉踉跄跄,不由自主地被警察拖走了.她的心一团糟.这不可能.她昨天晚上和苏雪一起吃了晚饭,当时她还好.不可能,不可能,如此阳光开朗的苏雪怎么会惹上麻烦呢?!"她是怎么死的?!"听到这话,警察冷笑起来."我觉得你比我们更清楚,对吧?!""你什么意思?!"她敏感地感觉到了什么,扬起了眉毛.警方没有回答."当我们到达 J City 时,您就会知道!"两人拉着林梦,朝着J城走去.这个场景其实有点好笑.林梦曾努力逃跑,为了不被追赶,她不得不忍着困倦,不断换车,这让她筋疲力尽.但第二天才 9 点,她就被抓住了,被迫返回 J City.虽然不是荣玲派人来抓她的,但她越想越觉得这是上帝的旨意!天哪,这是在捉弄她!但这样的自嘲只在她心中滚动,很快就完全被苏雪的事情占据了.为什么这些人要抓住她?为什么说她涉嫌杀人案?他们想把她抓回来,让她成为时间见证人?!但刚才警方透露的意思,却有点不对劲.然后她又问了那两个警察,但他们都非常沉默,一言不发.所以,她不得不抿起嘴唇,努力思考.此时,J City 一片哗然.凌晨发行的早报,在最显眼的地方刊登了一张巨大的照片和耸人听闻的标题——一名女高中生被杀,嫌疑人连夜逃跑.他也是一名高中生?!稍大一点的照片是苏雪的头像,稍小一点的是林梦!苏雪在晚上将近 11 点被发现死在她的房间里.警方迅速出手干预,发现她应该是被人推到墙上,导致头部受伤死亡.现场有个特别显眼的东西,就是苏雪的手机,上面有四个字——林梦杀了我.于是警察第一时间去传唤林猛.当他们到达文曲小区,强行开门时,发现屋内空无一人.从桌上的纸条上,警方怀疑林蒙有罪,潜逃了.然后,迅速下达了通缉令,并指派了其他派出所协助寻找林孟.In fact, murders happen every day, and it is not uncommon. There should not be such a big fuss about arresting Lin Meng. It is not said that other police stations sent the murderer's photo to me, and I must send police officers to search for him. However, the person who took over this case now is not ordinary!Who do you think this person is? !It is exactly--Wu Yong!He was humiliated by Xiao Yi last time, but he thought it was Rong Ling who was messing with him, and he was holding his breath in his heart. He dared to be angry but dared not speak to Rong Ling, but he was also a man of blood in his bones. Although he could not compete with Rong Ling in terms of power, he would definitely make a fuss once he had the chance. He, Wu Yong, the deputy director of the police station, his daughter was insulted so much by others, but he could not even fart. How infuriating and humiliating this is!Besides, the photos of his daughter have been in the hands of "Rong Ling", which is a disaster anyway. How can he keep being beaten passively like this? If he doesn't get back at this great opportunity, then the two words "Wu Yong" can be written backwards!So, he immediately used his network of connections to order the surrounding branches to help arrest Lin Meng, and at the same time, he began to plan closely. What made him more happy was that Su Xue was tutoring a rich family. The hostess was a representative of the National People's Congress and a famous female businessman in the city. This woman named Li Qing expressed her indignation strongly, and then used her power to attract a group of reporters, so there was the morning newspaper that attracted people's attention! There were even several articles about this on the Internet!Li Qing was decisive and had the style of a strong woman, which made Wu Yong secretly happy. He thought that under such strong publicity, Lin Meng would definitely not be able to escape far. Although he is not sure that Lin Meng killed the person, maybe if he works harder, the murder crime can be attributed to Lin Meng. As long as Rong Ling does not make a move! Or, even if Rong Ling makes a move, he is not afraid. Wu Yong only needs a chance to teach Lin Meng a lesson.In his opinion, the culprit of her daughter's incident that day was Lin Meng. He can always find a way to deal with a little Lin Meng!At nine o'clock the next morning, when the public opinion about "female students killing people and absconding overnight" in J City was gradually rising, Wu Yong received a call from his separated comrade, saying that Lin Meng had been caught and was being sent back now.Wu Yong was secretly happy and calculated the time. He found out that Rong Ling was in France at the moment. From the time Rong Ling got the news to the time he rushed back, he had to arrive at 7 o'clock in the evening at the fastest. And over there, the car escorting Lin Meng back took the highway, so it would arrive around four or five in the afternoon. During this period, there were two hours, which was enough for him to arrange.He found two men in their thirties who were arrested last night for selling ecstasy. During this period, because of the murder of Su Xue, some reporters were attracted, so these two people were delayed and locked up directly. So far, they have not been properly interrogated.Selling ecstasy is against the law and will be sentenced to three years in prison at the least and life imprisonment at the most. The ecstasy these two people carried was not particularly large, but it was also a crime and they would have to go to jail. Wu Yong gave them two options:First, if they helped him, he would wipe out the two people's crimes and secretly release them.Second, if they didn't know how to appreciate it, then well, he would definitely let the judge sentence these two people to a few more years in prison!The so-called help was to rape a young girl."For one hour, you use all the tricks you can think of to try to get on that girl. When the hour is up, you will leave immediately, as if this incident never happened, and I can also pretend that I have never arrested you two!"Where can such a good thing be found? ! These two people have been frequenting discotheques, bars, nightclubs and other places of entertainment. They are also good at playing with women. Moreover, they can play with a woman for free without going to jail. It is a good deal! Moreover, the two also know that if they don't agree, Wu Yong will definitely punish them, so they agreed without thinking too much!Soon, everything was ready!At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Yong drove a police car and took a trusted subordinate to the highway intersection to pick up Lin Meng. He didn't need to pick her up, but the deputy director wanted to do something. Apart from the director, how could anyone have a say? !At the highway intersection, Wu Yong received the two policemen who sent Lin Meng as he wished.When the two policemen saw that the deputy director came to greet them in person, they felt it was a great honor and immediately expressed absolute respect."Deputy Director, why did you come here in person to pick someone up?!"In this kind of situation, the criminal is usually sent directly to the police station, and it is rare to do a handover halfway.Wu Yong laughed and spoke in an official tone: "This person is very important. You two have captured her, which is really a great achievement. Can I not come out to pick her up?!"The two policemen immediately smiled. One of them pointed at the car and said, "The person is behind the car. Deputy Director, do you want to see her?!""No, no! I trust you two to do things!" Wu Yong shook his hand and said, "You two must have been very tired driving all the way here. You haven't had lunch yet. Come on, I'll treat you to a meal. There's a good seafood restaurant nearby!"The two policemen were stunned and a little tempted. After all, the man in front of them was the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau. If they could get in touch with him, they would be able to move up in the police system in the future. This is the national condition of our country. It depends on that network of relationships. You can only be promoted quickly if you have connections! But the two still declined.Wu Yong waved his hand and patted a policeman on the shoulder with great pride, and said with a smile: "Why are you being polite! Don't refuse, don't be shy like a woman.""But this person?...""Xiao Zhang!""Yes!" The answer was from the confidant brought by Wu Yong."Come, you stay here and watch over the car. I'll go and comfort these two brothers!"So, after some excuses, the two policemen finally followed Wu Yong. Before leaving, they gave a bunch of keys including the car keys to Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang smiled and nodded to Wu Yong.Wu Yong smiled on his face, but his heart was filled with cold hatred!He would let that girl also taste the feeling of being destroyed by others!And it would definitely be ten times worse than his daughter!