韩玉蝶搓了搓手,对着一脸担忧的杨叶清笑了笑.她柔软的舌头再次舔了舔她的下唇,露出了一个花花公子的模样.她用牙齿和爪子抱住了躺在床上的杨叶晴.杨叶晴逃不过韩玉蝶手下下的网.很快,覆盖在杨叶清身上的白色浴袍就彻底解放了.韩玉蝶一手捏住浴袍,扔到一边.韩玉蝶无视了杨叶青杀气腾腾的眼神,对着珠峰上的两颗红葡萄大笑起来.两根手指瞬间捏住了杨叶清胸口的一颗红葡萄.杨叶清忍不住尖叫起来."小姐,别怕.我会好好照顾你的.杨叶晴感觉自己像是看到了个色狼想要调戏她,但她又无能为力.她只能狠狠地警告他:"你这小姑娘,别碰运气.当我生气时,这不是一件小事.韩玉蝶笑了笑,无视了杨叶清脸上的凶狠神色.她说:"你打不过我.放下你的尊严,和我好好睡一觉.她双手抱住了杨叶青.青的腰,用胸前两个柔软滚烫的雪球揉搓着杨叶青的肩膀.杨叶晴没想到她竟然如此肆无忌惮,眼中满是温柔:"好,我投降,就这样抱着我睡吧."我就是喜欢听你这么说."韩玉蝶将自己的一条长腿挂在了杨叶晴的大腿上.因为杨叶清是侧躺着的,所以杨叶青把腿放在上面后感觉很奇怪,仿佛有一只爬虫爬上了他的大腿.处理完杨叶青后,韩玉蝶显得精力充沛,也侧躺着,但她的手却没有松开杨叶青的两颗红葡萄,道:"叶青姐,我想问你一件事.很少看起来很严肃.杨叶清本来很想把她从床上扔下来,但考虑到她可能会受重伤,他放弃了,问道:"你去问吧.韩玉蝶想了想,认真而严肃地说道,甚至比我们大中华代表团签署不平等条约时还要严肃,"你觉得如果林动爱上了一个比他年长的女孩,你会怎么做?杨叶晴显然被这个问题惊呆了,然后她很快就想起了那条短信.难道短信是真的,林动爱上了一个比她大的女孩子呢?不过,她很快就调整了自己的心态.她对林动的感情问题持坦然的态度,因为她从事的是教师的工作,知道男生需要一些特别的礼物来刺激成长,所以她说:"我尊重林动的选择.韩玉蝶没想到杨叶晴这么快就回答了,尊重林动的选择.想了一会儿,她又问道:"叶晴姐,你不问这个丫头是做什么的吗?杨叶清说道:"林动之所以跟你说,是怕我怪他,所以想让你当说客.韩玉蝶否认道:"没有,叶晴姐.林动没有跟我说什么.不要误会.我只是让他通过某种方法谈论爱情.停顿了一下,"好吧,我告诉过你了.那个女孩是我的表妹."你的表弟?"杨叶晴那双仿佛能说话的眼睛定地看着韩玉蝶.韩玉蝶道:"她是真正的表妹.她是一名女警.杨叶清道:"女警?哦,看来林动选人确实不平凡.这很有趣."叶晴姐姐,你不打算谈谈林动吗?""我为什么要谈论他?"杨叶晴摇摇头,道:"他是个很懂事的人.我相信她所做的任何选择都是经过成熟和认真的思考后做出的.韩玉蝶道:"你的语气同意吗?杨叶清道:"同意,为什么不.韩玉蝶重重地吻了杨叶清,说道:"叶清姐,我还以为你会大发雷霆.这很好.这是一种更紧密的关系.杨叶清道:"跟我说说你表哥的事吧.韩玉蝶一边说着,一边开始抚摸着杨叶晴.她的手大胆地抚摸着杨叶晴从未被男人触碰过的乳房,以及禁区周围的区域.杨叶青只好用双腿夹住韩玉蝶不安分的手,让她说出林动和表妹的真相.韩玉蝶关于林动和韩冰的故事完全是虚构的,让他们看起来像韩国电影.As for Lin Dong, he didn't know that he was betrayed by Han Yudie. He was chatting with teacher Jiang Yue via text message. Teacher Jiang Yue said that you can't come tonight. Jiang Ling seems to be attached to him. Lin Dong didn't tell Jiang Yue that her brother came to see him. They mainly talked about some life problems. After more than an hour of text messaging, Lin Dong's fingers were a little sore. He felt that he couldn't keep up with Jiang Yue's pace. Jiang Yue's circle was from the kind of elite circle, while he was a poor boy. If he wanted to deal with Jiang Yue, he had to make great efforts. Lin Dong fell asleep after chatting with teacher Jiang Yue.The next day, Han Yudie appeared in Lin Dong's bedroom on time. Because she called Lin Dong but he didn't wake up, she directly lifted the sheet covering Lin Dong's body. A hard object that was obviously vomited rushed into Han Yudie's eyes.Han Yudie didn't scream like a girl, but snorted coldly, adjusted her ponytail, and said, "This kid must have a very evil dream."Han Yudie is indeed a returnee, with a more evil style. She first walked out of Lin Dong's bedroom, and when she came back, she was holding a few tangerines in her hand.Han Yudie showed a Zhou Xingxing classmate's sly smile, glanced at the protruding thing of Lin Dong, and a tangerine in her hand fell on Lin Dong's thing in a parabolic state.Seeing that the tangerine was about to have close contact with the thing of the official, the tangerine seemed to be reluctant, and derailed, falling on Lin Dong's thigh, and then rolling in **.Han Yudie gritted her teeth. How could this be possible? She couldn't even hit the target from such a close distance. How embarrassing! Was her technique so bad?Han Yudie squatted down, half of her eyes closed, the other half squinted, holding the tangerine in her right hand and staring at the official's thing.