Chereads / The wife of a rich man / Chapter 30 - 030 Need to be cleaned up

Chapter 30 - 030 Need to be cleaned up

"林梦——"容玲大声尖叫.凭借良好的体格和强壮的肺活量,在雨中远处都能听到这些呼唤.林梦听了,像只受惊的兔子一样,松开了捂住头的双手,竖起了耳朵.当她真的听到有人在叫她,而且打电话的人极有可能是容玲时,她眨了眨眼,苍白的脸上突然露出了笑容.漆黑的夜色中,那苍白的脸庞就像一盏小灯笼,照亮了那双漆黑的眼睛和那仿佛昙花一现的笑容.太神奇了,但也透露了一点怪异!我没听见...她什么也没听到...她重重地伸出手,捂住了自己的耳朵.她再次把头埋在膝盖之间,把自己缩成一个更小的球.浅黄色的衣服上沾满了雨水和泥土.从远处看,它就像一个小干草堆.她以一种自我折磨的方式报复容玲,即使他急切地呼唤她,她也一言不发.是他抛弃了她,又把她变成现在这样,所以她不理他,不答应他,也不关心他...她愿意伤自己来惩罚他,哪怕伤了自己十分,也只能惩罚他一分.可悲的是,她只能这样战斗,在他面前表达这样的不满.这场小女孩般的愤怒打斗是她的极限,也是她受伤后维护尊严的唯一途径.大雨中,容玲不停地打电话.按照他的估计,如果林梦没有出事,她绝对不会走得太远,而且很可能就在附近,所以她不可能听不到他的呼唤.他开始感到不安,开始考虑是否要把他的手下叫过来...在快速分析的同时,他锐利的眼睛像雷达一样扫视着.旧的训练并没有让朦胧的雨太严重地挡住他的视线.当他的视线扫过那团暗黄色的物质时,那即将擦肩而过的视线,瞬间又被扫了回来.出于某种野兽般的本能,他快速向前跑去,两步一分为二,滑下斜坡,来到了林梦的面前.他伸出手,抬起她的手臂,把她拉了起来.他看到的果然是那张白玉脸,他那颗一直悬在嗓子眼的心,终于放下了.然后,他再也控制不住自己的怒火.因为她显然是醒着的,她那迷人诱人的黑眼睛半睁着看着他.他立即大吼大叫,非常生气."女人,你傻吗?我打电话给你,你却没接!他几乎要对这个愚蠢的女人生气了!他急着要找到她,但她却像一样躲在这里,一言不发.你怎么能和这样的人玩呢!容凌这辈子从来没有受过这么懦弱的苦.如果她不是女人,他会打她一拳.但他的愤怒并没有影响到林梦.她傻乎乎地笑着,冷雨冲刷着她的脸,她的眉毛,她的眼睛,她慢慢地眯起眼睛,用她那双狭长迷人的眼睛,紧紧地勾住容玲的眼睛,用她淡红的嘴唇妖娆地笑着."呵呵...荣玲...你...是个大坏蛋..."她颤抖着伸出手,毫不犹豫地用纤细的手指揉搓着容玲的脸庞,嚣张而霸道,仿佛被女王附身了一样.谁给她这么大的勇气?!这个可怜的小家伙,在稍稍受惊的时候,就会默默地吞下所有的委屈,怎么会在这么短的时间内有这样的野心和勇气呢?!容玲皱了皱眉,一股不好的预感让他立刻伸手摸了摸她的额头.果然,他的手下有一个热球.这个小女人发烧了,很明显她被发烧弄糊涂了!"Bad guy... I'll beat you to death... Hehe... I'll beat you to death..."Lin Meng stretched out her little hand and slapped Rong Ling's face weakly. Although her slapping didn't hurt at all, how could anyone slap the face of the president of Yadong Group at will? ! Rong Ling was so angry that his face turned blue."Woman, wait and see how I will deal with you in the future!"Gnashing his teeth in hatred, he picked her up and walked up the slope.Lin Meng was running around in his arms like an uneasy little lion, stretching out her hands and slapping his chest randomly, humming nonsense "Bad guy... bad guy... I'll beat you to death" and so on, making Rong Ling more and more gloomy, and his dark face was even darker than the dark clouds in the sky.Seeing that she was in a state of fever and still making a fuss, Rong Ling couldn't help but reach out and slap her butt hard, staring at her with some teeth gnashing, threatening her."If you move again, I'll beat your butt until it blooms!"She burped, opened her eyes that were obviously a little absent-minded, and stared at him. It seemed that his threat worked, and she became quiet, half-closed her eyes, and nestled in his arms like a kitten. Who would have thought that she was jumping like a irritable little lioness just now!Finally climbing onto the highway, Rong Ling ran immediately, bouncing and bouncing, causing her to giggle foolishly, making him helpless, as if he had become a jumping clown."You really deserve to be punished!"He took the time to glare at her fiercely. He shouted fiercely, but his hands moved more and more gently, and his steps became more and more steady, for fear of hurting her. At the same time, one arm cleverly covered half of her face to prevent the cold rain from entering her nose and choking her.After running for seven or eight minutes, he finally arrived at his sports car. He opened the car and turned up the air conditioner in the car. He didn't bother