Chereads / Royal Ring / Chapter 82 - Chapter 82: Man and Beast

Chapter 82 - Chapter 82: Man and Beast

"主人,别生气,但是...林先生看着这位美女胸前的一对诱人的雪球.只要她稍微摇晃一下身体,那两个肥大的雪球就像是跳兔子一样.即使她刻意不动,那洁白嫩滑的雪球也让路人目瞪口呆.她的背部和臀部曲线优美.她纤细的腰身和背部被她雪白而活泼的臀部衬托着.她性感迷人.她的皮肤白皙,柔软,光滑.官下的枪开始反抗."我叫薛,你呢?"薛的声音里充满了一种让男人幻想的柔和,她轻声问林动.老虎静静地躺在洞口,像个站岗的士兵."我叫林动."虽然官员对手下的这个家伙很失望,但发现他的衣服裤子都没了,问道:"薛,我的衣服裤子呢?"我把它们扔掉了.""扔掉它?"官员眨了眨眼,"你这儿不穿衣服穿裤子吗?"我为什么要戴它们?"薛的蓝眼睛里露出一种奇怪的好奇,"你来自哪里?这位官员似乎觉得很难回答他来自哪里的问题,所以他只能编造一个故事:"我来自中国,离你的地方很远.对了,这里只有你一个人吗?薛点点头:"我是这个洞的主人,你是我的奴隶.她一脸严肃地对官员说,指着老虎说:"你和小白都是我的奴隶.你得听我说."奴隶?"林动咽了口水.成为这样一个美丽女人的主人,似乎不是什么坏事,但他现在不能留在这里.他必须找到洪福,然后强迫她生育.薛用白皙的手指指着官员身下的火枪问道:"这是什么?大臣:"..."见大臣似乎在忍住笑容,薛觉得自己作为师父,是被激怒了.她闪到林动面前,一拳打在了大官方的胸口.大官方根本来不及反应.就算他有时间反应,他的实力也抵挡不住薛的攻击.大官方第一次当场死亡,以非常尴尬的方式倒在了冰上.薛只用了她 20% 的力气,所以林动并没有受重伤.薛说:"我不笑,你就笑不出来.林动咧嘴一笑,喃喃道:"这个女人是人吗?他在现实中的威力在这里变成了一个白痴.他可能连一根手指都打不动.他问自己,自己不是吴松,这样他就可以先杀虎了."是的."大臣吸取了血腥的教训,立刻收起了他压抑的笑容.但在他的心里,他对这个薛感到愤怒."什么事?"薛又问林东他的事情.这是她第一次看到这个奇怪的东西.刚才她进来的时候,它似乎很温柔,但当它看到她时,却骄傲地站着,似乎在向她点头."黑枪,它可以弯曲和拉伸,柔软和坚硬."大臣老实说道."黑枪?"薛撅起樱桃唇,走到林动面前.林动:"你...你打算怎么办?"让我摸摸."林动:"我能不能不碰它?"如果我碰它,它会更不舒服,更叛逆.如果有敲除药物会更好.薛曰:"你得听师傅的话.林动眼中满是委屈的泪水.薛伸出右手,握住了林动.林动不仅觉得很开心,还觉得有一种恐惧.如果她不小心打破了,他就是这辈子所向披靡的东方.薛的手感受到了林动那把黑枪的炽热敲打.Xue said: "It's fun. You let it soften. ""I can't let it soften if you do that." Lin Dong had the urge to run away."Why?"Lin Dong was speechless. It seemed that she had never seen a man before and didn't even understand what this thing was. He could only explain: "Because it feels like your hand."Xue understood and let go.Lin Dong didn't dare to disobey Xue's request and asked the black gun to soften. This guy went straight to the ice **, and soon, the black gun softened.Xue held it again and said with a sweet smile: "It's fun, why don't I have this thing?"Lin Dong was quite annoyed by her question and said: "Because it belongs to men.""Is that so? It's not fair at all. It's fun." Xue laughed and then sat on the ice **.Lin Dong couldn't figure out why she could walk barefoot in the hot sand and sit on the ice ** unscrupulously. There was only one explanation, she was not human.But every part of her body was very feminine."Xiao Bai. "Xue hooked her finger at the tiger named Xiaobai.Lin Dong subconsciously took two steps back.Xue said to Lin Dong with disdain: "Are you afraid of Xiaobai? Xiaobai is very cute."Of course, people who ride tigers are awesome. If I'm not afraid, I'll become an immortal. The official gritted his teeth at Xue and nodded.Xue's legs swung back and forth in front of the official Lin Dong like a swing, and he was very hurt. This is basically naked.Xue's hand touched Xiaobai's forehead.Xiaobai stretched out Lin Dong's scary-looking tongue and licked the two snowballs on Xue's chest.The official almost vomited blood.Is this a game between humans and animals?Xue giggled: "Xiaobai, you are making trouble again, stop it. It's itchy. "Lin Dong's blood boiled. Damn, this tiger is really a pervert. It specifically targets girls' breasts.The master wanted to replace Xiao Bai to serve Xue."Do you want to touch it?" Xue suddenly asked Lin Dong."I... I want to." The master despised himself for saying such a sentence."You can touch it."Lin Dong swallowed his saliva, walked carefully to Xiao Bai's side, and whispered: "Master Xue, you can call Xiao Bai away. I will help you with all-round services. I promise that you will feel very comfortable."Xue was a little unconvinced: "Really?""Yes. I promise."Xiao Bai seemed to feel that Lin Dong was coming to steal the business. He stared at the master with his tiger eyes, and the master was furred all over."Xiao Bai, get out."Xiao Bai shook his tail and went out."Let's start. "Xue said.Xue's innocent look made the official feel itchy and his blood boiled."If you don't make me comfortable, I will punish you." Xue's words seemed like a basin of cold water that poured down the official's blood.The official felt nervous and uneasy. If he couldn't serve her, wouldn't he be tortured by her? What was she going to do to torture herself?The official's fingers were a little stiff. He felt that this was no longer the exciting game just now, but had turned into a dangerous situation where he might be whipped.