禾涯的报复来得如此之快,以至于林梦都想不到.冰冰喊道.孩子奶量充足,不怕尴尬.她大声哭泣,惹得身边的女人,无论大小,都纷纷对林梦指手画脚.林梦不知道是怎么回事.她只是和何雅,李怡平,小冰冰一起上厕所.她只是在他们两个在厕所里的时候照顾冰冰.但小家伙冲过来想咬她,还咬了她的胳膊.很难想象一个孩子的牙齿会这么好.这让她有点受伤.她下意识地想缩回手,想把她推开,但还没来得及做什么,小家伙就向后一靠,倒在了地上.他的后脑勺似乎被击中了,他大声哭泣.她急忙哄她,丝毫不在乎她被咬的胳膊.孩子的妈妈和嫂子急匆匆地从厕所里出来,哄着他.小家伙开始哭泣:"她坏了,她推了我...呜呜呜...头痛..."李一平伤心欲绝,狠狠地盯着林梦,问道:"林梦,你这话什么意思?!林梦愣住了,顿时不明白是怎么回事!"林梦,你这是什么意思?!你怎么能成为像你这样的成年人呢?你为什么要挑剔一个孩子?!禾雅气冲冲地走上前,抬起手,一巴掌打在了目瞪口呆的林梦脸上,差点把她的墨镜打掉!林梦反应过来,脸上已经烧得焦头烂额.她捂住脸,难以置信地看着那个一直被称为"天使"的孩子."冰冰,我没推你!"她试图如此理性地与孩子交谈,但你要知道,用理性的方法对待孩子根本是没用的!冰冰还在哭泣,仿佛因为她是个孩子,哭泣可能是她最好的回应.禾雅在一旁喊道."大家都看到你推了冰冰,你还想否认?!林梦,你真!"说这句话时,她假装又打了一遍.林梦突然抿了抿唇,抬起手,挽住了何雅的胳膊,严肃地说道:"我没有!何雅怒笑一声,她那张得意的脸庞在这一刻是如此的凛然和不可侵犯,仿佛她已经完全成为了正义的化身."大家都看到了,我是不是错了控告你?!"因为变化发生得太快了,又因为林梦猝不及防,大家只来得及看到孩子突然倒在地上.也许,因为哭泣的对象是一个孩子,所以有这样的印象就足够了.大家都站在何雅这边,点头表示赞同,用不少批评的眼神看着林梦,仿佛她是个大坏人一样!林梦没有办法保护自己.当何雅把她拉出来时,容玲和江东娴已经在外面等着了."荣哥,你不是这样欺负人.让林梦回去吧!这是何雅的要求.哭泣的小女孩被大家一致同情,容玲也不例外.他皱着眉头,把小女孩抱在怀里,轻声哄着她.容玲可以给这个小女孩很多特别和温柔的一面!虽然小女孩的声音嘶哑了,嚎啕大哭,但这并不妨碍几人从她的话语中辨别出信息.小姑娘说:林梦是在告诫她,不要再占荣叔了,否则,她会有麻烦的.她不答应,气得咬了林梦一口,还被林梦恶狠狠地推倒在地!短短的留言,却仿佛暴露了一个女人的恶毒!"荣叔,好痛...追求...坏姐姐...不要她..."那个小女孩,泪水打湿了她的脸,她的大眼睛通红,看起来好可怜啊!容玲冷冷的看着林梦!这个小女孩,对他来说,毕竟是特别的!Li Yiping said anxiously that she would take the child to film, but she must not break her head or something.At that time, Lin Meng did something stupid, and thinking about it afterwards, she would also feel stupid."She is lying!" She argued loudly, maybe she was angry, or maybe she was really jealous of this little girl who had always occupied Rong Ling. She continued: "She fell by herself, she didn't know the severity of the injury, why did she need to film it?!"Instantly, Rong Ling shot her a look that was so cold that she could no longer speak."In any case, this is not what you should say!"He shouted coldly, and after that, he carried the little girl away.At that moment, she felt so wronged.Because she could not imagine that a little girl who was only four years old would suddenly say such words, saying that she warned her not to approach Rong Ling. These completely unfounded slanders made her subconsciously regard her as an opponent, not a little girl, a little girl who was only four years old. She could not imagine that a four-year-old girl could have such a scheme. So at that moment, all the reactions were directed at people who should be about her age. If those slanderous words were not said by the little girl; and if she said that there was no need to film a video was directed at a girl who was about her age, then everyone might still stand on her side.But - that was a little girl, only four years old. Everyone would naturally think that she bullied the little girl - such an innocent existence!When she reacted, it was too late! Everyone left in a hurry, perhaps because they were too anxious and forgot about her, or perhaps they deliberately left her behind. In short, she was left alone in the huge playground.The bite on her arm was a little cold and painful. The little girl bit it very clearly. Although it hurt, there was no blood, so she wanted to say that she was actually the victim, and her arm actually hurt. But if the wound didn't bleed, who would know how painful it was!Maybe she should chase after it, escort it all the way, until it was confirmed that the film was correct, so as to clear her innocence. But there is no chance anymore.At that moment, she was hurt by Rong Ling's eyes and didn't want to move for some reason.When she indulged in that kind of aggrieved emotion to occupy her whole body, she was probably wrong. If it were the past, even if it was not her fault, she would have followed anxiously, and then found an opportunity to show her innocence.But, because of his constant indulgence, she - probably a little lawless. At that time, she could still make a fool of herself in front of that man, and use silence to show her innocence, thinking that the man would definitely believe her, but - she was probably stupid!But she thought about it again, and felt that - it didn't matter, it was nothing! It wasn't her who did it, but just asking for a clear conscience is not enough? ! That man misunderstood her, so what? !Moreover, today is her birthday! She... spent so much effort to get a birthday, why did she make herself so bad!Everyone can leave, but she won't leave, she will spend this birthday well alone!Then, she went to eat a bowl of hot and sour noodles, an extra-large bowl of hot and sour noodles, with so