当她转身回到车上时,林梦的脸色不太好.她还年轻,不知道如何隐藏自己的情绪.那双因为悲伤而难以褪去的红眸,只能让人更加感受到这个女孩的悲哀.容玲坐在车里,接过林梦手里的铃兰,低声问道:"刚才是不是有人让你不高兴了?!这个男人真聪明!林梦心一紧,急忙摇头."不,我只是仍然很伤心."荣玲皱了皱眉,放下了铃兰,将林梦拉进了怀里."你别想太多,不是我不让你回家.如果你想回来,这是一个时间和地点的问题.这不就是你的家吗!」"是的."林梦点点头.黑发随着点头轻轻落下,遮住了她的半张脸,让她的脸看起来更加脆弱和苍白.他低下头,轻轻地吻了吻她的嘴唇.他的大手抚摸着她的头.一股温暖的感觉慢慢驱散了林梦的很多伤心!林梦吸了吸鼻子,靠在胸前的衣服上,看起来很可爱.他问道:"怎么了?她的眉毛弯起,温柔地笑了笑."一股香烟的味道!""说着,她把头靠向他的脸.她看起来随意而大胆.荣玲不常抽烟,但也有时候,尤其是作为商人,他不得不处理一两根烟.这是林梦第一次在荣玲身上闻到香烟的味道,感觉有些奇怪.她歪着头,依偎在他的怀里,沿着他的下巴嗅了嗅.她看起来像一只顽皮的小狗.她那双黑色的大眼睛眨了眨,清澈见底,也像一只小狗一样纯洁.容玲心动了一下,突然有个好久没见的恶作剧的想法.他低下头,以闪电般的速度亲吻了林梦.他非常有效地将她的嘴唇分开,扫进她的嘴里.他深情地逗弄着她的丁香舌头,再次安抚地吻了她的嘴唇,然后温柔地笑了笑:"你尝过烟草的味道吗?!林梦的脸涨得通红.她没有看他那双微笑的黑眼睛.她一闭上嘴,就扑进了他的怀里.容玲的胸口因为他的笑容而微微起伏.林梦心想,为什么这个男人虽然都在抽烟,却闻起来这么香.那天她也抽了烟,只觉得喉咙里有一股灼热感,烟味有点刺鼻.但又不像这个男人的,也许是因为上面还有男人的麝香味呢?!哼?!她在想什么?!林梦的耳朵红了,现在她决心留在容玲的怀里,不出来.如果容玲知道她的想法,那就太丢人了.不知不觉中,她心中挥之不去的悲伤悄然消散.在她到达玉锦酒店之前,容玲接到了一个电话,看来有什么事情需要他亲自处理.他是个大忙人,管理着这么大的企业,其实他很难抽出一天时间.因为喜欢的房子还没有装修,林梦只好暂时住在玉锦酒店.送林梦回总统套房,让林梦早点休息后,荣玲就走了.林梦没有多想,从包里掏出一套睡衣,去洗漱了.今天跑了一整天,她出了很多汗,身上沾了很多灰尘.她在浴室里呆了半个小时,洗了一会儿澡,然后出来了.她一只手拿着一条干毛巾,另一只手在胸前擦着头发.因为口渴了,她想拿一杯水.但她刚走出浴室两步,就被坐在 ** 中的黑影吓坏了,尖叫起来."魈...小逸!她吓得说不稳.她条件反射地把睡衣拉得更近,生怕出什么事.因为她想直接睡觉,所以她的睡衣下面除了内衣什么都没有.睡衣虽然不薄透明,但还是能隐约露出她圆润的胸膛.林梦红了脸,尴尬地用手捂住了自己的胸口.然后,她脱下毛巾,堵住了自己的胸部.原本沉默如雕像的小逸从床上站起来,站在那里,一言不发地阴沉地看着她.他个子很高,比林梦还高出一个头多.他抿着嘴唇,眼神深邃,整个人都充满了说不出的冰冷.他笔直地站在那里,穿着紧身的黑衣和黑裤,给人一种无处不在,无所不包的夜行者的感觉.他有点神秘,但更可怕.因为他给林梦的感觉太压抑了,甚至是严肃的!Xiao Yi had always given her the impression of being a bit playful, as if he didn't care about anything, as if any serious matter could become a joke to him, but today, his aura reminded Lin Meng of Rong Ling in a rage!These... these two men, at this moment, are so similar!"Xiao Yi!" Lin Meng was a little nervous, and called him again. I don't understand why he looks like this, and I don't understand why he is here!Xiao Yi grinned mockingly, his expression cold."I remember you said not to be a mistress, and I remember you said that you said this to everyone, why, once you meet Rong Ling, all your words don't count?!"He was still happily waiting for the little white rabbit to come to the door, but he didn't know that the little rabbit ran to find someone else, facing Rong Ling's big tree, really intending to be hit to death!In front of so many people, she actually cried and said to the man: "Can you support me?!" This simply made him furious. He pitied her so much, respected her so much, gave her the opportunity to choose, and gave her a chance to buffer, but he didn't expect that she would be so humble to beg others!Damn it, damn it!In the end, he watched her being supported by that man, watched her come out of the house with big bags and small bags, and followed this man away!"Lin Meng, you are so cheap!"He cursed maliciously!Lin Meng trembled, took a step back, and his face turned slightly pale."I... I'm not a mistress!""No?! Huh?" Xiao Yi laughed disdainfully. "If you're not a mistress, then what else can you be? Isn't it just this kind of thing to beg him to support you?! Eating his food, drinking his drinks, wearing his clothes, living in his house, and sleeping with him, if you're not a mistress, then it's really strange!""I... No..." Lin Meng's eyes widened instantly, her lips trembling violently, her weak defense, but Xiao Yi exposed it so bluntly that even she herself could not convince herself!Xiao Yi still snorted coldly, his eyes were cold without any warmth!"I thought you were a bit proud, and you didn't call me for a long time because you didn't want to be supported by someone. But it turns out that you have been waiting for a better boss. Why, if Rong Ling supports you, you are not a mistress?! Why, don't you feel cheap to follow him?!""I..." Lin Meng bit her lip and wanted to refute, but she felt that all her reasons seemed to be untenable. This man is too domineering. She can't stand tall in front of him!Xiao Yi strode forward until he came