Chereads / Royal Ring / Chapter 289 - Chapter 91 Come on, Queen

Chapter 289 - Chapter 91 Come on, Queen

林动脸皮厚,没有把手收回来.他的爪子还在老师柔软的腰上:"我设了陷阱吗?江玥只是疑惑,但林动急于否认的让她更加确定:"你怎么看?林动并没有被她那致命的眼神吓到,平静地说道:"我说没有.林动继续道:"我们去那儿坐下吧.其实买点烧烤吃的很合适.老师很少来山上.江玥说:"很少,自从我结婚了.我在大学里非常喜欢爬山.没事的时候,我会和室友一起去爬山.那是我最难忘的一天.如果他们中的一些人已婚,一些人有孩子,还有一些人仍然单身.我想念过去的快乐时光.林动不想让她想起周罗这个混蛋,便转移话题说道:"老师,以后周末我陪你这边看风景.江玥听了有些感动,但林动要陪她来这里看风景的想法,应该只是一个冲动.他要上大学了,那里有很多漂亮的女孩.她,一个已经进入更年期的女人,怎么能抗拒那些年轻女孩呢?男人总是喜欢那些更年轻,更漂亮的女人."老师,你不想跟我走吗?"林动转头看了一眼江玥,看到她脸上闪过的阴沉神色.江玥笑了笑,说道:"如果你真的有时间陪我来,没关系,但你得每天给我发一条短信,不管是一句话还是一个字.人们可能能够发送一天或一个月,但一年或几年呢?这就像一个恋爱中的女人总是问一个男人他是否爱她.这个男人总是会回答是的.但是结婚后,如果女人还是问这个问题,男方可能会说这是胡说八道.爱也有保质期,就像任何蔬菜一样.每个季节总有一道菜.江玥现在对爱情有点怀疑.林动说:"一天发一条短信?停顿了一下,他笑道:"如果我做不到,你就不会来找我了,好吗?江玥觉得林动的坚持值得鼓励.她也想看看林动是不是个有毅力的人,就说道:"那好.如果有一天你忘记了,我会告诉你该怎么做.林动觉得时机成熟了.一些上来爬山的人慢慢下山吃饭.山顶上的人并不多."你喜欢大自然吗?"林动的问题让江玥不解.江玥说:"我喜欢.林动很艳丽地把他的头发别起来:"那我们就把衣服都脱掉,亲近大自然吧.江玥明白了为什么林动只是说他喜欢大自然.这家伙真的很有野心,想在大自然中获得难得的体验.江玥不同意:"没那么亲近自然,别拖我下去.林动道:"老师,在这种有一点风的情况下,我想做这个.林动话音刚落,就从背后抱住了江玥,十分撒娇,极度渴望道:"我想了解一下"泰坦尼克号"中男女主是怎么互相拥抱的.江玥觉得林动胯下的那个家伙调皮捣蛋.Jiang Yue said worriedly, "Boy, you won't do anything wrong, will you?"Lin Dong said, "No."Jiang Yue said, "Although that scene is very touching and makes you yearn for it, this is not the sea, and there is no boat. Let's go back to the topic just now."Lin Dong was a bird man who had made up his mind and could not be pulled back by nine bulls, and he did it on purpose. He hugged the teacher's waist with both hands, then put his head on the teacher's shoulder, and whispered in a warm tone: "Teacher, you can think of this as the sea, and we are sitting on a boat, so you can get into the sense of substitution."Jiang Yue wanted to get into the sense of substitution, but Lin Dong was too evil, and below."Can't you be more obedient.""If I become very obedient, will the teacher like me?"Jiang Yue was stunned, well, not bad. If Lin Dong was a quiet person, she would not like this guy at all."Many boys in school like teachers, and many male teachers like teachers. Well, to put it bluntly, they all want to sleep with teachers. And I took the lead and got there first."Jiang Yue glared at this guy and spat, "You can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth."Behind every beautiful woman, there is a car of men who want her to sleep with them.Lin Dong was not polite at all: "It is normal for men to like beautiful women. In my opinion, although Teacher Jiang is a married woman, she is more charming this way. I still know that many people secretly take pictures of teachers with their mobile phones, and then masturbate in the ** at night, which is so happy."Jiang Yue couldn't stand it anymore. This guy could say anything, and he said with a chestnut: "You kid, keep your mouth clean."Lin Dong just closed his mouth, but the smile in his eyes was so **."If you say it again, I will tie you up." Jiang Yue warned Lin Dong."There's a rope in the car, come and tie me up." Lin Dong opened the door and asked the teacher to tie him up.Jiang Yue felt incredible. This was not Lin Dong's personal hooligan style. What on earth was this guy doing? We can't take it lightly. We must be vigilant against the evil of Lin Dong.Jiang Yue looked back at Lin Dong, trying to find some flaws from his face and eyes, the window of his soul, but unfortunately there was none at all.Jiang Yue was unwilling and reluctant, so she could only choose to give up.Seeing that Jiang Yue did not take any action, Lin Dong provoked him: "Teacher, you dare not tie me up, right?"Jiang Yue was furious and said: "I dare not? Why not? You wait."Jiang Yue walked to the car, took out the rope, and quickly arrested Lin Dong: "Just confess, I really don't believe that I tied you up, how did you treat me?"Lin Dong gave up resistance, like a devout believer who wanted to pray to God, he said guilty, "Teacher, tie me up, I am guilty.""What is the crime?" Jiang Yue asked while tying him up."I am greedy.""Greed? Everyone has greed. God will forgive you, as long as you believe in the existence of God."Jiang Yue tied Lin Dong up like a dumpling.Three layers inside and three layers outside."What else do you have to say now?" Jiang Yue said to Lin Dong condescendingly."I have a candle and a lighter in my pocket. Please light the candle and blow on me." Lin Dong greeted Jiang Yue's smiling face with a slapping face.