两天后,当林梦提到要回学校时,她感到有些不安.她走的时候,根本就没有请假,也不知道家人有没有给她交过字条.看着熟悉的校园离她越来越近,她感到更加焦虑.容玲和她一起坐在后座上,但他却跪在地上看着一大摞文件.她没有兴趣,也无意窥探,所以她没有打扰他.容玲只是把她送到这儿,他以后应该有事要做.车子一停下,容凌就从文件里抬起头来,淡淡地问道:"我们在吗?!"是的."林梦拿起书包,对荣玲笑了笑,正要开门离开.容玲伸手握住了她的手.她困惑地看着他,他俯身轻轻地吻了吻她的额头.然后,他拍拍她的头说:"走!就像哄孩子一样!林梦脸色通红,她打开车门,滑了出去.看到她进了校门,容玲让司机轻装上阵.然后,他掏出手机拨了一个号码."大军,帮我检查一下林梦.我想要她最近一段时间的所有信息,包括她做了什么,她联系过的人,她去过的地方等等.越详细越好.我想尽快在我的办公桌上看到你的报告!对方则干净利落地回应.我之所以把查推迟到现在,自然是为了避免被林梦听到,造成不必要的麻烦!容凌挂断了电话,低头继续查看手头的信息,仿佛之前什么都没做过一样...潇湘书院首发...至于林梦,虽然时间还早,但校园里的人并不多.如果有,他们会直接进入他们的教室.不过,作为四中的校女,她也是一个家喻户晓的人物.自然,她的外表会引起一些注意.林梦注意到有人正指着她窃窃私语,甚至像怪物一样看着她.她不知道发生了什么,所以她抿了抿嘴唇,心无旁骛地回到了教室.因为她的到来,嗡嗡作响的教室突然变得安静起来.太安静了,仿佛她真的变成了一只怪物,但又好像不是那种吓人的人,而是那种让人不喜欢,不想再见的怪物.她的心突然沉了下去.有过类似的经历,她有一些不好的预感.她垂下眼睛,一言不发地回到了自己的座位上.教室里还是很安静的,很不正常,仿佛大家都屏住了呼吸.有许多双眼睛热切地看着她,但她不知道这些人想从她身上看到什么.这种感觉非常糟糕.林梦从书包里拿出书本,按照今天的课程粗略地排列.把书包放在书桌上后,她转头看向一边.那里坐着她的两个好朋友!在人群的注视下,她开口了."昊青,小萌,过来!"她的两个好朋友应该知道发生了什么.被叫来的杨浩青和朱小萌脸色微微一变,显得有些不情愿,但还是站起身来,跟着林梦走了出去.林梦刚走出教室,里面就传来了一阵"嗡嗡"声,热闹得仿佛要爆炸了.林梦再傻,她都知道问题一定出在她自己.她停在离教室稍远的走廊上.见前后都没人过来,林梦停下了脚步.她皱着眉头看着朱小萌等人,十分心疼."这是怎么回事?!"朱小梦等人面面相觑,似乎不知道该如何下手.片刻之后,朱小萌打破了沉默,小心翼翼地问道:"萌萌,那天那个人是谁?!林梦的心微微一提,她突然想起,那天她已经抛下了两个朋友.她来到容玲身边的那部分,肯定被他们看到了.那么,你有没有听到她请求容玲支持她?!林梦心里有些迷茫,咬了咬嘴唇,只能装作疑惑问道:"哪个男人?!朱小梦翻了个白眼,不高兴地说道:"还能是谁?那天就是你为他表演 Road Adventures 的那个人!远处那个高大帅气的那个,后来,他甚至把你拉开了.就是那个人,你记得吗!"哦!"林梦故作开悟."你是说他,哦,他...他是我的朋友!"只是一个朋友?!"朱小萌心生怀疑."蒙蒙,你不是个好朋友.你打算瞒着我们吗?!林梦皱了皱眉,不敢直视朱小梦的脸,低声解释道;"真的,我们只是朋友!"But it sounded a bit far-fetched, and it couldn't be hidden from the smart Zhu Xiaomeng. Zhu Xiaomeng frowned and was unhappy. "Okay, Mengmeng, it's already this time, and you are still hiding it from us. Mengmeng, you have changed a lot these days, hiding so many secrets, you were not like this before!"Lin Meng was a little embarrassed, and was speechless for a while after what Zhu Xiaomeng said. These things that happened to her these days, she couldn't even tell her closest people one by one!Zhu Xiaomeng continued to talk to herself. "Didn't you ask him to support you? Can a relationship like that be just friendship?! I went to your house to look for you, but you weren't there. I asked your sister, and she said you moved out. Hey, are you living with a man?! That man looks very rich. Hey, Mengmeng, you are so mean. You met such a handsome guy, but you never told your best friend!"Lin Meng's hands trembled slightly in panic, and she argued with an unstable tone. "You...what are you talking about!""Humph, this is not nonsense!" It was Yang Haoqing who had been silent all the time. "Your story has spread all over the school. How long do you plan to keep it secret!"Spread all over the school? ! Lin Meng was so shocked that she almost jumped up on the spot. She looked at Yang Haoqing with her lips trembling and losing their color in an instant, and asked weakly: "You...what do you mean?!""That's what I mean!" Yang Haoqing shrugged and blamed unhappily: "You don't know that because of your matter, Xiao Meng and I have also been pointed at by others these two days. It's terrible!"Since they are friends, they should also bear some joint responsibilities!Lin Meng was slightly shocked. She was terrible? ! Yang Haoqing said she was terrible? ! Lin Meng suddenly got angry. "Didn't you and Xiao Meng tell others about this?!"What happened that day was witnessed by her two friends! They told others and were pointed at by others. Why did they blame her in the end? !This was a misunderstanding of Lin Meng.That day happened to be the weekend, and there were many people on the street, including students from No. 4 Middle School. Lin Meng, a school beauty, was very eye-catching. Besides, she was still very eye-catching when she was running in the traffic. Immediately, she was seen by people who knew her. Coincidentally, there were a few girls standing nearby at that time. They watched Lin Meng's performance from beginning to end and heard what she said to Rong Ling. In the end, they watched Rong Ling put his arm around Lin Meng's shoulders and got on the car intimately. After that, Lin Meng disappeared and did