Chereads / My Life & How It Has Changed Me Book 7 / Chapter 10 - Chapter 3-3 Book 7

Chapter 10 - Chapter 3-3 Book 7

Chapter 3-3


Part 4

My leg and foot looked gross even though it had only been in a cast for a few hours. Tony said he was looking forward to licking me like an ice cream cone, but not until I had at least a shower or a bath. I had chosen a bath after seeing the large claw-foot tub, thinking a nice long soak sounded perfect after the day I had. It also gave Tony the time to set up the bathroom for us with plenty of plush body towels, and washrags, and body bathing sponges that I used to think only women or girls used.

I would never even consider using a washrag again other to wash my face and arms on in the sink, finding the other does a far better job and as well as the body soap that comes in liquid form instead of a hard bar. That at the time I could only buy in a bath and beauty places that were usually women-used because boys and men were thought to be too masculine to be seen in one. I wasn't one of them, nor was I embarrassed about buying sexual lubricants or condoms and or a box of tampons for my Mom or my sisters. Tony asked what color I would like for my toothbrush, giving me the choice of several and the flavor of bubble bath and skin softeners for my bath.

I still said anything but peaches and cream, having him tell me they were fresh out; teasing me when I saw the brand-new package of it. Plus, the new cinnamon one that was all the rage. I didn't ask if he was joining me; it stated he was as he walked around the room naked trying to catch my attention, by placing my work aside and moving everything to the other bed, while he pulled the covers down on my side. Proving that I had already guessed that was where I was sleeping and wasn't alone, again not that I minded in the least. Teasing me all work and no play makes Eric a dull boy and makes him cranky. I knew that's not how the saying went but to each his own.

He parked my wheelchair out of the way and helped me off the floor. And finished undressing me, placing his arms around me and drawing me into a kiss. I think it was the first time I had really noticed that he was just as tall as me and very muscular as I kicked my boxers away into the corner so I wouldn't trip on them, not that I nor he would be needing them for the rest of the night.

The cameras were only on facing the hallway and outside our door. The ones inside our room would only be activated if someone opened the door and set off the alarm, but that wasn't going to happen because the door was locked on the inside and we were the ones with the only key, for both the inside and the outside. Personally, I was quite glad of that because I really didn't want anyone seeing me here at school; I placed my arms around Tony, having Jeff pop out, excusing himself even though I could feel him my link as he hummed and teased me that he wished he could kiss and hold me and show me how much he cares about me; I answered back through our link that he does and had done and has many times over, the years, but to Jeff, it wasn't the same and still rubbed him raw because he could have, but had chosen the easy way out. All because of the stress his parents were putting on him and his long-term girlfriend broke up.

He didn't want to go on a mission. He wanted to go to college and get a degree and play basketball instead of wasting two years of his life in something he didn't believe in. Most of the time, I ignored his ranting because I had my own problems at the time. But I listened, and I tried to cheer him up every time he felt bad for what he had done. That he wanted to go to college, get a degree, and play basketball instead of wasting two years of his life on something he didn't believe in. Most of the time, I ignored his ranting because I had my own problems at the time. But I did listen, and I did try to cheer him up every time he felt bad for what he had done, listing all the good he had been doing ever since that fateful day.

I didn't question anymore if I was doing something wrong because I had been taught that I wasn't and felt good about myself being with someone this way. I relished in the sensation of our lips meeting, the gentle pressure, and the taste of his affection lingering on my tongue. As he held me in his arms, I could feel the strength of his embrace, the steady rise and fall of his chest against mine. The air was filled with the faint aroma of his cologne, a subtle blend of musk and sandalwood that tickled my senses.

Tony had told me that he had requested to be my bodyguard; a mix of excitement and anticipation hung in the air, like an electric current ready to ignite. I leaned in, capturing his lips with mine, and playfully asked, "Oh, so we're doing it because of my ghostly friend and the help he could provide us?"

A mischievous smile crossed his face as he kissed me once more, his reply muffled against my lips, "Part of it, but no. Because I liked the excitement of not knowing what you and him are going to do next, instead of the basic routine. Go here and spy on someone, go here and set up surveillance and wait until we call you, or provide protection or go kill someone."

"I said, teasing him. "That's what you're doing now, isn't it? Making sure no one touches me." I kissed him, letting my hand and letting my arm follow it around his butt, waiting for his response.

He rolled his eyes at me and said. "Yes, but I know for a fact you could protect yourself I f you need to."

