Chereads / Royal Ring / Chapter 94 - Chapter 98: The Pure Official

Chapter 94 - Chapter 98: The Pure Official

"Ri Nu."官员尴尬地念出这个名字,觉得这个名字比奴隶更可笑,更痛苦.确实是薛氏能想出这么好听的名字."你对这个词不满意吗?"薛问林东,一副愿意谈判的样子.林官看了薛一眼,看穿了薛在装作问他,但他并没有不喜欢或不喜欢这个名字.这是薛的地盘,所以官员不得不低头恭敬地向她打招呼."师父,我对这个名字很满意,太高兴了,我终于有个名字了."林动再次表演了一场超越奥斯卡影帝水平的表演,如此沉稳,充满欢乐.至少薛能从官员脸上的表情中看出他非常高兴,她的心情也变得快乐起来.刚才的不适被一扫而空.官员的歌声让她很不舒服,但不可否认的是,官员的歌声非常好听,堪称大自然的声音.薛给了林动一个奖励性的拥抱,胸前的两座山狠狠地捏着官员的胸口.官员几乎占领了紫禁城,但他现在的心境已经有些不同了.他立即有了禅宗的心态,并恢复了平静的心态.小白带着一些不悦的眼神回来,尤其是当他看到薛和官员互相拥抱时.官员自然明白这眼神是什么意思,无奈地看了小白一眼.这不是我想做的,但薛强迫我去做.你盯着我看也没用.逗完林动后,薛去了冰室睡去.林动自告奋勇地上前按摩了一会儿,很快薛就睡着了.官员现在把这个身材诱人的迷人女子当作癞蛤蟆.不得不说,官方的超级YY能力,无比强大.当他再次看到薛的尸体时,似乎在看一只母蟾蜍."官员在心里高兴地喊道.这就是禅宗的境界.官员慢慢小心翼翼地来到小白面前,确认小白无意攻击.他不会说话,只能用手势来表达自己内心的想法.小白似乎明白了林动的举动.它表示理解并指责该官员.小白和林动友好地握手,大家都过上了和平的生活.官员觉得自己应该可以出去看看,但他又怕薛某半途而醒.如果他发现自己能走出山洞走到另一边,就会引起怀疑.他现在觉得,只要打开体内的超强战力,就能平衡地走过青藤桥.小白用他柔软的脚蹭了蹭官员的黑枪."官员差点跳起来.他不能碰它.小白是一头野兽.他无意和小白走到一起.薛突然从梦中醒来,一脸不高兴地说道:"哼,宏福姐姐居然在附近监视我.她的瞳孔释放出耀眼的蓝光."Ri Nu,你待在山洞里."薛说完,几乎飞出了山洞,几秒钟就消失了."妈的,这是一根掉下来的电线吗?"官员有些震惊,比起武功,这世界确实是个的世界.Xiaobai can talk now. As long as Xue is not around, he can have a good communication with Mr. Lin. He still has some complaints about Mr. Lin's ambiguous behavior just now: "Fuck slave, don't have too much relationship with the master in the future."The master raised his hands in surrender, feeling more wronged than Dou E. He almost asked the Lord of Justice to judge whether his heart was really pure. He said: "Brother Xiaobai, I didn't mean that. I was about to go to bed before you came back, but the master hugged me and did this to me. You saw it when you came back."Anyway, Xiaobai didn't come back just now, so Mr. Lin can say whatever he wants, as long as it's not too excessive.Xiaobai said, "You mean the master took the initiative to have a relationship with you?"The big official was keenly aware of the anger and disbelief in Xiaobai's eyes, and he was about to pounce on him and bite him to death. The big official immediately smiled slightly, stepped back a few steps to keep a distance and said, "Brother Xiaobai, I don't mean that. Well, you know. Xue is you, Xue is not mine." After a pause, he said to Xiaobai mysteriously, "While Xue is not here now, I have some questions to ask you."Xiaobai was unwilling to let Lin Dong go like this, and asked, "Why did you come here?" If the big official didn't give a satisfactory answer, he would probably "fight" with the big official and give him some trouble and lessons.The official picked it up casually and said, "Brother Xiaobai, I'll tell you the truth. I came here for Hongfu. She is my wife in my hometown. We planned to get married but she suddenly ran away, so I found this place."Xiaobai said, "Hongfu? Do you like Hongfu?"The official saw Xiaobai's unbelievable look and knew that he guessed right. It must be that this Hongfu is too strong. Not only is Xue afraid of her, but even a wild beast is afraid of her."Yes, brother Xiaobai. You don't believe me, but a person's eyes will not lie. Now I beg you to look at my eyes."Xiaobai looked at Lin Dong.Lin Dong's eyes were pure, more innocent than a baby: "I am telling you solemnly and solemnly now that Hongfu is mine. If anyone dares to touch my Hongfu, I will fight to the death even if I die."Xiaobai felt the official's anger and the domineering aura released by his thin and delicate body.Xiaobai felt that he had wronged the official. A person with such eyes would not lie to him. He said, "Slave, I wronged you. You are my friend.""Yes, I am here to help your friend." The official showed that he was not surprised by the shocking effect of his words on Xiaobai. It turns out that the kingly aura in fantasy novels can not only suppress little brothers and beauties, but also tigers.The official wanted to transform into an invincible protagonist mode and let himself ride on it, and also show how powerful he was. But he didn't have the strength, so he had to give up.So the official patted the word "king" on Xiaobai's forehead and said, "Xiaobai, I won't lie to you. You want Xue. I want Hongfu. Everyone has different goals."Xiaobai said, "Okay. I believe you.""Xiaobai, do you know what pet Hongfu took away from Xue? Why is Xue still so polite to Hongfu?" Lin Dong planned to start with Xue and Hongfu first, and then he could find out the clues of Tantai Qingyu.