many peppers in it that it was scary. The red chili oil almost stained the whole bowl with blood. She ate alone, and when there were at least two, three or more people around her, she shed tears quietly while eating noodles for one person. She thought it was nothing, because the people around her were crying more or less, and because the peppers were too spicy, they stung people's eyes and made them cry. She just shed a little more tears than others, that's all!The crooked sunglasses hanging on her face were really funny. She felt that since it was like this, there was actually no need to wear this thing. It seemed that if she left him, she would not be someone who could not stand the light. It was just that her throat was a little burning and painful, and her heart was also burning. She felt that all this was like acting, and she could be happy in the last moment, but in the next moment, she could be bloody and ruthless; she could be affectionate in the last moment, but in the next moment, she could be cold as ice!The changes were too fast, making it difficult for her to adapt. She had always been used to the kind of subtle changes, and what she feared most was that the wind was wind and the rain was rain!That man was really hard to please!She asked for stacks of napkins, wiping tears and sniffing noses from time to time. Later, the girl who delivered the napkins couldn't stand it anymore, and said with a smile: "Can't you eat spicy food?! Look at what you eat, hehe... I think you should ask for a slightly spicy one next time, which is not too irritating to the eyes..."She smiled and nodded, but didn't say a word. Because, probably once she spoke, she would break the spell and let people know that her tears were not because of the spiciness.In the end, she still ate the big bowl of hot and sour noodles. The girl who collected the bowl gave her a big thumbs up and praised her: "Great, next time, order this super spicy one, I think it suits you very well!"Lin Meng smiled, wiped a tear, and left!It was quite interesting to find a person walking around the amusement park. To be honest, there shouldn't be too many people when playing, otherwise it's hard to please everyone and it's really hard to have fun. Look at her alone, holding a VIP ticket, she can play whatever she wants and as many times as she wants. It's so refreshing without that little devil in the way!Little devil is what Lin Meng calls Bingbing in her heart, ever since she slandered her inexplicably!She likes children, but there are certain limits. So, it doesn't mean that all children are worth liking.She doesn't want to explore why the little devil slandered her like that, just like she doesn't want to explore why Rong Ling can be so good to that little girl, why He Ya can hang so intimately on Rong Ling, and why He Ya appears in Rong Ling's room when he is taking a bath. Some things are better not to cross the line!Without thinking too much, she can have fun alone. After going to a haunted house, she found for the first time that she was not that afraid of ghosts. A zombie with bandages all over his body jumped out, but she was not scared. Then, when she saw the zombie hide in the upright coffin in a sullen manner, she felt like laughing for some reason. She went to a future museum and felt the shock brought by 3D technology. She screamed with a group of little ghosts in a group of roaring monsters, and her voice was almost hoarse...In short, she played a lot until it got dark and the amusement park began to politely drive people away!She came out in a daze and found that her legs were sore. She found the nearest McDonald's to sit down, but she mistakenly found that it was full of little ghosts. Suddenly, she felt very uncomfortable. After drinking a can of Coke that I didn't know what it tasted like, she quickly escaped from McDonald's. Then, she groped her way and finally found a cake shop. She went in and bought the smallest cake for five dollars, and a candle was given for free. It was pretty good. Holding the cake, she went to a nearby supermarket and bought a lighter, but suddenly found that she had nowhere to go. Just then, a No. 25 bus passed by, so she ran to the bus stop, threw a coin of one yuan, got on the No. 25 bus, and swayed to the end. When she got off the bus, she saw the desolate little street in her memory.This place is not as prosperous as other places in