Chereads / Royal Ring / Chapter 117 - Chapter 107 Amorous and Flirtatious Flavor

Chapter 117 - Chapter 107 Amorous and Flirtatious Flavor

林动挑了挑眉,然后笑着问道:"老师,您能给我留一把你家的钥匙吗,以备不时之需?这位官员完全有信心可以和老师讨论国家的事情.当然,老师肯定会找房子住,但有一件事让他纳闷的是,为什么江老师不住在江玲家呢?毕竟,江玲是她的侄女和亲戚.她应该和家人讨论这么大的事情.为什么他去江玲家的时候,只看到江玲的妈妈呢?江玲的爸爸当时应该在场吧?江月看了林动一眼,似乎看穿了林动的心思.他没有回答大臣心中的问题,只是淡淡地说道:"好,只要你愿意就好.林动告别了老师额头上凌乱的头发,然后眼中闪过一丝邪恶暧昧的光芒,没有任何隐瞒的必要,隐瞒就是虚伪,道:"我随时都要这把钥匙.这是一句非常有意义的话.一把钥匙不仅可以打开老师的门,还希望打开老师心中锁着的门.大臣希望打开这扇锁着的门吗?他认为自己仍然有这种信心.因为他是一头吃老草的小牛.大臣林动道:"老师,只要你给我时间,我就开你家的门.江月明白了大臣的话意,道:"希望能等到那时再说.江玥和林动花了半个小时,才找到一间两居室一厅的出租屋.这个地方很干净,家用电器齐全.唯一遗憾的是浴室有点小.当然,这是大臣心里想的.他没有大声说出来.江月对这个房间还是很满意的,当场就成交了.大臣把房东送出了门.房东羡慕道:"小弟弟,你爱情运气不错.林动谦虚地说,她是我的姐姐,我的姐姐.房东永远不会相信他们是两个兄弟姐妹.他微笑着离开了.林动关上门,问江老师:"你还需要买什么?我马上买下它.江玥走进卧室看了一眼,然后对林动说道:"买点**用品吧.他们两个去了家具店,买了很多**用品.大臣还给自己买了一个大红枕头.为了表明自己已经和大臣划清界限,江玥买了一个绿色的枕头.林动委屈地说道:"老师,你骗我了,不是吗?你太残忍了.江月说:"我走在一条非常艰难的路上,如果你想走就跟我走.林动只好说道:"嗯,我只能换个大枕头,这样我就不会半途而废被你甩出去了.我可以一个人在外面,但当我看到你一个人在外面时,我感到非常痛苦.江月道:"呸.林动道:"呸.两个鸟人有说有笑地回到了家.林动负责打扫房子,江玥在卧室里做自己的事情.林动打扫完卫生后,就出去买菜了.这是他第一次向老师展示自己的技能.林动先是给阿姨发了一条短信,说自己晚点回来,告诉她不要等他吃饭.然后他回复了江玲的信息,就三个字,不知道.林动在菜市场里闲逛了几十分钟,和老师一起准备了今晚的晚餐.当他拿出钥匙打开门时,看到江玲和江老师在沙发上聊天.林动的脸色还是很平静的.他只是把这个女人打晕了,并没有占她的便宜.我相信江玲很有道理.她不会为他感到遗憾的.江玲看到林动右手拿着蔬菜和一条鱼回来,眉头皱了起来.他哼了一声,说他对林动的外表很不满意.Jiang Yue knew the misunderstanding between Jiang Ling and Lin Dong, and acted as a peacemaker, saying: "Lingling, if you want your aunt to be happy, you are not allowed to be angry with Lin Dong."Jiang Ling said: "I'm not angry."Lin Dong said: "This is the best. I know that Jiang Ling is a generous girl with a broad mind. How can she be angry with a stinky boy like me, don't you think?" He despised himself severely and praised Jiang Ling again, without wasting any words, which was completely necessary."You guys chat, I'll go to dinner."Lin Dong washed rice and cooked.He would not go to the living room to eavesdrop on what the two women were talking about, but with the wisdom of a big official, he could guess what Jiang Ling's problem was.When Lin Dong was halfway through washing the vegetables, Jiang Ling walked in and stood beside him without saying a word.Lin Dong saw that she kept looking at him, smiling with a fake smile, and his heart was beating hard, as if he had done something shameful, but the problem was that he had always been very shameless.Lin Dong turned his head deliberately to look at Jiang Ling, washing the green vegetables with both hands, thinking, green vegetables, green vegetables, do you think this woman wants to eat me?The green vegetables smiled but said nothing, allowing the official to tease her sister.Jiang Ling frowned. This Lin Dong could actually keep calm and wash vegetables under her majestic and lethal eyes. She was a little dissatisfied, dissatisfied with him, and dissatisfied with her eyes.Originally thought that her eyes could make Lin Dong feel ashamed, but he didn't turn his head to look at her.Jiang Yue was now arranging decorations in the bedroom, so she came in to kill Lin Dong's prestige.Jiang Ling ordered Lin Dong: "Look over here."Lin Dong looked over, looked over very seriously, and then hummed a song: "Girl across the street, look over here, look over here..." He was interrupted by Jiang Ling before he finished singing, saying: "Look into my eyes."Lin Dong looked at her eyes, and it was undeniable that her eyes were beautiful, with dark eyeballs, as black as ink. Black and white were clearly distinguished. Those were a pair of eyes with a hint of anger and confusion.It is true that eyes are windows to the heart.Lin Dong understood from her eyes and said, "What question do you want me to answer?"Jiang Ling said, "When did you start?"Lin Dong said, "It didn't start at any time."Jiang Ling said, "Love at first sight?" She had the urge to pick up a kitchen knife and chop Lin Dong. It was impossible. She didn't believe it at all. Aunt and Lin Dong fell in love at first sight? Damn it.Mars hitting the earth?Lin Dong said honestly, "I don't know when it started, but it started anyway."Jiang Ling's angry look made Lin Dong's heart tremble."Hmph, Lin Dong. Let me tell you. It's impossible for you and my aunt to be together."Lin Dong wanted to refute her words with a disdainful look, but he remembered that they were classmates after all, they had held hands before, and he had a moment of moving his heart before, so he said gently: "I don't know if it will work, but I'm very happy now." After that, he asked in a very annoying way, "Are you happy? I can be your relative."