Chereads / Royal Ring / Chapter 211 - Chapter 13 Salute

Chapter 211 - Chapter 13 Salute

晚餐的气氛相当不错.大多数时候,江玲扮演着幽默的主持人角色,将江月和周罗之间的一些往事串联起来.周罗也加入进来,讲述了他和江月在大学时做过的一些浪漫的事情.林动先生此刻正在一个人喝酒吃饭.他吃得很慢.可惜,他只是听到了周罗的声音.他没想到江玥会在周罗家.江月老师在周罗家做什么?她应该回去订购一些她的东西.林动只能这样安慰自己.他试着想想好的一面,这样他就会感觉好些."我应该再给江老师打电话吗?"或者亲自去周罗家?林动喝了一杯酒后,微微叹了口气.他真的喜欢江玥吗?林动觉得这份爱听起来很不可思议.林动拿出手机给江玥发了一条信息,说家里的饭菜都在冰箱里,他回来饿了,可以拿出来加热."我想知道我会不会被戴绿帽子?"林动拉下窗帘,自嘲一声,走出了屋子.我想知道那个女人薛此刻在做什么?林动走啊走,直到来到那栋别墅.不知道聂小倩是不是已经回家了?林动吸了吸鼻子,打了个哈欠,想知道他今晚是否应该和薛一起做.没有理由让一个女人一个人呆着吗?想着想着,他掏出钥匙,轻轻打开门,转身关上门,走进客厅,林动往里看,发现聂小倩和薛家的房间的门还关着."还不到十点,他们都休息了吗?是真的吗?他们没有做任何坏事,对吧?林动心想,蹑手蹑脚地走向西侧房间.就在他准备敲门的时候,突然听到薛家的房间里传来了微弱的声音.仔细听着,声音似乎是从电脑里传来的.薛家的房间里什么时候有电脑的?她买了吗?这个女人真的很奇怪."这个女人在做什么?我今晚想来看吗?林动觉得很奇怪,又有些好奇.,, 仔细看了看,发现薛家的门并没有关上,而是露出了一条裂缝.因为客厅的光线比较暗淡,那条裂缝给林动带来了一丝光明.林动有些好奇,便向靠近门缝的房间看去.裂缝的左侧是薛的床.虽然他很好奇,但他并没有推门进去.难道他必须像蜘蛛侠一样爬上墙,才能看到这个女人在里面做什么?林动深吸一口气,然后用他超强的肺活量呼出一口气.门似乎乖乖地打开了半英寸.在确定里面的薛没有注意到门外的动静后,他鼓起勇气,将身体移到门缝的右侧,将头靠在门缝上.现在他几乎看不到薛的西蒙斯床边.林动一看到里面的景象就眨了眨眼,然后眼神变得笔直明亮.他看到两条白皙丰满的大腿跪在床前.那对纤细有弹性的大腿下面是弯曲的膝盖,匀称的小腿和脚上穿着红色的拖鞋,大腿上方是一双的臀部.这白皙光滑的皮肤和这迷人的曲线,都说明了薛雪的身材是多么的优秀和性感.它可以经得起任何时间和任何人的审视."公开观看和偷偷观看真的有很大的区别."林动心想.这比公开观看更令人兴奋和愉快,而且有可能成为.林动手下的男人符号微微行礼,他觉得薛如是冬天的一团热火,点燃了他的皮肤,点燃了他心中深处的幻想.她的皮肤如莲玉般洁白,洁白光滑,饱满柔嫩,圆润而不无柔情,丰满却不无尊严,高大却不无曲线.我可怜她,绝不让她被玩弄.她让我觉得,如果我拥抱她片刻,我永远不会后悔.为什么这个女人在看电脑的时候会做出如此模棱两可的动作呢?She didn't know that it was dangerous to be spied by a man.But this woman didn't seem to know what the danger was? Maybe she had already made him a eunuch before the pervert took advantage of her.Why did she keep twisting her butt? Why did she touch her breasts with both hands?However, the door still ruthlessly blocked Lin Dong's sight, cutting off the scene in front of him. Except for her kneeling legs, sweaty buttocks, and shaking waist, Lin Dong could not see any scenery ahead.Lin Dong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He almost wanted to push the door open to see what was going on, but he couldn't do that, for fear that Xue would rush out and beat him up."I didn't expect this computer to have such a picture." Xue's voice was different from her usual indifference. Today, her voice was full of sensationalism and charm.Lin Dong had to think in a despicable and dark way that this woman was not watching some kind of movie from an island country? And was she learning to satisfy herself by watching movies? Otherwise, how could she make such a provocative gesture?Lin Dong planned to use plan B, which was to use his amazing lung capacity to blow out a little more space and thoroughly see what this woman was doing?Lin Dong felt that it was necessary to do so. He said to himself in his heart that if it was some kind of evil movie, then he could save this lost girl.Just when Lin Dong was about to implement Plan B, Xue, who was in the room, suddenly turned her head and glanced at Lin Dong outside the door, and said in a sexy and sentimental voice: "Why don't you come in and take a look? If you want to come in, you can come in and take a look at any time."Lin Dong understood the meaning of this sentence as Xue was seducing him? It was obvious. Yes, this woman must be lonely and her body needs warmth, so she needs a man.Lin Dong did not feel guilty for being discovered peeping, and pushed the door open as if nothing had happened."I just came in to take a look." Lin Dong paused and said, "Maybe you can ask me to help you do something. As long as you are willing, I am willing too."When Lin Dong walked to the bed, he finally saw what was playing on the computer. As expected, the computer was playing a game from the island country, but it was not a man and a woman, but two women warming each other.Lin Dong coughed and said righteously: "I have seen this kind of scene many times. If you want to experience it, you can come to me. I think it is natural for a man and a woman to do this kind of thing.""Why do you compare bananas to men's thing? I don't think it is very similar." Xue turned her head and asked Lin Dong, her eyes were so pure that people felt that she was a newborn baby.