Chereads / Royal Ring / Chapter 160 - Chapter 160 Sure enough, it’s amazing

Chapter 160 - Chapter 160 Sure enough, it’s amazing

林动不只是一个无缘无故的超级鸟人,也不仅仅是一个弱者.在韩玉蝶难以置信的注视下,林动如火箭般冲了出来,以刘翔般的跨栏姿势,跃过了马路中间的栏杆.然后,在一辆驶过的汽车快速撞上林动的身体之前,他用右脚推着地面,从汽车的身体上跳了下来.整个动作非常流畅,一气呵成.当两人正要抓住明显受伤的鲁胡的肩膀时,他稳稳落地,左右手同时从背后抓住两人的衣领,手腕一抖,两人就被他甩了出去."你好,叔叔."林动对陆胡露出灿烂的笑容,从口袋里掏出一包烟,掏出一根烟递给陆胡.陆胡愣了一下,然后笑了起来,接过了嘴角渗出鲜血的香烟.林动帮陆胡点火,然后转身对着穿着黑色风衣的男人问道:"叔叔,这家伙是谁?对面街道上的韩玉蝶,把林动的强硬记在心里.他在拍动作片吗?还是那种有特效的?她曾想过林动那强悍的身体素质,但她怎么也想不到,他竟然如此强悍.至于那个穿风衣的男人,他上下打量着林动,微微蹙眉,嘴角却缓缓浮现出一抹笑容.我不怕神一样的对手,但我怕猪一样的队友.对于林动刚才的惊人表现,他露出了佩服的神色.陆胡缓缓道:"他是八皇子的人,林动小心点.他提醒林动,自己还没看清林动的武功值,不知道他的表现如何?但他不应该是一个卑鄙的人.八皇子?林动摇摇头.他真的没听说过这个所谓的八皇子是谁吗?不过,敢碰陆胡的人,一定有着复杂的身份和背景."你的人?"对付一个程耀金,对付他有点困难.陆胡说:"没有.他不想把林动拖进去.林动的表现让他满意,但他不是燕哥的人."叔叔,你先走."林动转向陆胡说道,心中有些疑惑.据说 110 警车很快就会到,但穿着风衣的男子并没有离开的打算.他很久以前就不会向这个地区的警察局打招呼了.陆胡说:"谢谢你.他毫不犹豫地离开了.他现在不适合战斗.林动话音刚落,头也不回地走了.如果他装成英雄,想要留下来和林动并肩作战,那对林动来说就完全是拖累了."不用追."穿风衣的男人看着陆胡迅速停下一辆车,拦住了那些要开车追赶他的人."你听说过北京的四大俱乐部吗?"穿风衣的男人冷漠地问林动.北京的四大俱乐部?林动眉头抽搐.他听说过这四家俱乐部的惊人历史,但他们都有一个共同点,那就是他们都是有钱有势的人.而且一般来说,有钱人不能进入."我是长安会的."那个穿风衣的男人并不是在炫耀,而只是在谈论一些对他来说似乎很普通,很正常的事情."你应该知道得罪长安社的人的一些后果."他顿了顿,眼神锐利,"中国人太多了,如果几个突然消失了,也不会有人注意到.如果你的方法足够简单,警察就不会找到他们.林动笑了笑,说他一点也不害怕,那就骗人了.他只是一个直到现在都没有任何力量的鸟人,他是个穷人.如果穿风衣的男人给他一个机会,他的命运可能会彻底改变."好好想想."男人一边抽着烟,一边慢慢地说.林动的眼睛不停地抽搐着,抽搐的频率有点快.突然,他揉了揉抽搐的眼睛,说:"我很害怕.穿风衣的男人说:"然后呢?林动道:"但我欠他一个人情,所以对不起.风衣男子露出一抹看似并不意外的笑容,却对林动的回答奇怪地点了点头.他突然弹了弹手指,燃烧的香烟迅速射向了林动的脸.林动后退半步,吸了一口气,张口呼气,香烟飞了回来.这时,衣裳男子以迅雷不及掩耳之势冲到了林动的面前,拳头狠狠地攻击着林动上半身的重要部位.林动只觉得脸上有些痛苦.这家伙的斗手指有那么强吗?躲过这一拳后,林动的身体像陀螺仪一样在风衣男子身后旋转.风衣男子连看都没看他一眼,右腿一脚踢在了林动的肩膀上.林动用右手挡下那强大的旋风踢后,大喊一声,展开了快速而凶猛的攻击.砰的两声,风衣男子和林动拳锋两次.Lin Dong was surprised to find that his combat ability value had increased a lot compared to before. Although it was not as abnormal as the offensive ability value in the ring game, it could barely deal with this man.He had activated the scanning eye to scan the man in the windbreaker. His combat value was between 400 and 500.And his combat ability value had reached more than 600, which was more than 300 higher than the previous 300.What surprised Lin Dong was that the scanning eye could accurately scan the vital parts and fatal weaknesses of the man.Lin Dong's use of the scanning eye was undoubtedly a small plug-in.But it was just a small plug-in. If he met those people with the Thousand Force Fingers, he would be killed instantly.Lin Dong didn't want to be a news figure tomorrow. He bent down, carried the man in the windbreaker on his shoulders, and shook him out.The man in the windbreaker flipped a circle in the air and took two steps back."Well, a young man is a hero." The man in the windbreaker shook his numb arms. The punch he had just hit Lin Dong's chest felt no different from hitting a steel plate."I'm not a hero." Lin Dong's feet came to the front of the man like gliding, "The last move is the black tiger heart-piercing."Black tiger heart-piercing. It's called black tiger heart-piercing.The man in the windbreaker knew it was the black tiger heart-piercing, but he didn't dodge it.Because it was too fast.The power was too strong.With a snap.Both arms of the man in the windbreaker broke at the same time.Lin Dong smiled kindly: "It seems that I have some capital to be awesome."After saying this, Lin Dong jumped away. Of course, he was waiting for Han Yudie in front."Lin Dong, did you take any stimulants?" Han Yudie asked gossipingly, wishing to study Lin Dong thoroughly.