not show up in the school for two whole days.Rong Ling was handsome, cool, and looked rich. He was simply the best actor in the minds of these girls. The gossipy girls spread the news during the evening self-study on Sunday, and then it spread quickly. By Monday, there were probably not many people left who didn't know about it. Zhu Xiaomeng and Yang Haoqing also wanted to tell the story, but they both planned to ask about the matter first, and then make a heavy attack. Unexpectedly, they were beaten to the punch by others. However, in the process of accelerating the rumors, these two people also contributed. After all, these two people are good friends of Lin Meng and were with Lin Meng that day. The two of them let go, almost making the rumors no longer rumors, but facts!Today, the biggest news of No. 4 Middle School is that the beautiful school flower Lin Meng is finally kept by someone.Perhaps because of people's prejudice, or perhaps because of jealousy of beautiful things, it seems that many people believe that beautiful women only have appearance and no connotation, so she can only rely on appearance to make a living, and to put it bluntly, it is to sell sex. Now, many people subconsciously position beautiful women as mistresses and mistresses, and the word "fox spirit" seems to have become a unified title behind them!Lin Meng was kept, and it seemed that she had finally achieved "popular expectations". No one was surprised, and felt that it was supposed to be so. They were so excited that they jumped up and down like clowns, chewing on the news again and again, eagerly hoping to find out the man and the secret events between the two from those few words.Most of the strange looks that Lin Meng felt when she entered the campus before were due to this. It can only be said that this year is probably her luck, which is very unfavorable!Yang Haoqing did not expect Lin Meng to suddenly say such words and directly put the matter on her. She felt that Lin Meng seemed to have become smarter now, which made her a little alert. After all, she was just a high school student. Although Lin Meng did not say the truth, it was not far off, which made Yang Haoqing's face change slightly. After panicking, she argued in a hurry, pushing all the things to those girls on the street, and then she muttered it several times."This is none of my business. I didn't say anything. Those girls said it. If you don't believe me, go ask others... I didn't say anything... We are still good friends. I can't even cover up for you. How could you do this... Mengmeng, you really wronged me..."Zhu Xiaomeng has always been a class cadre. She has been experienced and naturally won't be as uncalm as Yang Haoqing."Okay, just shut up." Zhu Xiaomeng pushed Yang Haoqing, who was still muttering, and stopped her from messing up. Turning her head, she asked Lin Meng."Mengmeng, now that things have come to this, don't hide it from me and Haoqing. The three of us are good sisters. Tell me about your relationship with that man, and Haoqing and I will help you with your advice. As the saying goes, three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. Let's work together to get rid of those rumors!"What a tempting proposal! In the past, Lin Meng would definitely agree!But Wu Shengnan's incident was in front of her, and Xiao Yi's reminder was still in her ears. She could no longer be completely open with these two so-called "friends".Zhu Xiaomeng was a little anxious, and stretched out her hand and pushed Lin Meng's arm. "You should tell me quickly, I'm so anxious. Oh, it's really the emperor who is not anxious, but the eunuch is anxious. Hurry up and tell me, my sister!"Lin Meng quietly clenched her fists, her heart moved, and her eyelashes drooped low, covering the color of her eyes. She was considering whether to tell it or not. If she told it, she might not have to be attacked from all sides. At least there were two good friends who could support her behind her and bear the pressure with her. But, what