叶尚还在翻阅着那本林动读过无数遍的书,嘴角露出看似淡漠的笑容:"直觉.也许是因为你阿姨的缘故吧?林动看着在客厅外忙碌的阿姨,走到床头坐下,道:"你觉得怎么样?叶尚道:"你喜欢你姑姑,这点我可以肯定.即使你藏得很深,我也能感觉到,因为我也是个男人.我们都是男人,所以我能理解你对我的厌恶.林动没想到叶尚今天竟然主动跟他聊起了自己的姑姑.他对自己的意思有点捉摸不清,说道:"也许吧.我们没有血缘关系,我可以喜欢我姑姑.叶尚道:"但以你现在的实力和实力,你连一轮都拿不到.林动眯起眼睛,看了叶尚一眼,不再在他面前装腔作势,道:"你是在利用我的家世来吓唬我吗?叶尚道:"你觉得我会用自己的家世来炫耀还是向你炫耀?我今天取得的成就,都是我亲手取得的.如果不是你今天,我不会利用我的家庭关系."林动了动:"那我真的怪你了,你要我跟你道歉吗.叶尚将书放回原处,淡淡道:"我认识阿姨很多年了,追她也很多年了.林动摸到自己的心,仿佛心碎了一样,他艰难地笑了笑,道:"可是你没抓住我姑姑?而目前,我和我阿姨的关系非常好.在屋檐下,我可以对我姑姑说我能说的话." "目前缺乏职业就是你缺乏的.如果你取得了一些成就,我们就来谈谈这个话题.林冬音想要逐一除掉叶尚的冲动.在这个距离内,他可以在一秒钟内杀死这家伙,而且不会被透露,但杀了他之后呢?我怕自己会成为通缉犯,这不是他想要的后果.林动站起身来,笑道:"谢谢你,我给你看看我的成就.我希望你在晚上走路时要小心.最近不安全.叶尚从来没有把林动当成孩子.他从第一次见到他开始就有这样的想法.林动将是最大的阻碍."我会拭目以待."叶尚说道."现在我想换衣服和裤子,请出去."叶尚站起身来,走了出去.林动关上了门,眼中带着浓浓的杀意.会有这样的一天,叶尚.他暗暗咒骂.换了一套衣服后,林动看着坐在客厅看电视的叶尚和阿姨,心里又叹了口气.叶尚这样一个大忙人,居然陪着姨妈看无聊的电视剧.你真是好,为了追求他的姑姑.林动只能这样表达.他想不通的另一件事是,为什么叶尚如此出色,或者拥有如此优秀的条件,以至于他的姑姑不会动容嫁给他?既然已经长大了,他姑姑肯定能嫁给叶尚吗?他的姨妈在等什么?还是她不喜欢叶尚?林动告诉两人,他要出去散散步.离开小区后,林动转身看了看前后方,两侧的道路.十字路口?左?右?"所以你说这个人不够好,什么时候出来都没告诉我."就在林动不知所措的时候,他的朋友开着一辆红色的跑车挡在他前面."我刚出来,你来的时候正要给你打电话."林动跳上了车.他的朋友直言不讳地说:"别装了,你出来的时候肯定是在找女孩子,你找我吗?你骗不了这样的人.林动道:"你的话让我伤心.林动故意抱住了朋友,想亲吻他以表达感激之情.铁子害怕地猛踩刹车:"别乱来.我很正常.林动只能收回他的吻."去你妈的."铁子继续咒骂."我在想你那天怎么来我家,原来你是去破虞尚的童贞的,你真卑鄙."When Tiezi went home that night, he saw Yu Shang's walking and expression and guessed that this woman was broken by Lin Dong.He got there before him, so despicable and shameless.Lin Dong laughed heartlessly and said: "You didn't fuck her later, did you?"Tiezi said: "Fuck, I'll go to sleep directly, just let her give me a massage.""Where are we going now?"Tiezi said: "To my house or to a nightclub, you choose?"Lin Dong thought about it, going to a nightclub must be drinking and playing rock-paper-scissors with girls, which is too boring. He didn't even let me go to his house to play.On the one hand, he could listen to Yuchang playing the piano, and on the other hand, he could do something shady."Let's go to your house."Tiezi said, "You bitch, you must be going to fuck that woman. I'll take you there first and then go to the nightclub. You can do whatever you want. Just don't mess around in my room, or I'll never let you go."Lin Dong promised God that he would not go to his room to do that kind of thing.After entering Tiezi's villa, Tiezi left quickly without getting out of the car.Lin Dong walked into the living room."It's been a while since we last met. Do you miss me?" Lin Dong asked Yuchang who was drinking tea, "You knew I was coming, so you prepared tea for me?""I'm making tea for myself." Yuchang said to Lin Dong, who looked like a pervert, without any good feelings.After Lin Dong fucked her, he didn't call her at all, let alone any text messages.She felt cheated.Now that she saw Lin Dong, the anger in her heart disappeared again.Maybe women always have complicated emotions when they give their first time to men.Lin Dong sat opposite Yu Chang, and then stared at the two soft and elastic balls covered by Yu Chang's clothes, revealing his true colors as a great official and said: "You don't need to dress so conservatively at home, right? Shouldn't you dress more casually? If you don't have money to buy clothes, I can give you some. I think some sexy clothes will suit you better."Lin Dong felt that this woman didn't need to be so conservative. At this time, especially when facing him, a great official, she should fully show her sexiness.