风檀笑了起来,他那独特的凤眸顿时闪过一丝光芒."你为什么躲起来?!"他抓住了林梦纤细的手腕."我不会吃你的!""放手!"林梦急着要走.但风檀紧紧地抱着她,一抓住她,就不肯放过她."你要去哪里?我带你去!"不行,我可以自己坐车!""呵呵..."风檀上下打量着林梦,表情顿时变得十分委屈."我亲爱的女士,我好像没有冒犯过你,为什么你总是像狼一样提防我.如果我没记错的话,我们至少在同一张桌子上吃了一顿饭!林梦脸红了.凤檀继续说道:"如果你觉得我做错了什么,那就告诉我,我会改正的!林梦咬着嘴唇,眼神一闪,只是摇了摇头.冯谭笑了起来."就这样,我没做错什么,所以你让我带你去兜风呢?!"我觉得我在 J City 的名字没那么臭名昭著!林梦还是不想.冯檭也不在意,拖着林梦走了."我亲爱的女士,快点和我一起上车.你不知道你不能在那里停车吗?交警一会儿会来开罚单,我要你赔偿我!林梦抬起头,满脸委屈,这男人怎么会这么!他把车停在那儿,跟她有什么关系!"我可以自己坐车.""哦,我的上帝!"凤檀夸张地呻吟着."你让我带你一会儿怎么了!你荣灵这么厉害,我怎么能对你有什么坏事?!他不在这里,让我做一次护花者吧!林梦愣了一下,犹豫地开口."是...容玲让你带我回去?心里,莫名其分地有些期待.凤檀愣了一下,看了一眼美丽的林梦,什么也没说,把她推进了车里.林梦看着冯檀关上车门,绕过车前,上了车,又关上了车门.她忍不住又问了一遍."他请你来吗?"冯檀有些不高兴,但他的笑容却越来越和蔼可亲."没有,我只是碰巧路过,看到你站在那里,所以我想做个好事,让你搭一程!"林梦突然感到迷茫.她想下车,但冯檀已经发动了车.有那么一刻,她真的被困在了车里.她低声说了一个地址:"裕锦酒店,我想回裕锦酒店!凤檀说了一声"嗯",刚才见到她的喜悦,因为容玲的名字,黯淡了不少.车开了一会儿后,冯檀的心情整理好了,他把那些杂念放在一边,笑着问林梦."你吃了吗?"林梦愣了一下,连忙点头,白皙嫩嫩的耳朵微微泛红.她不擅长撒谎,一旦撒谎,她的脸肯定会红.今天她早起吃了顿饭,然后去远足,然后来到写字楼,看着荣玲和于旭在那边聊天和处理公务,所以一直耽搁到现在.事实上,她已经很饿了!也是上帝没有帮助她.她一摇头,肚子就发出了非常没面子的"咕噜咕噜"声.风潭掌舵,毫不客气地笑了起来,让林梦的脸更红了,整个人都快要燃烧了."我们先去吃饭吧,我知道一家不错的私人餐厅!"这是冯坦第一次和林梦有这么私下的接触.他没想到林梦竟然这么好玩.这一刻,只有他和她,独自一人在车内这么小的空间里,他顿时感到非常兴奋.感觉就像她有生以来第一次参加足球比赛,然后奇迹般地踢进了一个球.林梦想摇头拒绝,但冯檀的大笑着实让她难堪,只能脸红,顺从冯檀的安排.不过,她还是有些小心翼翼地对他说道:"我想早点回去!Feng Tan smiled and responded, "Yes! Yes! Yes! I swear, I promise to send you back as soon as you finish your meal, and there will be no delay in the middle."Lin Meng thought about it, blinked, and closed her mouth, which was considered a silent agreement.The private restaurant chosen by Feng Tan is quite famous in J City. The basic consumption for a table is thousands of yuan. Most of the people who come here to eat are from wealthy families, and of course, it also includes various enterprises and institutions that spend public funds!Lin Meng was thinking about going back after dinner, so she kept her head down and ate the food bit by bit, no matter how much Feng Tan talked. Feng Tan finally saw through it and realized it. He sighed helplessly and began to peel the lobster for her. He felt that it would be more practical to pick up food for her silently than to talk to her so much.Later, Feng Tan saw the fun. This little girl was just like a cute rabbit, sniffing the food in her bowl without moving. No matter what he put in her bowl, she always blushed and stuffed it into her mouth bit by bit, which was incredibly well-behaved. What did the ancients say - beauty is a feast for the eyes. Feng Tan has grown up and finally understands the true meaning of this saying!This palm-sized face, misty eyes, cute little nose, tender little mouth, and black hair are so pleasing to the eye no matter from which angle you look at it. Feng Tan's heart was inexplicably filled with joy, as if just looking at her was an indescribable happiness.She finally raised her head from the bowl and put down her chopsticks."Are you full?!"Feng Tan unconsciously lowered his voice, perhaps for fear of scaring her.Lin Meng nodded, and Feng Tan asked again. "Is it delicious?"Lin Meng still nodded."Then I'll invite you to eat here next time!"Lin Meng was stunned for a moment, unable to nod or shake her head. Feng Tan smiled so much that his face blossomed, and he took her silence as an agreement. He led her out, but unexpectedly ran into him - Rong Ling!