if... what if Xiaomeng and the others couldn't keep the secret and accidentally leaked it out...She hesitated, and Zhu Xiaomeng frowned and urged unhappily."Mengmeng, don't you regard us as sisters?!"Forcing each other with friendship is a heavy pressure. Lin Meng frowned slightly, and at this moment, someone called her!"Lin Meng——"A girl shouted loudly and walked towards Lin Meng. Lin Meng looked carefully and saw that it was Sun Panpan, who she had some good feelings for.Sun Panpan was standing about seven or eight meters away from the three of them. The three of them were busy talking and didn't notice when she was so close!Zhu Xiaomeng and Yang Haoqing both frowned and looked at Sun Panpan who was getting closer and closer. "What are you doing here?!"Sun Panpan walked in with a bag of potato chips in her hand. She could only hear her chewing in her mouth and said vaguely: "Well, I have something to find Lin Meng.""What is it? Just say it directly!" Zhu Xiaomeng narrowed her eyes, full of hostility. In her heart, she panicked for a moment, afraid that Sun Panpan would come to make trouble!In the past, it was not that no girls approached Lin Meng, but they were blocked by Zhu Xiaomeng and Yang Haoqing every time. If you think it's boring, just leave obediently and never get close to Lin Meng again. Some people who were unwilling to give up also left after being stopped by Zhu Xiaomeng and Yang Haoqing many times. Zhu Xiaomeng and Yang Haoqing explained to Lin Meng that the other girls who wanted to join their girl trio made them feel that they were incompatible and difficult to get along with. Because Zhu and Yang had been promoted to elementary school with Lin Meng, and they had a special relationship over the years, Lin Meng always believed what they said. In addition, she was originally indifferent and had never thought about making too many friends, so when new people wanted to join, most of them were sent away by Zhu and Yang, and Lin Meng never thought deeply about it.This time, when Sun Panpan came to the door, Zhu Yang and the others did not even think about leaving, but once again stopped them as a matter of course. Zhu Xiaomeng would not allow Sun Panpan to talk nonsense in front of Lin Meng. Although she was not familiar with Sun Panpan and did not know what she was going to do with Lin Meng, her caution would once again nip the danger in the bud.Zhu Xiaomeng looked at Sun Panpan, the girl she had always looked down upon, with a thousand miles away!Sun Panpan opened her round black eyes and looked at Zhu Yang and the others, biting the potato chips in her mouth for a full minute. When Zhu Xiaomeng was about to lose patience, she swallowed the potato chips and said slowly: "Oh, it's like this, I want to talk to Lin Meng about the clothes that day."After that, she stretched out her chubby little hand, grabbed a handful of potato chips from the bag, stuffed them all into her mouth, puffed her cheeks, and started to bite again. After taking a bite, she continued to eat for a full minute. Zhu Xiaomeng was so anxious that she cursed in her heart: What a pig! If she can eat so much, she might as well be a pig!She was anxious to get the first-hand inside information from Lin Meng. Seeing that she was about to succeed, why did this little fat pig come to join in the fun!She cursed the fat girl in front of her in her heart, but she couldn't really curse her. Because she was the deputy monitor, a deputy monitor respected by everyone. If she really cursed, it would be a loss of her identity and her status in everyone's mind would be greatly discounted! However, she could still express her diswelcome."Sun Panpan, say it quickly if you have something to say, don't waste our time here. Mengmeng and I still have something to say!""Um... um..." Sun Panpan nodded to show that she understood. But her eating speed didn't speed up at all. After chewing and chewing for another half a minute, Sun Panpan licked her plump little mouth and said, "Lin Meng, the