一瞬间,韩冰相信了林动所说的话.刹那间,林动觉得他的话打动了那个暴戾的女警.但就在这时,江玥的手机响得很刺耳.林动有一种冲动,想把电话扔掉.该死.他看到韩冰已经完全被他骗了.当然,他并不是真的在开玩笑.这位官员所说的是事实.江玥是他的女朋友吗?官方是这么想的,因为江月不会拒绝这个提议.韩冰听到手机铃声,心里咒骂着自己.他几乎被官方迷住了.男孩的声音似乎有一种催眠的魔力.这也证实了这位官员是一个邪恶的鸟人,专门用他的声音催眠女孩.他必须逮捕那名官员.韩冰也是个聪明人.她在拖延时间.她知道公园里十二点钟会有保安巡逻.只要他们到了,那名官员就很有可能被逮捕.所以她说,"如果这个女人是你的女朋友,那就把电话给我.我会回答的.林动自然不能把电话递给韩冰,否则就会暴露.他拿起江玥的电话,看到了来电显示.是周罗打来的.他大概是看到江月这么久没回来后打电话询问情况的.林动关掉了手机,耸耸肩对韩冰说道:"我知道你心里一定觉得我是个坏人,但事实可能恰恰相反.我先走.林动正要离开,韩冰却以势不可挡的气势阻止了他:"跟我回派出所来.林动只好先把江玥放下.他觉得自己不能不采取一些严厉的措施就离开公园.看到林动放下江越后,韩冰像面对大敌一样盯着林动.她对林动的实力有着深刻的理解.她的军用 36 路缠斗技术,其实是官方一一化解的.只有两个词可以形容他:坚强.林动扭着脖子,做出非常凶狠的表情,呜呜一声说道:"我给你最后一次机会.你能放我走吗?韩冰道:"除非你把我打倒.林动举起大拇指,说出了真相:"现在像你这样正直的警察很少.我很佩服你.话音刚落,他的身体就在韩冰面前火箭般涌来,大范围的拳头向韩冰的下三路线发起了攻击.这是官员的本能反应.他想,只有用下三条路,才能尽快把这个女人打倒在地.卑鄙,无耻,粗俗.韩冰的牙齿都快流血了.他从来没见过像林动这样专攻下三路的男人.下三条路线中的某个地方最难防守,也最容易进攻.但这位官员对这种辩护非常感兴趣.这家伙的手脚充满了凶狠,执着地攻击着那个柔软诱人的部位.韩冰冷静地回应,冷静地面对官员的卑鄙举动.但韩冰低估了这位官员的爆发力.官员只是用扫视的眼神看了韩冰一眼,立刻就弄清楚了她的攻打套路.韩冰的战力只有85,防御能力是80.她根本不是他的对手.Lin Dong brought his eyes, which could scan in the game, back to reality, and quickly analyzed the flaws in Han Bing's routine.The official shouted loudly and hit Han Bing's soft part with a black tiger heart-piercing move.Han Bing stepped back a few steps. Lin Dong's move was too fast and strange.After Lin Dong succeeded in his move, he rushed behind Han Bing at an explosive speed and stabbed her neck with a fierce hand knife.Han Bing fell down and waited for the official with her eyes fixed.This was the second time she fell into the hands of the official.Lin Dong smiled and said helplessly: "I have said it before, you don't understand my ** and strength."Lin Dong picked up Han Bing, but now he couldn't get her out. He looked around and had to throw Han Bing in the women's bathroom.The official carried Han Bing into the bathroom, then walked out, quickly remembered something, and returned.The guy squatted down, then said "Amitabha" and untied the red bra that Han Bing was wearing, and left with a smile.As for why he took Han Bing's bra away, the official didn't understand. It was his consciousness. He could only explain it this way.After Lin Dong took Jiang Yue home, he first took a look. Well, Han Yudie and my aunt were both asleep. This was more convenient.Lin Dong walked into the bedroom without making any noise.After entering the bedroom, he locked the door because he was afraid that Han Yudie would come in again and again."Teacher Jiang, I'm sorry."After putting Jiang Yue in his room, Lin Dong took a comfortable hot bath.This guy was naked when he came out of the bathroom.He looked at Jiang Yue who was still sleeping soundly in the bed, and was hesitating whether to force her. Anyway, Teacher Jiang would not wake up at this time.After thinking for ten seconds, Lin Dong decided to be Liu Xiahui tonight.He did not help Jiang Yue undress, but slept with her clothes on.He was afraid that he would lose control.Lin Dong and Jiang Yue were now lying on a big bed, and his hand naturally reached into Jiang Yue's chest to caress her closely."Well, I didn't do anything, just touched her."Lin Dong showed an admiring look at his behavior.As soon as he closed his eyes, he saw the desperate look in Tan Tai Qingyu's eyes.Sorry, Qingyu. I didn't mean it.Lin Dong actually wanted to go into that game world to find Qingyu, but he was afraid to face Tan Tai Qingyu again.At the same time, he had some reservations about whether he could go in.After all, he had completed the task now.As long as he survived for three hours, it would be dawn. Then nothing would happen.The trajectory of life would not change.Teacher Jiang would not die.Lin Dong turned his head to look at Jiang Yue's beautiful face, smiled mischievously, and held Teacher Jiang Yue's hand and put it in a protruding part of his body."Teacher, I didn't take advantage of you, but you have to pay a price for sleeping in my bed, don't you think?"The official felt the softness of that hand and moaned in comfort.There was a cool moonlight outside the window.There were gusts of warm night breeze outside the window.Lin Dong felt extremely warm at the moment. He felt that he was actually quite restrained. Sleeping with such a big demon was just a matter of moving his hands and feet to give himself a flying airplane.What a burst of character.