韩玉蝶本来是想狠狠地揍林动一顿.虽然不是这个鸟人徒手做的,但菜刀是她打败他的武器.在关键时刻,她必须像抗日的中国人民一样,勇敢地站出来.无论她流了多少血,多少汗,多少头颅,她都得先杀了敌人.虽然敌人很强,但非常强大.谁又能保证敌人不会低估自己呢?我们必须打一场长期的战争和游击战.韩玉蝶的思绪先是迅速藏进了她的肚子里,因为杨叶青就在那儿.别说把叶晴姐拉上她的大船,也不用把她推到林先生那里."玉蝶姐姐,我真的错了.请原谅我.林动受不了韩玉蝶眼中闪过的凶狠火花.杨叶晴装作和事佬,笑道:"玉蝶,林动不是那个意思.他很担心你.你这个年纪有男朋友很正常.韩玉蝶不敢不给叶青姐姐面子.如果不是叶青在这儿,她早就冲进厨房,拿起菜刀拼到底了.她杀气腾腾地看了林动一眼,然后抬起头笑道:"叶青姐说得对,但我目前不打算谈恋爱,公司有规定.所以,我是一个单身女孩."还是个单身女孩?整个妖精都是吃人的妖精.林动在心里跟进.看来今晚和阿姨一起逛街的想法是无法实现的.他非常纠结和沮丧.玉蝶姐为什么在这个时候回来毁了好事呢?只有一个人去酒吧唱歌,说道:"阿姨,玉蝶姐,你们先聊聊,我出去了."这么早走?"杨叶青问道.当时刚过八点,这家伙去了酒吧.林动点点头,笑道:"如果外面没有好看的女孩子,我就去接她们.他用邪恶的眼神看了韩玉蝶一眼,然后迅速离开去抱起女孩.官员其实在他心里是个很纯洁的人.他说他会在酒吧接女孩.韩玉蝶对杨叶晴说道:"他这么早出来干什么?"酒吧歌手,你忘了."韩玉蝶想起上次说过的话,心里嘀咕着林动在酒吧闲逛,酒吧里是各种各样的人的地方.难怪他感染了如此邪恶的气息,他必须监督这家伙,防止官方偷走叶青姐姐这只伟大的国家一级保护动物.韩玉蝶去卧室舒服地洗了个热水澡,然后看了看时间.快九点了,和杨叶清聊了一会儿.她问林动在哪个酒吧唱歌,然后匆匆忙忙地赶到了老男孩酒吧."孩子,你今晚来得这么早?你想我了吗?小薇见大臣这么早就来酒吧,就跟他调情了.大臣林动微微一笑,道:"老板娘,对,我太想你了.真的."真的吗?"小魏妩媚地笑了笑,然后突然抓住大臣林动的手,搭在她的肩膀上,眼神一丝说道:"我很想你,触动我的心,你能感觉到.这就像逼鸭子爬架子,下老虎更难.大臣没想到老板娘一招就用了这么厉害的招式,根本躲不开.老板娘的乳房又大又结实,又饱满又性感,但一摸就想不通了.首先,老板娘有靠山,她的丈夫很棒.其次,老板娘是铁子的家人.如果他和老板娘有关系,那就不能接受了."你不敢碰我的心吗?"萧薇眨了眨眼睛,认真地说道,心里开心地笑了起来.她就是喜欢这样逗林动.看到他想做却不敢做,不敢做却不屈服,这很有趣."当我触碰到你的心时,我感到很受伤."林动认真地说道:"你应该摸摸我的心."Okay, I'll help you rub your little heart."Xiao Wei's bewitching voice and charming eyes shocked Lin Dong a few times, and then her hand really touched the heart of Lin Dong's chest. Lin Dong suddenly had evil fire rolling back and forth in his body. It must be said that it was very comfortable and refreshing."Are you comfortable?" Xiao Wei deliberately lowered her voice and said to the big official.The big official smelled the seductive fragrance and orchid-like breath of the boss lady's big fairy body, and he wanted to pick up his gun and go into battle immediately, but he still had to restrain himself. Is the fairy going to eat him? He must be calm and calm.The big official showed a strong heart like Tang Seng in the face of the temptations of countless demons, and said: "Girl, don't torment me like this, I can't bear it.""Oh, my old monk, I am an old demon who has seduced countless people, just listen to me obediently, I guarantee you will benefit."The big official Lin shuddered, this voice seemed to be the voice of the devil seducing him, and his heart was excited and excited. It was like a whirlpool, restless."Oh, isn't this Lin Dong?" After Han Yudie saw the old boy bar, she saw the proprietress and Lin Dong flirting with each other, and immediately joined the battle, slandering Lin Dong in her heart that he was actually a gigolo, and he must be kept by this woman. No wonder he likes to come here to work so much.When Lin Dong saw Han Yudie, he was a little surprised. This woman came uninvited? He shook his body, and then said righteously: "Sister Yudie, this is my boss, Sister Xiao."Xiao Wei glanced at the gorgeous Han Yudie, who was a beauty, and also had the idea of slandering Lin Dong. No wonder he couldn't handle this boy. It turned out that this guy had a woman, and she was not bad."Hello.""Hello."The two fairies looked at each other as if they were facing a great enemy.Lin Daguanren was caught in the middle and felt that a cold current was coming. Their eyes seemed to be flashing sparks?Women always look at women without blood.Lin Dong felt that he should quickly escape from this battlefield that might become a battle."When you come to the old boy, you are my guest. I will buy you a drink." Xiao Wei said with a smile."Thank you, I will pay." Han Yudie also said with a smile.The problem in Xiao Wei's mind was that this little fairy seemed to have a temper.Han Yudie thought that this old woman was taking advantage of her age.Master Lin Dong noticed that the two seemed to be on the verge of peace, so he immediately asked for two glasses of red wine, handed them over one by one, and said with a smile: "There are a lot of people here today, and the atmosphere is very lively."