the city, but it is almost out of the city. Most of the houses on both sides are small buildings. But you can still see neon lights flashing on both sides of the road, just a little less. In the dark night, they flicker and have a kind of hazy color.She found a place to sit, sheltered from the wind, opened the small cake, and lit the free small candle. The candle was thin and thin, and it looked really pitiful. Even the flame burned pitifully, as if a little wind could extinguish it.How pitiful!She thought so and quickly blew out the candle.As for the birthday wish, it was still not granted. She had made a wish before, but maybe God didn't have eyes and never fulfilled her wish, so she didn't plan to waste it. Then she pulled out the candle and started to eat. Don't expect a five-dollar cake to be big, so she ate all the cakes by herself. Finally, she spent a little effort to find the trash can and threw away the plates, forks, paper boxes, etc.!We should be a little citizen who cares about the environment, right? !Thinking of this, she smiled. Sometimes, enjoying yourself is probably like this.She threw another one-dollar coin and got on the No. 25 bus again, swaying to the city center. This No. 25 bus has a particularly big advantage, that is, the fare is one dollar, but it can take about an hour. She was almost half asleep and half awake, and sat at the terminal in the city center. When she got off the bus, the dazzling neon lights almost hurt her eyes.Look, prosperity and desolation are actually so close to each other. Change is actually so fast and so natural!She was already dizzy from all the rides. It was past nine o'clock in the evening, and the bus had stopped. Finally, she looked through her pockets. Fortunately, she put a lot of change in her pockets for the sake of sightseeing today. Normally, she would not have so much money in her pocket. After counting, she still had about twenty yuan. She stopped a taxi and reported the address of Wenqu Community. The driver was unwilling to go because of the small amount of money. She persuaded him and the driver nodded and agreed."Since you are so beautiful, I will suffer a little loss!" said the driver, who looked to be in his forties.She listened, was stunned for a moment, and laughed. Suddenly, she thought of this sentence and replied: "Uncle, suffering a loss is a blessing. I won't let you suffer a loss in vain!""Haha..." The uncle laughed happily. Maybe it was because of this sentence that they became closer. The driver kindly reminded her that it was so late, and it was better for young girls not to walk alone, as it was quite dangerous. Even if you take a taxi, you have to be more careful...Lin Meng felt warm in her heart and was very grateful!In fact, sometimes, no matter how close the people around you are, you can find that they are ridiculously inferior to the casual reminders of people you meet by chance.After arriving at the place, the house was dark. She was too lazy to turn on the light, so she kicked off her shoes and walked into the house barefoot. Then, she walked into his bedroom so naturally. When she opened the door, she was really stunned.The house was also dark, without electric lights. Maybe because she was used to the darkness, she could see the outline of the man and his handsome and somewhat indifferent face. He had a cigarette in his mouth, and the red cigarette butt flickered, illuminating his face from time to time. He lowered his eyes, his face expressionless, but he didn't know what he was thinking. She came back, but he didn't look at her.After a moment of shock, she habitually pulled the corners of her mouth and smiled. Even though she was very tired at this time, too tired to smile."You're back!"Then, after a little hesitation, he threw himself on the huge bed. He pulled the quilt and pulled it towards himself.When she pulled the quilt and planned to sleep with her clothes on, he spoke. "Don't you want to ask about Bingbing's condition?!"Her heart tightened for a moment, but she didn't open her eyes and smiled back at him. "It should be fine!"In the darkness, a big hand quietly pinched her chin, very tightly, very hard, and a little painful, forcing her to face him."Hospitalized!" His voice was a little cold. "There is a big bump on the back of the head, which is similar to the symptoms you had not long ago!"She was surprised and opened her eyes suddenly