to Lin Meng's eyes. He stared at her fiercely, and pinched her chin tightly with one hand, forcing her to look up at him and unable to avoid his sight. Looking at the face in front of him who didn't say a word, he was even more angry."I talked to you in a good tone and asked you to go back and think about it carefully. I treated you as a person, a person worthy of my respect. But you, you don't treat yourself as a person, and beg for support like a lowly slave. Lin Meng, is this you?! Is this your nature?!"Lin Meng bit her lip and shook her head again and again, silently denying.Xiao Yi lowered his head and bit Lin Meng's lips suddenly."Um——"She was naturally struggling.Xiao Yi was unhappy and bit Lin Meng fiercely. He raised his head, and his face was ferocious as if he was a devil."Why, you want to keep your virginity for your Rong Ling?!"He squeezed Lin Meng's chin harder, wishing he could crush her face. Lin Meng cried out in pain.He smiled, but he was extremely cold, vowing to humiliate her to the point of being completely humiliated!"Does a person like you need to keep your virginity?! Having been with so many men, won't your Rong Ling dislike you?! How many people have kissed your little mouth?! Now, why are you still pretending to be noble?! Do you think it's necessary in front of me!""No, don't talk nonsense!" Lin Meng cried out, and red blood slowly overflowed from her lips. The place that was bitten by Xiao Yi just now finally broke and bled because she spoke.Xiao Yi became more and more angry. "No?!"Looking at this woman, he almost wanted to shoot her. For the first time, for the first time, he spent so much effort to please a woman, respect a woman, and did not force her at all, but he got such a result! It turned out that his sincerity was not worth a penny, and was trampled on by a woman to this extent."If you say it's not, it can be true or not?! This cute little mouth loves to lie the most, again and again, do you think I can still believe what comes out of this little mouth?"He lowered his head and licked the blood on Lin Meng's lips fiercely. The familiar smell of blood slowly released the murderous aura on his body."I really should kill you!" Xiao Yi growled, and the ferocity on his face was not concealed at all. "I hate people who are two-faced, and I hate women who are hypocritical. Go and ask Rong Ling for help! Why, you want to ask him?! Am I not good enough to you? I asked you to ask that guy! Haha, do you think the man you are asking for help is good? Is he much better than me? Haha, what a joke. I tell you, the man you are asking for help is now busy enjoying himself with other women. You ask him, you stupid woman, you actually ask him for help!"Lin Meng's pupils suddenly dilated, and her body seemed to be struck by lightning. She looked at Xiao Yi in astonishment."You...what did you say!"Rong Ling...he went to find another woman? ! No...no...no...Xiao Yi knew what she was thinking when he saw her pale face, so he felt happy and had a sense of revenge. He also wanted to let her see what kind of man she chose!"Don't believe it? Haha, no wonder. You are just a fool. You wishfully think that man is a good person. You will definitely not believe what I said. Well, I will be a good person again. When he is done, I will bring you the video of him and the woman making love. I believe that you will definitely like the exciting scene!At this time, Xiao Yi was malicious. He has never been a good person, but he has been kind to Lin Meng too many times. But how ridiculous, his rare kindness, but Lin Meng is not so rare."Oh, right!" He raised his voice slightly and became evil. "You haven't seen ** before, haven't you seen the kind of ** scene between men and women, haha, it's quite hot, you should also see it!"His maliciousness accumulated layer by layer, and Lin Meng