clothes I gave you that day, do you want to return them to me?!"After that, she grabbed another potato chip and started to chew it. The two black eyes on her little face, which were as bright as gems, were extremely focused, staring at Lin Meng, as if she didn't see Zhu Xiaomeng's face that was about to get angry.Lin Meng was stunned for a moment, her face immediately turned red, and she said in an embarrassed and anxious voice, "I'm sorry, I... I forgot about it." There were too many things, too messy, and too urgent, and she almost forgot about it!After thinking about it, she said apologetically, "Sun Panpan, how about this, I have already worn the clothes, so I won't return them to you. I'll return the money for the clothes to you, okay?!"Sun Panpan tilted her head, as if thinking. It turned out that she was very sensitive and she was slower than others in thinking about things. After half a minute, she nodded slowly. Zhu Xiaomeng's face was almost livid, and she was still listening to Lin Meng asking Sun Panpan how much money he wanted.While Lin Meng was talking, Sun Panpan had already grabbed the potato chips and was biting them. The crisp sound made Zhu Xiaomeng almost collapse. She frowned and said unhappily: "Sun Panpan, just tell me how much money you want. Give me a rough number, and I will give it to you immediately. If you have more, just consider it as a thank you!" This fat pig, please, hurry up and leave!But Sun Panpan was slow. After slowly biting the potato chips and swallowing them. She said, "Well, this won't work. It's as much as it should be. Well, let me think about it. How much is it?"After thinking about it, she sat down like an old monk and said nothing. After a while, the familiar sound of potato chips rang again.Zhu Xiaomeng felt like cursing, but because they were classmates, she could only endure it. Then, the bell for morning self-study rang. At this time, Sun Panpan said lightly."Oh, it's time for morning self-study. Let's go back to class first. Lin Meng, I'll ask you for the money when I remember it."After that, the chubby little hand carried the almost empty bag of potato chips and walked slowly to the classroom. The chubby little body looked inexplicably funny - the kind that makes people laugh from the heart. Lin Meng turned around and said to Zhu Xiaomeng: "Let's go!"Then he quickly stepped forward and followed Sun Panpan.Zhu Xiaomeng stamped his feet in dismay, thinking that he would have to wait until the end of the first get out of class to interrogate Lin Meng. Looking at the chubby Sun Panpan, he cursed her to death in his heart.Before she even reached the classroom, the Chinese class representative came back with a pile of homework. When she saw Lin Meng, she said, "Mengmeng, Teacher Ni asked you to go to the office!"Lin Meng said "Hey", changed her direction, and went to the office of the head teacher, Teacher Ni. She felt even more uneasy. As the head teacher, if Teacher Ni looked for students alone, it was more for preaching. Since her story has spread in the school, the smart head teacher must have known about it, right? ! She was uneasy now because she was afraid that Teacher Ni would look for her for this matter. How would she tell Teacher Ni then? ! Even if she was lying, she couldn't come up with a suitable reason in such a short time!She frowned and felt so annoyed!In her ear, she heard a familiar girl muttering, "Oh, Teacher Ni is here, great, I want to go find Teacher Ni too."As she said that, Sun Panpan also changed her direction and went to the head teacher's office.Zhu Xiaomeng and Yang Haoqing didn't care. They thought that Lin Meng might be in danger and went into the classroom.Lin Meng slowed down her pace unconsciously, thinking about what to do. But she didn't expect that Sun Panpan, who was walking in front, was walking slower than her. Before long, they were in the same line."Lin Meng!" Sun Panpan suddenly called Lin Meng in a low voice.Lin Meng was stunned and looked at her in surprise.Sun Panpan