Chapter 9 - 9:Obey Him


Ji yang got up and sat next to him. Ji yang helped him to sit up.

Are you OK? You don't feel pain anywhere.

Yi xia thought that what happened last night it was all a dream, but when he heard this words from Ji yang, he remembered everything from last night and felt that it was not a dream rather true.

Yi xia said with a small laugh, pain yes I am feeling pain.

Ji yang was worried and said,"where you feeling pain". Can you really heal that pain, yes why not, tell me first.

Yi xia put his hand on his heart, there is pain here. Ji yang was shocked to hear this.

Tears slowly fell from Yi xia eyes, can you heal the pain in my heart, He started punching his heart and shouting, "can..can you heal the wound in my heart?"

Look... Look at me now, are you now happy to take revenge on me. I'm sorry I slapped you I really... S.. Sorry, but you are doing much to me.

Ji yang lovingly wiped the tears from his eyes and said, " I am not doing this to take revenge from you.

Yi xia looked at his eyes and cried and said, then..t.. then why are you doing this. You seems to forget, I told you that I love you.

"Love me "

Ji yang hugged him lovingly, yes I love you so much that no one in this world can love you.

Yi xia was gasped to heard this, No one had told him that expect of his Mother. He remembered his past.

After his mother's death, he was completely alone and was longing for love. MaRi took care of her children with great love, but instead of loving Yi xia, she beat and abused him.

Ji yang looked at his eyes and said, this heartache of your will also end if you obey me in the future. Now get up like a good boy go take a bath.

Hmm i think the breakfast is cold, I will make another fresh breakfast, then you go and take a bath.

Yi xia did not understand what was happening, and went to take a bath.

Yi xia was standing in the bathroom looking at him self in the mirror, there were hickeys all over his neck and many bite marks on his chest.

His whole soft beautiful body was sucked very violently.

Yi xia opened the tap and started washing his body with cold water and started muttering to himself..

Clean it here and.. there, then these marks will disappear, my neck still has marks on it, why... W.. Why is it not disappearing ?

Soap, where is soap. These marks will be removed with soap.

On the right side of it was a cupboard in which all the bath accessories were kept.

He opened the door trembling and soap started coming out of it. But due to his trembling hands, he dropped everything from the cupboard.

He bent down and started picking up the things, he sat on the floor and started crying, why is this stain not disappearing from my body?

After bathing Yi xia got dressed and got ready and left the room, he saw Ji yang lovingly placing breakfast on the table.

Ji yang's eye fell on Yi xia, he came to him and took his hand and took him to the breakfast table and Sat him gently on the chair.

There were all kinds of breakfast on the table. Yi xia was only looking at the breakfast but not eating it. Ji yang saw him and said,"Don't you like the breakfast? Shall I make more for you. Tell me what do you want to eat?"

(said in heart, why is it acting so much) No, it's just I don't feel like eating.

Are you not feeling well, are you unwell, should I call the doctor? I'm fine, can I just have a cup a coffee? "yes why not, I'll make it now.

Ji yang goes to the kitchen and make coffee. Yi xia was surprised to see him like this.

(said in heart, what do you really want? I don't understand you at all. Sometimes you talk with love sometimes with violence. You don't even know, what you are doing right now is like child, like a child take care of his favorite toy but even a child takes care of his favorite toy to some extent and then drops it. I know that as long as I stay with with you and obey you, then there will be no harm to me and no restrictions on me. What you did to me last night, revenge begins from today).

Yi xia, here is your coffee. oh thank you, Yi xia started drinking coffee.

Ji yang said eagerly, how is coffee, do you like it or not. Yi xia did not answer. I will bring you what do you want to eat for tonight.

No need to bring it. I will make it my self. "really".

Ji yang did not understand, how Yi xia changed but he was happy with it.

I am going now and you go to the room now. As usual, after locking him in the room and chaining his feet.l, before going to the office Ji yang put food in the room for Yi xia and then he went to the office.

Yi stood by the window looking at the forest and said, I feel... feel like I'm drowning in poison but not drinking it, I feel like I'm enduring my life not living it.

No Susan, leave me don't kill me susan, get away from me.

MaRi was lying on her bed and muttering in her sleep and woke up with a scream," I said get away from mee".

She took deep breaths and said, it was just a dream, I'm not dead. She was nervous and scared.

Even after death, you wil not leave me, Susan. MaRi called the secretary from her phone..

Yes ma'am, do you need anything,

susu, I want all the information about Susan 12 years ago. 12 years ago ma'am it will be difficult. " I don't know anything, I want all information about Susan 12 years ago, you have until tomorrow morning". MaRi hang up the phone and threw it away

MaRi ran her fingers through her hand and said, where are you Susan? I will find you and soon kill you.