finally couldn't stand it."Enough! "She yelled, stretched out her hand, and fiercely chopped at Xiao Yi's hand that was pinching her chin. "You are talking nonsense, you are lying, Rong Ling is not that kind of person, he is busy with business, I know, he told me that he will be back soon, you are lying, you are lying!"The angry look fell into Xiao Yi's eyes, making him even angrier, and he wanted to destroy him. Why did she trust Rong Ling so much?! What on earth is that man worthy of her trust?!"Lying to you, what's the benefit of lying to you, I'm crazy! And who do you think you are to Rong Ling? ! Are you his wife, are you his girlfriend, he goes out to find other women, is it your business? ! Don't forget, you are just his mistress. Remember, it's a mistress. You are just one of his many women, and one of the many mistresses he has kept. What are you, you are nothing, you are just a little pet waiting for him to show his love from time to time, and he will play with you when he is free. If he is not free, then he will leave you aside. Can you expect him to stop dating other women for you? ! Stupid woman, don't be silly. Compared with those charming and enchanting women, you are nothing! You should not think about your own weight! ""Stop talking! "Lin Meng was forced to cry. Xiao Yi's words were too hurtful, almost exposing all the humiliation. Although he didn't say a single dirty word, every word stabbed her like a sword.Xiao Yi made her feel that she was so dirty and cheap!She thought, why was she so stupid?!After all, she was still a mistress, wasn't she?!It was because she understood the lowliness and lack of autonomy of a mistress that she vowed that she didn't want to be anyone's mistress, but she still became Rong Ling's mistress!Mistress?!Does Rong Ling also see her like this?!She asked him to support him, and he also planned to keep her in a golden house?!Why, he was in a hurry to find another woman?! Why, after finding her, he still lied to her?!Why, he treated her like this?!No...it shouldn't be like this!"Xiao Yi, tell me, what you just said was all a lie to me, okay? ! "She looked pleading.Xiao Yi snorted coldly, looked at her tearful eyes, and deliberately waved away the pain in his heart."Why would I lie to you!""I don't believe it!" Lin Meng roared, and her hands began to tremble weakly for some unknown reason."Don't believe it?!" Xiao Yi frowned. "You can't help but believe it. I tell you, this is not the first time, nor the last time. As Rong Ling's woman, you should be prepared to share him with other women. Stupid woman, I have never seen anyone stupider than you. I would rather be with Rong Ling than with me. I am too good to you, right? I promised that if you followed me, I would not get entangled with other women, but you still disdain it, right? ! "He suddenly reached out, hugged Lin Meng, bit her ear, and roared softly."I shouldn't be too good to you, making you indecisive. I should have directly possessed you, so that you had no choice but to follow me. You followed Rong Ling because he got your body, right? ! What, you were captured by his **kungfu, are you afraid that I can't satisfy you? ! "He maliciously pulled Lin Meng's hand and moved it towards his lower body. The hard touch and hot temperature scared Lin Meng so much that she quickly retracted her hand.Xiao Yi directly picked up Lin Meng and walked to the bed.Lin Meng was frightened and felt that things seemed to be out of control, so she shouted. "Xiao Yi, put me down, Xiao Yi, put me down, put me down..."Xiao Yi ignored Lin Meng's struggle. Her struggle, as well as her little arms and legs, were simply weak and pitiful in front of a man like him who had experienced life and death and countless battles.He threw her on the bed, and the softness of the bed immediately made her body bounce. Lin Meng