to wipe off the rain on himself. He immediately reached out to take off Lin Meng's clothes. She was already so stupid from the burns, these wet clothes can't be kept.Although Lin Meng was confused from the burns, the words of insults before were still lingering in her mind, and she resisted subconsciously. Seeing someone taking off her clothes, she struggled immediately. The delicate body didn't know where the strength came from, waving her arms and kicking her legs, and she greeted Rong Ling, which made Rong Ling angry enough. She still felt it was not enough, and suppressed her burned throat and roared: "Go away, go away..."Half-squinting, I don't know if she recognized the person in front of her as Rong Ling!This really pissed Rong Ling off. This woman who had always been a good girl, who could have thought that once she started to mess up, she would be so difficult to please, even more ferocious than a mad cat, and her fangs and claws were almost as fierce as a tigress.He was no longer gentle to her. Rong Ling snorted and directly adopted the most brutal but most effective method. With a "swish", he simply tore off her clothes to see what she could use to cover herself. She opened her eyes wide and waved her arms at him angrily. Rong Ling narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand, and easily caught her delicate little arm. He wanted to use the previous method to go all out and simply tie her up again with a belt, but when he saw the scars on her wrists that had not faded last night, he held back and did not do so. Instead, he held her arm with his big palm and quickly tore off her pants with his other hand.She looked so miserable, with rain and mud all over her body, just like she had rolled in a mud pit. Her face and calves were more or less covered with mud, and her hair was mixed with some weeds. Seeing this, his face changed again and again. He never thought that he had only left her for a while, how could she make herself so miserable so quickly!She was humming there, either in a distressed voice or a low curse. Rong Ling frowned and did not intend to listen carefully to her messy and illogical humming. He untied his tie in a slightly irritated manner, quickly took off his white shirt that had been soaked by rain, and roughly wiped her little face with a clean white shirt, which was unclear whether it was tears or rain, and wiped her wet body again.Lin Meng rolled in the small trench, her body was covered with mud, and after being washed by the rain, now that she had taken off her clothes, her white and tender body was occasionally covered with gray. When Rong Ling wiped it with his white shirt, the shirt worth several thousand yuan was scrapped, and it was dirtier than a rag. Rong Ling simply threw the white shirt away and took off her sneakers. Suddenly, Lin Meng was as naked as a newborn baby, and her figure was so charming. Because she had a fever, her skin was pale and abnormally red, and it was not an exaggeration to say that she was lying in a coquettish manner. But at this time, who could pay attention to these things? Even in this situation, if Rong Ling could still think about something, he would be a beast!