smiled and looked at her with black almond eyes. "Don't tell anyone!""Huh?!" She was puzzled.Sun Panpan shook her head and pouted her red mouth slightly. "Don't be so honest. If you tell your friends whatever they ask, you will suffer!"Lin Meng was stunned and stopped.Sun Panpan also stopped and blinked at her. "That man can be said to be your cousin. Cousin is a very vague word. It can be a close relative within three generations, or a person who is far away from you. Hehe, just listen to me, it's correct!"Lin Meng is not stupid, and immediately understood Sun Panpan's hint.She looked straight at the chubby girl in front of her. Her rosy face was round and tender. She looked a little silly and cute, but more often reminded people of the word "pure". However, when this girl looked at her with her black eyes and smiled at her, she made people feel a little cunning!A unique girl!Lin Meng thought so in her heart, and smiled brightly at Sun Panpan with gratitude. "Thank you!"Sun Panpan was stunned by her bright eyes, white teeth, black hair and white skin, and her charming smile."You are so smart and know so much!" Lin Meng added, inexplicably wanting to say more to her.Sun Panpan waved her hands embarrassedly, "No, I... I just read novels!""Read novels?!" Lin Meng narrowed her eyes and smiled. "That's great, I didn't think of what you just said.""Then don't you think reading novels is bad?" Sun Panpan blinked and looked straight at Lin Meng. "Many people look down on this!"In school, from the class teacher to the teachers of various subjects, these novels, especially the romance novels that girls like to read, and the martial arts novels that boys like to read, are classified as bad books that "mislead students" and "delay learning". Some students even secretly laugh at those girls who read romance novels. Maybe it's because high school students are at a more sensitive age, with a hazy view of love, wanting to love but not daring to love, because of the pressure from parents, teachers, and classmates around them, it seems that even "liking" has become a taboo that cannot be spoken out, not to mention reading some romance novels that seem to be pornographic books!Lin Meng laughed and said from the bottom of her heart: "How could it be?! Can't reading novels also cultivate your temperament and relieve stress? You like it and you don't harm others, so how can you talk about whether it is good or bad?!""Really?!" Sun Panpan was surprised!Lin Meng nodded vigorously, smiling with her teeth showing and her eyebrows curved!Sun Panpan touched the back of her head and smiled with two very cute dimples on her face. She blushed and suddenly said. "Lin Meng, you...you are so beautiful!"After saying that, she ran away like a shy little girl!Lin Meng's face turned red. It was the first time that a girl of the same age praised her so directly! Suddenly, she thought that Sun Panpan was also going to see Teacher Ni, so she called her immediately."Sun Panpan, you're not going to see the teacher?!""No!" Sun Panpan turned around with a smile and stuck out her tongue at her. "It's nothing, who wants to see Old Nitou!"Old Nitou, the nickname given to the head teacher by everyone!Lin Meng was stunned again, and then she realized that the person Sun Panpan was looking for should be her!Her heart moved slightly, with gratitude and inexplicable joy. This chubby and cute girl came specifically to guide her!Lin Meng laughed silently, but when she saw the head teacher's office not far ahead, her smile stopped.She stopped, thought about it, and probably had a draft in her mind. She pursed her lips and walked over. When she walked to the door, the door was not closed, but wide open, empty as a big mouth that eats people. The head teacher's office is the place that most students hate the most, fear the most, and can leave the most psychological shadow!Lin Meng took a deep breath, clenched one hand, raised the other, and knocked on the side door. After two "beep" sounds, he shouted--"Report!"