was panicking and wanted to get down from the bed, but Xiao Yi pounced on her like a cheetah and easily pressed Lin Meng under him. His agile and tall body pressed on top of her, like a huge cover, covering her tightly, making her a little breathless."Get down! "She growled, angry!He lowered his head, ignored her, and tried to kiss her lips, but she dodged.He was angry and kissed her cheek vigorously, smiling maliciously: "Tell me, if Rong Ling knew I wanted you, would he still support you? ! A man of his status and position, and coming from such a family, he should still have face, right? ! He should not be ashamed to share a woman with others, right? ! ""You bastard!" Lin Meng screamed, her heart almost in her throat. "If you dare to touch me, I will... I will... I will hate you, I swear, I will hate you for the rest of my life!"Listening to this ridiculous threat, Xiao Yi suddenly felt that the anger he had accumulated before was somewhat broken. This woman, can't even threaten people?!"If you want to hate, then hate! "He smiled indifferently. "Anyway, I don't expect you to love me, so it's not bad to let you hate me. Isn't it said that hatred is almost the same as love? Not bad, not bad..."Xiao Yi laughed at himself, thinking that at such a moment, he could still have such a mentality, which was really a progress!He lowered his head and couldn't kiss her lips, but he didn't care. Tonight, he had to get her no matter what. Here, on this bed where she and Rong Ling had made love. He would tell that man that this woman belonged to him, Xiao Yi. He would let this A woman knows who she should follow in the future!He didn't want to pity her anymore, he stretched out his hand and tore off her clothes. He found that he should have done this earlier, he shouldn't have let her go again and again.Lin Meng was frightened like a frightened rabbit, and she cried softly."No, no--"She punched and kicked, as if she was going to use all her strength. But how could she be Xiao Yi's opponent? Her little strength was not enough to make a wave for Xiao Yi."Don't waste your energy! "Xiao Yi smiled at her, lowered his head, and bit the sexy collarbone easily. His big palm went down and touched the soft mass."Um——"Lin Meng's eyes were red with humiliation, and she cried and screamed."Xiao Yi, don't do this, please, don't do this..."She had already felt the disparity in power between her and him, and knew that in front of him, she was like a mantis trying to stop a car or an ant trying to shake a tree.Please him, she had no choice but to ask him!"Please, I beg you, you can ask me to do anything, just don't do this to me, please...Xiao Yi, please..."Why, she has to be a woman? ! Why, she has to be so thin? ! Why, she can only beg with tears? ! Why, she always has to be so difficult? !"Xiao Yi... wuwu... please don't do this... please..."She also wants to be clean and she also wants to be faithful to one man, why can't she satisfy her humble request, why must other men touch her? !His kiss has already landed on her chest. One of his long legs has already squeezed between her legs; one of his hands has already pulled down her thin cotton shorts!How can he be so cruel? ! How can he be so hateful? !"Are you going to force me... force me to die... Xiao Yi... do you want me to die..."This is the only card she has left! How can she be so pitiful by begging for mercy with her life and death!Xiao Yi's movements suddenly stopped. He looked up at the girl who was crying so hard that she almost couldn't breathe, and heard her say the words of dying so mournfully. At that moment, his heart softened and hurt!"If you had obeyed me, how could I force you like this?!"He growled in hatred, looking at her, and a trace of pain flashed across his wolf-like fierce eyes."Have I ever forced you before?! Now, you forced me to do