林动想要猛地将韩玉蝶打晕在地,但她的力量似乎已经大大增加,平时用的邪法都无法击晕他.再说了,师父明天早上要早点起床,他应该赶紧上床睡觉.林动深吸一口气,然后认真地对韩玉蝶说道:"玉蝶姐姐,我翻开了新的一页.韩玉蝶看着林动,看到了他眼中的纯真.她笑着说:"你翻开了新的一页?你的脑子烧坏了吗?林动摇摇头说:玉蝶姐,我是一个非常纯洁的人,你的**对我不构成威胁."韩玉蝶悠闲地笑了笑,眼神不一样.这家伙说这话的时候,表情是那么的严肃,甚至比孔子还要严肃.不过,韩玉蝶却觉得,林动一定是做错了什么事,才会变成这样.如果不是他用娇嫩的手逗她,韩玉蝶有些怀疑.她眼中带着迷人的神情,低声说:"你真的翻开了新的一页吗?她向前迈出一步,距离林动只有一寸的距离.如果不是阿姨的不便,师傅早就出手了.他不仅会用手采取行动,还会用脚采取行动.就在这时,林动化身为少林僧人,说道:"阿弥陀佛,我已经放弃了性.请回去,女性捐献者."美德越高,恶就越高.这是用来形容韩玉蝶的.韩玉蝶也双手合十,道:"和尚,所谓情欲是空的,你不能忽视它.修道士,你跟我来吧,修女.我很久以来一直被你诱惑.说这话的时候,她故意把手搭在林动的肩膀上,用手指揉搓着他的肩膀.虽然是透过衣服,但大臣能敏锐地感受到韩玉蝶魔鬼手指传来的热气.林动和尚又道:"尼姑,就算你赤身裸体站在我面前,我也会无动于衷."真的吗?"韩玉蝶不相信林动真的放弃了他的恶性."是的."林动双手合拢,深深鞠躬."我会记住你的.你这个混蛋."韩玉蝶用一只捕鸟的凤爪,直接攻击了林动下半身的某个部位.林动用龙爪手抵挡道:"师父,请不要这样.如果你这样做,我会尖叫.韩玉蝶狠狠地看着他,道:"就等着瞧吧.然后她走出卧室,每走几步就回头看一眼.林动松了一口气,终于把这只妖赶了出来.阿弥陀佛.在练习了两个小时的古典吉他指法后,林动穿着一条短裤上床睡觉.他穿着短裤睡觉,因为他怕韩玉蝶会在半夜袭击他.第二天,天还没亮,袁青就打电话催促林动在梦中睡觉.林动看了看时间,才五点四十.长了个懒腰,林动起身,洗漱一樣,径直去了袁晴的住处.袁晴背着背包在小区外等着林动.看到林动来了,他抱歉地说道:"对不起,让你这样起来.林动道:"你回来再给我按摩,我可以不理.袁晴显得颇为大方:"是个交易.为了赶上唯一一班 6 点 10 分发车,每 5 小时一班的小巴,袁青一大早就给林冬打了电话.林董和袁庆坐了差不多两个小时的小巴,来到了一个小县城,然后换了公交车."好像每次回家都会在车里呆上几个小时."林动转头对坐在旁边的袁晴说道.他发现袁青在路上沉默不语."我的家是一个非常偏远和贫穷的山区.你可能没有见过那种山区.袁晴缓缓说道,眼中带着无奈的神色,却没有抱怨这个世界."城市里的孩子是他们父母的宝藏.他们把它们拿在手里怕掉下来,把它们含在嘴里怕融化.我们这些出生在山区的人,从小就与土壤,庄稼,田野,山脉和青蛙成为了好朋友.我们从很小的时候就开始担心自己的生计,很小的时候就开始帮助父母干农活,在很小的时候就知道如何为父母和兄弟姐妹感到难过...尽管我们非常努力地做这些事情,但我们仍然经常吃不饱,穿得也不好.我是村里的大学生,也是第一个来大城市打工的人.我会努力赚钱."露出自信的笑容.Lin Dong has really never been to the so-called poor mountainous areas. His world is limited to the city. As for the mountainous areas, he can only see them on TV news.Of course, Lin Dong took a half-belief attitude towards the media on TV, because the media always speaks for the upper level.After two and a half hours, Yuan Qing and Lin Dong finally got off the minibus that made Lin Dong's butt hurt all the way up and down. After getting off the car, he first jumped a few times and slapped his butt a few times. Then he looked at the mountain scenery all around and said, "Where to go? "He didn't know where this place was, but judging from the mountains on all sides, it should be a remote mountainous area.Yuan Qing pointed to the mountain road and said, "You have to climb the mountain and then walk on the small road for more than an hour. Do you want to rest for a while?"Lin Dong said, "No.""Then let's start climbing the mountain. "The mountain road was very steep and narrow, just enough to accommodate one person. The rugged and steep road made Lin Dong nervous all the way. The road was too narrow and full of stones, so cars could not pass. So he had to climb the mountain.Yuan Qing was used to walking on this road, so it was nothing. This made the big official suffer. But the big official didn't say a word. If he guessed correctly, they climbed three or four kilometers of mountain roads. He was so hungry that he could only ask Yuan Qing to stop and rest. He wanted to eat something.Yuan Qing took out two steamed buns from his backpack and handed them to Lin Dong, then sat on a big rock, looking at something, maybe in the direction of his hometown.Lin Dong chewed the steamed buns slowly and asked: "Is your school in the village?""No, it's in the town. We just passed by it." Yuan Qing said.Lin Dong blinked: "How many kilometers is it from your village to the school? "Yuan Qing smiled and said, "About ten kilometers. I got up at four o'clock, climbed the mountain road, and then walked to the middle school. I went to elementary school in the village."Lin Dong said with some self-mockery, "It seems that I am indeed much happier than you.""Many people of my age are probably happier than me, but I always believe in one sentence, that destiny is in our own hands. I want to change my destiny." Yuan Qing stood on a big rock and shouted to the distant mountains, "I'm back.""I'm back.""I'm back."Her echo was everywhere.