韩玉蝶撅着嘴,纤细的双手紧紧搂住林动的脖子,道:"不行,我做家务的话,手会变粗.林动故意嘲讽她,"那要是他们变粗了怎么办?反正你这么会花钱,没人要你.韩玉蝶瞪着眼睛,哼了一声,用两个小拳头打在林动的脑袋上,狠狠地说道:"你还敢再说一遍!感受到剧烈的疼痛,林动只好弯下腰投降,"好,好!放开我!韩玉蝶随后收回了她的"死亡之手",笑道:"快告诉我!你想要还是不想要?"哦."林动无法抗拒她,只好赶紧求饶.转过身来,他顿时愣住了.这个女孩怎么会突然变得这么漂亮呢?她换掉了平常的 T 恤和短裤,穿上了连衣裙式的睡衣.仙女的脸上羞涩微微歪着,眼眸水汪汪的,满是温柔.尤其是平时整齐扎成发髻的头发,现在飘下来,半遮住了害羞的脸庞,更加迷人;白皙无瑕的皮肤上已经沾满了迷人的欲望的红晕;薄薄的睡衣闪闪发光,仿佛在那儿又不在那里,更凸显了她细腻纤细的曲线和柔软无骨的仙女身材;最吸引眼球的是那个微微颤抖的女孩芬芳的山峰,这些山峰现在已经高高耸立着,没有任何遮掩.虽然丰满圆润,但并不算太大,被巧妙地融入了完美的身体.看着这个充满青春魔力的美少女,林动的下半身渐渐反应过来."是不是很漂亮?"韩玉蝶看到林动盯着她点头,顿时兴奋起来,当着林动的面表演了她在舞蹈课上学到的优雅旋转.她很轻,很瘦,腰很柔软.她真的有潜力成为一名舞者.她肯定能在 **.我想得太多了...当林动发现韩玉蝶已经停下脚步,正用微笑的眼神看着他时,他的反应猛烈,这不亚于于玉雪第一次在林动面前脱衣服的刺激.这丫头太会撒娇了,连林动这个大官员,都对她无能为力.林动有一种冲动,想全力以赴,和这个女人上床,忘掉一切,道:"好!但如果你将来后悔了,就不要来找我算账了.真的不后悔吗?韩玉蝶坐在林动的床上,笑道:"就是跟你自己的师父睡吧?有什么好后悔的呢?林动道:"你应该知道,这可不是只是睡觉那么简单.韩玉蝶笑着摊开双手,道:"当然,先付款后发货!林动摇摇头,笑道:"这个,等我检查完货物再说吧!韩玉蝶盯着林动说道:"有什么好检查的?你不是偷看我洗澡吗,主人?这个女孩洗澡时连门都没关,反而怪我.太可恨了,我不能不给她一个教训.她让他同时感到愤怒和.随着两团火同时燃烧,林动顿时变得像个色狼.他将又惊又惊的韩玉蝶推倒在地,同时双手高效地拉下了她的睡衣.一方面,他从她的大腿开始,另一方面,他沿着她的腰向上移动.韩玉蝶显然没想到林动会这么直接.她惊慌失措地用双手推开他,说道:"等等,不要..."这个小女孩的身体真的柔软有弹性,真的好,真的好!看着被林动逗了几下后脸色通红的韩玉蝶,林动既好笑又痒,但心里似乎有良心.他的手虽然在触碰韩玉蝶的身体,但"不是进门",只是在逗她,占她便宜.But Han Yudie's reaction was exaggerated, as if Lin Dong, her brother, was going to rape her, and she screamed and yelled. Finally, when Lin Dong's fingertips gently brushed the ** between her legs, she let out a piercing scream, and the whole person jumped up as if she was electrocuted, rolled to the bed and ran out the door. Lin Dong laughed and shouted, "Are you not doing business anymore?"Han Yudie laughed and left.Being fooled by this woman again, Lin Dong smiled bitterly and shook his head, closed the door and pulled the curtain, and the door suddenly became pitch black.Lying on the bed, he could still smell the scent of Han Yudie, but he was thinking about Teacher Jiang, thinking about her passion and tenderness. Gradually, a fire started burning in Lin Dong's heart again.He closed his eyes and moved his right hand down. Desire was something that he could not feel at all when he didn't want it, but once it was aroused, it was like a flood that could not be stopped.At this moment, his nose was filled with the fragrance of Han Yudie's bath, and his mind immediately sketched a beautiful picture of her coming out of the bath.Han Yudie stood up from the bathtub wetly. After the hot bath, her smooth skin was dripping with crystal water droplets. Her bulging chest, slender thighs, and round buttocks were white with a faint pink. She was so beautiful that Lin Dong dared not look directly at her!The more Lin Dong thought about it, the more excited he became. A hot current rushed through his body. His boundless thoughts continued with his crazy fantasy.I couldn't help it!Lin Dong opened the door and rushed in. He pushed the naked Han Yudie to the wall, spread her thighs with his hands, and vented his desires to his heart's content...While his thoughts were in full swing, a soft hand touched Lin Dong's hand.The touch was warm and delicate, but Lin Dong's heart suddenly felt cold, as if he fell into ice and snow. His body stiffened, while his brother drooped, creating a funny contrast."Are you solving it yourself?"Han Yudie's crisp voice sounded at the end of the bed."Have you never seen people masturbate!?"Lin Dong pulled his pants and said, "You...don't you know how to knock on the door before you come in?""Hey, who told you not to close the door?"Han Yudie responded with a mocking tone."Hey...what are you doing here?""What do you think?"Han Yudie climbed onto the bed with a smile and moved to Lin Dong's side and lay down.Lin Dong's chest seemed to heat up again because of some desire, which was obviously directed at Han Yudie's behavior.Calm down. Calm down."Han Yudie suddenly raised her face and kissed Lin Dong's cheek heavily.Then she whispered in Lin Dong's ear: "Today is my birthday"Lin Dong was stunned for a while and said: "Birthday?"Han Yudie said: "Any questions?"Lin Dong laughed and said: "No"Han Yudie waved her hand and said: "Where is the gift?""I am your most beautiful gift. "Han Yudie's voice became a little hoarse, and Lin Dong's chest felt warm, but he couldn't guess her intention. Why did this girl suddenly become so bold? Han Yudie put Lin Dong's hand on her chest, and Lin Dong naturally seized the opportunity without saying anything.Han Yudie was shaken by Lin Dong, and immediately pressed Lin Dong's hand and said: "Don't use force first"Lin Dong put down his hand as she wished, and smiled: "Are you scared again?"