this, you forced me..."Lin Meng was crying, staring at him with wide eyes, innocent, helpless, and boundless anger!"Did I deliberately come to provoke you? Did I do it on purpose?!" She screamed, almost hoarse, and the light in her black eyes was almost broken."I just want to live quietly, can't I?! What did I do wrong? Did I kill someone, set a fire, cheat someone, or owe money? I just want to live a quieter life, can't I?! Why can't you just let me go?! Will treating me like this really make you happy?! Or do I really make you feel so cheap? As a man, do I have to spread my body, open my legs, and let them possess me without moving?! Woohoo... Xiao Yi, I thought you were different, different... Woohoo... How could you force me like this... How could you... Woohoo..."She stared at Xiao Yi, tears suddenly flowed like a river, and she cried loudly!If she didn't think he was different, how could she accept his kindness so easily, how could she let him enter her room so easily, and let him lie on her bed for a night? !But how could he treat her like this? ! How could they all look at her so cheaply! What on earth is she? In their eyes, is she still a person? !Xiao Yi was hurt, and his heart hurt so much!Looking at Lin Meng who was screaming like this, his strength was drained away little by little, and the fierceness in his eyes was also forced back little by little!He hated himself, how could he be so soft-hearted to this woman!Is it just a woman's tears? ! Which woman doesn't cry? It's not like there haven't been women who have cried in front of him, but why are the tears of this woman so powerful that he can't move, and he can't bear to hit her hard!Smiling bitterly and self-deprecatingly, Xiao Yi didn't know what expression he had on his face now."Different!... Since you think I'm different, why do you want to turn to other men?! Do you think I'm not good enough?!"Lin Meng shook her head in confusion, and clear tears stained her face.Xiao Yi lowered his head, held Lin Meng's face, and didn't let her head move. He began to kiss her with warm lips one by one. In his heart, he just couldn't bear to be too rough with her, and he just couldn't bear to see her so sad."Silly girl, stop crying. At most... at most... I won't touch you!"Lin Meng burped, opened her eyes still full of tears, and looked at him in doubt.Xiao Yi felt sad for himself. How could he be so low in front of her? In the past, he would have taken possession of the woman below first, and let her cry. After that, he would have done whatever he wanted!"Forget it!" He sighed softly, stretched out his hand, and wiped the tears from Lin Meng's face."Don't cry!" He sank his face, feeling that he was really a coward today. "I didn't do anything to you. You cried like someone died, and I felt like I was the biggest villain in the universe!"Lin Meng suddenly wanted to laugh. It was a very strange feeling!The speed at which the tears fell also slowed down."Then you come down first!" She choked and began to negotiate terms.Xiao Yi immediately glared, with a fierce light still in his eyes. Although he didn't use force on her, he didn't expect to be defeated in front of her!"You want me to let you go this time, okay!" He narrowed his eyes, his dark eyes full of calculations. "Whatever conditions Rong Ling meets, I will also meet. From now on, you will follow me!"Lin Meng listened, turned her head away, and didn't speak. Neither agreed nor disagreed.Xiao Yi immediately got angry again. Seeing her silence, it was more like a silent rejection."You like Rong Ling?!" He sneered coldly.Lin Meng's body trembled, although it was very slight, but Xiao Yi, who was pressed against her, immediately felt it, and he immediately became furious. Because he was too angry, he calmed down. The fierce expression on his face was also retracted, just cold