I smiled and released him. "And so you know all my secrets, yet I know very little about you?" He laughs, and I watched as he walks around me and pulled me closer to him, as he placed his hand on my penis, and stroked it, bringing it to a hard state.

He kissed the back of my neck. "Not all of them, but I intend to. So, I can see your weak spots and make them stronger."

I rolled in his arms and looked him in the eye and asked. "And have you found any?"

He said, "Yes."

I said. "And?

He said. "You get nervous when you can't see someone face to face; you tend to be jumpy when they are behind you."

I said. "For good reason, and I am sure you know why?" He circled around me, so he was behind me again, letting me feel his hard penis poke me in the butt but doesn't force it inside of me, knowing I wasn't ready for that, causing me to jump."

He said, "For one you are afraid someone is going to rape you as Gloria did, and second you view every person as your father and your mother who has hurt you most of your life. Not allowing anyone to not allowing anyone to be behind you, because you're afraid if you can't see them that you can't protect yourself."

I said, "And you're going to teach me that I shouldn't be afraid?"

He kissed the back of me and nuzzled his head on my right shoulder before saying, "Yes, I am going to show you how to protect yourself. You'll learn how to have eyes on the back of your head, as well as techniques like stealth and body language. Furthermore, I'll teach you how to make people perceive you as weak and incapable. You'll also learn how to conceal your pain. In short, I'll show you everything you need to know."

"So, if someone comes up behind you like this, instead of jumping, you'll learn to embrace the opportunity. You'll understand that when it's consensual, it's perfectly okay and not wrong. It's about showing affection between two people, nothing more."

"The key is to let your enemies believe you don't see them, and when they think they have you, that's when you strike. Pain, though unpleasant, can be managed. It's important to remember that pain can even be life-threatening, but there are instances where enduring pain becomes necessary to protect yourself and those around you."

"I nodded and said. "You are going to teach me all that in two days?"

He snorted and slapped me on the butt and said. "Of course not, I am not a miracle worker, you told me yourself that it has taken years to get where you can speak to Jeff without talking, and feel him inside you, and most recently how you can be transported at a great distance between locations, without leaving the room. I must say, that is quite an impressive accomplishment. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that today I would come across the storage room and successfully locate the individuals in those locations, without leaving the room. Quite impressive, I must say. I would never find that storage room today, nor would I have found my people that had been taken.

"You have saved lives, not just my people who are quite grateful, mind you, but the bad people as well. And according to Stringham, you are more than what you seem. I laughed at him when he told me that because I had thought. No boy your age could do what he says you can do. It had to be a trick. It wasn't until we were in Mr. Walen's office that you read the room and him. I had done so, but I missed the secret passageway in his office. I missed the cross beneath his shirt, the mustard, and the perfume.

"Yet when you brought it to our attention, I wanted to bang my head against the wall for being so stupid because it was all there, right in front of me. Then I thought I had seen everything that you could do. Then I thought you were going to need help to be the bad boy, even in a diminished state. Yet once more you proved me wrong, as you became anyone's worst nightmare. I thought for sure we were going to have to find a way to sneak you down to solitary confinement.

"Even more so when Mr. Walens gave you a free pass on your first strike even after you corrected him by quickly earning another one then the second one in a matter of an hour. Then wham Bam you came up to a new level that would rival any bad kid in a wheelchair with a broken leg, three broken fingers, and sprained arm and shoulder. Making the biggest mess I have seen any kid make in less than thirty minutes; setting a new record in a few short hours. I can't wait to see what you have planned tomorrow." He kissed me again and led me to the tub, letting me climb in first as he climbed in behind me like Shane used to do and like what I do with my brothers.

He uncapped the bottle of horny pills, the faint smell of medication wafting through the air. The pills sat on the stool from the shower, placed next to the tub, their vibrant colors caught my eye. The sound of the caps popping off echoed in the room as he prepared our sodas, the fizzing sound blending with the excitement in the air. The remnants of our finished sandwiches lingered, their aroma mixing with the scent of the pills.

The crystal-clear water gently swirled around us, it's cool touch soothing my senses and evoking the familiar comforts of home. Each stroke and caress heightened the pleasure of our intimate connection, as the warmth of our bare skin mingled with the sensation of trading breaths in passionate kisses and embraces. The sounds of our blissful union drowned out the outside world's noise, leaving it where it belonged. However, a hint of disappointment crept into my expression as he mentioned PE, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Frowning, frustration washed over me, a wave crashing against the shores of my consciousness, as I realized that my broken leg would limit my participation in sports. He added with a glimmer of hope, "They do have a nice pool."

