Chereads / The wife of a rich man / Chapter 40 - 040 Heartbroken

Chapter 40 - 040 Heartbroken

The sky was full of clouds, and the sun was struggling to show its face. It occasionally shone through the clouds, shining on her body, like a battle between light and darkness. She accepted the baptism of the sun, and felt that the past week was as unreal as a dream; when the sun was covered by dark clouds and the whole world darkened, she felt as if she was in another world...

她并没有感到放松,但她的脚步很沉重,仿佛她悬挂着一千磅的重物.她不知道自己要付出多少努力才能强迫自己挺直脊背,离开宏伟的玉锦酒店.来来往往的人那么多,她只能向前看,不能侧头看,生怕不小心遇见了别人的眼睛,被别人刺穿了她的皮肤,露出了下面肮脏的灵魂...交易,这是一场交易,一场金钱和肉体的交易...无论她如何否认,都无法抹去这一层可能成为她一生的耻辱的事实!更可笑的是,她居然忘记了自己的初心,全身心地投入到这场出卖身体的交易中!她执着于他短暂的温柔,编织了一个自以为是的梦.现在她醒来了,比一盆冰水倒在她的头上还要冷!她迷迷糊糊地坐上了一辆出租车.司机低声问她要去哪里,但她无言以对.她本来应该报上她家的地址的,但那地方真的是她的家吗?!虽然她的爸爸,妈妈,哥哥,姐姐都是血缘关系,但仅仅依靠父亲的血统联系,实在是脆弱可怜.在这个家里,她唯一可以期待的人就是她的父亲,但也是那个把她送到这个世界上,把她送给别人的父亲.她该如何回去,又该带着怎样的面孔回去面对她血脉的父亲,冷漠的母亲,兄弟姐妹...她嘴唇动了好几下,想要吐出熟悉的地址,但还没开口,眼泪就先流了下来!她的心脏仿佛被切开了,最轻微的动静都会让血液流淌!司机默默地驾驶着车.或许,他已经习惯了这种眼含泪水的客人!他没有问她,或许是一种理解.她的声音剧烈颤抖,每一个字都在颤抖,啜泣声不容忽视:"...只...去...去...去...去..."这四个字,却已经倾注了她所有的力气!语言本身可能具有神奇的力量.一旦以语言的形式显露出来,那些压抑在心里的东西,就会因为嘴巴的张开,好像涌了出来.她忍不住哭了起来,感觉有一种压倒性的悲哀即将压垮她!她战战兢兢地来了,带着屈辱,期待着快点释放,但她万万没想到,当她离开时,她会如此不舍和伤心!为什么,为什么她必须经历这样的经历,为什么她不能继续这样被羞辱,为什么她必须见他,为什么他如此出色,为什么她必须让他表现出他的温柔...如果她遇见了他以外的人,那么这可怕的一周过后,她或许会痛哭一声,然后在哭泣之后悄悄地埋下一切,继续她以前的生活,但她恰好遇见了他,她怎么能忘记呢!为什么这些成年人总是那么随意,说要送走就送走,说要接手就接手,说要接手就接手,然后说要扔掉就扔掉?他怎么根本不在乎她的心,一言不发就让她走了.他们前一天晚上还能这么深情,第二天又能这么冷?!而且,从此他们就是陌生人了!她也许是卑微的,令人尴尬的,,她是为了她想要的而来,但她真的是那么微不足道,那么微不足道,以至于他甚至没有试图留住她吗?Lin Meng, Lin Meng, why are you Lin Meng? How great it would be if you were not Lin Meng!Rong Ling... Rong Ling...I have secretly called this name many times in my heart, but I can't call him openly. Since it is just a deal, he shouldn't be so good to her, buying her clothes, accompanying her to dinner, riding the cable car...even changing some business decisions for her!He shouldn't be so good, so she is complacent and immersed in the beautiful dream she wrote and directed. Since she became conscious, no one has ever treated her as well as he has, so she easily gets close to him and wants to rely on him like a fool. But he is a child of destiny, and there are many girls around him who are much better than him, such as He Ya, Xi Lan, and Miao Qing.What is she? She is nothing at all!That night, she shouldn't have been rescued by him. Maybe she would have been left in the rain by him, got pneumonia, lived in the hospital, met him in a hurry, and waited until the deadline to be handed over to her family. That would be good. In that way, while she was resentful of him, she could tell herself that the man was a bastard and not worth the slightest concern. She was just sick, and when she recovered and was discharged from the hospital, she would be fine!But it happened...She wanted to resent him more, and wanted to recall more scenes that could make her hate him, but she couldn't do it. She even found sadly that he was the best person in the world for her!Lin Meng, Lin Meng, good is good, bad is bad! Admit it, you are just sad that Rong Ling left you like this, so you resent. But ask yourself, you came here with what you wanted, but Rong Ling treated you like this, what else do you have to complain about!Sober up, he is a good man, and an extremely good man. You are not worthy of him, and don't expect to be with him. This was originally a deal. When the time comes, it's time to wake up from the dream, open your eyes and go your separate ways!But——Teardrops like streams rolled down from Lin Meng's eyes, sad and heavy like winter ice rain.But——she thought desperately: Maybe she will never meet someone who treats her so well again in her life!"Girl, why are you so sad?!" The driver's deep voice was full of pity and sigh.Lin Meng sniffed, stretched out her hand, and slightly covered her eyes. She raised the corners of her mouth with a sob, and in a smile that was uglier than crying, she cried brokenly: "It's just... the sun... is too... dazzling..."Yes, it's just that the sun is too dazzling, so her eyes were pierced, so she cried!So, it's just that the sun is too dazzling...The driver turned his head and looked out through the car window. The dark clouds have successfully blocked the sun, not a single ray of sunshine can be seen. The whole world is dark, where can the sunshine come from!I am afraid it is going to rain soon!The air is dull, and there is a hint of moisture in the dryness. This may be a downpour. It's just that the rain outside has not fallen, but the rain in the car is already a big basin!The tears falling on the girl's face seem to fall on the lily of the valley like a heavy rain. The petite white lily of the valley can't bear the heavy tears, and it presses down its waist little by little, silently crying with the girl. This girl who holds the lily of the valley in her hands and cries is the saddest person Xiao Yi has ever seen, and his heart hurts a little bit!