Chereads / My Life & How It Has Changed Me Book 7 / Chapter 44 - Chapter 14-1 Book 7

Chapter 44 - Chapter 14-1 Book 7

Chapter 14-1

Being Interrogated

Part 2

We watched as his honor guard went inside. There wasn't anything we could do but do what he asked. Eli smiled at me. We didn't dare say anything just in case they were still listening and watching us. I indicated they were still watching us and listening as my eyes moved toward a small black wire sticking out of the ceiling. We quickly got the hell out of there with our clothes and my wheelchair and finished dressing in the janitor's closet.

By the time we had reached the reception hall, the girls were sitting waiting for us at our table and dinner had been served or was in the process of serving the last of the plates and bringing in the dessert. I noticed the table that used to be covered with wedding gifts was now empty and in place was lots of sheet cake and ice cream being served by the waiters. No one said anything when Eli and I quickly took our seats as Stringham moved the chair out of my way so my wheelchair could fit underneath the table.

Right away, I took my hand and found the envelope that had been taped under the table right where we were told. I first counted everyone, breathing a sigh of relief finding all my friends and my family accounted for except for Tony and Jenny, but I knew they weren't far behind me as they made their way into the dining room.

I discreetly placed the envelope in my lap once our waiter had served me and Eli, placing the large silver dome on our plates, and walked away to stand against the wall. The first thing I noticed was that he seemed really nervous about something. Stringham had them prepare prime rib for tonight's wedding feast, knowing it was my favorite which it was, but I had lost my appetite. Even Eli wasn't that hungry after our interrogation.

I wasn't concerned about showing Stringham or Tony the contents at the table, because no one really cared, and it was meant for me and Eli to open it the moment I found it. I emptied the contents, finding a letter with instructions which weren't at the hotel where he told us he would be, and a videotape with a note. The note said that Eli and I were to be picked up outside the hotel at 2 am. There was no picture, nothing but the note. That said, a car would be waiting to pick us up at the hotel, telling me no wheelchair, and to be dressed only in the robe which we would pick up at the front desk when we returned after the party.

The note said.


"These boys will die if you do not show up with the money and bring them into the fold … Do not let anyone follow you, we will be watching. Do this and what we talked about they will all go free. If not, they will die one by one with their parents watching, knowing that you could have saved their sons." 


Stringham whispered. "That man?" he leaned asked. "How much is the ransom?" I wrote it on a napkin. Stringham said. "He doesn't want much, does he? Do you think he's serious?"

I said. "Deadly." I lifted the dome off my plate and, big as life there was a head of an eight or nine-year-old boy I didn't know, underneath. With the envelope in the boy's mouth addressed to Stringham.

I backed away and vomited. The room gasped with whispers, seeing the back of the head of the boy in front of me. Stringham took out the note and closed the lid. His face was pale as a ghost, but he was calm as he stood and said, reading the note.

"I have just been informed that someone has just left us a warning if we don't comply with their demands. I am told to read this to you all."

Stringham cleared his throat. "I am the voice of God; I am the voice of his almighty angel. You cannot hide from me. I know all your sins. I am your salvation; I demand that you each empty your pockets and your wallets and purses. Yet I am not a heartless God and know the ones that have paid tribute to me. The wedding party will only be asked to hand over all the proceeds they have collected today as a token of my gratitude. Once they have done so, they are free to leave, so they can meet my other demands in a timely fashion. Knowing if they are not met they will all die publicly on the ten-clock news.

"My men will come around and collect the offering you are giving me; the men will then place an envelope with your name on it. Inside is a donation amount you will give me by using a certified check that I have calculated as the price of your sin. Once the funds have been approved by your bank, which is now waiting for your call, you will be free to leave the building. Those that don't comply I will kill. To prove to you who your new God is and prove to you that this is not a joke. I have recorded a short film for all to see. Do not question my power, for it comes from the only true God who is known to mortal men as Lucifer, and his savior Mormo. Please enjoy the rest of your evening.


P.S. Smile for the cameras I have placed around the room, so you know your God is watching you."

We watched as several men in satanic robes all wearing a hood and white face masks over their faces. File in with black velvet bags and come to the front while two of them push in a movie projector as two from the top above us drop a large white sheet from the railings. Watched several more hook-up phones and phone lines, forcing the people off the tables to give them room to work as they set up the lines. Near the main entrance, several guards were looping a chain around the door. Once they had everything set up, the lights were turned off as the men stood at the sides of the room and guarding all exits.

The movie began to play, with violent war scenes as the narrator said in a disguised voice. "War is coming, and it will sweep the lands. I am the Holocaust and the bringer of death. Vengeance is mine and mine alone says I your new God and your true God and only God here on this earth. I have walked among you and have come to slaughter the fatted calf among you. I have seen your sins and these are only but a few."

Several people gasped seeing themselves committing unspeakable crimes. Like screwing their secretary's, cheating people out of their homes and lining their pockets. Many of them were pleasuring themselves, sitting behind a desk as a boy or young girl that could have been their son or daughter was doing them orally or bending them over their desk late at night when they thought no one was looking.