eyes, indifferent and cold looking at Lin Meng."I'll give you two choices. One, you agree to tell me that I will give you everything that Rong Ling can give you. Two, if you don't agree, then I will not let you go tonight. Lin Meng, don't test my patience, otherwise, when my patience is gone, I will not be so easy to talk to. Don't expect anyone to save you, the only man who can save you is alive and well. Since I can come to this place quietly, I can naturally take you away quietly. Even if you threaten to die, I will not show mercy. The person I want, the King of Hell wants to weigh the weight. It's not that easy for you to die!"This is Xiao Yi, who is comprehensive and calculating, and will never give his opponent any chance to counterattack! No matter which one Lin Meng chooses, Xiao Yi will get her. The difference between the two is just the time!Lin Meng bit her silver teeth, feeling even more sad in helplessness."Xiao Yi, I don't owe you anything, you can't do this!""As long as I want, there is nothing I can't do." This is the arrogance that he, the leader of the Silver Wolf Group, should have."But I don't want to!" This is also her, even though she is delicate, she also has the most basic pride!Xiao Yi stretched out his hand, with a touch of cruel force, ambiguously touched Lin Meng's small mouth, and kneaded it heavily."This world lets the strong speak. You don't want to, but it's useless!"Lin Meng suddenly got angry, and her eyes with tears burned with bright anger like fire! After a strange laugh, she laughed at herself with tears in her eyes: "Are you so rare to be a bitch like me?!"Xiao Yi was unhappy and looked at her coldly. He didn't like her using this tone of contempt for herself.But Lin Meng laughed coldly."If you let me follow you, won't I still be your mistress?! What's the difference if I follow Rong Ling?! You respect me and look up to me like this?!"Xiao Yi pursed his lips, and his heart was slightly touched."It's different!" He argued."Oh?!" Lin Meng mocked. "What's the difference again?!""At least, you and I are one-on-one.""Can you guarantee it?!" Lin Meng also learned to be smart, thanks to Xiao Yi's reminder just now. "Can you guarantee that you won't act in a flattering way?! Can you guarantee that you will always control yourself?!"Xiao Yi was stunned again, and suddenly found that this girl became eloquent."Hehe..." Lin Meng laughed dryly, wondering how all this could be so inexplicable and ridiculous. She struggled to retract her hand. Xiao Yi was thinking, and he didn't hold her hand down anymore. She wanted to tighten her torn pajamas to cover her exposed breasts.Xiao Yi's eyes flashed, and he refused. He tied her hands again, one on each side, and pressed them to the sides of her body. This negotiation posture distracted her from worrying about the humiliation of her body, which should be more conducive to getting the goddess of victory to stand on his side."I can only say that I will try my best not to let this happen!" He didn't want to say some sweet words to her. He was a man living on the edge of a knife. He asked her to follow him so seriously, so from the beginning, he wanted to make it clear with her. He could lie to her, but he just didn't want to do it.Try your best? !Lin Meng pouted mockingly and gave up the useless struggle. She felt sad and cold in her heart. Maybe this is her current worth? ! She changed a family, but she still lived under someone else's roof, but she still acted according to the master's mood, but she still asked for the master's charity!Struggling and struggling, maybe she still couldn't escape the net!She closed her eyes weakly and sighed deeply in her heart. When she opened her eyes again, she just wanted to confirm one thing."Xiao Yi, I just want you to tell me the truth. Did Rong Ling...really go find another woman?!"