"是你,林动."陈然也微微惊讶.她的嘴唇离林动的嘴只有一厘米的距离.林动能清楚地闻到她口中那混合诱人的气味.他眨了眨眼,先看了一眼女子聂小茜,问道:"你怎么来闹事?聂小青也感到无比惊讶.这个女人其实是林动的老师.而且看来,这位美女老师和林动有着不寻常的关系.陈染不想多说话,因为她喝了一点酒.她只觉得自己的眼皮很沉重.林动知道老师看到她的情况想睡觉,所以他举止像个绅士,右手扶着陈老师柔软的腰,左手把扶手举过头顶.陈然不觉得林动是在占她的便宜.就算她知道林动在占她的便宜,她也不想说话.她在林动旁边半睡半醒.就这样,林动胯下的男子气概的象征更加向陈老师的臀部致敬,他故意微微低下头,看着陈老师胸前的两个诱人的雪球.他可以清楚地看到那是一件白色的胸罩,蕾丝.几乎透明.深沟让林动的眼神显得如此邪恶.林动只是看着它,用男人欣赏的眼神看着陈老师的胸口,用男人欣赏女人作为艺术家的眼神.他觉得陈老师的胸口虽然比江老师小一点,但她的柔软度应该稍微好一点.陈染的电话响了,她睁眼都没接过来:"是你,韩冰,我在公交车上,嗯.我没有喝醉.我和林动在一起."你和林动在一起了?你们一起在公共汽车上.值班的韩冰以 80 分贝的语气喊道:"把电话给林动."林动,韩冰想和你谈谈.""韩冰?"林动无端地浑身一颤.韩冰这个女人,好几天没见了,他这个假男友,跟她一起回家了,那次玩得够多了.林动接过电话道:"韩冰姐姐,你要我做什么?韩冰对林动有深刻的理解,或者说是惊人的直觉,警告道:"你敢对陈然动手,我不会放过你.林动不知道该笑还是该哭.他受不了韩冰的责备.他只是扶着陈然老师的腰,不是吗?就这样.我没有做任何坏事."不,我没有做任何可耻的事情."韩冰解释道:"不要以为仅仅因为陈然喝醉了就可以为所欲为.我觉得你的手应该放在陈然的腰上,你这个混蛋.林动低头看着自己的手.是的,他的手搭在了陈然的腰上.这个女人有千里眼吗?"韩冰姐姐,陈老师现在有点醉了.如果我不支持她,她就会倒在地上.你不想这样,对吧?"真的吗?你找不到座位让她坐下.韩冰不相信林动的话.如果林动处处摸着陈染的身体,可想而知,他能做出如此无耻的事情."大姐姐,现在车里人很多.我刚刚打倒了一个想猥亵陈老师的男人.你应该给我一枚好公民奖章."You are the biggest pervert."Lin Dong said: "I won't say more to you.""I'm going to pick up Chen Ran now. You'd better not do anything dirty that I know.""Teacher Chen."Lin Dong called Chen Ran and found that Teacher Chen Ran was actually sleeping with her head on his shoulder.Lin Dong could smell the faint fragrance on her body, and now he could peek at all the beautiful pictures of Teacher Chen's chest."If I didn't support the teacher, someone would definitely take advantage of me." Lin Dong praised his own character.Nie Xiaoqiang didn't dare to compliment Lin Dong's character, but now she kept silent and stopped talking to Lin Dong.Lin Dong glanced at Nie Xiaoqing and found that Nie Xiaoqian was actually a girl who wanted to be beautiful. If she was drunk, would she be like this? He could hug her left and right. As if she had sensed Lin Dong's ill intentions, Nie Xiaoqian looked at Lin Dong with a wary look, and after three seconds of silence, she asked, "Have you been to Vietnam?"Lin Dong nodded and said that there was nothing to hide about this matter.Nie Xiaoqian said, "It was beyond my expectation that you could come back, but it was also expected. If it weren't for the help of that skeleton, you would not have been able to come back alive."Lin Dong did not deny this and said, "That's right."The park stop was reached. Lin Dong helped Jiang Yue and Nie Xiaoqian get off the bus.Lin Dong sent a short message to Han Bing, and then waited for Han Bing to come.Nie Xiaoqian said, "What are you waiting for? You men have always used your lower body to think about beauties, but now you are pretending to be a gentleman."Lin Dong blew a cheerful whistle, not afraid of Chen Ran coming, pinched her cheek, and said, "You are wrong. Although beauties are a great temptation for men, it does not mean that you have to have sex with beautiful women. Some beauties have thorns, and you will die if you have sex with them. Just like now, Teacher Chen, if you are not here, I will not have sex with you. At most, I will just touch and take advantage of you. I am a principled flower thief."Nie Xiaoqian didn't know whether what Lin Dong said was true or false. In her heart, Lin Dong was always the kind of person who could not be seen through.Sometimes he was crazy, sometimes he was calm, and sometimes he was paranoid.Han Bing drove the police car to the place Lin Dong just mentioned at the fastest speed."Chen Ran."Han Bing rushed over as soon as he got out of the car, as if he saw a robber."Sister, you're not that fast, are you?" Lin Dong reluctantly handed Teacher Chen to Han Bing.Han Bing tried to call Chen Ran's name, but Chen Ran didn't wake up."Thank you." Han Bing supported Chen Ran and thanked Lin Dong."Okay, that's it." Lin Dong gave Nie Xiaoqian a look."Wait." Han Bing had an amazing intuition, "I want to see your ID card."Nie Xiaoqian was the kind of girl who looked weak and delicate, but Han Bing smelled something dangerous and scary from her breath.Nie Xiaoqian asked, "She's your friend."Lin Dong said, "Yeah."Nie Xiaoqian said, "She's lucky." After the words fell, the whole person passed by Han Bing like a gust of wind.Han Bing stood there in a daze. Sweat rarely appeared on her palms. A few strands of hair on her forehead slowly fell down.She turned her head stiffly and saw that Nie Xiaoqian was almost fifty meters away from her.