The scene cuts to the school too where Mom and Dad are thinking of placing Arthur. Showing the physical and sexual abuse of their patients, and the people that were doing them that were inside this room, then it showed the horrors as they butchered and killed young children, and many of them were babies. The head witch we met in person was absent, and none of the higher-ranking members likely appeared.

Stringham whispered said. "It seems our host is "cleaning-house' to make room for some new blood." One of the men struck Stringham across the face, telling him to keep his pie hole shut or he could be the first to die. He showed him the ceremonial knife as he held it in his hands. Others followed his example, showing their weapons, showing they were serious; to anyone that doesn't remain silent.



The scene cut to our host as he stood in all his glory in a pillar of fire, his face covered by a beast of a large bull with horns as he said, raising his arms in a grand jester. "I am your God, and as mortals … you shall bow down to me and praise my daughter your most holy Queen Mormo, and your new true God Lucifer who has been in prison unjustly. You have three hours to comply with the demands that I have given to each of you. Once you have … you will be free to go. Do not comply and I will kill you and the ones you love in front of you. Like I have with the boy I have sent as proof and as a warning."

The movie ended, and the lights flickered on and the men in robes moved forward as we were told to empty our pockets as they searched us, not so kindly; emptying the cash we had on us into their black bags. Others handed out envelopes with the amount our host demanded, waiting for confirmation of the transferred funds. I noticed that a man in a robe picked up my plate and placed it in the middle of the room on top of the cake as if it were a new centerpiece, proving that this was indeed not a joke. We were told to sit quietly until they had fleeced us all.

Once they had everything from us as we watched them line up ten people against the wall and had them kneel on their knees, three were children and their parents. The man in charge quickly told his men to release us and the ones who had complied with their master's demands. Then motioned forward the three children and their mothers and told them to say goodbye to their husbands and fathers, that their God has seen fit to sacrifice them for their sins and could not pay their ransom, but is merciful to let them live.

We heard a mind-numbing scream as we watched them kill their fathers, slashing their throats with knives as they screamed, and then they dragged the bodies out the side door. "Let that be a lesson to you for not being ready to give all that you have, too our God! Now go, before he orders me to kill you and your children!" Covering the children's eyes didn't help; they still heard the screams and knew they had just murdered those men for failing to pay the ransom.

Stringham swore he would take care of those responsible by the end of the night. Tony and Jenny disappeared the moment we were safely on our way back to the hotel. The SWAT team and lines of police cars surrounded the building, pushing back onlookers and guests as police took their statements while news crews from every channel focused on the building.

Stringham had me linked with Jeff as he pulled over, pulling out a map of the building. He cursed. "They left themselves no way out." I smiled as Jeff popped in and said as he growled. "Look, this is how they are getting out," pointing at the map of the old sewage tunnel that they would be using.

Stringham looked at him even though to the rest of us it seemed he was looking off into space talking to himself as he told Jeff to make sure Tony was aware of it. Getting the stupid look from Jeff, he already did. Tony and a large portion of our remaining team are in the process of making sure none of them get away. He asked another stupid question if the hotel was a safe place to go, getting the response of. "Course not. That's where the High Bishop has placed men inside guarding all our family members and guests that we have brought with us."

However, when I asked about my friends in Santaquin and Heber, Jeff smiled and turned towards me and said. "I will check, but if you haven't noticed, I have been kind of busy. Give me twenty minutes to do an assessment. Until then, I have notified Bishop Earl and Bishop Sakes to slowly and carefully make a hasty exit to an address where they will be safe."

I wrote down the address on a pad and handed it to Stringham to tell our driver to make a beeline to that address. Note: the time that Eli and I needed to be at the hotel in five hours or fewer. It was a little after 8 pm now as I looked at my watch. Stringham growled, noticing that we needed to have the ransom money long before then, which was a huge chunk of change in the amount of 500,000 dollars.

It would take two or three of those hours alone to get it during the day, but he gave me and Eli a small smile. Telling us it was just a small inconvenience as he picked up the car phone and called in a large favor, yelling. "I need it now, CF! I need it or a lot of people are going to die! If you don't believe me, turn on the news! It's on every channel! I know it's a lot, but explain it to the brass, that if I don't have it and the men necessary at my disposal! You're looking at a melting pot of a holocaust! Thanks, and make sure you send me your best men. Our resources are stretched thin here. Thanks. Send them to this address and the money. We will set up a perimeter and base camp to coordinate from."

He gave him the address, getting the response that it was clear out in the middle of nowhere, Stringham said. "I don't care if it is … I am told that we would be safe there for the moment." He said. "Good, we'll be there soon; it's going to be a long night for all of us."

He hung up the phone and picked it up again, ordering Landon to have everything at the address as fast as his scrawny long legs could muster. He buzzed the driver to put everything he got into the engine. That he wanted us there as fast as possible; everyone was following us as we made a detour on an old dirt road that said Fort Douglas military base ahead.

Right away, I could see it was deserted except for the maintenance crews and the guards at the gate, as choppers were flying overhead. Our driver stopped at the gate as Stringham fished for his badge and handed it to the guard who seemed to have all-day until he said. "Yes, sir, right away sir." Had his friend opened the gate and handed him back the badge? Stringham rolled up the window, and we all went further on down the long road out in the middle of nowhere.