Chereads / Royal Ring / Chapter 109 - Chapter 109 We're Having an Affair

Chapter 109 - Chapter 109 We're Having an Affair

林动的嚣张,怎么可能被韩玉蝶这个低级妖精扑灭呢?他露出自信的笑容,平静地说道:"玉蝶姐,不要离我这么远.你怕我吃掉你吗?他故意叹了口气,看起来非常郁闷.韩玉蝶一下子掉进了圈套,或许是她立刻就被林动鸟一般的表情和他说话的轻蔑态度激怒了.她冷哼一声,坐在离林动很近的地方,也就是三寸远的地方,说道:"现在这个距离够了.林动笑了笑,嗅了嗅,又受宠若惊:"玉蝶姐,你闻不到香水的味道,却天生就有天生的香味.你真是个美女.韩玉蝶听到大臣这样夸她,笑着说道:"林动,你别装了.如果你有什么阴谋,就向我开火.我能忍受.我不怕你.林动转头看了一眼韩玉蝶的胸口,道:"玉蝶姐姐,你不是穿胸罩吗?韩玉蝶瞪了林动一眼.这小子的眼神也太厉害了,但想到林动的恶行,她明白了,她一定不能发脾气.只有化解他的攻击,她才能赢得战争.她说道:"林动,告诉我你的目的.如果你不告诉我,我就冲进你的房间.林动摇摇头道:"玉蝶姐,你相信我是想从心里告诉你什么吗?林动虽然没有表现得很伤心,但其实他很伤心.首先,我必须祝贺林东先生.他有潜力成为最好的演员中的最佳演员.他的表现完全平静,没有血腥.韩玉蝶看了林动一眼,不明白林动为什么眼神会如此悲伤.她想,或许能听听林动的一些内心想法,尤其是和叶青姐的故事,所以她决定不先去林动的卧室.她笑了笑,轻声说道:"林动,你心里有什么都可以告诉我.我比你大几岁,而且我有信心在某些方面我比你懂得好一点.停顿了一下,她加强了语气中的真诚,说道."只要你告诉我,我就保守秘密."林动盯着韩玉蝶看了三秒,道:"玉蝶姐,你真好.将来谁娶你,都会很幸福.韩玉蝶假装尴尬地低头看了看,然后又抬起头来:"别这么对我说,我只是在做我该做的事."尤迪姐姐."林动悲痛的说道,抱住韩玉蝶,哭道:"我好惨,好累,玉蝶姐,你得帮帮我.韩玉蝶突然被林动抱住,傻眼了.她想知道这家伙是不是在演戏?他是想利用她吗?但她很快就打消了这个想法,因为林动在哭泣,他的眼泪溅在她的肩膀上,凉爽而爽快.韩玉蝶是一个有着强烈母爱的女人.她立刻关切地问道,丝毫没有疑问林动是假的.毕竟,眼泪在流.从某种程度上来说,韩玉蝶这个仙子,确实不是很先进.她这么快就抓到了林动,这么快就被官方忽悠了.她的泪水是如此清澈,表情是如此悲伤,仿佛她被世间的一切抛弃了.韩玉蝶轻轻抚摸着林动的后脑勺,安慰道:"林动,你说.我会尽我所能帮助你.林动点点头,含泪流鼻涕道:"玉蝶姐,你真的能帮我吗?韩玉蝶自信地说道:"当然.玉蝶姐姐确实有这个能力.林动依依不舍地放开韩玉蝶柔软芬芳的身体,犹豫着.Han Yudie was left hanging, and immediately asked: "What happened? Tell me, I'm so anxious."Lin Dong said: "Sister Yudie, your cousin and I... I and her..."Han Yudie asked: "What happened between you and my cousin? Tell me, tell me."Lin Dong blushed for the first time: "Your cousin and I did that."Han Yudie stood up in shock: "You and my cousin are having an affair, you are indeed having an affair, I guessed right."Han Yudie was proud of her own calculations, but also shocked that her cousin was taken down by Lin Dong. The last time I saw the two of them in the park, you wanted to kill me and I wanted to kill you, but now you are in me and I am in you, it's really too fast, the speed can be called Bolt.Han Yudie said cleverly: "So the person in the bedroom is my cousin?"Lin Dong said: "Yes, Sister Yudie. You also know that your cousin is a very shy person. If you go in now, she will feel very embarrassed."Sacrificing Han Bing for Jiang Yue has always been a trick that the official abuses.Han Yudie suddenly realized that it was not bad. The official was right. My cousin has never had a good impression of men. She should be given some time to adapt.Han Yudie chuckled, and she would tease her cousin when she saw her next time. She said, "Okay. I'm not a stingy person. You will be my family from now on. Although you are younger than me, you are older than me in terms of seniority."Lin Dong said, "Sister Yudie, I wonder if Sister Hanbing wants to develop a relationship with me?"Han Yudie said, "You have an affair with my cousin, and she must want you to be assured. My aunt will be very happy now. I will call her to tell her the good news.""No, Sister Yudie." Lin Dong immediately stopped her, "I think it's better to keep it secret for now."Han Yudie said, "Okay, I'll keep it secret for now."Han Yudie said, "I'll go back first." In her heart, she was quite dissatisfied, and she would tell her aunt about it later.Seeing that Han Yudie finally went back to sleep, Lin Dong relaxed and followed her back to his bedroom.Teacher Jiang hasn't woken up yet, and it seems that he slept for a few hours.Lin Dong felt that this was a very dangerous place, and Han Yudie could come in at any time. Let's get Teacher Jiang out first.Lin Dong quickly put on his clothes and pants, hugged Teacher Jiang and rushed to a hotel. The hotel staff was dumbfounded that Lin Dong and Teacher Jiang came to book a room so early, but since they were guests, they immediately arranged a room for them.After Lin Dong arranged everything for Teacher Jiang, he walked to the window and opened it very coolly to let the wind in.Jiang Yue woke up earlier than Lin Dong, and this was obviously not Lin Dong's bedroom. She was a little confused about why she slept."Where is this?""Hotel." Lin Dong looked back and smiled charmingly, "Teacher, I took you to book a room."