to look at him!Mild concussion!So, is the head of a child so fragile? ! Can I make myself so miserable? ! Or can anything that hurts a little turn into that disease? ! Or is it true that the doctors in the hospital are useless, and they can make you sick whether you are sick or not? !"Is that so!" She heard herself say this, and felt cold.Then, he suddenly threw away the cigarette in his mouth, pinched her chin heavily, pulled her up, and pressed her tightly against the head of the bed. His handsome face came close to hers and said angrily."Am I too good to you?!"For a moment, she didn't know how to answer!He breathed heavily, and seemed to be in a very excited mood, or perhaps it was difficult to suppress his anger."You can be naughty and make trouble, I can tolerate it. But I warn you, you have to know the limit. Bingbing, you can't touch her!"She wanted to say that she didn't want to touch her in the first place, but the little devil ran over and touched her. But it seems that she can't say such words. Then, she thought about it, raised her arm and showed it to him."She bit my hand, but I definitely didn't push her!"He moved his eyes and looked at her little hand. In fact, the wound on her arm was quite obvious. Her arm was like white jade, and after a long time, the wound would turn dark purple, which was actually quite easy to identify.But he said, "Are you pretending to be pitiful to me?!"She was stunned, put down her arm angrily, and retreated into the quilt. She had said everything she should say, and there was really nothing else to say."Rong Ling, go to sleep!" She smiled at him, her voice still soft, even though her heart was sour and painful.He still pressed her, pursed his lips, and looked at her coldly, as if he had an inexplicable hatred for her.She couldn't, lean over and kiss him gently, but he immediately dodged.She began to feel embarrassed.He frowned, "Are you going to rely on this method to solve the problem all the time?!" The voice was a bit piercing!Now, she really didn't know what to do."Then tell me what I should do. I will try my best to cooperate." She gave in first. There was no way. She was inferior to him.He let her go suddenly, turned over and got off the bed. It seemed that staying on it for one more second would be a torture."It's too late to say what to do now. Bingbing has been taken back to City B. Even if you want to apologize, you don't have the chance!"She wanted to say that she would not apologize. So, it doesn't matter whether there is a chance or not!It was great that he let her go. She could finally get some sleep! She lay down again and pulled up the quilt. This action seemed to anger him even more, and he shouted coldly: "No sleep!"She opened her eyes helplessly, and simply sat up from the bed, looking at him, and asked helplessly: "Is Bingbing's family making things difficult for you? If so, then I can go to City B to apologize to her, and I can also let her push back. If it doesn't work once, I can push more times, and I can also give her a concussion to make her feel relieved!"She didn't know much about his family background, nor did she understand what kind of relationship the He family had with him, and she didn't understand why the little girl named Bingbing was so special. But if she really made him embarrassed because of her, then she would also do something like apologize.He was even more angry. "Are you saying this to get angry? Don't you think it's too embarrassing to get angry with a little girl? Bingbing went to the hospital, and you didn't say a word, didn't even call to say hello, and came back so late, who are you doing this for?!""Then what do you want?!" She finally couldn't help it and yelled at him. She is also a human being, she also has seven emotions and six desires, she also has a temper, and she will also get angry when she can't stand it!He frowned and frowned."It seems. I am really too good to you!"After that, he turned and left.Then, with a "clang", the door shook the earth!He left!She was stunned, and then couldn't help letting two lines of tears flow from her eyes.She lay down, pulled the quilt over, covered her head, and let the tears slide down the corners of her eyes and fall onto the pillowcase.So, she really shouldn't celebrate her birthday!This is a terrible day!So, she hates birthdays!Hate that on this day, she was unlucky enough to land in this messy world!