林动露出一个可以算是苦难中寻欢喜的笑容:"我挥了挥手,一朵云都没带走吧?薛对林动的自嘲没兴趣,道:"你现在唯一能做的就是保存体力,等待他们来.林动有些不舍地问道:"你知道他们是谁吗?薛说:"我不知道.林动彻底放弃了追根究底的想法,只能像薛说的那样在这里等待.下午五点,林动接到了韩冰的电话.他差点忘了自己和韩冰有个重要的约会,和薛道别后,便朝着韩冰指定的地方走去."对不起,对不起."林动对有些不耐烦的韩冰说道.韩冰对林动说道:"你迟到了十五分钟.林动只能再次道歉,然后问道:"你想给叔叔和婶婶买点东西吗?对了,我应该叫叔叔还是叔叔呢?韩冰冷冷道:"叫叔叔阿姨.别叫我叔叔阿姨.他警告地看了一眼,"你还记得你的任务吗?林动行礼道:"如果我记得的话,就是在叔叔阿姨面前表现不端.韩冰对他的回答还挺满意的,只要林动不忘就行.林动又问道:"你不是想买点东西回家吗?韩冰想一脚将林动踢到太平洋上:"不.我以后会买的.路上不要和我说话.林动只能聪明地闭上嘴巴,眼神也不闲,他正在偷偷瞥了一眼韩冰的胸口.他发现韩冰的胸口似乎比以前大了一点.这位官员对此仍然非常敏锐.可见这家伙的洞察力是多么的惊人.如果他不成为一名物理学家,那将是一种浪费.韩冰开车进入了政府大院的住宅区.林动现在只好开口了,眨了眨眼睛说道:"韩冰小姐,你别告诉我你爸爸是平津城的领导之类的?我会感到非常紧张.韩冰头也不回地说道:"不,这个你放心.林动似乎对她的回答有些不满,但他也无能为力.两人下车后,韩冰领着林动来到了一栋宿舍楼,到了六楼后,他按下了门铃.开门的是一个年轻漂亮的女孩,她的五官和韩冰很像.林动脑子里一片空白,果然,韩柔出现在了现实中."姐姐回来了?"韩柔笑着向姐姐打招呼,然后上下打量了林动一番,立刻在心里给林动打了60分,勉强过关.林动个子不是很高,不到1米8.她以为姐姐只能找个1米8的男人才能让姐姐冷静下来,当然,这个男人肯定有很强的气场才能压制住姐姐.至于林动先生,他的外表一般,五官精致.他穿着随意,我看了看他的指甲.他不抽烟.这是个好习惯.她不喜欢抽烟的男人.但让她感到奇怪的是林动的年龄.他可能没有她的年龄那么大,对吧?当她听到父母高兴地打电话给她,说她姐姐周末带了一个男孩回家时,她非常高兴."He is Lin Dong." Han Bing immediately introduced Lin Dong, "He is currently a senior high school student." He emphasized the word "student" very much. His intention was quite obvious, and he wanted the girl to reject Lin Dong first."Hello." Lin Dong despised Han Bing in his heart. Woman, you are too direct. I will also reciprocate. When he finished speaking, he directly held Han Bing's soft and boneless hand, showing a very affectionate look.Han Bing's hand was suddenly held right, and she had no way to deal with Lin Dong, so she could only threaten Lin Dong with her eyes, but Lin pretended not to see it."Hello." Han Rou was a little surprised by this pairing. It seemed that Lin Dong was a real person who never showed his face. She turned her head and shouted in a very accented tone, "Guests are coming to our house."Han Bing's mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen. Han Bing's father was reading in the study.Han Bing's father quickly came out of the kitchen. He was a man wearing glasses, about fifty years old. He didn't look old at all. He was well maintained and had the style of an intellectual."Han Rou, come in." Han's mother called Han Rou's name in the kitchen.Han Rou immediately ran into the kitchen."Hello, uncle." Lin Dong finally let go of Han Bing's hand, calling like a good student, wondering in his heart what the specific identity of Han Bing's father was?"Hello, please sit down. You're welcome." Han Bing's father greeted Lin Dong enthusiastically and personally served Lin Dong some fruit.Han Bing also followed Lin Dong to sit on the sofa."Han Bing, go to the kitchen to help. Your mother is always talking about you." Han Bing's father said with a smile."Yeah." He gave Lin Dong a look, signaling him not to talk nonsense.There were only two men left in the living room. "Uncle, I'll do it." Lin Dong didn't dare to let his elders fix the fruit for him personally.Han Bing's father didn't ask Lin Dong about anything because he was young. He just chatted with him briefly: "You are Lin Dong, right?"Lin Dong nodded.Han's father continued: "You are the second boy Han Bing brought back. If Yu Die hadn't called me, I wouldn't have known that she had a boyfriend. Han Bing also brought a man back before. The two were at the stage of talking about marriage, but later canceled it for some reason."Lin Dong didn't gossip and ask what went wrong in the middle?"Her mother has been urging Han Bing to bring her boyfriend home, but Han Bing has seldom come back in recent years. We were very worried and introduced many boys to her, but none of them caught her eye. This time she took the initiative to bring you back, which is a big improvement."Lin Dong smiled: "Uncle, I think Han Bing should be a girl with a strong heart. In fact, it is understandable that she has high standards.""Girls with strong hearts may do well in their careers, but they may suffer in love. The only person I am worried about is Han Rou. I have to thank her first. Really. You made Han Bing's mother happy today. No, she has been happy every day since she knew you and Han Bing came back."Lin Dong felt that Han Bing's father was a very stylish man.Lin Dong stood up: "Hello, Auntie."Han Bing's mother had come out of the kitchen. A mother who could give birth to such a beautiful girl like Han Bing would not be bad, but it was still unexpected, because her age looked to be around 35 at most. If it was because of cosmetics, it would not make sense at all, because she was bare-faced. There is a faint vermilion red mole on the right eyebrow, and a pair of very lively eyes. It is not surprising to say that Han Bing is her sister.