I smiled and said. "No, Shawn never cared for swimming, and besides, I can't wear a cast.

He said. "We could always take it off,"

I shook my head and said. "The wheelchair?"

He rolled his eyes and said. "Not a problem. We could still wrap the leg in thick bandages afterward and say the doctor said it was only a couple of days, and he was going to take off the cast, anyway."

I said. "I'll think about it?" He nodded. Telling me I could do so much more without it.

I shrugged my shoulders and asked. "Like what?"

He asked. "Is that a yes or a no?"

I said. "It's a maybe, depending on what you have in mind."

He said. "Oh, I was thinking we could do some training. We did promise Mr. Walens that we both show the students how to read a room … and I promised to do some cool training using the items we have at our disposal."

I nodded as we both got out of the tub, letting the water drain; he helped wrap a towel around my waist considering it was just a few steps to the bed. We had to keep our own room clean, so he sent me on ahead so he could clean up the mess we had made. I offered to do it but said I had done more than my share of the work earlier.

I brought the map of the building and went over it in my mind with Jeff; he gave me a location of three more spots we needed to look at. I asked if it was a good idea to do what Tony was suggesting. He answered back telling me that I should think about it, but if it was up to him yes, I should. Free will and all and always, I said thanks a lot; he reminds me to say my prayers tonight. I asked if he was teasing me, knowing I didn't believe in that stuff. Again, he answered, "What could it hurt?" I was about to say, looking stupid as someone knocked on the door. I jerked up with a start and took a look at the monitor on the desk, breathing a sigh of relief seeing it was one of Tony's team.

I carefully adjusted and secured the soft, velvety towel around my waist, making sure it provided enough coverage. Its gentle touch against my skin brought a comforting sensation, offering solace in the late hour. In stark contrast, Tony seemed unfazed by his lack of clothing, since there were only rules in the boys' dorm that strictly prohibited girls' presence, especially at nighttime, it clearly stated that boys could do what they liked in their dorm rooms and it was the same for the girls, As the door swung open, a rush of cool air swept into the room, sending a shiver down my spine.

The dorm room was filled with sights, sounds, and smells, creating a tense atmosphere. My eyes couldn't help but fixate on Tony, standing there, his naked form illuminated by the soft glow of the room's fluorescent lights. The sight of him in such a vulnerable state sent a rush of adrenaline through me.

Amidst the silence, the sound of my pounding heart seemed to echo off the walls. I could almost hear the collective gasp that everyone suppressed, their eyes widening in surprise. The air was thick with anticipation as if holding its breath, waiting for a reaction.

But to my surprise, there was no uproar, no panicked whispers. Instead, the room remained eerily quiet, the only sound being the soft hum of the ventilation system. The smell of stale pizza and sweat lingered in the air, mixing with the scent of uncertainty and secrecy.

As the team's gazes shifted from Tony to me, I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me. I clutched the towel tightly around my body, its rough texture grazing against my skin. It was a physical reminder of our clandestine activities, now exposed for all to see.

Without missing a beat, the conversation shifted. The team members spoke in hushed tones, their voices filled with determination. The sound of their words filled the room, blending with the steady rhythm of my own breathing. Tony's voice cut through the tension, exuding a confidence that belied the situation. They mentioned the need for spy cams and the organization of the basement, his words resonating with a sense of purpose.

At that moment, I realized the gravity of our actions. The dorm room had become a hub of secrecy, a place where hidden agendas and secret communications thrived. The weight of the situation settled upon me, a tangible feeling that seemed to press against my skin. Tony's mention of the designated communication channel served as a stark reminder that we were prepared to go to great lengths to protect our secrets, even if it meant using unconventional means.

The room was now a sensory overload, filled with sights, sounds, smells, and feelings that wove together to create an atmosphere of tension and intrigue. It was a scene that would forever be etched in my memory. However, an underlying unease lingered, a silent acknowledgment that someone had to stay vigilant in the church at all times. Tony asked for the map, and as I handed it to him, he quickly noticed my markings indicating three additional areas to explore. Tony compared the two maps without asking if I had discovered them myself or if Jeff had informed me. His surprised gaze met mine, and in response, he said to his awaiting team "Give me 10 minutes." He offered for me to join him, but I gestured to my leg, indicating that I couldn't due to it not being in a cast.

