当陈染和林动一边交谈一边并肩走进菜市场时,他们突然变成了菜市场里一条靓丽的风景线.许多雄性和雌性动物顿时燃烧着无尽的八卦心,可见中国人在这方面非常强大.陈染和林动属于兄妹组合,现在看来是很火的姐弟关系.当然,很多卖菜卖猪肉卖牛肉的老头子都看着陈染这个仙女,像一道亮光一样走进来,眼神那么亮,然后张开嗓子大喊.林动师傅有一种莫名的成就感和自豪感.毕竟,和陈然老师同行是一种祝福.他觉得那些雄性生物扫描陈老师的时候,是那么赤裸裸的,用羡慕和嫉妒的眼神看着自己.林师傅有着不屈不挠的斗志.他微微一笑,抬起头,像康熙帝私访一样有力地扫视着那些鸟人.我真的很想大喊,年轻人,快来战斗.为了加强在陈然心中的印象,林动微微一笑,颇为矫揉造作地介绍道:"老师,你应该多买些蔬菜.很多蔬菜其实都有美容功效,比如丝瓜,可以润滑皮肤,防止皱纹.蘑菇也很有营养,富含蛋白质和维生素,脂肪含量低,不含胆固醇.吃蘑菇可以使女性的雌激素分泌更加旺盛,可以防止衰老,使皮肤美丽.陈然知道丝瓜,但她真的没想到蘑菇竟然这么有营养.林动其实知道这件事,笑着问道:"你平时会看一些关于这种事情的书吧?林动神秘道:"属于我的研究范围.林董还介绍了芦笋,芦笋富含硒,可以抗衰老和预防与脂肪过度氧化有关的各种疾病,使皮肤白皙嫩嫩.陈然笑着听林东的话,把这些菜一一买了下来.最后,林动想找豌豆,但都卖光了."本草纲目"记载,豌豆具有"去除黑斑,使面部有光泽"的作用.现代研究发现,豌豆含有丰富的维生素原 A,维生素 A 可以在体内转化为维生素 A 滋润皮肤.林动有空的时候,他买这些豌豆来滋养姨妈的皮肤.可以说,他姑姑的皮肤好亮滑,也是林动的功劳.陈然不能吃肉.一旦她吃了肉,她就会感到全身不舒服.这是一种非常奇怪的疾病.她只能吃鱼.所以她买了一条鱼回去.林动自己买了菜后,就和陈然一起上了车.陈然亲自将林动送到了小区门口."你这方面知识渊博.我想你以后能取悦女生.林动笑了笑,调侃地问陈然:"老师,你喜欢我这样的男生吗?我可以帮你做家务和做饭.嗯,我们还不是很老.你可以考虑一下.这对每个人都有好处.陈然娇媚地笑了笑.这家伙真的没放弃,但他也很"佩服"自己敢当面逗她,说:"等你考完再说吧.林动从这些信息中得到了一些有价值的东西,立即问道:"老师,你在问自己这个.陈然故意用严肃的语气和态度说道:"我当然是认真的,老师不会说谎.陈然开车走了.Lin Dong waved and went upstairs. Regarding the hidden meaning of Teacher Chen just now, Mr. Lin still kept a very calm mentality.To break into a woman's heart, you must prescribe the right medicine, such as what she likes and what she hates. All of this requires searching one by one and then drawing the sword like a master, with one sword drawing blood.Lin Dong asked himself that he was not a master at the stage now, so he could not achieve the style of drawing blood with one sword. As for those masters who broke through the void, there were also some, but most of these people were rich and powerful, and women would stick to them.Mr. Lin currently had nothing. Well, he had a few thousand yuan in the bank, which he had saved since he was a child. This guy didn't have the habit of spending lavishly.After Lin Dong returned home, he found that there was no one there, and he felt quite strange. Where did Han Yudie go? Did she go to her cousin's house? Didn't she say she had three days off? Or did she go to hook up with a man?After Lin Dong put the vegetables in the kitchen, he took the mop and pushed the door into his aunt's room, intending to mop the floor for his aunt.As soon as he opened the door, Lin Dong saw Han Yudie, the enchantress, changing her thong. He would never have thought that Han Yudie would be in there with his toes.This is what happened. Han Yudie bought a new red thong. This year is her zodiac year, so she planned to try it on. After taking off her pants, she bent over, raised her legs, and planned to peel off the underwear inside and put on a new one. Then she heard Lin Dong opening the door and coming in.Lin Dong felt that the white light and the dark forest were like wild beasts attacking his eyes.The two thin and white legs full of white jade luster were like two little bears jumping and seducing Lin Dong's eyes.The deep black hole between the two legs was lush with unique and charming grass, dancing in the wind.As for the half of the buttocks, it was like a little rabbit grabbing the heart of Lin Dong."Lin Dong, what are you looking at?" Han Yudie wanted to kill Lin Dong, but she remembered that she was also a woman who returned from overseas. People would run naked when they had nothing to do abroad. She would let Lin Dong visit for free, although she wanted to charge something.Lin Dong was stunned. She didn't chase him? This woman is really very advanced."I didn't mean to do that. I didn't know you were inside. You didn't make any sound, did you?" Lin Dong explained, and then closed the door.Although he really wanted to continue watching Han Yudie change her thong, Mr. Lin was a good comrade.He wouldn't watch what others didn't show him.Han Yudie hurriedly changed into the red thong and then put on her pants. Then nothing happened and she walked out and said to Lin Dong: "Are you very excited now?"Lin Dong smiled. This woman is really strong and dares to tease him like this? He smiled deeply. To be honest, he was very impulsive just now and wanted to come from behind like an old man pushing a cart.As a birdman with evil nature, Lin Dong's idea is very normal. If he didn't have any idea, he would be Liu Xiahui."By the way, I'll give you a book." Han Yudie returned to the bedroom and handed Lin Dong a book. She waved her white fingers in front of Lin Dong's eyes and said ostentatiously, "I think I'm pretty good, right?"