Chereads / Royal Ring / Chapter 256 - Chapter 58 Murder

Chapter 256 - Chapter 58 Murder

黑衣男子看了林动一眼,仿佛在打量他.几秒钟后,他走到了林动面前,距离他不到三米:"你是林动吗?林动也上下打量了他一会儿,然后启动了扫描眼,扫描了这个男人的战力,达到了惊人的500+.他没想到,在公园里遇到了如此强大的战力.林动点点头,道:"你认识我.青年奇怪地看着林动,沉思了片刻,说道:"我看你跟着他们两个来了.我们没有找你,但你来找我.看来你完全有信心.林动问道:"对不起.我想知道你的身份.只是有人让我监视你.我只是路过.你们继续聊天.就假装什么都没发生.林动说完这话,真的打算走了.他不想无缘无故地被用作炮灰.这都是薛某造成的.难道她让他成为她个人利益的先锋?他没那么蠢,竟然会做出这种事."放他走."黑衣男子对他的两个手下说道.林动回到薛家后,将公园里发生的一切告诉了薛."你没有和他们打架吗?"薛狐疑地看着林东.林动也用怀疑的眼神看着这个陌生的女人,道:"你好像是期待我和他们打架?你真的想把我当炮灰吗?薛摇摇头说:"我就是不相信那个人会就这样放过你.林动问道:"那些韩国人是什么?你对他们有怨恨吗?薛神秘地说道:"这个你不需要知道.我只能告诉你,他们将来会成为你的敌人.林动难以置信地说道:"那得等到未来.如果没有别的,我先走.薛说:"你不担心自己活不久吗?林动走到门口后停了下来.如果弹二胡的老者真的是个算命先生,那他就会有很多子孙.如果他有很多孩子和孙子,那就意味着他至少可以活到 80 岁.他不相信自己会就这样死去,但现在他突然不想告诉薛.他首先检查了这个女人在他身上寻找什么."我相信我会长寿."林动难以捉摸地笑了笑,离开了卧室.薛走到窗前,看着林动走出去的背影,脸上露出非常阴沉的笑容.片刻后,薛很快来到了龙潭公园.从外面看,她看起来和正常人没什么区别.黑衣人和亭子里的两个韩国人还在那儿,似乎在讨论什么.注意到有人走过来,黑衣男子转过头来,看到了一个女人,一个让男人热血沸腾的女人.如果你说这个女人是天生的美人,没有人会相信.黑衣男子相信了,但同时他也更加警惕地看着女人.这个女人带着杀意来了."她在韩国似乎过得很好,有你们这些走狗在帮忙."薛的话语严厉而冷漠,眼中满是怨恨,当她盯着这三个人时,她希望能把他们的骨头一根一根地撕开."你是谁?"黑衣男子冷冷地问道."Your master will tell you who I am, but go to hell and tell her." Xue's body rushed over at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.The two Korean men in front of the man in black felt a gust of wind, and then felt their necks cool.The index fingers of Xue's left and right hands were stained with a drop of blood as red as flowers.The two men fell to the ground without making any sound. They died with their eyes open.After Xue blew the blood off the nails on both sides of her fingers, she turned her head and said to the man in black: "You shouldn't come here, because you are not her."As soon as she finished speaking, she rushed to the man in black as fast as a cheetah running quickly.After dodging her fierce preemptive attack, the man in black made up his mind to leave here quickly. This woman should know the master, so he must return to Korea to report."It's not that easy to leave." Xue saw that the man had signs of escaping, and her body fluttered in front of the man in black.This move of hers was extremely spectacular. She clearly kicked the man's neck with her left foot, but when the man raised his hands to block it, Xue's right hand moved like a flexible snake, and two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger, were printed on the man's heart at the same time.The man in black stepped back three steps, looking at the woman who was about to kill with an incredible look on his face."Backhand." Xue sneered and said the strange move just now.The meaning of backhand is unpredictable. When you fight with her, you see her side kick, but suddenly it turns into a fist attack. This backhand must be practiced to the extreme and extremely soft state before it can be performed.It's not that the man in black is so useless, it's just that he encountered this kind of attack and tricks for the first time, and he lost his life without paying attention."Lend me your skin." Xue took a sharp and extremely thin dagger and began to work on the face of the man in black as skillfully as a surgeon.After the man's face was peeled off, Xue put a blue button in the black-clothed man's hand.When Lin Dong was about to go to Jiang Ling to take a look, he found that there were suddenly three tails behind him.And there was a car following.Lin Dong didn't want to lead these plainclothes police to Teacher Jiang."Didn't you say you would give me three days to think about it?" Lin Dong turned around and said to a man, "Your team leader Ouyang is too untrustworthy."The three plainclothes police did not answer Lin Dong's words. The one in the middle looked at Lin Dong vigilantly. He heard that this man was so shameless that he knocked him unconscious and took away the money on his body.Lin Dong was waiting for the three people's answers.Ten seconds later, two police cars with police lights on quickly came in front of him.The leader was Han Bing."Lin Dong, we suspect you are related to a murder case. Now please go back with us." Han Bing showed the arrest warrant."I am related to the murder case?" Lin Dong was extremely shocked. He knew he was in trouble. He didn't look like he was joking. He immediately pretended to be an old friend and said, "Sister Han Bing, this can't be true? You know me. I like to do some small things, but I will never kill anyone. Are you mistaken?"Han Bing had forgotten her personal identity when she was handling the case. She sneered at Lin Dong's approach. She had no right to answer whether Lin Dong had killed anyone or not. She said, "I am a policeman now. Please go back with us. If you want to use force, I warn you that you'd better think it through."