He expressed his desire for me and my friend Jeff to come along, and I nodded, a smile spreading across my face. He told the others to give us a few minutes to dress, closed the door, and swiftly dressed in his ninja attire. The room was filled with the sound of fabric rustling as he effortlessly transformed into a stealthy figure. It was impressive to see him all in black, his movements graceful and precise. A silver outline of a black panther glimmered on his back, adding a touch of mystery to his ensemble. As for me, I quickly put on a pair of boxers and slipped on the school bathrobe, feeling the soft fabric against my skin. I decided against wearing a shirt, wanting to blend in as a student rather than a spy like them. The scent of freshly laundered clothes wafted through the air, adding a sense of cleanliness to the room.

I put on my house slippers, the coolness of the floor seeping through the thin soles. Without socks, I could feel the smoothness of the slippers against the soles of my feet. I then slipped my pretending injured arm into a sling, the fabric snugly supporting my arm. Tony quickly wrapped my pretend broken fingers, his touch gentle yet firm. I winced slightly as he secured the bandages, feeling a slight pressure on my fingers. Finally, I got back into my wheelchair, the familiar creak of the wheels accompanying my movements.

Tony opened the door, the hinges squeaking softly as he glanced back at the room, ensuring we had everything we needed. With a click, he locked the door, sealing our secrets within. It was like every member of their team had vanished; I headed back to our room, and quickly grabbed two books. One was from the library and my schoolbook. I also added a Playboy magazine, watching Tony's eyebrows knit together, considering it was all I could see of his face beside his eyes. I shrugged my shoulders and said. "Just in case I needed an excuse."

And he asked. "And the playboy?"

I casually shrugged my shoulders and remarked, "What boy doesn't have a stack of magazines in their room?" It was a bit unsettling that they were all featuring naked men instead of girls, but that was Shawn's preference. I had asked Stringham to make sure I had several copies, and despite his initial laughter, he managed to fulfill my request, even including some unconventional ones. They were of nude young boys, the kind that Shawn had a particular liking for. I hadn't figured out how I was going to use them yet, as I hadn't progressed that far in my plans to act out my mischievousness.

As I wheeled down the hallway with my bodyguard, nobody paid much attention to me. Whenever someone emerged from a room to use the bathroom, they would quickly vanish, allowing me to continue moving forward, taking my arm out of the sling. I had decided that soon, probably tomorrow or the next day, I wouldn't need it anymore. Consulting the map in my possession, I made my way to the elevator and followed the signs indicating the locations of various facilities, secretly hoping that my friend Jeff would reveal the hidden rooms to me.

The library, situated on the first floor, remained open 24 hours a day, but entry required a pass, which I obviously did not possess. However, I had brought the book as to use the excuse of returning it, not because I intended to borrow more books or study there, but because I was on a quest to find a secret passageway and needed a plausible excuse just in case. Tonight, I was playing the role of the obedient student as I entered the library, with the team following closely either in front or behind me. I acted as if I owned the place, discreetly stashing away my map, and wheeled past the librarian, who was engrossed in her own novel.

The library was on the first floor and was open 24 hours, but you needed a pass to use it, and I, of course, didn't have one. Yet the reason I had brought them was even though I wasn't going to check out books or study in the library. I was going in to look for a secret passageway and needed an excuse just in case. Tonight, I was being a good kid. As I went inside, let the team follow either in front of me or behind me. I pretended that I owned the place as I slipped my map out of sight and wheeled right past the librarian, reading a novel of her own.

I had just gotten past the desk when she noticed me and said. "Young man, do you have a pass? You need a pass to be in here at this hour."

I wheeled around pretending I had one but discovered I didn't. I gave her a sweet innocent smile and. said. "Yes, Ma'am I do," and searched my pockets again. I gave a heavy sigh and said. "Oh crap, I must have left in my room clear on the third floor." I searched again and took my books and shook them said. "Just needed to return these and check out a couple more for my assignment tomorrow." I gave another sweet smile and did another search.

She put her fingers to her lips and said. "It will be our little secret. I'd hate to have you go all the way back and all the way down here, in your condition."

I smiled. "Thanks, Ma'am, I'll be really quick I promise."

