林动心中有一幅美丽的画面.他一脚踹开了门,韩玉蝶先是尖叫了一声,然后平静地看着她,毕竟她是海归.也许她很快就用双手保护住了自己的乳房,最后抬起娇嫩的脚将林动踢出了浴室.大概是这样的.林动深吸了一口气,但他可以有个主意.在做这种事情之前,他必须仔细考虑.两人的关系还没有达到爱情的程度.林动连连深叹息,最后决定再次跪下."叶青姐姐,帮我拿我的**,我忘了拿."韩玉蝶突然在浴室里喊道.她刚才太兴奋了,居然忘了吃**.林动听到这话,先是激动,然后是谨慎.最后,他觉得他必须冒险,在情欲中寻求它.他在阳台上脱下了一条红色三角裤,证明那个官员真的是个坏人.他居然从韩玉蝶的走路和腿部推断出,那条裤子是属于她的,而不是她的姨妈的.韩玉蝶在浴室里喊道:"叶青姐姐,你搞定了吗?"完成了."林动的声音有千变之势,听起来像是他姑姑的声音.它非常逼真.韩玉蝶伸出玉手.林动眨了眨眼,将阴茎放在她的手上.天地良心可以作证,他只是想摸韩玉蝶的手.韩玉蝶从林动手中接过阴茎后,以林动甚至来不及反应的速度抓住了他的手腕,然后官员就冲进了洗手间."叶青姐姐,我们洗个澡吧...你...你为什么在这里?韩玉蝶的表情极其丰富,先是挑逗,然后是震惊,最后是平静.浴室里,林动看到了一幅他不该看到的风景图.他的眼神很诚实,看起来是这样的.曲线比例匀称.那两颗红豆特别迷人.下面延伸的是一条流淌的溪流.林动想起了一首诗,万江千山只等着他.然后又是一句话:太阳高高挂在天空中,我没有看到世界上的四月天.林动对她露出灿烂的笑容:"我们能更上一层楼吗?韩玉蝶温柔地看着他,道:"你觉得怎么样?林动从浴室里跑出来,他有远见地跑了出去.韩玉蝶居然冲了出来,赤身裸体,诱惑不已.林动睁大了眼睛,又跑向厨房.杨叶清道:"你看起来有点怪.吃饭的时候,林动不敢抬头看韩玉蝶一眼,韩玉蝶似乎在默默地抗议着林动.当然,这只是口头抗议.她的双脚已经做好了战斗的准备.因为两人是相对而坐的,所以韩玉蝶在晚饭前坐下来喝点开水后,就有了这个习惯.韩玉蝶伸出左脚,狠狠地踩在了林动的脚上.林动不屈不挠,带着即使被打死也不哭出来的冲动.一只脚被踩过,但还有另一只脚.他并不害怕,因为革命战争的胜利.Mr. Lin also attacked, with one foot attacking in a fake and real way.Under the table, Han Yudie's feet and Lin Dong's feet had a secret battle. It was very calm, but their hearts had long been uncalm.They must decide who was better.In the third minute of the secret battle, Lin Dong finally captured her stronghold.Lin Dong's toes attacked a mysterious part between Han Yudie's legs with a big move.Then he scratched his feet and left without taking a cloud.Han Yudie stood up on the spot."I need to go to the toilet." Han Yudie endured humiliation and was defeated by Lin Dong again under the banner of meanness.It was so embarrassing.After dinner, Lin Dong practiced classical guitar fingering in the room for three hours.Yang Yeqing was watching TV series in the living room.As for Han Yudie, she received a call from the company and went out for something.The next day at noon, Lin Dong received a call from Yuan Qing, who asked him to rush to a bar called Feiyue."What are you going to the bar for?" Lin Dong said to Yuan Qing when he arrived. There were not many people in the bar at this time.Yuan Qing smiled, his face full of smugness. After telling the teacher last night that Lin Dong was going to participate in the competition, the teacher was also very happy.Feiyue Bar is not just a bar, but a place where some famous local bands like to stay.Because the founder of this bar is a student of Teacher Chen Yuanda.Yuan Qing brought Lin Dong to the bar mainly to introduce him to a band called Tsunami, which was a member of her classmate.When she walked into the bar, she saw a four-member band playing instruments on the stage.Yuan Qing called a bald young man over, and after the introduction, Lin Dong learned that the man was Zhou Hai, a member of the Tsunami band.Zhou Hai nodded to Lin Dong as a greeting, and then asked: "Do you want to come up and play a game?"Lin Dong guessed that Zhou Hai was probably testing his skills, and smiled and said: "Okay." Then he went on stage and picked up the guitar to play and sing an original song."Where did you find Yuan Qing?" Zhou Hai asked Yuan Qing, putting away some of his doubts just now. Lin Dong's performance can be scored 90 points, and the shrapnel in his fingers can be described as dazzling."It's unspeakable, unspeakable." Yuan Qing said mysteriously."Can you play the piano?" Zhou Hai asked."A little bit." Lin Dong said on the stage.After putting down the guitar, Lin Dong showed off again.Zhou Hai and his three companions looked at Lin Dong with some envy."I like that guitar very much. Let me compete with you." A man who was cleaning in service uniform suddenly said to Lin Dong on the stage.Zhou Hai and Yuan Qing on the stage and under the stage were shocked when he said this.This is a completely auntie-level figure, a simple middle-aged woman. If there is anything worth praising, it is that her fingers are well maintained."Auntie. We are competing in guitar, not Yangko dance." Yuan Qing said seriously to the auntie who responded enthusiastically."I didn't say I wanted to compete with you in Yangko dance." Dama smiled and turned to walk onto the small stage.Zhou Hai said: "Auntie, guitar is something that you can't just hold in your arms and play. You have to work hard to learn it."Zhou Hai walked to the Konka drum, crossed his hands and put his hands on the drum skin.Boom boom, Zhou Hai beats the conga drum. With the drumbeat, his body twists freely and gently, and the bar is filled with the passionate Mediterranean drumbeat.Lin Dong nodded. Zhou beats very well, and is very good at it, especially in creating atmosphere.Da Ma came to Zhou Hai who was beating the drum and said, "I want to compete with you in drumming."Zhou Hai stopped his hand movements, carefully looked at the aunt in front of him, and said, "Are you sure? Auntie." He changed the address. Is he really a master? Just like the sweeping monk in Shaolin.