I rolled my wheelchair closer, the wheels creaking softly with each turn, and extended my hand toward her. "Hi," I introduced myself, my voice carrying a hint of nervousness. "I'm Shawn, Shawn Rothwell. I'm new here, just started yesterday." As our hands met, a faint jingle of bracelets echoed in the air. Suddenly, one of the books slipped from my grasp and crashed onto the floor, causing me to let out an involuntary curse. At that moment, a pungent odor, reminiscent of a decaying corpse, wafted toward me, growing stronger the closer I stood to her. She swiftly picked up the fallen book, and as our hands parted, a strange tingling sensation crawled up my arm.

I couldn't help but glance at her wrists, my eyes widening as I noticed the same ominous satanic symbol etched on both of our skin. Without uttering a word, we shared an unspoken understanding. After she arranged the books, her voice broke the silence. "The boys are in the back," she informed me, her words accompanied by a faint rustle of paper. "Just tug at the light, and the door will open." She looked at me and quickly apologized noting the wheelchair. She asked where I was from, and I promptly said, "The Highland chapter, I didn't think I would find any of my brethren here, considering my parents are trying to separate me from them." She had me follow her as we made our way back to the room of the library.

She had me follow her as we made our way back there.

She said. "I see. How long have you been a member of the true church of God? May Mormo bless us?"

I repeated. "Three years. May she come swiftly to my aid and seek vengeance on those that hurt me."

She quickly opened the door and fell to the floor, so quickly it surprised me. Tony quickly came to my side as two of his team members dragged her away. He pointed to the sides with four fingers and told me to wait where I was, pushing me out of the doorway behind a bookcase as he went inside hearing a prayer circle chanting. It gave me cold shivers as the words faded away. and one by one they were silent.

The longer they stayed, the more my nerves rattled, particularly as I saw one of his team members dragging the bodies out, with five more figures heading their way. As they got closer to the door, the sight of the bodies against the wall caused them to panic and run towards the exit of the library.

I made a quick decision as I jumped out of my wheelchair and rolled it in front of them. As I tripped three of them, two gasped at seeing me and made their way towards me. I smiled as they came closer, while the three that I had tripped with my wheelchair started to get up and join them. Inside, I grinned and moved my fingers, signaling them to come and get some. I removed my robe, letting it drop to the floor, and stood there only clad in my boxers. With swift movements, I slipped off my slippers, ensuring my bare feet had the necessary traction on the carpet. I then removed my arm and hand from the sling, allowing it to dangle around my neck.

Despite the situation, I should have been scared, but I wasn't. I noticed that two of them held ceremonial knives in their hands, and they were students, while the rest were adults. Without hesitation, the first one lunged for me, attempting to take me down. However, with the agility I had gained from kickboxing and gymnastics, I flipped over his back and brought down my left arm, where my fingers were bandaged, delivering a well-practiced hit. This caused him to lose his breath and he fell to the floor, sliding onto the table and bookshelf, which came crashing down on top of him. Due to his hood, I couldn't make out his identity as one of the adults.

With one down, there were still four more for me to deal with. They slowly circled me, each holding a knife in their hands. I patiently waited as two of them dove at my sides, colliding head-first and causing me to cringe. I realized they were two student boys I had met in the bathroom. One of them tried to make a run for it but was stopped by Tony. This left me with one more student, who eyed his friends as dark shadows appeared in the corner of my eyes. Although I had taken care of all the adult attackers, I still had to face this remaining student.

I had him cornered and wiggled my fingers, smiling confidently. "Come and get it, you piece of demon trash," I taunted, angering him. As he growled, I prepared myself for a fight. He lunged at me with a half-roundhouse kick, but I swiftly slid down and caught his leg as it passed over me. Raising my leg, I nailed him in the crotch, causing him to scream and drop his knife. He grabbed his crotch at an odd angle, allowing me to come around and slam my arm down, breaking his leg with a loud crack. He screamed in pain, unable to do anything as I took my right hand and delivered an uppercut to his jaw, breaking three of his teeth. He went flying onto the bookshelves, defeated, and knocked out.

I quickly caught a knife flying towards me and another flying toward my friend Tony, who was coming to my aid. I picked up one of the fallen books from the floor and tossed it towards the knife that was heading towards Tony's back and flipped it out of the way as the knife embedded itself inside the bookcase and the other knife flipped up landing right next to Tony, but the person or persons that had thrown them were gone. With a mix of shock and wonder, everyone watched as I struck the janitor with the hefty book, their eyes widening in amazement.

He looked up at me and said. "You?"

And I said. "Yes, me?" Before he could say anything else, Tony knocked him out cold.